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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1891, p. 6

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lias te, 1 iiay tell of 5au1 icident whilucn ap- penod du11rinig the winiter Iwas with them. To- ward evenni on a -very cold winter daywhien "There's a littie chap as it was snowmlg just a littie and dtriftùng a w'id iez a mnit, Mistlor Ha gret doal, an Indian cmetg the iog house nedWlspo wha.ug half full of wisy nd with bis cornierght1u1br1, o1a0 rifle. I iaiethiat tbheughad been ei- Mr. ludn adbs wi imagine - and bysk tletea-tahie, which ws ver the tine lho got to the bouse hoe was lui radher a"l the roomn and ail its fi aiolly cond(itionl. Thle jug andlt'le rifle w-ere entirein' ukeepin, with thei taken away froinhhim, aud lho was ordered Of 'ts, m1istreus. Vo geV Vo iis wigwamn as qulick as hoe COnid The boy, who mighit have1 before darlkuess camne ou. He left, ,,Il camle rathor t'limidiy uto was suipposýedl to have gono Vo the camp, blat consciolus of his bare foot al e rly i t i mcr i g hi squ aw appear d t of the carpet beiea h t ei the boeuse and sajd he had noV çornie homo foress, brighit, brave lok that uight, ana(l as the night was coid uhe aVance won lmi a weloc hutýd beeni anxlons about imii. Thon tire x.Woli, my boy, you wi soarch for the los t Indcian began. Norah id Ho was 8found !n oone of Lthe uhedu near the "Ye.ssir, I-I dîd. coi humi under a houp of drîfted sow, and the "Yes ? lu it On lbuýsin)ess'. chiances are that the snow that was abovo im oi r young for bsns matte had ielpied Vo save his lite. 'Thle seurcliers "lOhi, lInmoier'nI ilook, t for' the Indian hiad gouo, lu different diree- your hiouse-th e ou(ai leth1 tionis, zand it was is onsquaw who, with "IThat shianty ? WWhy, 1 trac buihni instinct, haidtraocked hlm out, tou-r 1V down zîoxt week. Ilý -ndieh was aloie we she found hmii. othe farmi, I thiuk. Whîl Apprenitly the lidion was a frozen Corpse. 11 Sli tumied i mi ou t of thre snlow bunk VI n to lilve here -m( arnd puillod off bis bILlnkts aud droggcd hlm "iAnld wherce dO yniu live :down Vto the crook, whiere a doeep bobo wus " Pownl by the miii, anl'i eut l iteice for te purpose of waterng ý oisy, an' 1auCh rouighi the cattle. Laying theo Indian out ou the gramma do't like i, bhi sniow, sire took'the pan thiat wos beside the that littie hieuse ' yonmni,' biob, andl, filuiiig 1V xepeaktelyý, duuhed-miisre s aid it'd ho ei .t door tt fi afer plifi of ice water ovor thec oy IlDear nme, Mary," said of tire Indian. By thre tîethVie other his wîfo. " To thiuik tbat unsuccesuful searohoru had returned she hiad c't 1 n'119 'Y s'outirt n bier old mail thowved Ont andc seated 1h Y the IBut there was a swidlu i fire wru.pped up i l iukets. There u no10 h i ady's face lisshie filleda question VhaV if hierad heen founld hy tho things and irauded it Vo ti others, ond lhad been takeoun lu thous~eusn : frozen us lho wè, lho, wold have Iied. 12 o g,,tiiibMoèli lgh aa bobe Oeugagcd lu a bitter strugi Vo secirre a coin- hawks, an' roses, aui' seolir1 ~eth? if send.,ry ptence;ate r lnority ut the otirer " lYes, fthero reseveral k TeMth ?I se iien tremOc arce ngogedl in quite as bitter a strug,- ioned floweru aroinud heme,1 a. drnohng glu oseue url sllte prospective SUeothe bouse has been