a rusieeat lu tise siade o! auntin'- IVIAi> irE E R S <C)U T.ussep:lmn. Tiseligisewre îianth air wssreointwth perfume. OJ..OAGIt.Dr. A. BE1TH. GradLu M D E E R S O RT ýseAV vantlate of the Royal 1 ste 0fthe Toronto xaie.lkefryadeitnt'sh A lloige o Pysca j Uiersity, ,.hy'.î an Yes or tise isuci o!fnhatsnnw A Rital cllage of Sur. lurgeon, &c. BY MAiRIOiN ~U~4I iAynaebr. u sons. Ediuburgh. iCAPE I asinseloeamc eîsayVoc brisw "Yneold't indulge in f1attery, Mymo 1511. DlUE & LflM'il~, Homefras aforegu ber. tar su,,e svas teoblustha.thseue dreaus e ofci,"she rephîi, uat-smilinigiy, hait- sen D R S I U I 'IIAN U R E J NE TC. r nafc ei',s or . isfe W as te cail ber bis own. reprovingly. I I haci iopec tisat witb hT i A.-YIIA S Ofie -So.CU RciGsuL Tace Howv cruiel1 smweet are the echoeSthat start, Seiainyr emc eeje ehmaiei rs yen ould overconê tlsis W ak-vent fItS.V.h e cis eC1sttended f rom r. illiers hnmîur asa 04tn n tbe tissuluthat iheur &as she set there il ei ssetyuscu yir h aieir rssid ~heart." - olwst re ihts soigî als iibie, 'I fear. Tinie lias net ebUigeci Yen wls W, 0. 1HILIEn, M. D. hvec]i eisuss.tn5t e elu Vs e et," r B. LÂmmimM5 MD. C. M. Trin. Univ- sici Mrs. Charteris, gayly. "Macige Bara- full aun -the swsset, upturusci face. Sie "Netl sis'iig, fdui. I ia i Fellow oci Trin, Med. Colage, ceurt salis fer hoei on the I 5th. Yen were 'Sesni a eature. frous some purer realus otinsrethns lliý1plal7, Member coll, Phys. Srg., ont. au olci frisîscioet ers, if 1 reusember righlty, thia]lis ; tl i asc, noVworthy oetlher, aud yet paiways be a'hopsiese case lu yeur syco- n sud e wih Vs ret e us illblacit e weuld have goes irougis fine or floo " isafac e nseye hne e i Da. J. V. MITCHIELL~,an owtth etouswlbc91ai fads-ane hngfrî HaM BER 0F COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS wsleome lier home." win lier, tise better," she anl'wered, suslingiy. an sd Surgeons, Ontario, Çoroner. etc. Frauk Dnrward's bauidsoie facs briglit- But it wss net te he. Kindiy lut flemly Auis lhje u er ea the Offine sud Reidence. Enn skilieIi. 7.susci for tise msoment, sud tissu as euddsuiy sogseliraywr.Ads ihjs ndmryrpre, resnsci tsavntei xprsson "Frgrciss ercis et 1V he asethougis tley wiiled avvay tise few bniet usests. ýr 1 InarRRE SIMPSON, rsmdiswn epeso.JgkOtiser couples silon came strolii)inl, sud b B LIISIRSOICTO, c.M HeI Iswae a usan o! hirty yeas e pnlaps. tbeyaverneyr -epinn.I ebîl a*vsy 51.00K, upstairs, King Street. Bownian- raViser distingulesheci iooking, wlth regular he yenr ieîd hhS.aswlbynen og(4rr-ho nsfliwd u er vill. Solioltor for the Ontari Bank features, sud a long, droeping blonds mueu- we Il s om dYyen wîi sinu tMcgwh a eb isprurl i y rÏyâte NonfV8 loaned aet ha iOWa3, rats tache. T'[looL tisat fer an instant hle this lcitime îancy wlbilcousjDý ;eesît Iss a tîsetsigluGead {yrss shone ilu hie deep blineesyés wsset lestrun omen sili provoe was but a uistaken es mi îe n ia FikDn Gvard reesutc-iS il n M ,Cliantenis. Sue ws L een observ rý, tr al." lm'-ý-kDradrsne:i e MCNE UTO F RF R i. wasenone Soievas Vs ret ens w-,ho feu qjuits sure et hL-c T IONSED AUC IONE ER FO eu whofouci bnie natre naet i ter nsigh t ermite ase euf ie estinsipize, sciwelbreok ne rival. Frou tisho LJ the Cuunty o! Durisam. Sales eitended eting tudy.tengtettntslaeo!fvyir. e n shortesi notice adlws ae. des I o ueyhv e ootnMaigo," [bis le knew ai least, that ne etiser hiilususîiliecenceis cd s bsarty cuilLkefor Ccuancucl P. 0. 