for InfantS andc* hidren: #fm rli Sn-wn stpm o rf.l 1le~x oI, osI to, MCeommend tiasuperiorto any Sritour SW t0ZfllW, DiaI~e rwihUQiD ~10Wto ~~- Â~o, ~l ~, Kilis Womin,, gives 81e0p, and pro0inotU dâ ral " QzfGra st. BrookIyu, . T.ihot WLiurous sedcation,ý. T'a 2C EqT.Lv n COoMp ÀqY, s t r 0te't~ FOR SALE BY J. fflG+IBIOTHA111& SBO .BOWMANVILLMC The Ois for genuine satisfaction for ail sorts of maehinery is 111, ll1's Uelobr ad Lardîne AN1ý1D CLND OMLS Ised by the largest milliiien in the country, anld for sale by hardware men in each town. 'axinufaýtured solehy by mIeco11 iros. & Co., Toronto. L.owe!l, Mass. lalers in Medicin, hina BOWMANVILLE, Ileadquarters in West Durham FI NE IýIOVED inery, stock. etc_. to lis, and y9U l» jalways A. A. BOWIEUTWAN IVMAvV LE 3ho 1keeps coostautly Qon hanci &"- COMPLETEA Coarse and Fine Pol ndàhe for Men and ]Boys, Women and ChiIdren. >bers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Speoial attexitlou given to Repating. Iwfl uýo MI'q 011 Dr. J. C. Aý 8014 by all Drui nE DANi ED tu'. Publisher -r. Ili S1IRU*.Lo ONT. Ha'l mi râe 'l tra to thatIlý bird. .ed d pigeon ii m.