À*e. Cartwright (Coun cil. The Council mnet on the 7tb mast. Al thba memibers presenit. An additional grant to Wmi. McNaly,, au nig.ent, froin $2 a month to $3 was given. A) by-law to levy the various achool .gection rates was passed. A by- law to levying municipal rates ol five mills was passod. ThoaBas Wite was sppointed Colac. tor, at a saiary of $5 The Clerk, was instruicted to notify. Jacob UdTeil, Daniel Knapp, William 9ýquelsh and James Douglast rmv thieir fences off the Darlington bounduary tina. A petition was presanted. signed by JoBiath Bail and 10 others 'praying the Uouncil to open. the quarter liue be- tweeu lots 18 and 19 in the luth con., to the lake. Referred to the Reeve, dep-, uity-reeva and Councillors. Mr. J.* H. Taylor was appointed coin- mlissionar, te superintend the work of roofing the Drill Shed, so asto, make the sa fit for public occupation. On motion, the Reeve signed orders on the 'Treasurer as foilows: To indi- gents: Robert Edgerson $5, James Kir- vin $4, Mr@. Longbead $4, Wm. McNally $8,.1 Annio $4, Elizabeth McGill $1.50; llart,& Co., 4 books Collector'a receipta, %-2.13; J. H. Taylor, comnilsalonar, work end matenial on sidewaiks and streets in l3lIaclctock, $58.79; E. Montgomery, pathmaster, repaira on Cadînus bridge, :$1075; J. Edwards, damage to ctpa, by drawing grave], $3; W. R. Climie, on priniting account, $12, Mro. Littimore, keeping Mrs. Kissick in month of July,$4. The Council adjourned, until the firet Mouiday in October, Wu. LucAS, Clark. Tlrashed a Man TwideeHis Siee., The ther day a smal, harmiesa iooking mnan eutered a New Yoric street car, and accidentaliy trod on the toea of a big six. footar. 1e apologized, but the six-footer wrasn' t atisfied. H1e taiked for sometime, and finally iuvited the littla man to leave the car and settie the matter on the ide. walk. Greatly to bis astoniahmant, the latter accepted. Those wbowitnessed the contast ssy that it dldn't last long, but that the biu fellow had to ha carried. home in an ambulance, wbile bis diminutive sut. 7agoist 'walked away with a cheerful 'imill. And so itis with Dr. Pierces Pies. rant Pelleta. They're not balf as big as fi-nost of their rivais, but they do their %vwork quietly and thorougbiy. For sick hieadacha, biiiousnass, contipation,. dys- fpepsas,' etc.,' there la nothing like thera. (They -are the only Livar Pillas abeolutely .iold on trial! Your moncy back, if thay don't give satisfaction' Farms to Rant or Seli. We do not know c a better medium lu this part of Ontario la wbich to advertise farina than TE STATESMÂN whichilatak- an by the best clasa of farmars la Canada. \Thera are many well.to-do farmers in WestDurham wbo have sons to be provided -with farmsansd they are couatsutly on the Ilook-ouit for farmae. Two snch farmers bave withiin the asat wsak or two bought fans t $80 and q8,5 per acre sud thera wera others wanting the same farme. The moral of this la that if yon bave a ffarm to relit or Bell sdventise at once la, the A Quick Assignmant. A Bow MAN VILLE MEuCu&iN WH~O GoT IN DEEP WATER. W~liiam Qnick bas long been la the ganaral gnoceny business lu Bowmaaville. About a year ago bis affairs were tbought Sto ha ini a sbaky coudition,and an inspect- ion of bis bookasboweds surplus of $1500 over a iabiiity of $4000. Hie coatined lu business until about thrae weeks ago wheui hesuddeuly asEîgned to W.P. Pnower \On takinz stock it was found that hieliad s dleficit of $,550. Mr. Quick's fahar ilaa , rediton to the extant of $1200, whîch P aasacuned by suadry chattel motgsges. Iu ah tilere are about 52 creditors, 20 of whiom n esida la, the city, and to noue dosa the invovent owe more than $100. fA mneeting of these was held ln Bowman- ville on Saturday lest, Mr. lIeigbley cf 9imith & Keighlay,., wh ole2 ale marchants 'Ia thie city, repnesenting,,the- Toronto coingiient. On this ocassion the assets of the estate wore aold to Mrs. Quick, wife of thia injsolveat'marchant, slle mak- ing the best offer. Tornto creditons were la favor of- sbuttiug Mn. Quick out entirely,bat thoge .a tha immadiate vicinity, believed'that gomie unfair means had beau used to pre. cipitate the assigument, were oppoaed to %luch a course. -Toronto 'World, Sept. 16. A N-Araow Ese&r-I would probsbiy SxR~.SEàoNs.