stanv chilren eethngprize %vorth the struggle? Isl weuth btter somoIC timei, amd so no cure i 4 Il wl rellove thon competence ? If se, why ? auyhig bot it." inrmedlateiy. Do Comptenco bas couifortu, lwealth blas lux- "hfw' ix iVuip roulil bhoe Je no mistakc L unes ; undi comiforts aire btter tharn luxur. we wnz lt Vo cone. Gralin ory and IDlarrhoeý, ies. Wb!laV s lu tho ifferenIce ; Comlfort is le WhuV is lier numie-a nd Bowels, curespleossre with Profit, iuxury ilu profitiessu)boY'!" GLnr, reduces in lleusure A comf or table mieatlgives pleusure "Mnes Br ieWilson, ~nuandenergy tc inu the oting, and eqltpu ire Unel-omith lt' i'Wilson, aul' thiero's eeting ta -ssan -healh1,11for Ibis work. A luxuriols e, ilgives coid puy, ,Ï .a moth for tii beecringptio of n -preseu it enj oymreutIIbuLitimpairs (igestiLon and (Iyou wunt more'u lthot '" eso phyions ne 0 enrervatestVite body. coinfortable ciothiing "No ; I cotlot yon havE 'e, Phsdla for an' ,ieeps us wormi, luxunlous clothling maires nu tbfflougt it wuworth vrentin iteii anwJ orid sale, delîcute. A comnfortable homei l e nursory "Oh, but it is I graommsi ste ard. e no f maly 11e ;oilluxuirions home is its gav.beon Ve]Io otIý t twîct-on" pue nu3,k 'l); Non are we Vo imagine trt eli inisters 1 V tisn'V anly btter lu luNGinboauty o the oye what mre competonce Bri. -dules. 'Thee mot beautiful homos are 1t's penty good, we Vh hlug ples. neither tire wealthieutnonlier e mot luxur- work iIlluehD'ii. I geV 3a ions. civon great aste aud umhii .purse : pro ty Soon1 Fin ote 1 a'ii intense itobing recuSitL, theo louse Beautiful. iven great eVire bouss ayu' nighit; worso b y pure od uiai tote : reunîilt, to lou111ise "Thon àV wlll taire weckb'i ed O c~Ontiune lgiy. fHundrodu of couitra.4ted homes i Lu eMOnti's et, as the casc t, n bleed and ulcer- Uuiitccd States ttest this trUVhi. " eu sir ! but grillila s Sorol. SWANEi"u' Do we ,say, thocn, that we wisbi weaitb for 11 l' " ut homo, -a' eon ~lg ançi bloediug, Qur oidrliel ne t for orîolves? IWc-edeP retty inear asmucb uts Id( r~ ~ ~ t ,to~u eoe cev usio, ,nd ti tb isnoV lu us,. suire Vo puy you the ront ts, or by mail, fo "Gretepuain are o augeot 0w, j for roonîs, little aii Soi,Philtadelphia. bogacy. T10oeý-et sc>meitliug for, nothing lu too, aut' noV a flower nom a,1 l- ezorli z1plý expectatlon% aven thlouigir 'em." LIi ;or1 co0 nicce no iet 0 new i .&yer'8 setiflu IV teVPt1,1rLgiit>. J-lut .U. fliCianl . trn armis put a il the hieavy articles in .tb- place unid thon ook tire boy with hrlm Vo the miii, so that lie shinid net lose even A&nd ail day Graudmia Wilson puttered to about ber tiny p lace. Indoor and out, aik- blot ýD Vo hrif, lf.pi'aiyiin uadhafpi- t of mg, and ýoumetùîmes wîpiing iway toaru of in g l.ed feeings ýas, she came 11pon sonie oid-fasiouled^j ower or plant uanseen for yeurs. " Bles m e ! if boere,,a't somie halm, au' 1 b t aWlu V abt n hirty years or imore.I jmid how iV sed o grý,w lu motir5rs gar- by, don, ;u' sube oued Vo teep the blows and coi- or imy hair ribbi is lu iù-dreadIi prtty *o e olor 1Vit nado, too. Low I 1doiit V kuow nidn whe 'va heen so pleased os Iho VoteoC( these odfsindfliwors, an' u-grow- on' luwere I've goqt a righbtto 'oui. Wa o', dear, bleuued b oyVirhat Borle is, Vo unt oùng aradan id ci comfortabie home for his olçl grandmo 1 'Tan'V mony boys