ýan a HO" 0 IAY ARRIVI NO P. TRE]3ILCOCK'S. Sunday Selîool -il special val BOWMANVILLE, DEýC. 17, içgO, GREAT DISPONTMEJNT.: ,Owing tu the non-arrivai of elecLrot)neý tding miatter wo ir inlwe oxpect to pi 1paper ne.xt wee' vealprisons and JX4., chiLW4LiU.Wnof l Lic oardipresic[ing. fe, e On and near the pltform were Hon, E, fee BIlke, 'N. P., Q2. C., Dr. Johin I1oskhi,Q t er25t C., Mr. E. Douglas Ariuour, Q. C., ararlt 3r. \V. IR.Brook and Mr. John $quair, 1?aVC Ir _M. A., of Toronto; Rzev. J. Creighitoul, B.o the D., Blackstock ; Lev. J. A. scel. of the BA , Oronio; Dr. Crowle,B. A. ,Msrkhami the l Rev. 1Messrs. R. 1). Fraser, M. A., T. WV Jol)liffe MAlgee 'Praýtt, GCo. Pr~s;Col. coigni Rico, P. C. Trebilcook, Of the Eigh School vne Board ; Dr. S. C. h.ilier, Dr. Aý. Bejth,tue Mlessisl. Dav id Fisher, S. W.MConi e ouc' Jno StphesJohin Fleming,Gonorge woU c Haies,(PoiceMagistrate), Thomas Pat- Slo Il. . Willinams, J. Pollard, of 13owmlan- pee ville ; J. B. Reynolds, Enield; Thomas~ ýSil le, reeve of Darlfngton ; MI. t le ' Tanmblyx, M. A,, )f Whitby 'Collei t rd Iiisitute ; Mrs. E.,JBlake, Mýrs, J . W. McLaughlin, Mis. S. C. Billier, NIrs. D. sity 'Il Fisher, and nlany others. ,el il The pupils of the sehool led by 'Mr. Jnlo. for del D. ICacie7ho Jhad trained th 1em, san'Mg young' vcry niecly I'Caniada Oir Hm,"M sesho(-l Armour presiding at the organ, aftor uowed ý whii llovev.T. W. Jolliffeo ofered prayer. they 01 Letters of regret würe road -fm i'ýqr ordCjei Daniel Wison, INr. Gokhvin Smtith, lion. nost ai Oliver Miôwat, W. Il, Meredith, Mjý. P., after y IToi. R.Hacr, Hon. J. M. bo, tion th: Principal (Grant, Janesi. L. HughesJudge Benson of Port lope, G. T. Blackstoc, Chancellor 1Burwashof Cobourg, Rt. C. -on Model schools,, w. S. is, M Coll. fnst, Cobourg, D. MeBri Priii. Port Perry H. S., T.1, B ' A-, Prin. LindsayColl. li Smlith, M. A., Pria. Oshawva B Win, Oliver, M. A, Prin. lIrai Inst , M. J. Kelly, M. D., P.'- -ug Master, Sarnia Il. S., Gibbarcl, B. A., Modem Lan 'About one: Prin. U L.C.<'ter, TA one, about has lais HEALDQUA: iiTEBIG 20 'J ad the powcr in QWS RO jj, j 'linstan~ces, 1Jf Mr- J. B.Iairbairii, CI I lle h I 'heto .S. Board, recei%-ed this Ihey ol4 pd ay froni Dr. john l loskii ithe courseof 'pnto, vhicl ipealgs for its gnDhy formner ht and .ly le nr, Q;,. lair (ifl, xiderri Lan-- .MAex. Il. Il. Young, H . ~1ate U.~.Coll e e D, Citrator Oansdiani Rlev Geo. Blair, M. , tt , C . . I, rnmrille, Rer. ,kng. ville, RÉr. W. 111sLuy other' prc To. d4y, and ýow given ta 'toi- Thse pi anid Anithearp proceedi on of tll a1ve ile instrjsc preacl. The following is the Ifnu Ox U' yster. R; oi B0pRef aed Yorks1hire Puldiiin, ,tbg ot Beef and Iherse lgaish sauce. Lamib and MliLt Sauce. Iloaet urkey Craunlerr.y -.aucs. Roffl Goo e - A pjpte $uoe loast Chicken-Bjre!.d Sauce. COLD, Bofleci SPIcedc B ,,Tanigue, law,. VE0ETABLES. POtatoellCalliflOWer, Oablbage. Tromatee. ÎleP7,Mine., pie. Lemea PIie, Lemeu 'Udding, Plumn Pe4ding udBrandy Siuce, Crs.fi Aple Jeily. ýr p e jelly. 4njncd, Raisins, Weluuts, A4Ma Qrspes, etc, After the company had spolnt o10 hr teaikellr, lie-j -was of a very third of the specialista. Toronto Unis uis wa sewd(rtlaidy pnr <rToc bCoiitiivu d.> mesesUuitt ùirIril, '.ouch nd naot CiLS - R ilce; "h avue Shlr" yMssrs. this hl.l r oates and Gilfillan ; "Victory," by the on the n IlWgh Schoo1 Stu(4ents ; 'Welcooi," by erg;' roori Miss EaStwood, B A.; "Ilide and Sûehk and sepa Bc)y," by Mr~.