______________________________ E I W-'ËDNES3DAY SEPT. 30, 1891. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BackaohG, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost 8itesq Sprains, Bruises,_Burns, Etc. *S'd by 'lgg"t adDeal.rseyhere Drfy entga'otie Diecîon"i Il Languages. TRE CHARLES A. VOGELEA CO., Batimore, Mt. Canaaian Depot - Toronto, Ont. STANDARD BANK- OF CANADA. çaiWfai paid up, $1,OO,OOSest, $iG0.< 00 This Bank is preparod to do Legiti- mlate Banking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes diseounted ; Peposits received and Intevest paid on accôunts of $5 and upwards in Savings Bank~ Department. DIRAFTS Isîuier ad Collectious made'in Europe United 0tates, and C&nada, W. J. JONYES. .AGRICULTURAL. hanse shlc.d ail be fed, changinga fe as twice a week.'1gasife 20 Like cows and other stock, harshiitreat- Rlaivesting ?otatûes. ment injures tham. They like, a kind suas- If is conmon Nvith mauy farmiers. who ter and know bis voice as quickly as keiard. raise unoderate crops of potatoas to malte 21 lanis sbould be killed when tlhree years thube aof digging auld sýcurînig them a) old, -as îhey lay lacs eggs every year after maitter of oveina an to p1osîpone11 the fstllî ird, and thsey naturaily becomne di- 'worksveawekfo other upeations easedland nt su good eating whaen they be-1 deemed l!more importanit, lu tha meÉianîlme cameolder. Anuuiii rains set in-, and whieus dug hey 2 1 TIse sooner in tIse spring you commence1 are more or less covered -withmu, poligsttîing, the iens for tIse purposa of raising their appearance and inviting the rot iiîi'the echiekanls the btter ; late ebieýkensgeer such seasons as Ibis'diseasa prevails. These aIiy fare b adly. remarIes apply to limifed crops, and nulta, 23 Puliets rarely malte gooid mothers those' extensive plantations that are a pro- three and four-year-old h len sare hast, minent source'o? profit, the ownïers ýof whleb have learned a différent course. 'Value of a Gardcn . With th& exception of late m'aturing A correspondent urgess readars ,ta varieties, or of such as have beau planted pay more attention to tIse gard(enl. very laIe in the season, or with a dry or Ho says a farmer's garden uisually gravelly sou which neyer becomas imuddy, suffers lacIe of attention at somle oS potatoas sbouid neyer ba dug latar han tIse thseb end of August, or wben tIsa weather bas its s> seasous,, asid wbere it ducs mit bee sodrytht te silwil no aher toit cultivation ie so generally- leSt imainly to bhmTeau dythm a tIse inutad eect-baud woflt that ih cosîs a great deal more tbe. Tse imemaythe hareailyselct-than it shoufd. Yat despite Ihase dliities, ed when tbey 'seul coma out with, a clear, aararwho bas a raasonalygvoud ,gtrden bright and cdean surface. Thse labor '2 will ha snrprisad if hae racltouiýAdup Ibrongh lassenied,. and thea crop je wortb more than the season hovw much of tlIse amiily i*v ing when plastered witb mud. It is hetter tou was thus procnirad. TIsa garden eultivatad lose a littla in fbaîr growtb than to delay cbiefly by hiand labor pays bettar 1than auiy the work, with all thse disadvantages oS mund ailer part of the farmn. It -would pay sîl and rot. hettar if laid out su that cltiati - siii When iîarvested at this limie it is impur- tbe fields conid ha douene ainly