-'F.or several seas- sonsIi31 have issed Dr. Fowler's Extnact 8f WidStrawberry sud fi-ad that it makes a prfact coure aveu cf the sevarest attacks ot umrcomplaint and diarrb'aea. lt is as preclous as golà. Mas. F. C. WLN- lTm;onthill, Ont. Minard's Liniment for sûle everywka»e. (Conclensed [rom thCe2News.) Mri?. S.B Dobson, Antiochi, bas been very il]. Mr. S. lodga, Mitchell, was la town asat week. Mr. ffonatio Hil11 bas nantad Mn. R. Bast'a fari. Mr. Thos. Vinaon bas returned home from Chicago. Master Welland Beer left for Vicýtoria, B. C., Monday. MIrs. N. F. Hlall bas beau speading a few daya la Torouto. Mr. T. Hedge, a former nesident hera, was la towa recently. Mlr. Jas. Hallett ia home f romi hie ocean trip to Dundee, Scotland. Mr. Jas. McComb, Paoterboro, bas beau veny 111 witb malarial faver. Miqss 01el Barrabali, Dariington, was viiting frIeas hare recentiy. Mr. sud Mrs. T. Gsmsby, Mariposa, have beau visiting friands here. , Mn. Mosas Cowan bas ptrchased the re- sidenze of the late Mrs. Huillen. » Mra. Jas.> MeCombe, Peterboro, bas been viiting wth ber friands Lare, Mr. A. W. Gsmsby snd wifa have ne- turusd to thair home la New York. The Cheese factory bas been neatly paintad up sud looks very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wil-lamaou, apant Sunday week at Mn. Jas. Stank's, Stark-' ville. Rai'. Cannon Breut, Newcastle, pneach. ed in St. Saviour's church Sunday after- noon. Rev. H.>Haywards, of Laxington ,Ohio, occupied the Chistain chnrch pulpit bana Sunday. Miss Polly Odeil bas returued home after a p'easant viit wtth Sixtb Lino friendae. Mr. sud Mrs. IR. Knox bave returned home sfter four waeks outing on tha Muakoka iakaa. The old Presbytenian cburch on the Waddell farin, Antiocb bas basa takan dowu sund removsd. Mn. Stewart Morrison sud Miss Olive Mornison, of Bowmanyille, spent Saudsy week with friands bere. Miss Lucy Allia wbo bas been spanding the past faw weeks at bar fatbar's,Camer- on, bas returned home. Mr. Jas. A. Henry, Ambanly, Ont., bas been epanding s faw days at his fat. her's, Mr. Jas, Hanry, Sixth Lina. Mn. W. H. Wrigbton, Inspactor for Peterboro Cheesa Board, was la town ]est week, Ha inapacted the four factorisa under the control of Mn. Houay, vis: Oro- no, Newtonvilla, Hope, sud Perrytown, sud pronounc6d the chease-finait cas. Mn. A. Leigh safely ianded at bis fouud- ary hera Friday week the msmmoth boil- an, purchasad froni the D. O. & P. Co., Bowmanvilla, sud whîch weigbs about 5 tons. Ha intendesahipping it toVictoria, B. C., along with other rnachinery to the bnancb finm there. MESRPS. C. C RICHARDS & CO, Ùents,e-For somne years 1 bave hd oniy partial use of my arn, caused by a auddan strain. 1 have used aaarly eveny remady without affect, until I got a sampie bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The ban efit I recaived fnrom it caused me to continue its use sud now I am happy tossy my arm is completaiy restorod. GlamIs. R. W. HAR.RISON. SORATOHED 28 YEARS A liCALY, ITCI-ING, Sxîx DisEAS.E WITH ENnxxEss SUFFEBING CURED uv C UTICUJRA RESIEIIES. If I had knowu of the CUTICUiRA JIEMEIES twenty-elght ymars ago. it wouki have savad me $20000 snd an immense urnount of suffeing. My disease (psoriasis) commancefi on my haad iu a spot flot langer than à cent. It spread napdly ai over my body, and got under my nails. The- scalas wouid drap off' of me ail thea tirne, sud my suifer- Ing was'endlessansd witb- ont relief., U ne tbousaud '-dollars would net tampt me to hava Ihîs disease overn again. 1 ara s poor man but feelrich to be reiieved of what soma of the doctors said wss leprosy. soma rngWorms, psoriasis, etc. Icau not praise thaC UTIc UÉ& PEmarnîz atco mach. 