Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1890, p. 5

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--USE NY THE~-s IZPAIIL BIIANID JNORWEGIAN Cod Liver 011. The great Staitdard Itemedy for ail Weaknesses and lilseases of the p- Nurtoetc. iùsOil is Pure, Fresh, nearly to.stelesq, aiid therefore most suit- v,ble for delica.te digestion, Nono geuuine without the nane IZDABIL stameped on ea.cheapsale1 WHOLESALE BY LYMAN, SONS& MONTREA.L. '004), IVIR.HANURANE will again 'visit oiur store on December 17th, 1890, lyben we wiIl give his services free fý 4il persons wanting sprctacies. AUperson'i purcýhasing spectacles £rom us befora that date çan have: eo~ir eyes examined by Mr, Laur- onqe anid their spýectacles dianged f&ee of charge if they are not per- Riemernber ,b"O ý£1l 'Spectacles a1t the very (lpwest prices and give au absolute earaLte with every pair. Tiie tDreggimts 4S picAs Bowinnivj Ont., ORAND TRUNK RAILW6.Y, fBOWMANVILLICSAIN GOINQ EAST - OING WESTV P~eege...40 m ail .. .....557 arM 42P res'OSn ' Loncal . .... .,. 82a mi Mixed Exilpress* ..... ),M a nu oscl...'*,..,70(31p rn Mlred ..... ..815p m ,il., ï1:1 P, nOi Mail - ....... $27P m Pacifie Coast On the foloing dates we -wil] ýïe1l 'special Colonial Tickets with Çbloiist Siceper privileges, inelud- .ing use of curtainis, cal-pets, mat- tresies, pillows, coinforters, etc.: DEC, l2-th and 26th. For particlars apply to JNO. H. H. JURY, Oeneral Ticket Agrt,, Stott &Jutry's Drug Store. BOWMANVILLE, DmEq. 3, 1890. Local1 and Otherwise. Miss E. Reys was je Toronitc lately. M4r. M~ Porter' visited his brather ut Uaglail last wetek. .,ktetd the big cow sale ut J. F. Brook'e to-eiortow, Dec, 4. WýïÏýRbEcca Bray is Eganl Via'itieg BùjuanVi1l friendA. The Rayai Templars will debate Dec 9 41Whother a mar,1should marry on fý400 a yoar. Mr. and MIrs. John Lasby atteeded the funeral of Mr. Lasby's mother ut Acton laut week. Cupt. Edwy Whiteagand wife, of Salve. tien Army, have lof t Port Hlope for Brocbville. Thank y'e, business mon and wamec, for your rý ady sud heur ty respotise ta aur big sciierne fur advertising 3owieanville. Mr. E. Thormas, father of Miss Thonmas, formerY teacheif of this town, died ut the .famiiy : t3id ne'ý, north of Oâhawa, on Satrurday, Mis. Th(, Pearce and four children, xOsaca, htve gn to Thornhii'I, Matn., where Mr. PeÂýrce went laat spring and îs greatly pleatsed with the country. Wle publ1iah ou an inside, page thie week a graud srmotby Archideacou Farrar, reacling i tNMr. Oea. Uodgb's Vi4it ta Old Landau is alse full of iutereat. The svecial Fervices in St. Jamies' Presý lbyterial C.hiiroh st week are highly époken af, anmd muet leave behiud usurful ieii.seuces. Rer. M. P>. Tallieg, B. A., the paator, its putting bath bruine and eoergVo-lt, hie worh. Very largo audiences ýflld the churcit yoetoerday, both morang and evcning..-Luedon Advertieer. The facîttain u perpotual youth waB oee of the' drmrams, cf antiquity. Il bas bse well-ni iii realized ini Ayer's Sareepa- r.ila, which purifies the blaQd, gives vit. ality Ira ail the bodily funotians, and thon rostorea ta ago rnuch of the vigar and freshnese of youtb. Mr. E. MotMutrty has ratutin-d ta Gait. PRIZElS TO BUYERS. Owuer wautgd for bag of burley. Ses ' ad. VALU.