lith barsa tant ta place tbam whare tbey will kaep well. powier. Iu estimating valua of gardenpro An apartimant in a harn or out-house facing dcifsoudaiashashgIasrataîl tIse north, su as to ramain cool, and provid- prices in tIsa city or village. it le oly ed with a slatted fluor ta allow tIsa air to nacessary for arnars near at market to Ieeep pass up raely anmoug tbem, 'answers well. strict account of wIsaCtbeir gardenis produce The space below sa',bc ha Ie basemnent, and as compared with wbhat thbey cet ', induca if tIse'wind is parmittad tohblow fraaly below theus tu exteud hir uperations and( grow a if will mautain good ventilation thronghi surplus for market after nsing aIl they the potatues. TIse slatted fluor may ha nised at home. To axtend thse ardlen made of scantliug two hy tliraa juchas, pro- grow somae maîl fruitsï a few at fisst, and perly supported by a frama, or oS uarrow the» increasa tIse amount as.tIse imarket re-, stripe of plank t fou adga. TIse distance quiras, je thse easy and natural way taý dis-, apart sbould nul ha su great as to alleu, the continue grain farming, wbich belongs semaller potatues te ali through. Scs nchiefyl Ieceprlad Sts ut apartment as this wil ba ound valuable on Nortbwest. As soon ashSrurde is the several accounîts. Even where potatoas ara ifinsie h as more land thanho -eu eithoer INVNIET'IE GOLDIEN. A City of Witehery, of Romance, of Poe- try asud Dresms. %CENES ON TUNE GetAN-D '.tN A 1-DELiGr.T 0F 1[DIX FLOAtiNG A5ONGTUSE FA-; OUS WATIRtRy. .As yauapproach 'Veicu ýyau s1hle up tIa easy Ad1riatie sud yonr swiSt siîip scýarcaiy culs tIse sur-face oS tlIeseca. TIe uily waveus do nul b)reaýk mb o on as your ,p row p- arts them, but wavu olds upon wave ha îranqtjil, unprotestiug curvas oS fluent tanacity. Little flache ofishemman gatbered bare sud there in graupe oS s dloz.en or tweuty catch tIsa ligIsI o? esrly aumise u ipon tbeir tiuted salis sud Chu suinlighit.Salle upun lIse ses, eoltenad hy s veil of iiinated miel. TIsera are-nu outiues anysybere; tIsera is nu defi- nilian. Iis ah va.gne, esyl, saîicfying sud sansuons. Peopla araeilting for ]aud, 'but fbay sea nana. Yel Sar away taOtIse leSt1tIera je a dim gray affect that le lIse nearest thhug lu a lina visible. A s yuua watcb il il hecomas lacs dim aud aiso lese gray. Il is -touched as if iif a dainly linge ut rase. le il landi? NO; if la a dity. You can scetosers lifting tbasu- selves caboya lIshe iuain mass, sud yeu can sesa Ilsaf _tIse sain mass le made np o? varions edifices. It le nut land. Il is Venice. 1And as yeu watcb tIse dihy grow tîpon yon1 r sigbl yon are canscions ouuiy oS varia. Imons lu colar, for lIse ses shadas Srom pumple la robin'c-egg bina. TIse sicy aboya le pure cemuiesu or ultranilarine, wIsiie at tIse horizon aa lse elina oS 'tIsacity 1h saSfaens ho lIse Sainteet roay ligIsI that tIse eye eau perceiva s a culot', sud lIse uuy liSe, sud that a lazy aneae s loggisb fiebing-boats, pîcf sres- que wilIs cinusy formea and tawny saîls. HaiS au bout' o? ail l is sud you.ara at anchor aI tIsaend a? tIse Grand Canai, 15 you wsmst la enjoy.Venle don'l loucb a guide-bookt. You dou't wsnhta Ieknow any fuels -and thse guida-bocks arer mareiy cata- lugues offsets. PRusekin le a guide-book ini Venica. Ha wiil telf yon lu axtraordiuat'y