36:tV slle acideci, iooking np isilis an arci ,s'il,,er ieldciths place iii bis*beari that 'Maciige t-uai -' ,lk wihee eee sml P'~U'nO Tuned ud Eepared. asd insstaily uetimîg hs effect etflier wni.Eailt-,ourt onelles lield . Tiseyears haciVmeweu n P(j"anosTune andRepare. " Fergotten! Ais ! ne, Mne. CisarËtcrisý- brougisitheil Changes. He s Isaci ueeoe An iosar or se ister, jusi boires t'as guests That would be impossible atter elles heving mmaring ciilteunci bis princely fortune teck tisir departure, Macige Lacis 'our wase ffARTIES WISHING THEICIRPIANOS hacitise piesursetf meting Ier." lnsisWpiaay. No longer cealci lie aisiedesimd. e ietscebevcon er i ýLTuned orre reah--toraine Vr ruiysiiMr. turwveec. But li-,e ise idie, simîesselite et olci. Se lis ' adct e crisent n etho i lia D to y eaving word at the DOMINION ORQÂN te oet t dp i h ato syn isew i eeg buns inss ret tue hoFclEBow"'snviile Afrs lan m an u ye're u adpt usi isale tun i e aing b-ýgu bise l areerasjnior panerisif ervi, twîc heeepestd1e pGlsauatingn uciiMacge ëîi lsss eseal else. It -vs'& îkh mezzo-soprano.. Song nep uoweelg I thiremvoy ________mncbiourg hetore 1illset yeu, andcitîset, let eîty. BOUIT. TOIN<, V. S. mse ses, vas ueanly fis-e yeaes ege. 'Jr seeinls A fnylice trniy, aud yet on tue wbeie atter song was caileiti, anul nîaîy weie tori aage sines Me'lge wenit av ay, dees't litfai- mers satlstectory tissu tise elchlldbeem. thewe nIgofra saicione est, sd tisefgu O FFICE IN THEEWEST DURIIAM Ifrt i e shah find iber wencieuyee oîpîsuedIfetilsrs lisisface witb dark cyse oâ ht k f' i turastadth ou ONl b odfews inlca.mer to 9 el! r aitanlsupes.1er veice wss sonstsigfer f Ilitted acretlsbis memory, the wor awas apyto1goo1-1y i t residencedirectlyoppcsite Drill Sised. lsao eth rdinary, adnwaftrai h-et hes'-ee dcpat asuie e bfnieptratngit esuetid tisedb h vy telegraPhs Or telePisone aili recels-e Prompt yase.uiiaimweS 1ls -i ped~'~ ~ ~ ~ L tns us husbdcIl~sdgn.s attention 51yr asni-lin cmeand-b0e.ca et ennifiîlitleuiglmtingale pape ssdoeu l' barhsk te hlm, rocalîsci hy osligli h oewse i ieah uic idu tA . êE er. I wes eiways a meet 1sîdent as hs odsr, et violets, by -a sno Ilelv hc etogtbre In, A U TIO E A, A.PTO I E I , o t ounl acge, yeu n c now; sd non- I , a n u s Lerein of m usip t ailia sa heen e'tlcfrir5jtelite enes m e, breught eck frein ane UsTOEtE Aen, ABowmslE, ORau ouigVscyseorbrrtuu en lu tiat Sunsmier et long eg"Lo. Ais it- grave hy tise toiichet a woman's hald, ett Faeatte ge a ntp&rîowmPvie nce ixuats waeu l ie tbonLgt: hy:tbie glances eta psu o! Jerk syes. Oh! cul - 1c3atnedI n atfrrvne maintly as a lover.'i"-usa-httelasekî1nabeti s ibt ciwes pleasant te nI-calu etfler-to cer _________ iSe u hr peasut spigitl nilinr ýj e maniýn ti- ,rrowful bac eth, reçic-ienevery -word suddenile, hi Cîateris, taîkeci en te hli n cepanion, bei wh\\ c1v-rts lots1cjn ,otbevu.atpertepains"Lnttie A. A. PO Tai ieugtls ther calerswaersennoLiunced n a ncioifihii or onaey, detsg [ h aerdpsitr ng A WHITECT. tlîeir tete-&-a. sudny etstan ho. 'Thzeci elowcLyenrnreDion tî'satllpi-e!ler-zjr Plans sud Specifica- sndsni caus tgausisitheme ay rlîwiugFraiL iînyodusal ec -t3liens prepared for every cisss o!flbuilding. Aous wiîlî lier huebsuci laieý that sveniug 01, Mrs. Chateris, lie waes rddeîîiy called I iets wrdt aiyn is Special attention given lu heating by steami Mrs. Charteric seenseci Sony quiet, like eue awcy on a long jeunnsy. Certain busn sine. (Te RE (eNTIIDFI.) fte sund hot water. sud lu sanitary arrnzemento.lu deep study. isatters in tise West requinsc i s insmediats hi( O)ff1ce: GOrrie