&lltE GOILU .Ž< IL VErt WALrCUS, Nima Tait is visitiug Mrs. R. Davey, ETO1 ,, Ç1VEN ÂWAY. Tyrns.We will presont ta the six persans or Mrs. Donnelly je selling her large stock famdiee buyiu2 jeinDeceuiber and Jalwsury below coet.1 the lIrgest bills ai godAsfor cash or in The tubular chinces for St. Joltu'a steep- excaege for prodcuce front Bawmauiaville le have arrived. met chants advertising je Tisa Sr'ATEnMN0 Mises Emma Wcrry, ai Tyrone, spent at Ie4st Sever weeks during thee o Suuday je Orono. mntîhs, the faîîowirig ,valuable prizes i-unAÎTmrno n g a Bîig prizes offéed by the 'Weet End FittoT Pitizs-A Hankidsomi-e CGonit'n or HRaue. Ses adnt. Lady's Garld Watch ta thre largent purchas' $1 will puy for the STATESMÂN frMont .0SEcoND PpnzS.--Âl Beautifufl Làdy's now ta the end af 1891. Gold Watch ta the second largegt pur- c '8 Mi' Chan.'Heury bas maved ta Tilsan- chaser.%421 burg ta engage in btusines. TRiaDP Pstz.-A Gerit'a Coin Silvor Skeates grouud properly ai I{loskin aud IWe.tch to the Ihird. lertgest porche. er. Wet'kes' Foundry East Eud. FouhtTî PRtizE.-A Le.dy'e Silver ~ Mr. Fishleigh edvertie hie niice hume Watch for the fourti largest purchaser, N. uer Steplia' Grave for sais. FzFTn Pîiua,Staoley Book "Herae3 a ng P we TheS, S. Vancouver errived et Liver-aileDilCotntinudgafil poolSatuday af er afai voyue. authenti anad thrilling uccounit ai how puaiSaîrday ufer afui voyge. Stanliey fouud Emin Pushu audae comiplote Thse Couneil is coeidering the readj est- itary of al the great explorations and ment f sevorai of the eletria liglits. discoveries te Afriecita the present tinte, The polios affice le lobe £ttedfJor use Beautifully illustratcd. of Mayor Allen and Treasurer Burderi. SîXrTPII IZII. -A FrcesTnîp ta Ruches- Mises Hattis Buttrle bas been visiting ter anud Return an the Steam1Eýr "2Norse- hier ister Mrs. Samt. Hughes, Lindsay. mun" next summer. .Mrs. Jas. Miller,, ai Port Hmpe, je House a#ff~e1 30DizerS et, $10t Endl vieîting ut Mr. lHeery Hoeckin's, Darling. Sean$7dnsrPntPttrtab. toIt.ors. Mr. W. R. Brook af Toronto spcnt M. A. J..Abxs$, Pubhiier. AIagend.pecs.tvauenefhd Sunday with gLr. J. B. Fairbaîro, Post. largI~ôe iad asr Tusse. udeve ig ta maser.Se aurbig offer ai "Prises ta Boy crs", listen tro a contcert prograin of rare menît Mr. aud Mrs. R. Muyae have gone to Reud West End House guiessing cou- hid under te au8pices of St. John's Millbrooii ta day lu attend the wedding test. Ohurch for the Chiaies Fond. Punctually of a neice. , If yoe wucl ta got barguins go taeMs. t 8 o'cock the prograin opened wilh a The election petîllon &gujiEat Hon, Donneeîy. mals qpartette IlThe Mideipinite" by, 3 ohu Drydeu's elcotion wae disntissed u RvRD.FaoprahdjSrat M8sera. Iteachie, ûliiniie, Kuiglit and WIiby Mouday. Mb0ts. rsrlie.1cedi tat ýýùlui.gh, sang ic fine spirit, sud per- Mrs. Geo. Chiambers af Peterbaro frirN. 