detail tIse mesuiug oS a lot ofStcories, wili me a liChle lilte giviug yau a dictionary wheni yasu want la read poetry. Let youreelf live lu, il; ur,in tIsa wordc oSf valt Wlsitmanjust "lus? suad invite yuur coul." You will find iitisaIlie real Venice le noftItse part that le set dioffin luthlIe catalogue o? cigIstesuad shows; but, un tIse couhraty, alltIse i-est- ail tIsaI part a? il tIsatIshe catalogues hsave beau unabla ta gracp sud write down. If yon w-are ta hava a bathlinu cama divine,- sud fanions rivet', sud baIe wihh you a treatise on lIse philocopby oS balbing, you wauld neither numeand tIsa Ireatice nor anjoytlIe bath.- And Vanice la lu Ibis ceusa s river oS tIesaesul wIsicIsappeale bas tei uuderstauding tIssu la ather alemeuts of us- fume. Float âan Ibis Ismor ou thse Grand Canal, by day or uigbf,witb silence or wilIs sonnd-Sor tIse sonnd le mostly u'usic---and 3you may bave bours uS deligbt. 'Pictureeque wais-waiis oS tIse ancient days, beautiful witb aIl lIse graces oS archi- tectural Ssncy, quaint witIs tie devices o? a 7paesed astay liSe, dignified by ail tIse traces oS tIs anad oS lime; walis tIsaI araelIse fronts of tIse serias of-sombre or magnificent pal-' ssin which ws e valoped tIse drama of >Ihe lfe oSflIse Venetian peuple-Ibis is wbaî prasaus tse liSou aither lmand, stregchisîg away Isafome you ila sperspective ainfent witb surprises in lIse nasses oS palaces. And Ibase walls arae eparated by tIse strau of ces.-wat,'r tIsaI je green, blna or goldeni as tIse Iumor oS tIsa liglîl varies. And down 1 bis sîram, hetweeuthae a llc, you gide switly sud su? tly, witut evan tIse con- selousese oS suy effort, witliouitIshe labor- ing oar, wibont tIse fuesy propaluer oSflIse lancb, wilhutIshe intrusive eau-vas o? a sail. By a mare twist oS tIse baud, oStIse silent goundolier behInd you yeu go onward in s dresm, in virtue of inward v-liion ouiy-floating- in a dlazzling worid, tIsa vamy almusphere o? wbiciaisasturatad wif h ail tIsaI dalights tIse soul-fiuiad with poetry, hicýtamy, romance ; sithilbal tuaI is noble, witb ail tIsaI feedesudsatiafies lIse imnagi- na,1tion. TIsis le Venice. And in all Ibis ttIsre s asauce oft'es t ; as if one u55d reach- cd tIsa goal o? a piigriusagc witbout aveu icnowiug lIsat lie wae a piigrim. fiera fIse ambroidared fabrie oS history sud romance enralis itef hefome yon, som- bre wsitb tragie slains aI une place, .gsy aI suothar wiIh colore tIsaI bomrow tIsait'hue fromt that lightin luyaur awn liSe luï wIicI you firet ssw tIse story pidtured. Hèeai a ssindow frous s blis If is passible Dese- mous lu tIs weet sud faim days o? girihoad lookad outtsupumi lIe comman Venetian worfd of that lima-Sur Ibis bouse, îIsey eay was tme ibouse of Brabanîlo. The Sabbath Ohime, On Thy comupassion 1 repose In NveasÀness neldistrees; 1 will1 net ask fat' greatar case, Lest I shusulellova Thea leos; O'CÉis s blessed týhing for me Ta neod Tlhy teuderuess! TIsy lova bas mni aslighteiýpath 1l1a outuvard oye eau trace; And muy heart sets The iii the detip, WiCh darkness on its face, And comîmunes witIs The'miel the 'suorin. As in a secret place. When 1 amu feablea s schilel, And flesh sud haart giva way, Thers amiThy avarlasting st'augtb - With passive trust 1 stay, Anthelb rougIs wind becoeris asang, 'l be darkness