Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1891, p. 7

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4, ÀAILT STE, MARIE grK z'e The Gatewýay of the 0cmmnexcecf t-, Great INorthwes Ù, sceemes aitIsle ori l'ths e ok 4. Story or Groili lu, ttsis ossec Greater Thiflu a, or thse Port eorNew c, -, d-ob ho ? 1-je eels Lake iv.peiior i 1. iteerifoot igbelr than crakya~dis constantly expert- rLak Huron, and al the ships fiat gýo fLoin mening, dlieting himself, adopting bebw flie puint w home the waters ci Super- strn~ rtosand changing the ibm tumlble into the 81. Mary's River inu ck the cdishes, the hlours, and e"l'ïlb over that long stop. Tle fligit of tbo ~ W ýtcr is so tumultuous, droppiog aà it does manner theluSeattng-. gus 1oe mile, thaut the ships that nvigate the Flowertho Rmody.lkes cannot veneto te sbnet therapids. - I They muait be raised or lovered careiniiy, H1ow does ho feel ?-I-Ie feels at land as exp .,Iitiotnsly s tIc ingenuity of man tînsa gnawing, voracious, insatÎ- casi, conltrive. At great exponse, therefore, aide ap1ïpetite,whGlly unacceuntable, both the Dominion and Uni'ted States Gev- unniatural and unhealthy.-August * oemourits have constrncucd dams wîvth a long Flower the Rernedy. 1 imber, and wît1i two sets of gaLes. The - iCanladian Canal lias Dlot yet been opened nHow does hofeel ?-He feels o ifor trafiic but iL îill be quite complote w1hen nxxigation opons next yoam. A de-sire to go to the table and a shue that wishes to stop dowa and ont of grurnbling, fault-finding, oveér-nïice*- Lake Su porior le floated m in ate longe chani- ty about what is set before hituwhen berind bbed it are eiosed the gates to- lie is there-August Flower the1 ward Lake Supoior. The water of Lakoc Remed. ilSaperior that floats the ship is slowiy let Rem dy.oît nf the box, and when it cees to flow How oosho eel?-le felsthe Iower gates are oponed, and the ship bas How ocs e fel ?- e féls eaclied the lex ai of Lake Huron. This it after a speil of this ahuormnal appe- bas dics mewiths irý, atîeding leslie ; witiî tite an utter abliorrence, Ioathing, rnchl furnishin, of stLat,"stic", ; -,itlahay and detestation of food; as if a rulnning s boutofitbe slips steward for sup. rnouthfuil would kili hinm-August plies of mnilk and fruit ceddnicat; with a Flower the Remedy. lix-ly inquiry fos-eewspapers aed gossip, and ______wth a keowle2e tbat goiieg in eitiier direce How does he feel ?-He lias W- Lion there is a long trctch ni lakle jouneny reguar owel an pecliabefore another port is to bie reached. reguar owes an peuir stOOlS- There is ,no more certain or attractiv-e xay August Flower tho Remedy. (j> of directing the attention nf the patriotie Canadian citizen to the importanceoof the in- TH C N DINST TSM Nternal comrinerce of theDoionta by traffic that piasses throuegh LIe Detroit River ESTABLISHED 1854 and the Saluit Ste. Mlarie Lock. Over and $1 pr enems l adsuce ntorwse ~aver again, nf icte, it bias been stated that Subseriptions clways payable at the ofMl th uins asigtlogicbfoc x publication, Advertising rates uniesi 3 y c),n ceods, in the nnmber ni vessels omnpioyod ract, 10 cent3 per lice, conpiri 1. tirs'.ilaseor t and le the tonnage ni production carried on, and 5 cents pir lino each sub3oqlati u- ~iltI bSinsBrn~co easmlr~ro serîn. Lcae, 0 ent pr lns Ithrougli Lhe famions Suez Canal,1 the tbor- M. A. JAMES, Publishs ocii.laro for ranch of tIe coînmerce between - Europe and the conetries ta the eastward T ENT.