of er i go-no, no -vem Vlru' lots older1-uts ly wouid a-doue iV but hIe's ju, as good as y;gold, so ho is, hies, hisý preciou heart !" k-- She eonî,1,ha,-dlhrwcit, ilie1,crnme hoiu nime checin' pot pie for yez, mumi, anl' issnu'ou complemaents. Sljtku owed lui tbey'd ho1no chiance fur yoz Vo cook oid ladly gratefuiby acceptod the pres- îd returnedýc a thoiusanldtiranks o Vire u," and iheni she mode a ctip of Vea ia grand dlinnier ail by hiesoîf, and uf t oeorfor J3er ie,s ipper. when Vire boy came, ho wuu Voo ful itentent Vo settie down and eut right ban, cool, the cobor, ,r. balfi and or throo r uY hai te original 1Aidrichà, ml a-r in AV due poared. I ýr and My Th1c1k and Strong. [t hs pparently come Vo stay. The 'II have tised .Ayr's Hair Vigor for thre past four or five years and find iV a Most satlufactory dressiug foi, the hail. .Tt Is al I coffld desiro, bein h larmiess causing the biairto reValu its natural color, and reqnlrlng but a Sm'al quntlty to reudeir the, hou easy to arrang."-. Mis. Mý. A. Balley, 9 O]rarieüsStreet, H1averilîl, Mass. Il hlove boenuzsiilAyer's Hair Vigor foi, severai yocars, anfi belle-ve that 1V h asi cansedi my bair to retain its natura) coio."-M5FI. 3J. Riig, Dealer lu Dry GooduS, &c., B1shopviîfbe, Md, Ayeî's Hall Vigore Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LoweilI, Mass. Sold by Druggiats and Perfumoer&. neudaci _____________________________CÂRTEZ 22 Most Of 0o7r -,Intne re mare sus- portable thoan the commlent, of Our Iriends Inl1 upontem-2O C. Colti. Morris Oý arrag&) CH-INtdE 0F .BUJSIN] The untdersigned wish to a a<e kowta othE ing busîiness arrangemient, with a vievw to the business and to stitLb-, tter accomîîod y'onsax, adnudoto h i3 WILLIAM EDGERwill have funil charge of the Bloc Le, as if Vo convmnco hiinuelf thiat lire wos %wil] ho prepared Vo texeouito all orders3 and do ail rop5dirsin liy inupossession, and noV droonihig. su d bout of worknruýs!i p guarante-.d. The prices wibl bt 'Aud Vo Vink, Bort, that w'vc got a ROB'T. A. PHILP wii-bave charge of tire Wood ai ing" sidbIsgrudta."IV doesucem se i, Ispore uo effort or oxponso Vo give fullest satisfaction d( Vo diip woter ont of o spriug, lest, ou1Mi d Voyasodyarsago. 1Iau'1folt ,toold. As heretofore a first-class pai'rwilh aetat n iu no place thtj, thilty yoapsilsou1(do ibis brandci. All repairs promaptly doue. w ; nr se ind o' chieerful sence you'nIi JA MES MORRIS will porsonally suporintesîd the Ti Cid tege"therl. Now,if T. only batd a niceseut il.b sufflient guaran:eo of thre suporiority of the woi ny onwa cosfort o cut could tubeL îhbo ' eAn' wonidun't thut big tret ho a grand,( The mantifacture of Carriages and -tarria ce r aswilng, gramma?Il'd love tohev a tensiv-ely carried on and a large yllouu le 1J010V0 iati hnt, his curoor mîgbit we imagine, are froc rate ilucomols are dle- oxortionu, and iere is tuat skcineýsu or disaster rwork, and se of our lonaire lu independeut. nani l8 more dependortt emey sofl ey is more dif- -as m o 0 10 ay sec cousuis'of mnnmui'king with iotof moleing laion or an uulookedl tulutinls et a lifotimoi. Wei h'wings as o lu- uy. Ilu sncb a crsis us Loirs the moin of Gomlpot- .1 ; Vte mon mwith ne- good for a uby tomlper; lon the kinduiescf latable as Milk. tre yeni get the goniin lu Sulmon mvappr; solitI by ail Druggtsts, at tI $,o ~c-T& WNJeevl. -( for onothors. Ris min meanu mrin te îuem. stuil *l Iifailuro meaus los -inig tire fctory and roof,1 VhreýwLug V'ifaduo breadwilauors ont of tirat ý enîploymient, or a dlropping of railroad stocks The and bankmurtptcy o hundrodu of Sumul i ives- weedt tors. One, migirt prefer the place of floei andr Grant Vo tirat of tire prîvato, but noV hiecausebrv Vire private iras cures and tire loueralisruex- 0 emipt. Cdoors But if we onlly had moncy we coond do se it'u to mnulir good witb iVi. Yes !It iV alweys thre ttb" mou nwire have noV mioney %who tVinir Virot ) tieyenuldcdo gr-eutgood witir it if they irud torm it. But iV requiros more art Vo hestow The moey wisolIy thon o acquire i. "Lot any oomli one," said ao millionair e Vo s recenly-a uisty eue wbo lu ating as trus ýtee of is owu fort-. wifoly une lu o very wise antidwidoe-roehig belle- ofinea loetne-"be onee attemipt to give wy aud S,100,000 a year and do good, noV hiar, 11, thougl tho giving, -nnd lho wili fin(d ho bas Indter- 1At1 akina tasir of mucb groter difficnty than Vbe maklug of alOOO yeomr." The truth ileIrse lui so Patent anid'se uppailiug o mn of for-. wonld tune , thut the mien, Whbo maire great fortunes (C rareiy adinlu Vý)ýt er be. The money is paitI âowal over o Boands of Tustees 1modt(e up, grandi neut of m1iliionuaireq, but of mon el f compot- or tire ence, who thusý enjoy the iuxnry of gving lng hli wthout theloe of aoquiring. movih We malutain, thon, thre iniconvenience of and Io buing, very îch ;- and if any of our a od nd se u' eau1put lu brief compasthe cutma-sotab LU inig advantagos of heinig a mlillionuaire, ,0] wc sali ho plcaused o ivoem ian oppor- o tlre tuniity Vo presenit the other a3ide. _Met peo- 1al tir pie blieve ui tire ther side, but wve have hoe., yt o sec a reasonuble grmud for iiat heliof "A întiieli,,iietiy andI judiclally sao.Cr yen ni mormi Frankr Unclos, of Auburni, NY., bh.le'liSi brokon the worid's record et jumoping tire good i repe, making 2,000 skips witirout a brook iiu "ES 14 mlinutes and 30scnd.Tire res t pro- lhope V iens record , 127 ski 9, was mode by F.L. bore." Sweeney, of 1{ewp)omV,ÈL .The The 11ussiau iMinister of JuistÎc iceha smueçi jthe I a private circular o tire judges and Imnpeial j90 OC procnratcims, uotifyinig VienoV ltte permîit I11 ja, Hehrews to ho enroiicd au berristomu, il allèl tI that t hose already practliu m iust mcine .il notice of expuion. - jaidS ~'Tha's wbt tbiey sýomebod1y edue wold Il hodn't, but -Mr. Nolant good o me evor ueue." "I nidtimk hie i if y ouL con ride -wit hîini lie p ; bt yoin mit ruimi ire as plesaut ont lu the Vr au iV is now ilu midju will ho very deep somietii «Iý" 'esir ;huat Mr. N~ that I geV o the iii ai talked it ail over wlth hi 11AJir1 1sectbat yon'ri like littia feiiow. WVell, Say'? Shahl I mokle a hol Il"Suppose we ail go dc t tle lbouse. 