28M îe'oî lime and tune. Durieg lte vening visiting lier Bsters, Mrs, Ricli. J, Shaw , . a Mrgocb, of Part Rope, aus in tirese gentlemen sang a quartette "The and Mme M. Porter. tave roeully. ,Tai"a Farewell" fao whioli they avere Mr. Da.vid (ic en euppiy Iner ~Tire Couniciliara for 1890 are nearly ail vooifsrausly encored renpanding by siug- quatiie t sut urlsa~rredoin leseekixng rceeectiou. sxsg veq4 feeliuogly lte over.green «'Aunie winter. Drappe. card teniP. o. ti, Thre tisie for pe.ymrent ai love taxes is uXte....Mr$. Chus Wilmot Who bae Meia eytendeýi ta Dec. îsi.i, appearcd belote ue previoualy, sang lier Miss Thomus, ai the Woman's ned lnumnbere splendidiy, snd furtier eetub. Çoilege, Toronto, and Mr, John James, Fermera Jraing meed grain for sale brshed lier fayots' hore, while hier sieter, ssu., Oshawa, were in towc yeterday. shiould adverîisee itl noa Mise Howdcn, who sang hoere for the firet Miss Lianie Preston, daugliter ai Rev. Èksv. Mr. Potirau bas charge of the tire,also proved herali a favorite by lier Mr. P, eestu, Port Lambt'on,>lias relure is tciple cliuroh ut emitou. siing, MixeMaud Faîrbui. bas tnt- frout a visit tu lhem bruIner ie Winnipeg, Mlise Anmnie Mîît of ai ychoa, proved very mucclin e er violin puayimîg, Mlro, David Keili, ,if Omhawa, lias beeomsepeni Sueday with Mrs. McCroady. iard shows bier exoeleit poavern af execu- iu Chicago atinding tire tueral of lier Sme.hl sulie of money faud ie Bowauntierou n liai instrumeut. Mie Alice sinter, Mmjs, IHuvclock Davis, formerly af vile. Laor apply te W. Chartruu, barber5 IYIGil sang bier solos lu fine vsice aud Boýwmn3,vtie. 154'. Wti. Rich1~adsbasgen ltaie avSbwed mach impravernentinjevalue sÀlv,à.-'Sone srounidrel sal i ecf's lu resicle withliher daughter gon ,.,,.'O 4lure since last beard . Misa Russell bide fromu a a3laugliter house on Ur., Gil- sonr.* MmUitk gave a piano sala for whîch site received bort~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h htpsualt7 o.4 .nlgun ~ îyt ocieeyhueodl i earty plauditea oflse audience. Mr. Nov. 7teh,u 3lt7 o. ,DrigoWet Duýrlinsac vit ery mseÂn hInW. EH. Hoiland sang tire only corna ie nt. Qàon . b7.,Ws ubv ih e TýTsA sler, 9"listez ta my Tale of Woa, tickliug Dr R~. ou, V. S,, hp.s a Jesey monts. tIse i abilities aifsire bouse., Our own hoiuer tavo ysaTs aid th.al drapped lier Ilir. Fred Quick, Linsay wa14 homle mc- local talent in lhe pergons af Mr. Knigist 5xý8i al et inssligo and gav e 9î pouudîe oemsly ta sfýeshie, ôiter, Nltss Quik-,wlo and MAir eaohie sang Iheir songe ie goud afi auter le 7 days iiilk. is serlusly ill., voies and us"r. good spirit, and tire eplen- Sti11 unother West Dtnie boy cones Mr. W. piurgeo ofciCedar Springs, , did programu closed'by tee o'clock every la tie froljt. Mm. Saas. 1Hughes, aiflthe hp.s been o Uwn ou bis aunuil viair, te Dar. one dsliglitsd wilh the eveuing'seter- Litîdbay Wýarder, liase been eomieated 8 l.wgtouý looking fer horesi. ta.iirieii. Thte proceede weme in tic lte caxndidate aiflte Conservativen tr ap M1ak Ayra fers weloed et Sutan n 1 