Smire, Nuxéiz2 U27. REA T SALE MER GQOODS Q wc ei ON rma1n' 1 BEST? 'WHY GO Wl FARMER8, LOOK IHE Hoimesteads in ton and Adjac ['g gmbohe1& Sn, Ree~p 031y One 4Qualty (UNADULTERATED-) e In.sect PQWaer, death t>o fVes and ail kinds of inseots. rPOISQN PADI, n use. One pad w~il 1ast a whole seaon. NBES' OARPIÂGE WOBK$- GEOCR«W 0. RAINES, ?roiprietor, apending. TI oc. Qse,0hawa, iisvigiltng he WAQON83 &CI oi ote. .1 ard .. .. . .. . .. . 'Y (lai!, Umm TYRONE. J. Mutten io vîmiting friond wa