shines like day. TIsera us nu deatb fot' se ta fear, For Christ, my Lord, bath died; GAIN ~ONE PO U NO AG A Daày. A GAIN OF ArOuND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN wHÇS;inAsBSCEc "A ýL THAT RE'MARKAEL.E FLESN PIIODUCE i, OF PURE COD LIVER CIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda is NoTaiING uNUSUAL, THI-S SEAT HAS BREN PERFORMED OVES. AND OVES. AGAIN, PALATÀBLE AS MILE. EN- nasRD BY PSIYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EssuLSION mc PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON CC 105 WRAiPERPS. SOîn SI' ALL DEUG. GISTS AT 50C. AND $1.0o storad wben wat, they w ilsOon becoma - luare or culttu af e as it slsoufld be. W\ at- dry, and.vlieu they bappen ta e muiiddy, ai er liaselle, fat it ha lu coma ana who wiil tIse upwurd current oS air soon dries tIse cultîx-ata and manunra tlioroýughly. TIse high uud sud causes if lu suafe off wlreu they prica of garden land quickly r aisas t ie price ara mioved thse nexf timie. uS ahl farniing lande inhe e ighIlhond It je well worth while for tise fariner lu that need only baffer manuiiring sua clt' a pruvide sncb an aparfusesf, large enough tu tion ta ha made equafly productiJve, Isoid a few hundred buebels, or as inuch as hae cummonly raises for hie homne use. TIse potatoas may bc' eîorad three or four feat dure for liard Tirm, thick and hae ufficieutly ventilated. WVhen 1 frous uaceesity tIse tubers bave hecume A Naw-Ham-pshire f-armrilsays, that mnddy and are in danger -of rotting rom while a arne free rom dabt wel] iuaaged this cause, a thinner stratnm îuay ha wasb- affortis aIl the nacassaries o? liSe and1nsny, ed by daehing on wàfer, sufficiaut d - - ngo? ifs ixuries, il i ej e nu luh cf1a1sed amonig immediateiy îaking place, audd rang hie institutions for îuaking munecy. Farus- great degrea baiug pravenfed bhyfis eopera- er d t ne ac o',ali sb tien. tfaa bey ara unabia teu makie much. I1 Wben tIse slated floor apartinent ~tafnt seeig1 apry ha provided, the saina principle înnnot tWhere ivealth accuraulates snd ii dicy' ]Can anon mgieiLtacaiiyt adopted lu a more imperfeet naniiar. Pofes nn mgmewbîaclsiyi or ecsutling or rails may hae laid a few incIses would ha if tIse busC of isnented armiers apart utn a barn fluor, and bruslh, narruw- wera tu be talten froru their fariuseaisud placad huards or coarse coru-foddar laid'acrose as in dIses occupatious ltIsa greak- cilles, a sLpport for tIse potatues, a partial ventila- 1tIsera to malte aliving; ora' 1îniftfiy wareý tiusssmi gtupoied hswlanswer !Put thora in their younger daye before they heiu îus ptvidd. ms wli a oSbadl famil ms te support and grow up with for asil crup, ur wben there je dangeroftIse cily ? How many wanuld ha as 'well off Trot b eetmsexeton as îhay, are ous their fareto-day ? Nul une tstaeamay bsoeijiesaexcaetins f0 in a housand woufd bava evetr rsen aboya tIs sttemutswhih w bae nadasu e-day wagas, sud tIsatIimeans just about a istion te tIse lime oflisarvesting thse cSup, eatlvn o but as a general rmie, appîyiug la mos uet y lvngfr e mal il.TIsera te loclitesandlu ue sufstIe lme orn,-, business lu the world iiuwich a muan ie diggiug sbould bie eariier tIssu many farmers asuroac ptecihalaanbae bave adopîed, and tise practica wonld easd af al snd any energy, ais iný