ighiborhood of $100. NomLi l Victoria in lhe approachiug elecl- Sunduy aek. Diiriuig the inonîli lie ion for the Houas oi Co 'iemonis. Army have Lad tî1i cvRoUverte'. Vigars Mt 5 aud 10 cents eaoh ut W. E. TiîE LADIES ATI) SOCIETY oi St. John's Thts is the e etlime ta adverdsein uVethirîk's barber sliup opposite Post Office, Ohuicth intend holding a top., and sale1 iTESÂToAftic ust FRLF, CIi, Ierue favcy ariielea au.tushie for CQlisis.gifis'11,mhIsge t euriy IELFAC DNTnsrc in tie school room i lite chrroi a Tues-' very bouse ln WeEl Ilenhani. ROBT. Viitrun, Agent, Bowarsnville. tri. daiy, Do. lCti. Suie ta beginat ýü'ciock. Eev. R. D. Frm.sr, M. A., rceentiy at,-a heeor2 t.a Tes, seÈvFd from- 8 Tea, 25 asonts. tcudaid tli îu tion of Rov. R. B,. inith' J n J. Mason'es drgueils aud jeaveliery 13ev, . . Jolliffc, formerly ai Brad- a4 pasur ofi Aeýbur'a andUtica. store. fard, end chaiuiofaititis district, but Rsrpairing f ai vaoies, clocks aund jew- The bes-t place ta buy a suit or over- now ai -Boaur-iville, wa3u smried Nov. Ary prornptly and prapcrly daue andi coat le a T. Gea. Masoe's noav Clothieg 1.51h, ta Vira A. Ruse, M. E L , ai To. charges moderato ut Jolin J. Maeon's. Store. Sec ad, roula. Mre. Jolliffo biats a large cirole ai onai W. G. Gle ver'a best yaung- horses Poultry-1000 turkeya, 2000 gesse, fioeds in Bradford and Cookeàtoavu, Rot a leg brokeri by so unexplaived 3000 ducks and 10,000 chicken-wanted avieme shi resided for seineturne, and avas meena lest week, Dr. Young set tie- 0, bise West Ead ±lioiese. a ve ry active eh lirci avorktrm Thse World limb. Dont fa lu oecoe the loveiy etok ai neav entendsilis cazrrat.ultbon.-Beetusr LADIES INvITD.-I especia>ly invite dreas gauda jusi apened oui ai Couci, Wcrid. the ladiles ai Bowrnanviile and vioinity lu Julnstan &Cryderman'a. The Discipls"tHm"Wd.au npo n new fur g ouda bfore iuvesiing FusRrîa.Ldie laeyu nîglit aasattended by about 400 persoas, a dollar. Extra value sud very latesi for taho EPaIRd.or mde e te yM and $65 waw the resuit. i"asium Barnes styles. M. Mayer. fars e osrepathed buaesove ý presideci. Reve. Fraser and Jaliifsa gave Do ntlfuil ta read Stott & Jury'is ad. Maye oh e lthai barits aond bs bu lively e.ddesses, Misses Allen, Mo, on firat page aifTir STÀTESMAN. It cou- Acoc o fhnt ideosbuh Ltughinr, Manng, Perry, Tait and tains someiig whici intertsîs yru é] for spot cash, ý see ata grand velue you Mesera. Jas. Miciel, WV. L. Courtrice, wil behoiteanged each aeek between lie can gel uit Mueou'e Ciothiug store. J,,hni Irwin, sud C, A. Johustou asisted and New Yseur',§. Look out for their an- Tisa STÂTEsmÂN aili ho selntt oevb. ii lie t-.xctleculpragrant. The> ladies noruceinet ientweek. scribera from COct. leItaeJan. Isi for 15a meived a capital repaai. Tell your neigisborsanad'friends îhey y 2 copies for 25a. la dilfera b ad dressea. Ti-nA.uOooUrÂrîaNS.-ThoYouth'e eau g.'l Tisa SrATrSANs frolnntel Jae. GENTS FUR.NISING.--Yog meu Coipnian) for 1891 wili give an insîruot- 1, 1892 for $10; or lie MWeekiy Globe, wanttug lie lateet styles and mosi nobby ive and li ilseries oi patpsrd, oaci ai Mail, Empire. Wslues, F4iiy Herai eldoo~ude will find M. 