1Ihaven't1 "Tirat's àa sensible th it over, and then dlecid "Yo u npuy t thoeud of thie montb, i' Oh, no, plcase I'd rather puy uow. We'll el mjore lude Pendent Vo puy in udvance, SO ranlima su.y s., "YeP.Weli, thoni, l'Il write you a e- oipt." "An' wo're orful thunirful besides thiat ou lot us corn1e. tAen en o Voire lots 1d lt of comfrt ! Anld perbapu tiere iwas no boy i l aillte ýad wbo was quite se prond and buappy os ho littie tenant wr went skiîpiuig home- nord lu the dir. £'hoe 0ce Boy's Bevenge. Theu Chief Cierir (aside-"l His royal nîhu iii't himuseif oday. Kind of silenti and voce)- Oh, mny ! ho-w gramimawili bov( -te 1V !'"exclu1ind tire boy.1 Éo laVe Vo plant anyýihiug thiîs Ves," Isaid Mm. Ilerding,"Iln pu or coiery. " oun Vheywent lu tire bon s were sili andI low-welled, a ty air, fro ie ng dîsuse ; but th ýy cycu of M rs, IHardiug uow pot utuess and bomiely comfort un: watched the hoy'u face Vo 1gh1uq. Lbuat ho(,,sod hall repnoachfnl' An' yen was geli',I tear touiV cioveiy roomu tIret lots o ' follks Id ho so g lad Vo git !', No, mny boy, 1 wen'V tour Vi n-net yot, onyway ; and yen t Ama cou movO lu aus oon as yen le firut of uiext mýiuth,"lire odde lus wife'S imeaning 10ook. '"Th, ig-timi-e ; andI J511 have the roof loose hourdcs naiied on, andI we oe ou, tem1aire the Place look n hle." Oh, air, pieuse, y-en neodnCt -de t outuide tiugs. Gramnmaa ' ut ; we'll love to, if yon'll lot li riglit, you'ro uay enantI inovo 7", OhI 1Mr. Nolanl'IlIOdoteo ', W\e au't geV mïore'n a i se't 11p)t'ie steve, toc. He'sj mail V" So lire is. WeUl, goodl-niglirtVo ?yot wiil taire a good deai of -l'.il (UV It vvr im ie Iai fl.Ole a 011111111). No man is vory strong who lu ne t ureng enough te Control Lhimueif. s Many perscus lbave heon frezen te deatb lui tle vîcînzity cf Tricote, and Inlucir damage buas been doule by the high ids t The hitory of dancing from Vire criu times te te present, fiiciding overy chiar- S ,Cteritic national donce, wili ho illustrat- cd ut the Viennia Opera lieuse. Tl'ire per- formuances will includfe the douce of Duvid before Vire ark, the slow meuasunes of tire -Middle Age", tlire old Castillan douces, tire Htghblaiffl ling, tire Irish jig, andi every pro- per beaVure of sucir un exhib)ition, ail to ap- Sprepriate music, 3-ben Baby waa iek, re gave her Camtorla, iLon ahe iras a ChiUê, ah.e ried for CÉLstoria, 'W2ton he bocamt. Miss, gloah. eg teoCatona, Wi e ah ie hae Oltdxcn, ah. gave Shoot Castoria. jTo Ner-vcus', Debiltated Mon. and bow igor and are thlus id Applil- 1, 2vicfr,, Who livés here ? JEFFERY, the TI Wheïe is hi.a hop ?'In uNeads' Block, Rh.ýg St., Bowmanville. What do you know about hima? He im the Mercharit Tailoi clothing for msany years§ for the best familiea in thii towfl mi vicinitý Is he a stylioh cutter and good fitter I Qan't be beat ini town. Does ho keep a large stock of Fine Worstedsi, Tweids. Overoi and Gents' Furnishings, Carpets, Etc., alw4yi on hiand ? He doeos. How about hi. prices, doea he sou ocheap ? Noue lower, qui etandard, All right. 1 shall call on hima for my new suit for New Year's. The oid Porter Founidry is stili boorniný are ready to supply ail orders for Castings of ev, tion, the only place where ail you can be supplied oS the shortest notice in the shai X acU I321% Castings, large or small, Plow Points, the celebrt steel made for any plow inaufactured. Large Furnace Kettles always in stock We pay the IJlighiest Price for 8crap Iron 50 TONS AT OýNCE.' SÉove Castings of every description suppIieý E'P A 1* 1I 1% lenhietsoftovo k Blayoà MaiOryo i id nes n at vert inIE IB Worth repairing, wû Ca do not have to keep any peddlera and only ouppiy reliablo agents. S. J. HOSEI FOU NDRY Cornet King andI Liberty S El. J.

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