-For terra of yoars, "G7lon formeriy reached by Cape Horn or tIe Cape Dbts "-300 ace, 2 miles frein Whitby- ofn o oe n hti oprsfvr gond buildings and soit, Admirable or etclk f ondHopad htiicnaesfvr ordairy. t fse fr golng extensively mute 1Y vihtc grgae xenlcd Tcrnnit, mitir busineils or stoeck raisîng for internai commerce ni this courîtry. The emierican markoe. Mec witts capital ouly compamisous h e o duIL bren iargely A.eýod cSvpl. J. IL. Dow, Wbstbv, 32 tfm jr.sifîed by faets. Witbont regard ta nom- J 1AEBEEN FAVORED WITE parisons, howcer, the lake co-merce i se mestmructions 40 o i by prîvate sale by the largc, aed 15sO rapidiy iecreasing, that the exctroftLIe stateofnitae late Duncan presentation ni tise figures sboûwing it are Matol. Ue out est80 acres0f lot l con sufficiently loquent te arest the at- 1 aiutuo which la eocted a bouse, tramne teetion nf ex ery thougtflti persan. brdrîimng bouse and stable, e. About Foitemmetta4 temrlae acreso of tret class orchard. Ternis easy as il rn h oettbtasemrlae n1uat b1e solS cm onco. LEvi A. W. TOE, . S Sarla or Owen Sound or any et er port Lu Estato Aentt and Auotioneor. 3-cf. *tIe soutiîward, the "Soc)' ced tise ime it' ~ ÂR FO SAE.-oesstig n 3]may be reached are kept lemid Iy flic --" 3cre111U ateR e SL.Cscsi Use ofer1 Captain~. If by hnrryieg a littIe lie ccc geL tiSoi town of Bowmanville. Thora le a up the St. Mary's River by dayîbght, ho canu Good .boearn and stable on the premises, ho iocked throug[î into Lake Superior the alsot about crs of ynuung rcharfeenw bie- camre nig lit and g o on bis way witliout delay. pinir-s,' bear and a smait, runnîng craak of If hoe Sugds tIat hoe cannot make the "Son waUs, sss the property. Everyxýhtng I. 0 gondý coedti5e anS state or cultivation. Thoseas as to pais at iight, hoe docks up and sul- rcpert. y wýi!i e solS. checo aand on easy terrm mite along with maey other unfortunatos f0 0fpamet.kply toL. A. W. TOL,or THos the loss ni ton or tweive hours as a mater ni SHOT BWmannvîlie. Ont._ _ 45 -eest.O h oeard trips the ro- $ Of SAARYan.d Commission I-o verseofn this interruptione lemet wi'ýI. The 51V Aents, Men anS Womee Telcobers channcel3 ni Lako Supeior or Whitoflsh Bay ami ( tlry e ointrodluce a 10W and POP- are wecllighted, caf , ami wide. Steainers .slar stadard beeu cen n into the canal abovo mise lock at aey Te~in o>'of 19 .centuiries ima nf the nigît , and the loock wi lnwer 0 Jss :o1 zareth. thente tise level of fIe S t. Mary's Rixer Themoi c maimbi religionsý boik of thesagae bmw. TheeI-loy must tie up, however, crnih-, by 300 eLcent Bseholare Non.secîerlan aionegido Lhe Goverrmest dock until day- àvryclm le itwnts itLiExcusive territory light, The esut is thatthemîornieg is ticý gwiv-ýe np IytTisE HxYIL ansiie out active part o! the, day, anid th'st the St. Go, oseics CONe.1i60 Mamy's River i3 then alive xitl the impa- oint vosîseli aI- have boen cetained la AND CIEANIe movcg cp or dowx . The aggrogate oi the heurs flîns met could bceoasily cosîvemIed by L Adisnîd Cn wear nficl i knds, Feats- Itbe figue-usiaker lete a largo cuni moeoy orGnoRiblons, Laces, Cartains, andi lest, To obviate Lis ms la the uini fthe aýil kiîîs iancy gonds Dy cd, Cleaned ùr m vessel ewnomrs, anxd I it iile îîeamiy if net Prn Cl'eaned. W emk posifîx ly garan- qîiteo xercomo -wlen the Canadian Cnal 15 teedl LIe est Ne peddîiisg xagon easployed. 