Block, Wisitby 43-ly "Wiere are yeur theeglits, littîs omi?" presemîco P saciWiu ntiig ie ilggsouething A usontlî passeci by ere lhe wae enableciVoTh ngiss nonJak IR ,P A E ut are asith bis clsaruing aite. returl. , Ta lor Il 'vabeen thiuking et Macige and Frauk On the iiit ot bis arrivailise founl Tlse olci reci cross et St. George, ton Eîsg- nc GentleMen'S Ciothes Made to Order. Duravard. Do yen' Luow, Wili, I îaucy severai invitations awaiting hlm, olse to a land, on abwite gruni liad neceiveci, et SO tisee muet have been sometbing o! a romances hall gis-on tisai sveuiug by Mes. -Celonel it ime cfthtie- union aitis Seotlaud, the un, ietwesn these twe. Macigewaasusaen qeito Devinue. erss5e t. Aisirews, fer that coutry-a E' RU rI ~ Vsehese atten tisat sumusrer et Mt. Doset, ils iad baît decideci tereusain et hou-l. cosa-iinatunslly feulues e adiagonal ti' D E NM T I I ; liii' Semuthiug caes htwsen tissusdoubtîes Affirs e! hs ind halîsonsehow lest tlsir ,positiels ou ntise flag. It was sheavu white ba thougis at it avas I couici neyer imaginse. eharus, but Wili Rayîssond, su olci acqîain- omna bline greuni. fise cross et St. Gere- h -Frank bas cisengeci greaily et lats years - bas tance, cisanceci te drop in juet tissu, sud, re-insineci oser alliluits olci positien, sopar- en Udevoted i ismesf su cîuseiy te business te reibn o~,seifents .wbn ruc yasrpe s tise gay Society avorîci sees but littie o! hlm. Atter inucis persuasion hoe finaily yielciedl white. Witis Vhe union witls Irelancamceui - Ihave ofien ulouglt viat e cliarsing and ais heur later fumi bilsa witiste reet oethtie invention, o!tise cross of St. P-atrick, ati couple he sud Madge vweuld maLs. Do yen the gay world et tIse paatial lieseoe Mrs. dJiagonal res, like St. Audrew's but reci ou g Lnow I would enjey îîoiiing better tissu te Colonel Devine, vs ruc. Tusse two diagonal crosses t] bnngtiss aso oether." IVavas înnly a usset brillientgât1hening t es precedences lternately, which bringsel'i "Wiat a veritcable niatelîmaken yen Tise airavec heavily pertumeci aithis areth white above tise reci at tise heist, or be are '" sai Wili, esilinlgly. "lYeni wili exoties, sud strains o! sxqnisite msusiec amle parts uext tise staff, tise reci aise-stise white gr nmavali rest comntent, I tancy, till ail your fioting ini frein tise haîl-rous. Frank Dr at thec fly. or parts !urtissst trous Vhs flag- tui O. 4A R NDE N L. . fi ssha'oîbre o iemtio i i aiti bisisotee o n, to bc separaed froinsthe bine greunc ini j Eadiet ofhetoyl Ohig o Drmtl And is it sitauge, dear? I bave foun tîc i -Iliihis tanitlCesevenîung suit belavas leok- by a stnip etfashile. Ah etf aîsicis lecon- ec Sigeons, Ontario. sncb pleasaut eailiîg usysrît that neîturally mng bis test to-nigbt. ils seemeciquite likel i:ely expressecinluths Order et Counil: Cu 0 PICS OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. I want othere stoîoloa my examlpe," asas Vise Frank Durward et olci as hoe stooc tisere 1 Tise uninfiag shell ho azure, tise crosses h GIOLD FILLINO A SPECIALTY tise smiîiug repîy. exchssugin)g tise icils compliments et tise 1si tire o!