-A. A. ]Pst, arehitect; ma~n-' or arclhii tel eloek, by Mi?. Jaimes NMuir, B. A; hall widle, lea clocik, Dobson & Brittain ; photo of Colis- trance (L seuin, Rer. R. 1). Fraser, M. A.; crayon ils are pl Sportrait of Hon. O. Mowat, by Messrs. A. above reJ 3 otjnie, ~ Geo. McGilI, John MoMýurti y, ou the cý 1Dr. NlcLauÏlinr ani1 W. Cann; steel por- west. 1trait of Lord Simicoo, by Me,. D. B. Re0ad, froili eac] Q. C.; "Arms of the Dorntinx< lMr thse secai David Boyle, Toronto; Domninion flag, by atedl the Mr. flhos3 Binghiamu; collection of min- large ass ens, by Mesrs. D. Boyle, Toronto~,Dr. 400. Th Selwyn, C. M. G.,Otwa Andrew Mc- extra we] Nau-ghtori, Si4bmury; a fille collection of the ligbt steel portraits, hy Ne. M. M. Fentwick, and backi B. A.; "Dmnt's Canadian Portrait Gal- also be lery," Wy Mr. JamresOaq steel enguav- on every ing by Col, Otbitt ; hat racek, by Reeve floor is W, P. lrower hoto albumn, by Mossrs. having Ic ..W. Gae & ;steel engaing, -by a gymni M%,r. John Chaplin; books, by Drs. Me- well outc Dowell antd Lsiiiiimian; and sundry gi4ts and well by Mtesars. George Prter, Thofflak roomis foi Broadie, Chiarles Tod, R. B. A ndrews, R. usuial api Hi. Henry, J. Il. Jury ; an~d a le deenune The irutei painting by Miss Galbraith. red pine, Most Extenejvoly *pld Moclicine in~ Amerien. H -ood's Sarsaparilla jposs.5ss grcat Snedicinal niert, vhich t positively dexnonstrates wlien fairly tried. 2t ls most econornical, ]eing the ~only medicine of %výih Il io DoQses COe Bllar il can trialy bc sad. 3 s prepared by a Çombinatio, Proorton ndProcess Pe,1!ato Itself, unkno\vn ta other preparations, and~ lby wbh 'chalthenecinal valeQo 4 It effets ,vemarkable cures wl ere 4 oterraclcnes 1have utterly £n2ied to o any good whatever. the r It ia CI1ýai, clear andi beautiftil in la V ppdmce plaant, to taiço, anid Lqd- always .of equai stmerigth, led,. - roenitself to bepositively cl-th i 1t rcnedy for srofula nd ll ior bood disord.ers, and the bcýt tonic for of t4';t ired feciing, bas of appetitc aj»d ehechrie bella ext building, pand spec giron to venti.atic arrangements. Th is -,modern Roma mnst Mwalls up to i are faced witlh "Cr( above thiat lino Il reol brick laid in1 atringuer ill5and v ing of gables, etc. roof la of steon pi FrereJ.5uu, LI. t1nignes,J . 1,S. K. Laing, J. S. Mobaren, B, McCulloughi, 1. L. O)s- borne, M1. C. Rlogomarn d M. J. Smith, and Messrs. D. J. lfooey, F. Gý. James, F. J. jollow, J, Lee, P. Morris, E. G. Parka. M. U>. Riggs, 3'and IL Sapterson. Mr. WV T. Fre-eland, who hand c te a capital crayon portrait of th~e Hon. M1inis. ter of Education and presented it ta tlie schiool, wîLs presenited ta Mr.m.lcs Brief but excellent addresseg, refering ticIles- both useftil aud orn-â, B-1ltai : New Kid Glovos, iNew Gents' Tis New SUlk fandkfs., Just in per express for 2Xzmas traçie. An~d iotw (rocery depart- nient; New Dinner S e 'ý =14in dyspepsia. f 9 Ithlas a good naine at honie, there being more of Hood'a SarsaparilIa sold ini LoweoLlMass., where it la nmade, than of' allothier sarsaparillas and blood purifiers çombined. I ts advertising ja unique, original, JVhanest, and thoroughly backed up by the miethcine itself. A Point for YQMu, If yau want a bloocl purifier or strepgthening med1iine, you should get the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsa1arilli andI insist upon hiaving it. Do not let auiy argument or persuasion influence you Jte liuy what you do not want. L3e ýUre to get the idecal medicine, just ope: of ail kinids, apecdallv 01 for the holiday tradle. fChristmas Groceries I inds-niew, fresh andi Dinner' Set and ( fie 1 1Iilibest i:for~ J-legs. tAil kind çi - -i A this year at