agribultuýral ta ear]ier pianîiug, and te umitting tise u e raIlselve ? oe ames aiigo? very laie varietias and late crups. I stu iiitelvso oief"lps -a ibayCum vao.wiveesund dauigbters are a dumîl routine and ny ý'tltivatr.tlier pleacures few sud far ba,)tweesu ; but hI;is lal wronig aundescs, suid ail their points in Pos1tiVy Keeping. tow1 fantw1 a arae wveessLasb 1 '- smehers p tryýut litou ýf their "For 40 years,'" sy.s Dr. C. C. Greenj, ith )tivePs by dioing worlt iouf suif d lu their ual- ocLasjonal interruptions. " if as beau m iy ure, awno n man NorChy of the niame vwould fortune as boy and inu f care for poultry, allow cucisinige. I woufld as ý snse my and coma experieucesl have gatfuared durinz! wife ehouldertIse ax ant i sarf for theawoods these years I pruposaeîîow teCa male public as utu allow lier Co milIe, churu,katautter for ail wbo are inlarested lu tIse>ialter, aud Saed pigs, and inany o;thaibmtiii which for convenieuce calte 1 wifl airange the ats miany farmeis' wives'do, and itL is ofteni con- under diffrent Ieade: fanded iidoasuîrt burt theiu a bit" J (l is- 1. Hans, if properly kepi, ara a source aS contented farinera put mura emurgy lui tbeir profit an'd comforf luetisa awner. work, mura pride in hir surr our.ding sand 2. Thse aggs dan ha jncraase'1i iusze and miauner of living, a greater rgr for tIsa richuase by propar eeding oS thea owls. J casa and coufort of tIse emale pt tiemno? 3. Thay reqsire a variafv oSf fod, anîd hir faif le3, and my word for il yoa wiif get axuessively tired of une ltind. Isear very litliamure about bard imi, es. 14. TIse agg coatains aimuef all tIsa constit- neufs oS tIse Iaman body, and banco flua heu muse have a variety of food tu construct Tianspianting Ra-re shrnibs.. Virks .againetells Isow ta transýplanit ,5. No ther product of animual or yoga- choica sbhrubs and tracs safely as olows : table liSe crintains substances exacfly like M ny ompiain .of losing sfîrubs sua1d large tIse albumen and yollt aS an egg. pis tc ecaived by express, as ail tise soifil 6. TIsebais ceases isyiug wbeu imiproperly taltea "ou tIsa roats baeora tbey aure se n t fed or whan iu a diiuasedl condition. 1Don'C s'ait until tIse sbrubs ara ý recajvad he- 7. Tbay raquire a warns, cdean, properly Sre y' ni prapare tIsa hed for dIsem, but as s antlatad bouse for siinter months. soon as tisa order is sentf rakle preparations 8. If, by negiaut, varmius infest tIsa bird for theis. Do nul oniy rausuovetlise lt) opsi roosts snd bouse, tbey sbuuld at once ha ,v-hre tIs ruhe, are taetand, buit spade tIsa removed, as tiîey ara deleterlous luestha wbota bcd deep sud add a fliserai qualsiititv o? heaifh of these friands of man. svll-rottadl manure and l eaf 'uid (rif c"an 9. TIsa droppinge aifliasesho unid bc oc ha obtaiuned) and nmix tbrougly : astd wheu casionaily raînoved. TIsey sbould netbl h Ie sheube arriva planýthlIe same as y-ou alowed ta accamulale. Tise flours ehould i would yuung fruit treas. NoticetIse m,ý ark ha covered with loam or samîd. Ilshawingbowv deep tbey ivare pinfed before, 10. As liane raquira a great deal Of walerarnsd prepare ta set theni a itle deaýper, this drinlting nly a small quantity ai a finie, ii fihne. WaVt tIse route n a bualtat of water, cbould ha supplied abundant]y sud ieept, Diz tIselisolas