LL STOCK 0IF SU-PPLIESý.i L?9ýlcial. attractions in my New 5c. Exercise Book. I«Ever Readv" 5c. Tablet,. h__I____ PROF. A. S. VOGT. Tlir, DIsTiNGuisHiED MUSICm, PRoFESSOR 'WHO WILL TO-DAY LEAI) TO HYMEN'S ALTAR MI"s McGrL. As a great deal of local interest centres round the marriage of Mliss Georgie Mc- Gill, eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. McGil, manage o heOtario BanIr in this town, whc appy event Lakes place at 5 o'clock to-day in the Disciples' new Church, we republish from a, high class New Y'ork musical journal, an article about the talented gentleman to whom Miss McGill às to be wedded: From The Keynote for Julyt, New York., Sad Drowning Fatality. &BOWMÂAvsLLE FAMILY IN MUNN~ The fearful drowning accident whieli occurred on Rice LakeTuesday afternoo» of las t week has caused widespread sor- row, and the zad fatality has brought grief to the family, of our esteemed and venerable citi zen, Mr. Jonathan Stephens. The accident is the more appalllng when it ls remembered that 'within the past 8 months two other similar calamities re- sulting in the loos of several lives, have occurred on Rice Lake. Laat Christmas a party of about eighteen young people returning froin a dance were plunged into the frigid waters and -one young lady per- Cash for aggs at West End House. HPat found. Ask M. A. JAMES about Craish coats and veste selling off at haîf price at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance ROBT. VIRuiE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. Philp and Edger bas somethi.ng pretty for fariners to se at their "Vehicle Hos- pial." Genuine sale of sunimer goods now going on at Couch .Johnstou & Cryder- man 's. Keep cool by wearing those Flannel coats and veste a% Couch Johnston & Cryderman 's. KENNER BROS., S. T 1 rowel po~bb~y iilnotsei formor thnj JeaVr~ raseeenioMtU Ioaug IVIHce eave aaughtervalou t three P r~of 40i cents a buebl. h two-rowed. wil I The sged parents and nuiw.rou,5 ra be conisiderablhier Famners 'wi 1be £ e VI. "jjurgelisËeidà ll upu tlia ives have ihe hearifeit sympathy or' to nixsom si-roed iththebewill yet recover sufficiently to resume whole mntyu this sad and 2udt teulpted u m ,1"wttaciive work. jafflilon. two-owe. I ~ I tey wll .spoill Msa Shaw. milliner, has moved into .,.~ .~~mvuu msa ac ym am aenajtione --Thle- tubs pioiid tuutn u5b etym~i 0a that aOeaa1i=&my no' .bave .i.y advautage over anothOr. If Yeu wtth t tee a Sample capy buy ane tram vaur newmdealer ,or tend Sote f.hp ýff!,e ad acnyw!!bz 22-t yzcuby rztu;ý-m aui., THE CANADIAN FIRESIDE WEEKLY. 9 Adelaide'Streot West, Toronto, Ont - EUE à -iW' Satisfactionu Guajranteed 1 n Every Sale vAnd Those Who Are WV flLrA Thie Is To IRemind TOU That The And Chtapest