'they have made mry Lskia as clos r snd froc froin sosies as a baby's Ail I used of them wass 5 worth. If you had beau bore aud saîi yon, wouid have cured me 'or $20000 ou would bava bad the rmonay: 1 lo.ked like the pîcture (No. 2, page 47) in your book. "how ta cura skia diseuses," but uow 1 amn as clear as ay persau aven wss. Through fonce of habit I mub my bauds over my armas snd legs ru scratch once iu s whila, but to nu purpose, I arn ail wall. 1 scrstched 28 yeans,. sud it got to ha a kind of second nature ta me. 1 thank you a thoussnd imes. DENNIS DOWNING, Watarbury, Vt- Ctieura IResolvent The uaw Blood sud Skia Purifier, intamnally (ta clease tha blood of ail impunities aud poisonus elemonts), sud CUTICcmjî the Lyreat skin cure, sud CUTIcuRA SOAP, an exquisite Skin Beautufiar. eèxternally (to dlean the skiu sud scalp, sud restora the bain), iust1autly ne-. liave sud speadily cura every species of itch- in,-. burnng, scaly, crusted,,pirnply,scrofulous sud( hereditary diseases sud humons 0f the skia ,clp, sud hlood, with losa of bain. fnom iufuu cy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Solfi avarywhene. Pnice, CuTIcuuA, . c SOF 5c. ;REzsoLvENiT, $150. Preared by the POTTER DnUG AND OsEanICeAL CORPORA- TION. Boston. deSaad for 5'}ow to Cure Skia Diseases, 61 pages, 50 Illustrations, 100 tastimiiais. liPE.blackheuts.rd.rugchapped,I Panilsd olv sekia curedbyl CuncccA SO.&r. ACySIDEeAN!D .BAp11 weaknessas neliavail in oua minute by the Cuticurs Anti-Pain Plaster. the first sud oly psiu-kllliug plasiar A big assotmeut of Ladies' sud Chiid- ernu's Jackets aud Ulaters, ail new, al Garman :made, uow showing, at Coucb Johuston & Cnydarman'e. ALL A4GESAND CNITOSor peole rnay aise Natlo'nao PUISL withaast Injur-Ë'andi W11-h great bteufli A 1.4WA. Miea E. Wh,*tney spent Sunday week a home. A. HT. Finnemore Burlington ba% been visiting old friands. Mýisd MqbelWhitney bas returned home after a lengthy'visit to friends in the West. 1Miss L. Manuelof Elkhart, 1nd., bas returned home. , Miss Hattie Halladay itas returnied t har home in Upper Bedford, que., Miss Agdie Hall bas been visitiug, her uncle, Mr. James Maxwell, and other friends la Toronto. Messrs. Fred Cowan, G. Beeck, and J. D. Storie, bad a good day's sport at trout fiahing, in Cartwright reccntly., Mr. Sid Lee, Chicsgo was in town re- cently. Mr. W. H. St. John, manager of the Electrie Printing, and Publishing Co., Rochester, N. Y., was in town at week.ý Mr. John Whitley, Cleveland, Ohio, ws la town Sunday week iookîng up old acquaintances. Mr. Jas, O. Guy bas resigned the pos- ition of barbor master at Port Oshawa, and Mr. L. Fowke lias been appointed ln bis stead. Friday weak Mr. Oliver Pascoe could flot find a horse of bis. After searchingr for a time he aaw a hole in tbe platform sround a pump, in one of tbe fields, and thare found it, in about four feet of water about 18 feet froni the surface. The animal sustained only a few cnts and scratcbes. Tbe many frlends, of Miss Maxwell, daugbter of Mr. H. Maxwell, were pain- ed on receipt of intelligence of her deatb which occutred in Toronto, on Fridsy st. Probably:no oaa la towa Was so well kcnowa smong the poor as she was, being warmily devoted tô charil-y and deeds of love. In the cburcb, and Sabbath Scbool ber facle will be missed, but ber frieuds have the comforting, assurance that sbe reats froni ber labors, and is at peace with God. Mr. Geo. J. Welborne who bas tsught the school north of tbe Union CJemetery for the past four years bas bean appoit- ted chief instructor of the Industrial school at Edmonton by the Presbyterian body. He will not only bave charge of the Indian school at this station but a large tract of Government ]and as well. Tbe body of John P. Grillatt, one of the two young men who were drowned la Lake Ontario, near Bowmanville, waB recovered on the afternoon of Tuesday. It bsd drifted aahore, near Bowmauville and wss brought home to bis sorrowing relatives, and was interred la - ee Union Cemetary on Wadnts!lay. enf For the Wondierful Success of Hoocl's Sarsaparilla, t ho Most Popular and Most Extensively SoId Medicine in America. *Hood 's Sarsaparilla 'possesses great *medicinal menit, wvbich it positively demonstrates when fairly tried. 