deaper tIssutIse rI rquire, dlean sud fresb. sud pour lunivater su that tIse ground hbelaw il. As lIsay raquira and munst have cara wilf bu mulet mammy suchses. Afle -t 1is a water horate and phosphata of lima for their sheli, cailles place came maunre lutlIsa Isolnansd if mutbegivenfham ilu uîstiuted quantitias ovcr this au inch or two o? s:oi1; 1lift thse and iu tIesanot couvenient namnar Sur îhem ebrub tram tIsa buckzet of water Lud genîiy ta pik sud swailow juta thiaitcrups. lay the wet rQoute inpositjin.heimsg carçfujl I2 Tbesa sequiremenfe wiii ha foud li nul to break tIseuel euder rotLs'. âý tthy aid piasering, broltanoyster shahls, sud, hast are just as important ase lIe larg'e anas. oS ail, in fresb boues, wif thsiomaoStisa ASîr they arealsf arrauged as nasýriy as gristie sud meat attacisad. Il should be eut possible in tIesainam position as "! a-y wera ai a log witfî a haîciset every day; tIsa strifa befure sppinle fine soil uvar tIsa, i,, sd miada byfowls togel a'î ifwbeuoffered tîsau then fil up tIse bale witI tIsa soitu , rSsin1g will piainfy prove lu youu ht tIsey lika and it duwn vary firmiy about tIse ruaIS, Now, neadit. TIse iistincetIsteheu,ilusummer dut bac e tolps lunlIse saie praoî,tion as with a pruper range, will teacb bier what sud thse routebave been disturbad orbren where ta collect tIse variety a? food required. sud ivater traaiy. 1 bave fau-nd is t, nethod Iu winler, svhen Iousai, man muet suîpply perfectly satisfactory, sud out of 1,_' hardy it lu rhem. fiewaring sbrubs, planfad in uoue year, oiy 13. TIse applicatiamn uf suipiser sprimsled t wa died, sud lIsey uvare very frai]1 si'cklv- upon tIse fuwis wbif a rousting or otherwîse lolting uitile affairs wIien tIsay 'vre raý wlth a pepper-box wif 1 dastroy vermin. ceived Isy express wiII sesvaral larga'oies. Coal ail appliartluthue rouatsisnieall quan-_____ tities will also Iiil parasites. Two or hrea draps o? wbale oil dropped odcaially on n 'Re fIse IacIe o? a hien or ayother bird wil Ieil glands- euoel Duty or. Tea. tIsa lice. A litila uver a million panade sterýling je 14. TIse esf nust uccasionally hae re- tIesus aur Tresury l'estlest year ihrough newad sud kept cdean. Straw je Ietter tIse i-duction of the duly un tlasfron'w Gd. Ca tIssu Isay. Tobacco stemus covered witb 4d. a pound. As tisa doneumiiption a? o tea sfrsw le an excellent preventiva oS insact- previoiselu ihe redulction -,as si rauind breedieug, eepecially wiîau tIey are sitting. figures 179,OOC,000 pounde avuirduipoîs, tIsa 1~5 WIsen clucking sud nat needed for, lues, o? coursse, would hava-beau greater but n 's)theis tIsa qnicltest wsyto stop fbïr cbicIe for tha increaaed damaud wbieb invariabiy en-iaishng dasira le tu put thens in boxes or ?ollow a decreased impositioni. TIseasturai cages wifhouul sy lbing to lay upu.' except lucreasa frani fuie causa ivas raîbar more lIse huard, tIssu 23,000,000 pounde wigh, or a, 11111e 16. A ew fowls lu saparala pans are nucb mare tIssu l2ý par cent, If le ciiirl1,1ne l mare profitable sud more aasily kapi Isaatby nota that lu 1835, wîeu lthe duty raugad tIssu lu large numbars. -frum 1l8d. te 3s., accardiung ta lIse quality 17. Tbuy require sud muet hava in winler oS tIse article, tIse amount natted b y tIse green food, sucb as grass, turnips, heats, or revenue