'Mayer'a tic place la ahi desorîbes tiecoharaueer af saine a] me n any allier dollar î aper at rhe saute4111. leuding rade for baye or ocouptio for limie and prie. 8ubmcriptione muet ho O my whst cheap caps l is aviat every. girls. Titsy give informationuas la tie paid te M. A. JAMeýs, Bowrnville. body says, avion tiey sec T. Gao. Mas3ou' aprenticeaip requsred to learneoaci, le Psrs$ o.Dru the r ntiewEalte that hoe bougit et auction a short ,vageelu o c xpectîsd, lts qualîbios noieded ai Decexuber ouly aîsyone ea btain One tlime ega. je order to enter, suzd tie prospects ai Dozen Cabinet Piaou for two dollars, Rgeteber lhat yesu Cose gel a suit ' or auccecs. To usw subsoribers uic seod cash, at tinte oi nill'ug, ut Tait'ts Gallery, ol"ercoaa la order uit T., Gea. Maeon's $81.75, et ouce lhs paper wiill be sent froc aid stand, Markiet Square, Bowmranville. Cloihiuts lore if you are not antiug one lu Jeu. 1, 1891, sud for a fuail year front. No nieed ta wil for sunshine, cloudy days ready made. tisaIt date. Addrtaes, rite Yualh'e Con. equally as good for phtotos, Do ual deiay Watoiee, dlocks uand jeaveiryai reliabie panio, Boston,Mu. but caU eca iy in lie day as tîrere le Burle qtiility end 25 per cent laver y hti en om- 3oavnanville boys uiuaîly urake e good ta be a rush. If, peotitore prices ut Jin J. Masou's dry naine, far lieu selvts avirever lhty go. The big ovont croie upon us s le upen- gpude uad jeavslry store. The Colbore ti Eerprise Bys: Tire 1L'çi-iug oaiheliewi Methodiett eurci tient We are offering special value le uimbrel- wrb Leaise lies lest an,îthr mautive Sndy-ndltpbî-te n_ od_. ___avlisliy- s-od n mrel sid au American elalesmun. t je a factthle credil fron thle ealemasn irere oai70-CIeI asu nsp8cb betane purclseeîng sstablisied by the teslmmouy of Iliquseurde biegiog lie beet lot of ouIlle liai ias IosairMRs. DiNomAN. ai people, liaI Hood'e Sur'sapunilla ducs corne ta Glasgow Ibis felavhieli epeake yn io eue gebtter value nin Getsbatsal cure scrai ula, sait rient and allier dis-.avel for aur Canadien cstlo. We arrived Eoit or eliff at Johin J. Mason's dry goode cases ocr effections arisiug iront Impure jusltuaoc laIe for tie market hore and ann and IeTellery store than aen ver ehoavi alate or l1av condition of lie blood. It liaI accouint have b aait aver one aveek in aamanville. Over six hundmed isît3 aiea overcameé lthalired feeling, croates for lire Iront makiaI. f1aa n ccYing "'Y- I- select franc, bouglit aI 50 cents on the a good appetils, and gives setreengîl ta self£avel and iaving a good tinteaili my dollar by clcaring oui a aviule stok-all every part ai lie sysîsm. Try IL. lava imîede, J, Wilson and A. Mollies, iow âsieo, diffret qeelitis Oilidren Cry for Pltcherle Castorita., Maynard's F ew Reasoffl' Why te people of West Durham éhould deal with 1hiw-, Are tLey Dot npleno reasons ?Rend th('m over and coab b ia store, King Street, 3owMnvi1ll, (oinly ucoel side jewelry store in to van) and lhe will ouviuue you thst they are, Uero theyare-; let. Because he bosf ,r gpot calsh, ther.2by giving bis -uetoiDor5t'E le beiieftt the cash discount. 