2It is most economical, being the oy medicine of which Il100 Doses One Dollar" can truly be said. 3It is prelp I-recl by a Combination, Proportion~ and Process Peculiar to ltself, unkno n Io other preparations, and by wvhich a1l the medicinal value of the various ingredients is secured. A Ithefet remarkable cures where 'l ter medicines have utterly failed to do any good whatever. SIt is a modern medicine, originated 15 by expcrienced pharmacists, and stili carefully prepared under their per- sonal supervision. SIt is dean, leuar and( beautiful in ~J apearncbpleasaut to take, and always of equal strngth. 7y It bas, proven itself to be positiveiy , the be'st reniedy for scrofula and all blood disorders. and the best tonic for tbat tired 'feeling, loss of appet ite and general debility. 8% It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia, rheumatism and ail diseases of the kid- -Dr. T. A. sSlo um's )XYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD JIVER OIL. If you e,hmve wefik Lunga--Use it, For rais by al dnuggists. a new readiy- omade to order, see the immense ,.. choice of Coats and Materials 4 _ MASN'SCLOT}IING STOU'R, 'WE MUST SAY A WORD OR TWO about the way people have: respouded ta our late adver- tisements. Lots of people who we neyer saw in the store before came asking to seeeither the 6c. cotton Worth 8c. or that extra valua table lineni or some one of the specialý lines we advartised, and we are prouçi to say no one was disapp oint- ed, ini fact many said they would in the future watch our advertise- ments more closely as they were st'tisfied that theycouild save money by taking adivantage of the bar- gains weý offer. We believe that die number of people who are tired of doing business with the slow ,ale, big profit houses is larg- ely oni the increase.- and to ail such we say try our store and you will find that our system, of doing busi- ness is exactly the opposite of that.» BUT NOW FOR OUJR BrjAR'CAINS THIS WEIL. Al new goods. Thousands of1 dollartis Worth of new -goods have been received by us alneudy this fa]]. Ounew Ladies Coats night from Gerimany the very latest styles and lowest plrices. See them be- fore buyingl. We have a bleached table linen wortl, $1.00 a yard, in fact a lady told us last week that she paid $1.10 in another store for a piece scarcely as good. We are selling lit at 80C. 1Still a few pieces of that 6c- Fac- tory Cotton whieh others seli at 1 guess you'l1 remember thati big; pile of Towels we eleared ouÈb at 25c. well. they are ail gone, N ou cau't have any more of ther j-ust 110w. But there's another lineaa littie ahead, if anything,' fair size, pure linen, 15c. pair. That-line of Henrietta(50c. cloth) we are selling at 40c. ÈEnough Ih about that. Dotible fold melton Cloth, extra- beavy, extra cheap. Sale price of this hune is only 20le. yd. Weü beat the worid on ll'd'k'f's - a line ot fancy borders we are soul- ing at 7 for 25c. An Englishi worsted yarn, BIlack, we have just received and marked it 5e. skein; it is going, fast. Special value in Black Hennie- ttas ýJH J. MASON,ý DRY GOODS & JEWEDRe,. INDIAN BLOOD BITTERS Excellent at this season of the year as a good general Tonic. Lt ilnproves the appetite, regulates the Liver and,_ purifies the blood. Soid at 50c. per b ottie. -O- Pure Insee t Powder, Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, Tanglefoot Stieky Fly Paper. InseotPowdelr Guns, etc. Use Woulff's Remedy for Diarrhea. CflEiYISTS IDRUIJG~ST S. i (CUT THIS OUT) I "The Firemide Weekly's" Grand Fali Prize contest. Tisa tGeatest Prtze LIst Yet P1'sised- Ilead thse Peetical Puzzle as it appears below: For the coi rect resding of the aboya Picton. ialVerse the folio wine pnizas are offered avary week, heginniug Moud ay, Sept. 21: FIRST PRIZE....... ......