fromthue source staod almiost ax- cabhage leaves.. actiy at tIsamne figure as ut lIse preseut 18 TIse tamparalure o? a caap sbouîid net moment, wben'ail kinde oS teaspsy aniy 4d. ha ailowed lu ha lower tIssu 45 degreas in On th&e supposition that tIse good tbiuags oS wîuter, sud sbould hae muet o? tIse lime up Ibis life ara equally sbared out--whicb, la 60 dugrees. aise, fis anly a snpposition-every mant, wu- 19. Corn sud wbeat midlings, cornunu- man, sud cbild among ne now causuines fiva ground, oas, breaa nd other lope frein tIse sud a alS pounide' wigbtof teas a yaAr. CONSU M PTION Thse success of tbis Great Cough Cure is tvithout a parallel in thea history ofaichie. All druggists are autborized to sellili on a pot. itive guarantee, a test that no other cure car.i -Uc- cessfully stand. TIsat il may become ltnown, thse Proprietors, at an enunnous expense, aire placing a Sample Bottle Frée uto every hoLme in the United States and Canada. If you haxve a Cough, Sore Throat, or Brouchitis, use -' 1, 'for it will cure you. If your child bas the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relie f is sure. If you dread tIsat insidious diseasa Consumption, use it. AsIe your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price Io ets., 5o çts. anid $r.oo. If your Lungs are sora or Bac ie lame, use Sh;loh's Porons Plaster, Price 25 etS'. Whe 1say cre donpot meffl m-cto v I for a tine and ton hav. theca ret.rn jai, radical rare. 1 liane aode th. di-- ùS ttEPE or FÂLLISOS 5ICINE55 a i'e-iog tdy Icirn My remedy to ruree iv orst asc.v oco teshs faîled la nreason for flot now rc Àitic.- L i- ai oceoratreatise and aF r terynkte rcnîed . oee EXPRESS and PoS'T 02 C V-. G.& oTM C. 186 A D ELD, W EST,RONTO, bNT. Sick Ileadache and relieva ail the troubler iniý(ï- dent to a bilions state of the systern, sucli as. Dizziness, Nausea. Drow'siniess, Distrets aSter eating, Pain lu the Side, &o. 'rVlile their mnoat remarkable succeas has been shown inuc uriný9 Headache, yet CARTFE'-,LUT-rLa Livra Pîufi ara equaily valîrable ilu Constip-ation, -uritit and preventing this annoyingomant.wb they also correct ail disorders of th sonac stimulate the liver and regulate the bov eU~ Even if they unly curad Ache they would be almnost priceless ta thsas. a-ho sufer fromi this distressing compll)iait; but fortunately their gooduess doos not endl here, and thosa who once try them will Slnd these little pis valuable la so mnany ways that they * t ot be willing ta do vîihout them,. Eut a7ter aiàll siclt head la tise banle of so many lives that bore fis wler. we mnake our great boast. Our pille cuireIt, while others do ual. CARTER'5 LiTTLE LIVERaPOILS are very small and very easy ta ake. s r w iLa ae a dose. Tiey are stricf[y Zvegetable au"do flot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action plesse ail who use them. ,lu vials at 25 cents, live for $1 Sold averywhere, o'sertby maiL. Chlldren CrY for Pltoher's Castoria, or dastro. Rail is essenlialtoamon. rl, i i ltIse has rete f rsc90h1 o O5î- l, Rest may ha emiporaro'yuîseurity, bo o r Lo? if mien cousi wiim brigisI sud lueky ideas, as day spriusgs ont of? igbt. ONTARIO BANK '0"îneslado s Canerai Batsking Business ilwuuvleAgaucy. DEPOSITS Rec 3tved ln SavînEs8 Bank Departinent and on cell and lnteresî