2nd. Becuse ho i'uys direct from ha munulfacturees (in uiany cases) tht-,rabp saviez the jobber's profit. 3rd. B'ecau3o his cxpeuses are very Iow, th rufura hoe can afford to "l cheT, and dofes seil cheap. 4th . _seb being a tho oughly practical man, hlo knows how oby h to buy, when tri buy, and where tri huy, therefore cau suit 1tl «gi.tes of the mQel fastîdjous, and the p cket-booki of sU,. fith.Deialime ho has no shop.worv goude, but ail new, bright aud be&utifit making bie Big Bti,tns a Bo ru to Biiyurs of Wefohes, Cir.cke, Jewelry, and Silve>. ware. Corne early aud 1securo your choie,>. Peoplo'd Popuh,.r Prices Prevail Ob Maynard's Jewelry Store. Éýi"Repairing in ail its branches. BOWMAN VILLE. H]IGH SCHO0I4 Tic usst EiT tranco Ercaminationi avis laieplace on. Dnc 2-, 23 and 24, begiý uin ut 9'..us. cari day lu lie ew Hà Drawing Bomck No. 5, or isiiar avo, dunelir a Ilani Drawing Book, certill by bouches', muet ho ianded j infrest dat. The candidate avia obta. es lite iig. uggregate cf marks wiil ho cliaren for one, yoar. MI'2.w. M.M.' FENW.iCR, 1W'. BUýNNEY,iý1 Atrsit he mot, nnod style.ui AilosesuiCinttas Ftor nd ories. Lusses by Fire adjtusted. J~j1 &ddrss.fowmanviIje. N ouic Irths, 25 cestsj Narriagui,, 50 eentés; [DeàdIis. Us) is , cees Insertion, ý--bUt 1?IR EOr' EIKDJLQE. Whpétis te. fanerai cardit are iprlte4 utai stt ointe WA&LTER -Near Taunton, Noy. 2.itb., th& wife et mr,Â- . ltier, uf a son. PAscou.-Ifl EstW htb Nov., 25b, thoi wtee of Mr, Oliver EK Basscoe. t<fa daughter. C)tostlEm.-In O1Iiawa. Nov, 22id'.1hUe wf ni Mr'. W, Crofii, tu.aiagon. KiRBY.-1u Osbawa. Nev.is,,.the wIll oto Mr. J. 11-Rirby. of aa son, aged 28 years. b.&ucx.-ThBmn ii o.25h, IHarold, thtrd t et Dàvid and îMabtt el roh.agoe Luxr-rEss - -Cin Nov. 2àth. kW.ed by a herse lu Chicago, Charles. JoeepJ,, youugestbou et William santi ]4ria Lu£enes, 196 2Nisg ara si.. Toronto, aged là,yeaite. ,-erQe3biwa. Nav- U211. ]'.Edwin Thomasi, native et W iiteliire, En gland, lu bits 73rd year. (iaova&rt-In: Richmned 11111, on Thureday Nov. 2thl188i) Mary wîdJow.of te lato Thomas Ulovei,, native of »ayazrtshtrj Eeg., aged 8L~ years. 2 teunîlis. j4OW1MAN VILLE IL&RKETS. Cotreted lby J. MqMitry. ever>' Tstsda>' FLOUR, P 100 IbB ........ $2 4() to 3 20 WrnIMT, Fall, P bush..0 88 si 0 95 BAREY, #bus, o. 1,... 000Fi 0 50~ il ....0 0il 045 n n3.... 000 i 0 40 RYE,...0 00 fi 0 57 OÂTS, n..........0 0, (j037 LPHÂs, Blackeye, V bueh... 0 00;:u 0 95 'i Sall, 0 ~,O55 iy 0 57 'sBlue, m 0... 65 Fi0 601 BtTTrE, beet table, P lb. 0 15l ti 0O16 EqoS, P doz ...........0 00il 0 201 POTÂTOES, V bUSh .......031') 0 40 PoR, 19' owt ........00 f5 25 H.&Y, P ton ..... ....... 500 7 00 s ERYANT WANTED-Thc begiuniing of p Deomber a girl to do IPcben work. Appiy tu Mits. LEsrroiz l'lsîe.at Mrs. Ilsid"s, XKIng streut. east, Bowmanville. D AG BARLEY.