--Si. Audrewavnsd St. Patrick sl &nTIFICIAi TFEE INSERTED WITHOUT Meenaviils is bis luxunions iacielor boni-. Se tsossght bis beetese, wVaiseus I quarliterly per saltins, conutercheniged argent er PLTSspantussuis st Frank Duravard desp luinse liaci lways Iesu s favorite. i thinie ie latter fimbnieteiofethtie second, br reverie."I waes haît-ainai yen woulnl net lbe siinoiunVed by tise cross et St. George eftil c"etPLÂTRe. revonis.m a legt Ilit tehrd mbat ste ,lr. n ~~~lrsat Reduct~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in u rice on al Dents Se sue %as.scouiug isek again, Caring br, h sc ohm iint;"ta-statid ibitc sts a ie' W~k alie icnîtyl s PrÔ freinoverthVisea, hs girl avhoînhlie d gttngs lt 1ytise way, let me inter-- nsn uPiless Operations. Parlicuher siten 1u usîfi ho thle jeguterlon Ot Ciildren's Tect , saici good-bye te onsfis-s yers ago. Frous ducs yeut nte uset ue îsew arrivais, -M\ise - ATlec eprnc ek !~' L Wf~ .AR.NRD-~asecret drawer in bisdek lie teck a pie- Eenisceurt. ,Siselies iatsly meinrueci freus fi Bran~i offic, Dr. RherVTod' Oronoture t lengbD lie ncsdi evtabroaci, asuis quite the belle o! hevsnhm . adyHeny onereet, Vise presideut - etf Bac 'fe D.RihrodaOo fi-anaes, apcueenae n evtLot nie proeseni yen et once. I Loess- yntsiBiii osusTeiispenceese i _____________________________ h asas oveîy -taesincieciViat lho are auxiosîs. I tiq jete ttend tise Natienal Tempersuce i gazeci ou, s taie face alsu eesoin luits 'lI ssl host happy to e se Miss FBans conv ention iu Boston in Noe mise,but, suf giîlishbhauty, usit great broavu syes, cheeks cenrt, especîally as she le an elc i:ecu ui apris-ste lbIter receivoci,sys sse aillin ii softly roundeci, sud haie tisat curledcinl a suc." NYe r lu tise early autnin. Lady e wavvnug lisss ver a broaci. ion'tereliesci. Indt'ed 1 tIssn hs pesurs aili ho al the I{enry Some1rseet is Mrgeret Brighs, Lucas's t 'Alis'1ahy dici yen bave me, -Macge!1" greater. suiccessorlu tiseoefilce.sse hIsd. ,Sie is ihs lihe exeleliasec, half-reproschfuliy, s ittie Making riseir wey tbrongis the theong, ldest 1deughtoî of Earl Semons et Eisenor eadiy. tee.-_" Are yieppy, I wonder, they at lengili cause te eueetftlse draaving- Cklstis, uer avicl is tise qîlilit olci teau e! I sud have I pesscec couspletely ont ot your roins f uruitheci in roci sud goici. Lsdbury, avise ohn B. (tungl spoke' for thiougisu sd meusory. Strangetisat 1 eau- Standing boîteatis Vie biazing chandelier toupere eVlirty yeans age, sud aite o! a net terget yen-fluet your tacesehoulc i iaunt hoie asy shesutiful aveuan rebeci in ceeamy L rciHsr Somerset, seci son o! thîe I use se ail tisese yesrs. slk sud lace, aitîs diausende glecuiagilu erlDuke o! Beciford. Eastuer astis is bosuti- I Ancitissu in fitncy h lia ied os-entise pasi bair sud en hes suwy throat. 11fil iii situation, historieilius snrreîsdiugs f aitis its saeet yet bitter massuseies. -Asuils partecithoso perfect lips, ber sye sild tutb onaspinnacle in tisesants efthtie 9 w>Tise haîi!u i sores et Mn1. Doset rDse shone like stars; hs exquisite blousoetlber Londlonfpoor, for inte 1V sud its surnoýndiug - hT etoe riu. iHs stoci heside tbe sea, sud complexion sessîdneiuheucecihy tise rose- coitmeearere eve ry ssuusomr scores Macige avas aitîhimu v ed, vieus inteciligiseahevç ber. sud isundrede etfaaits frein tIse sînnas o! VETEUIRARY SURGË(Oh. Mecige, whisoe oeonst avs al tsiies, sud Frak Dunavard toIet sheiant gis-e a sud- ýSelso. Lady Hemry Somerst le a freelu air u thon egaîn avas grave, a saeet ssiousness den throh as lie aW liser, thmjs girl avions laie:ssion ehal by iesnssî, sud Eassinr, Sun-0 ORO-NO,- ONT, about bier tisai suitec iber aveu et timos. haci ioved seîadalyiynlutise yesrs goesb%,.Crowned, leaven-kissedý aitis its torraces Sise isac pro-eci a most intorestiag Stndy Sîse avas loe-ser c han es-ernonw, s rose lu; andi gardons sud coneervatoieisl as ispi- Office. -Pesti Ornas Bock. to hlm lu tisose fa-off