-$150 SECOND PRIZE,.. .... .....: 75 f THIRD PRIZE .... ...... ...... 50 NE XT FIF'IEEN ($5 each) ...75 Thse first correct anawar receiviêdby mail at the offieaof THEFiESIDEWEEýLy eas ch week v ill ne awarded firai pnls.tha next the second prise, and seono, In addition te these a dsiiy cash pniza Of FIFTv DOLLARs will hae givan to the firet correct answer recaived saab day throug.hout tha catira coul-est. Every fil th correct solutian of those net obtaiaiag casa prisas will ho awarded s prise of au elagant sîlver gipsy kat--ie with stand, valued ut Six Dollars. Theso prises will ha awsrded euch aud avery week andl every day froni Sept. 21 te Noveashar 30, andi each priseq wiuuer will ha notidfidut once, us walI as thse satina prise list beingpuhliskod. IN.STRUOTION-Our Poatiesi Puzzle must ha correctly raad te obtaia a prisa, sud $1 for six m1oaths subscniption must accompam y e ach solution *Answers muat ha sent by mail. Samuple copies may ha obtaiaed froma ail naws. dealers or fromntthe offilceaut i cents eacis, maileil freae addrass 5lFIESD5IWEEItIY, 38-ý3w 9 Adeiatde St. West, ToronteOnt 1I"AThTrFOR SALE.-Improved fan,j -V 'bein 'South West quarter of 28 Tf. 7 R. 16;- -15 acres ran0 e; 45ý acres p3asture, ay a.id weo; I'ac~ rady for crop. Frae ouse, 121,101, kitthen, 122; (100 stables, geod spring wster. Easy termis payment. Sý miles from1 ewffanosaa Pnîce «,Me. Apiy te ÀxA~ & flM'BSISS gleuboro, Max. 1tf 0F INTEREST TO WRITERS. A LABoR S&vîcsa INVENTION INIDISPENXS- IBLE TO AIL WHO WRITE. Of tue mpny valuabia improvemantz, which hava beau made lu self -faeding pans a great part are due to the skill wnd persistance of Mr. L. E. Dualap. of Boa- ton,who, as a pioncer in this businees, bas spent the hastdecade la parfecting the fountain pan that bears bis name. The lat ast perfectfd invention la the- Duialap Double-fead Peu, sud la this vary doubla feed lies the secret of its succasa. It cannaes a sixteen-karat diamond- poifited gold pan, is a perfect pockct-coný- pan ion that will not only'prove indispaýý subIe, but a joy sud bles2ing as long %ff iif a lasts. It la guananteed to write instant- iy, aiways sud- under all circumatancea, To introduce it amorg our readens of thia; paper, the manufacturera offan for a short turne only, to saud it by ratura mail at ono baif the negular pnice. By posting a letten,enclosing a twu-cent atamp, to the Dualap Pan Compaay,280 Washington street-, Boston, Mass., yoit wil eceive a beantifohly engraved ticket wortb $2,and also an iilustnsted price-h-t sud cincular, teiling you how to make,$5 par day. PhîiIp aud Edger are ssling the popu- Ian phrnton cart iika bot cakes. It à5 the cant that "takea" eveny ture nesd is ..rae to bavea a lange sale. LAND ANO D VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN HAMPTON. 96l acres o! ]anad itisea dwelliig bouses,. The wboie will ha soid in block'or in parceis to suit purchasers. us follows; PAIRC 5LNO. 1, 10ek acres ou which areas go& orchard of about 100 choice appla traesil bearing, a first c!asa mrarna i4storey bouse of 10, rooma. hall sud dosai, hurd and 50(1 wstar, wood shed and driving shed, stable for four honses, sud driving bouse, naw cattia house. piggery &c. 2lx2l witb hay lof t Ovar. A very choice varicty cf fruit in lange quantitieg- apples, peurs, plums, charries, ovai' 20 grape, vinas, fiva vanletias, fiva on six choice variatie cf hernies sud othar amali fruit. PARCEL No. 2-2il acres cf land, a leo& frmocleta, 6 rooma, sommer kitcesî.ý Ld and soft aster, a smcail bsrn, ncsw, a lot of choica fruit in the gardon apples, peara, pltm« cherries. grupea etc. PAIîCEL No. 3-101 acres ou which are- JoiL dwalliug, naw barn 50x55 hut asat suumnser' fruit tracs sud a &rood welt, the land is oa ani iuder good state of cuiti vation. If net solS il will ha reated tbis fal1 for a terra o! yeare. Par termes etc. apply te tke, ownen. CAPT, Rý. Il. flUNT, Hamnptas." > k; r ~~2<S--- ---- -~ ~ c J 510--