-Omuer wantd lr §-. bag of bLtiloy lft inii drill i sfd urne of 3'aJI Fair. Aiso pair sheep s]heurs. At)nly to M. PORa, Bowrn-nvtlte. l 9.1lW. llOUSB AND LOT TO LET.-A oinfortablo franls hon,16 wtth seren rotes, stable aud wori shad. and hait macro landi witii frait trees. Silu"t0 on Conenession at. Rmnt very iow. Appiy ta M. A. JAMEs, STATESMAN Office. 49 4w C RAPE JUICE -The ladies cf the W W. C T. U.,huvo prouraid a qa intit3y of p ure Grape Julco whîch tlaey are prepared -te dispoise of for asucram ýnta[ictu siel, purpose s, For irticu ara aul oiytelLUs. 8. MÂýsON, Sc., King Street, 18-3w. FARH! TO RENT-75 acres, beinLr Flot 31. coq. 4, Ourlieglon. Gand rew dwelltng and firpi clesýs outbu!!dtngs.]raili Plawing due. Posessie A.orit~ or Oot. lat, 1891. Apply ta H. SAiLTEn, Ruilder, (Jourtlce, P. O. 4-w PIOR SALE OR REtNT.-tiise, ~and t1. acres, for surie or to roui. sait este on SOugog streset north. The premises o,.usIst of a good bouse wt every cs-nventeýrice, driving sbeti.titable, etc. Tao garencontaine alot 0f the citoicest fruit of all varieties. Immer tie possession cosn be glveu. For pîrtituIars ap- plY leW. FISILEIGII, 3wmauville, Ontario. 49. 1 f. 0FLZ SALE at Treleven's Far:j, balf section of land in S outhemn i MaerDoba for pi'oporty Ie Ontarim; would exohiauge pari or whale, have goverrnt patent etear frein ail senoumbrance. J. D. TlEEvuN, Harntou Ont. Ï 9' OWS ASTRÀY.-Si-rayed iu Augusi', Çtwo Parrow musnes iy light red wItlh sonie white spots One hus br oreis eut off ai the lips and pthý3, bas bigt1, sarootib, sharp harois. linformaitioii leadieg to thecir recovery will be rewurdei. Jarne; VANNEST, Snlina, 33 4w fl OUSE TQ RENT.-Good briek ros- - idence. cortainieg 8 rooma3, sltuated on tugag s51.,ait presaul ancupieti byMI 1). IH Caties. lard and sofi war.er, 1 acre of orchard medizgarlen. P,)gse3iou lai 0f Otoblle or No vember. -Apply 10 M. A. J j5, rtBrtA Office, for pur iculars.38.ti MuO RENT.-For term of eA&rsq Ge Harper's Youn~g PeOPI6. AN ILLUSTRATED W.IIE'Y., Thte Twolfth Voaueo aCEI lLi'uvut1 a's l REloPlLI% bogisça onvenbem 4,.18W world for yoitcg roueiera.. prp.seets a ric ,,ttraetlve protu"r.l ito hr A pm st,.5 ory aoftcPaisby MNIunioe' Men of froc, a ieomtvce, iy Pylo, wi thi lUustmtiorii, bv lte author; 1iyf9 Hid Farm, b! Sophtie b-%ett;'Tise Muon Pr, by IL. .Muuikittriok: nnl YellIowbap,hbv Broan:&King. Iu atdirt-on ti U12,e e ive is, there wili bc etoriei in twri or'.$lre by Thomas NebSn 1lejUaImiàr le Il'yeaen , EdwIn Lasetter iiymîor , Borry, sud otherp. Soort aoean 1ric an sc;ience, tiaýtory, trkhvel, iadvenmyrqgai andi sparte, mWhiiredretis oailine £foE4, the bigitest character. 'wtll nndet &t't Youan scoPor4,r fo>r .3319 ourivalietias Si n lanty of thte imaest ahuïzfor boa sudgirls. "Tli8 beeýt i'week;y publicatIon ~or y* nplà n exgien e L selte(d wtt MIa .*lus ocid ttntlQani in-,trnction entonbatenent are suontl le inits Ipie the rght proportions t-) traptvate LIi-11 of lthe yung, and al, thA setuiý tne ta d0 titeir tinuig power.