cisys hy hs ses. iHs thesperfection ofets ls[ous. ,thie ee sd-sysci asomeni and torioru ci[- e Celle by telegrsph or telephone resais-e im hbe ssucuarseci by lier artîesses, sylher They aereSstandinsg side hy side ness-; ce u, uiisecinly Vo toetid air adcifuist, userai nie lite attntion.brigist, piquant hamr y le aidtbsjr bande -met, sud, wirds et pleassut asud physîýcal, as te Vhs besutiful womau usoode. It was thait infinie variemy, acideci gresting peeseci betvedu tissu, Sncbl as olci aM-1- counrts 1V lion ancéstual homiie. Witii lier Vobsnhaniy, psrisaps, thai made Madge reende ussgit excisauge atter long absence,. fwMosntli Lady Henry Soesrset basn Il IJLLi Banseounu tiiemotstecieo 1e t-avas bnt e few moenents tVI ie oconîci organtlizeci an English branei ot tise King's sexý. aile linger withhlber; lie aas but eneftise nmanyi Dauglisters.a D)ENTIST. Ho us bd any fancies lu bis day--- friende sowaers tlirongiignuer, auxiensJa but' le haci learr.ed o esile over tissu- teiselconse their-olc i Viusefavorite. Fie Dnnts is ee uoîs ttseya theyhiacipros-eu a!er eh buttVie amusement card waanearly fuln i sefoui ; : ulone nvitz' rut_ý OFFICE :-Rear ofiMessrs. ofthetieseir. With Vadge Eenlseourt caesesrenîsineci, sud tisis, et is r equestet.sio Gaý t . rti epei ,9 eres nsav expoinc-c kuowiedge tisat Vere s.niingly gave te bilm. aeinst (;,4'!S dîîning tise saine periuocilest Hligginbothamn & Son's- Drug wass sometlslng nuattainahîs. idfdrne Quiféte secentre et at1traction avas Macige! year tise value isaving beeuî £259,991,ase It a a t calus, smiling iniirec arîscouritithasvenin g. Amoing tise sauy comIpareci aitis £323,831 last yesn. Tisere8 that attractec i hm at frest. Sise seoeci Vo admirons wbo tolloavecinl ber train wesçe 33salos gis i ,5 Store, (down stairs), bas-e se littie taith i husiim, anci tisetact5 Genard Hsynes, tise ely son ofetofettise m1r agaunst 2,241, sud 3,575 geldusgs,L amusec inl for a tilla. ecsthneee h a. Sceyaled ginst3,446. Of tise total nuinhen 1,9149 ýBOWMAN VILLE Thon came a salis thet ebe migis tilk ceupleci their nenses togeulien, anci prophe.- aenttVo H inci, 1,643 Vo Fnanee,,274 te boter et bim -that she îîiglit h'ollleve lu siedi-a grandci aedding lu tise asar future. tise Uniteci States, 251 te Canada sud 630N liima more. Atten that hoe souglitlber side "O! coul-se slse'l ancept i ju; ne wivun te, othier countriOs Tise respective saine et e V avery oten. avonci refuse a chance like that. 'Twill be thse exporte was, £82,361 Vo France, £50,953 Tisy sac mny iagtai eîtig utVhsgraiel ath o Vs cssr.As nrto teBelginus, £41,408 te ilollauci, £26,680îto1c ,y mutsy gooc-hys, Frank Duraranu sake srle n ot ,oievtoy- egsnadbtetaI L WJ Y ENTo tise Luowledgs Visethe wasamadlin love, "lTon cama sîîeiy -paree a ewmomns, "Mu-. Hank.inuion," interposed Vise yonnig tissu te ii Macige Eariscount avas tise eue for aul nicibsg '-ViR saLe, -' ie pleaci. la:,dy, " w iii yoîm licten te sn iss oment ?" AND ALL StMMER COMPLAIRTS wornan51 in Viseaverici. "Cee;ainiy, t y ii ssisl," she aumeaereci, " A mment, Leurs ? l'Il listen auniîour,s AND FLUXES 0F TH-E BOWELS Tisey avre si'tiug ou tise bluffs. wsuWsiiingy.a- thisu aastise inoaiug sea. It st ~Onttisere eisioig tise fiwers uid softiy. ý"A moment avildo, Mr. ilankinson," IT V; SAFr AND RELIABL E FOR lest evouimîg, sud he ulght wae glorieus. piayiîîg tountains. Vtse gay avenu aithont saui Miss Kajoues yaaving disnsaliy. "1Yon CHILDREL. OR ADULTS. -Rels ooL hem hiniluhie, sud lunavor 8 efljaas fer a tinse teegeten. i bey set