aiiowed at current rates No fLOtcé0f wthdrawal necoesary. Alcepomite Payablie on demand, EXCHIANGE 13 git and soid and Draftasouedulpon Europa United States and Canada,also Gaid,Sflver and Ualled States Groembaekgbüuoejsî and sold, COLLECTIONS Ptr rnîll made et carrent rates lapon ail part of Great lrittaln, lise United States ana uha DO tulnfon ofOanada. Telegraph Transfers M 8c for large or emalilauma n ailt1 art aS, Lunada, Tis la Is pecliy adv&ntageous ta Fert'tifl living ln Manitoba or thseNortis. est if a-a kes tise fonds available St once a55 lIe Paeo a Ouyliient. 0f ber partieniars cail ai fIs basmk. T. ttRODTE: ORO. AMcGILL, .LCOOTntaat.Mainage JOHN SPENC ERS; VETERINARY SURGEON, JIOWV1AN VILLE, ONT. F'OR .I nseot Stings Sore.Eyes Eruptions, Sore Feet S ore nIess-N> ý Chafina Never have fine goods sold for lower prices than we are now rnaking on Ladies', Gentlemnen's, Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. Corne see and wonder at thé,' value we give. 'Fine goods and plenLy of 'them. You ara sure to find what you 'want. Corne in 'and see the hest of everything in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, c. Relfiable, Trusty, Serviceable Goods rnarked at Rock Ë_n Prices. 49. Sigu of the-Big Boot drawn bv Two fiorees. COMPOUND BRONCHITES 136 Lexingon Ave. Newi York City, Sept. 19, 1888 I have naed tIse Fier Seed Emnulsion lu arverai cases of Chrouic l3eoncbitis, sud tbe early stages of libîhîsis, ansd have heenvieil pleased wîrb the resnlis. 1 bave usuid yn rulinl aeo 'si (censuuptieui) wib beuriciat resusts, si-rrr patient couid net use Cod Liver Oitli amiy foresn. J. H. DROGE, M. D. NERYQUS PROSTRATION jrodyNkY ,Dec 2 th 158 1 cen str" yrcmmmdFa edFEm.ilion as ' ipulta the relief sud pcssibyte cre af ail Lung, Lrouichiat and Nervous Affectionst, sd a good ge.- eral tonic mu physical dehilty-. JOHN F. TALMAGE,M.D 1 egard Flax Seed E Y k2 asgratly puperor ta tbm Cod Ljvar oul Emuisions so 'aIe inl use. D., A. GeO.RTO(YN, M. D. 17 West 8 ItIs St W New York., Aug6 ,IS I have used yriur f'laur-Seed Ernulaien Comipoundt iu a severe çase cf Mal-ututrition andth te resuit was more than boped for-il vice marvelons, and COu- tinuuou. I recomuendiit ebterfully tombe profession idint euamyet large. M. H. GILBERT, 2J.1). SoId by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX-SEED EMULSION C0. 85 Liberty St., New Yerk B11u SINESSCHANGES beg to announce to the people of Bow- manvîie and surrounding country, tha-t 1 have bought out the Tin and Har- ness Business formierly carried on by L. GEO. QUICK, and intend to carry on ihù~ same %business -in. the samne -place. Miy person requiring anything in either uine wilI do well to give me a cati and compare prices before buyîng elsewhere. You rnay be sure of, gettîng gondi gools at right prics. Eavetroughing done away down Particultlar attention given to furnace work. We would Ïbe. pleased to refer you to somie of the'iollowing whio have had furnaces in for years, and can, speak of their qualities- J. B. Fairbairn', Esq., Thos.ý Paterson, Esq., Sam'1 NeConnachie, Eq Francis Bleakley, Esq., John MeClellan, Esq., J. J. Magon, Esq., John MeMurtry, Esq., J. A. Johnston, Esq., Mrs. D. Galbraith, Mrs. Moorcraft. P. S -We stili have the reliable Humuphrey in the Ilarness Business