--V. Y. observr. TELiMS: POSTAGE BtB 42Pà MOU. Vol, XII. Segîne NvcuSr4 1890. Volumies Vil.x. ani .IM, o YOUNG s OF hC.r sunitlu lu ria iWII mail, postage paid. inourecript o'~i0 'l'ie ether volumes are out ai priet. S»czmacern, pps(en7t on rece4ii c fa e2 oet tau SizciiuNu.mBrRFiveCenLs.eael>, ilemntilances aboulti bc mufle hvt Montey Orcel, or Draft, te d.Sà hkà91« Addrees~: HARPER ok BROTIIIEPEU NrW THE PANSY Trit, P.ArNsyfor î19t wiii ho brim'u1 i tgau. things for the boys and > irIs. lPausy bas prep ireti a uecw sorial, TWVEN-ý'Y MINUT-ES LAT , Pan8y's Glden Tort Stories will b* uCg the goeral ti'riite Esc icitaTenus. Margat SIdiney will write about 'ZIM PRîfltE SCHOOL. A stirring.tie. Mrs. C. M. L4virigstoti wiil cintIie lier dj*. servedly p3puliar Ba'cy's Corner. Dr, Eclix L. Oswatd, bas Prp remté a eliGt af articles, eah tstl., 1 1 Sueday aitemneon viii be a neoctrerUt TirE PÀrrsy. The Kaleidoeco pa wtll centulu twolre storieu by Margarel Sidney. Prof. Eredrick Starr,Mre 0, M Livingslon, Euiiry, Iuntington Milee, Pa'ye Huliotn Land otitera, 1Thte J. S. C. E., wbicit letters muenyoi have ali corne ta kuow. "Junior Chistielango deavor," eaud Tite Bible Band Keadinga, will be- continue ,as heretafore. As ta lthe aber feature8-Sparks irojn 1113. tory,?, S.Cor ner, Al elongeglie ue, sd 11* 0isscasry »apartmenb-liteee wil be made beîter tban ever beforo. Tire i>A s $1a.00 a yer. ,The new voilt- me bogieis with the November eurnber. 4w, Yiau uit y pur wtssrrfaarg bsy sesuding f o wa es sbc ifmrswf tv» tans toxu<.syfor- saint. Ieif4rctpsb> »JJLOT11110P et)O, Jistota. FARMS FOR SALL (Li 60 will purchase 76 aseM ýp witb good housae4 geo un' bi]uîligs a u0lh Coun, Darlingtou,soil goeil ciayîloarnait l ce red. $35 0willpnrchase gQad hup3 1$43;; 0 0 o 4thron. Dirligton,coA-» tainlcng 109 acres, gooti sione bouse, good oubt.. $ [5000 aill pnrchaûe ~ao Bowmariville andi Neaveasîle continmting 10 acres, ý> ëjý wil urchase 100 acreç0 èprt 0 0 n Meuvers with gooM build~ings, al elearati, goad -cll. 4 )acres of land considered ta bo i 0 oneof lte best arins ouCon,. Durlintobn .good builins, gond localily auï tilutb bt soiti. For eny of aboya propertisj apply te LE~5VI A. W. TOLE, Rosil Esiate Agent anti Auetionetr H AVE BEEN FAVORED WITII ercecutors Oifltee st&te a£ tlie tate XDuncosa Malcolm,tho souteasi 80 50t05 0f t17, con. 4, Darlilgton, on which hso reod a býouse, franco bure, driving hanse anti stable, impie. mient sheds, outille stable, etc. About 4 acres of firpst clas orcitrd. Tories easy as lb musC bo mald ut once. Lrvi A. W. Torm,, Roui Es tata Agent andi Auctioneer. -i 'Il1RH FOR gSÀM~-18O acres, orM .1. PosedOf South bPart of Lot No. 19 Broken Front, anti la ihres miles front thie orofu Bowniauvihe. Tis le eue ai lt e stfarmsle thre couty of banc, Lt 18 lu a high iotatooaf celivatlou and le Weil tonced On the~ prp. mises thora 1la alutne dweling, two lurgo bernsan1ud.othar out-bulldigs, wib lsiae stablIingfor caille and borsesr.bree avelle ant four etatere lso wind-mill for purnping W11a11er, orluther partielam eppiy on tIse prmes .Or If bY letiter tg KEIqRY MANN, BOW. manylUe31o

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