deavuon ares sîuply talkmng Virougi yoer iat. Chilcren Crv for Pitch'er's Castorla. aurora-inclinometer. By extensive resear s he bas teunci thai the saine law wis undenlies tise working et electrieity E usagnetieffi is 0per5.ting ou tise sun, andi t, sunlight 18s amagneti elinluwhicis magustizeci eartVi rotates as dosesVise arr ture et e dynamo. The instrument will sent te Alasksa, where it will he usec inL study et the aurore, as il le there seen tise best conditions. Contaîns on Aiur Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, or ary Injuriant& CHILDlREN .BIRNT TO DEÂTBI. ey Sad fOeeurim5ec Whlch TooeR Placej Ii i Bston Yesterday. Adespatch frQns Boston, says :- " Plîilip, iln and bis wife wenit to early iross this cning, lsavin 'g th eir bay,1 ohn), aged 6 Diths, locked iu a roo eff tise kitchen. s was doue, 80 Mrs. Cuii ,(n s , pre- t thse ot4çr three cbildren1, Sadie, aged Mary, aged 5, and Anniie, gei V enrs, Do were sleepiug lu an adioining cheoibDer, Dm disturbing the baby's sj)lumers. About D'olok fire wasdscvrei l te houe, Id by the time thje firemen arrivsd the tchen was a mass of 119ames1, a-1i the kitelîcisn ýtkvasocked. jAn epenjig vwas imade lu Wa l etween tihe halla sdthe room ,rï,ict he tbree older chillIren wsre siesp- <,Sadie sud Mary managed te creep to e peniug and wevre takon ont and sent to Lecity bespiti, but tbey dieci before ýehing there. Firemren then eutered, ths srtinents andi brouglit ont the other chilci. in who wers almost suiffocateci, but they tre resuscitatell andi are now corsidered 1t)f danger. The fixe starteci in a wood bo1-hînci the kitchen range snd le top- ssci tc have been causeci by rats and itches. The Relation of Hlealtis to Beauty. The ' Aedical Record gives the foiiewing c port of an addreses recentiy delivered by r.Lonise Fiske Bryson, betore a New mLr werking girls' club. The Doctor- is ,portcd as saying that Il Systemnatie ef- rs to be beantitul will insure a fair degrec fhealth, aud happinese le the beet saf e- uarl against vioe. Tse difference between ne wemsn sud another, really, is more au anytbing else an 'affale of style that auty of beauties so bard to define sud se asy te recegnize, which makes the girl of i -colored ihair, features of indifferent turu nd lines none tee perfect, infinitely more tractive than other maicis of faultless rves anc inlue erable strong points net ementeciby this magie quaiity. Stylenmay )deflîjeci, for want ot somnething better to ,press it, as an attractive manuer of hoici- gtebociy, a firin, gracefuni way o! doing uings andi o! moving about. 1V la fthe sible sigu etofluherent power sud reserve ore. It 18 the outeome e ongOD, deep Teaths,-and the use o! miany muscles. The Dryer of the New York chilc,' Lord, iake ivery stylish,' when viewed sright, is ccognized as an aspiration baseci upon ;und scientiflc principies, anci woýtby of inîversai couimendation. IPreper breathing is thse tirst art te cul- Âvate iuthie pursuit of beauty. The lo' ngs iave their ewn muscular power, andi this ioulci be exerciseci. The chest m uet be ,lariged by fuil, deep breathing, anci net by nuscular action f rom wjtheut. Iniflate the [ngs upwardanci outward, as if ths infla- ouý, wers about te 11f t the body off the ,round. Hbid ths shoiders on a lins wits ths hips, andi stand se thiat ths hips, chin, ansi sd tees corne upon eue lins, the feet eing turneci eut et an angle, ef six ty de- nsres. It is wrong tel maks the bonestrue- bre do most of tise work lu kseping'tisE ody upright. The muscles shonicei i i Inposition. Lu walking, ireep face andi chest weil over ths acivanceci foot, aud niltivate a free, firm, easy gait, witiîoul ard or jsrring movemeuts. It le impos sibie te stand or breathe ariuht if ths fesi are pincheci. Wbsu correct posture anci breathlng are intsrfered witb, the circula ion is iiupeded, andi deletet ions substance, an ths blooci tend te maks thse complexior sci. This is oeeoe the many evils of tîgi bhoss. To he wsil shod bas a usarked inl fluence on style. The test symnbelize thq body lu their way as mucb as do the biauds A cleZer shoemaker says that in a well-flt tiig shet'ie humna û foot feels like a' duck' foot lu the muc.i. Jus beld firmiy in place but nowliere compresseci. Nething cai exceed thevsulgsrity andi hygienic wicked iss ef a she that is manifestly -te tight. For misery-producing power hygieîsically as mell as spirituaiiy speakint perhaps tighit boots are witbout a rival Next te the .sarch fer style pure anci simpi as a means et health. the cars of the conr pleieXOf sud thse cultivation o! thse rigisi Lin of expression aie et great importance. Th first is isrgely a usatter cf batbing andi Vi general bygiene o!fVise skin, whiis thse secon -a geod expression-is besi secureci by tf, ,:onstant prefsrence ef higher thouglîts evt lower eues. This is the essence o! inteliec cal living, and is fortunateiy within reac o! ns aii. Beauty, that is lasting aud realiy wert whiie is nmore or less depeîî lent upon a go( circulation ; wbiie a gooci circulation is ma( Spossible by correct peise, proper brestbiî. aud the judicious cars et the skiu, somn thing else is aise ne-csssary to lueurs t] normal r1nality andi activity o! Vhe bloo Andi this somethîug consiste lu e combii ation of sunsisine andi exercise lu tise op( air. Town dwellers bave tee littie et the blessings, partiy from cirnnstances, at pertly troin lack of wit. Exercice is' t] meet important naturai Veule et the ood Without 1V there cen he ne large, compar muscular frame. Lt is a» essentiel, te ph sical deveiopment as air is to 11f s, andi imperatis s necessity lu the maintainance beanty. To keep the comnplexion andi spîri gooci, te preserve grae, strsngtb,- andi ah ity et motion, there is ne gymnasium valuable as Vhs daiiy round of bousework, i exorcise moe beneficial lu its resuits tlb sweeping, _dusting, msaking becs, wasii lawwhh oven 4wéypsrtin5of digestiol n ,,In u r lio ,, an d by a 2c refu il ap p lic1a tio n o! ih fnepoprte o!fwell_..lectedCoa, Mr. Kpps hesprvided our breakfast tables wj th a dellicatelY ,ftlevored beverge wh!ch mey save U1s msny haydcos uI 5by the indiclous use o!fsucharticles o! 4,!6t that a 3ofltitution mey be graduely u,,t op until strong enougb tu resist every tendencY Io dieese. Hundreds of' subtie maladies are floati g around us ready Io attack whererer tere , 5seaweak point. We may escae nR"y fatal shaft by keeping ouslve el!o. fe Withapure bloode a-nd a prOerlY nourislied _ am ."-Cirl S rie aztte. Made simply with boiling, water or mllL soid only i0 packets by Grocers. labAlled thusý i AmEs Erps «q C., Ilemoeathic CItSm 1 3ft, London, England She Ail But Told Him What to Make Of Her. BackWoods Lover (sernewhat puzzled at something hie beet girl had said)-" . dn' knw what to a sk of you, Matilda." Bsst girl (with her eyes speaking volumwes)ý -"Yoti don't? Whiy, George, 1 id' know yen wswre so stupii. " The IHead Burzeon 0f the iubon Mdical Company is n1w at Toronto, Canada, and maY be cou- suteci sther in persan or by latter en ail chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, Young> old, or middle-ged, who find them- selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken dlown front excess or overwerk, resulting in many of the foilowing symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old ae, leeSSOf Vitality, 10ss Of Immory, bad dreames, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in f 2 kidneys, headache, pimplen on the face or body, itching or peculir sensation aboutthé scrotum, watiii of the orgns, dizziness, pe ks, before t e e es, twitching f the muces ye li?s and elsewhere, baslsfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mucles, désire ta sleop, failure ta b. :rested by sleep, constipation, dulîness of hearnglos o!voîe, esire for solitude, 5 xcitability o! temper, sunken eye surround- 0eci with LEALY-N CIROLE, Oily looking kin, etc.', are al symptomns of nervous. deblity ,that lsad to insenity and deeth unless cured. The spring or vital force having lest its ton Lsion every function wanes in consequence. EThose Who through abuse commnitted in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send, .your address forbook on ahl diseases peculiar to man. Addesg M. V. LUBON, 50 Fronti 1St. B., Toronto, Ont. Books sent freeseled. ' Hert disease, the symptoms of which are 1fint spels, purple lips, numbness, palpita- 'tin, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood - te tne head, dul pain ln the he rt with b etu 1strong, rapid and irreguler, the second heaxt 1bat quicker than the, first,pain about the ïbreast bon, etc., cn positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Addresa M.V. LUBON, 50 Front StreetlBE s. or. o uto, Ont. b Count Montebello, the new French ami- 1bassador lu St. Petersburg, as the repua 1tion of being one of the bst dipomats in tthe service of Franc. " No one," once said a French mainister, in spaking ef the cour t, t. " understands btter thon he how to dis- ,solve an oppontent in stigar water." 8 When Baby was sick, we gave bier Castoria, t When she was a Child, she ried for Castora, L_ When he bec ne iiiss, site clung te Castoria. a Whieu site bad Children, she gave tem Casteris, s ~Takiug ino fi8îks. al O i d ed y ' - ' O , s i r , w l y u n o t h e l p a0 ' 1- verv nieedy perlsoas h T hae îo wrk a i )a thiteen chilcren," rs Olci Thrifty-'" If 1I elped Al scb pople yas you I'd go into baulruptcYv." J ". . 1S edy-" 1But re member, si, t tle le W ho giveth t o the p oor le ndeth to thet L rt 1 - Thrifty-" Very well lt e scts id colateral." For tbver Fiflv iears le d Mits. Wl" saOW sS OOTISING SvaUP fias , eU e uzed by milloz5 of mothors frr heic chil r-en wble teething. If disuricbd eat niie l, 'i ®r broken of your rest by a sick child týu t- în t- and cring with pin or Curing Tesifi s -di ' b, once and get a bot e oôt lr i-L ' Soothing Syrlip"lfOr eid trin teething 1I wvil relieve the pour littie >-ufferer iitedta-, y. th ýDepend upon it, methers, there isnw r ,e >-I abouti'. È cures Diarrlloei re&zlis e,tuse e iSOmach and Bavel4. Cares. Wvi i, coc.> softens the Gaims, reduneq Infisun atiOfl and g, gives toute end energy tu the whale systein le- "Mrs. WinBlows oathng 5yrup" ltor chldi-a ie teething 15 pleasent ta the teste and is the d. erscription f one o!thie'oldest and best te- maie physiciens and nurses in iha LT ited - States: Prico 25 cents e battl5ý. Sild hi'ai en drugguststhr ughout thse warld. Be sule ai 1 ýs sk for .? sW iN;sL) W'Ss OOTHI-N fiSylta P li [ MRS. A.DAVIS ýyiManufacturer of ofs FINE HMIR dl- s no1 I thestîh ne