'npened. A. iclaheognt le evcmy Lewis. The appmoadli te t1ho "lSon ]oc and 8T!SI'I AMERICAN DYEINC CN'Y., cassai is pieasieg te thc oye. At I-is iume ClolS Medalist Dycra. ni LIe ycar iL is Ion chances te onecLIaI- the Koutiroal, Toonto, Ottawa aed Quebec. day xill ieho Iiglît tlîat I-ho air wil ho Agent bun Bowinanvilie, as clear as tise purest crystal, anS J. M ~ 8ATIONE~. tliat at high looeeathora xiii h nosug gestion ni oppressiv e lîcat. As a mnatI-orofni fact, iL la confortabie home ail S.ii M long, ced Ithe elovation ni 600 ieet assures I-be "Son" peopleo --iîsuity frocs LIe hîîmid niiserios ni owns rnetrer ithe Baselc. Vos- Heuso ~ t Iselsf,,ohl-i efo the ni ,,tise rushn t f eroer Sae1imistard seed anCi îring h gnte imsg e hecLIo e rukhLoin ctnitIc roive env -araelo e t Grand Trunk Rai-i Iho mpids la feit. Th6 basin le wide cnd iond, Ohukwa, where the hWghesI- market deep. The'-e arc many things abouiLtI-liock I-o prco -will be paid in cash by Yi RE. L. dix ert the attention nifI-le observer xvho le OaMrxl, who succoeds Mr. Cochter as about Le pass abogl iti, but fIe passage is ang tiOur business f liera. tlic Ihing juet now, anS Lhe Indices xvlo waet tomLake the visitors over flic rapide iii N. B. KEENEY SoN. their cannes may le pet off. W itl muccl 3 1 -5L. -____behîewing ni base whistie and inet a littie piping of lifli whistie, thb big slip that is FARM S FO'JR SALE. about to ise ironitIc Icxei ni Laçe Huron ____ I-n fIat ni Lake Superior steanis ire tise W- ilpurchase 76 acres basini that ucrmows betwoon I-ce grauite witsu gond hanse ansd god walis. It is igliteen foot ironsthe wator or,'î lnsqi.10~ onýc«.u legooi odlino bmlw to that clos e anti behiîd thse day icut ci e'ore Igames. Over LbegaLes, ccd behindLIe walis, wï-ii purcisase gond home rise tise bnw anS uipper works nfa i bi on 411 con.. Dcrlîngon,con. steamner. Sue lias corne dlowvn freoni aloxe, ltaiUi gn Bessaseo ut ai aaother steamer ced a barge imom. will purchase one of belw abon finaLeSont inito tIc upperi the lest fartas botwo canai, cIe had fioatod le. There le a mamie05 Vousiness, and tienera1 Debiity ; ci record was made. olosoetuy yti te an I- o th lafluenCof BURDOO These figures, I-n those who caninot sec I-le yiLMOD fic apyîr leneo BRDC sfrecm of laite cossîcefe pour through I-ho BlU'LýDlochkceddI-be narroxv chcnes I-at cd te For Sitba7? ilDeaiers. it, canntle as iascieati-îg ci as iliostrative iiIMLBI-J & W.., ProDrietors. Toronte as I-boy aI-onece becorne te I-hoes si-ou wîio stops aet Ihe ocktIo sec I-he woedoýrfticlip ,. .EGfRO IYNOffET Iusy siglit thaLle I-n le'obtained I-homo lu I-li course o0-f nec Say One gets anr idea o n9i, Th f 1*o rînî1n:ly As.,anu1îeia I11111 I-le rush luntise busysecason wlien it is sI-aI-eS Gi hl T isetgleatI, s-andi Seveocf tile I-laI- Iho hock xxas le constant oeration oc îe ri frmn 7: 10 a. ni.one May 25, 1890, to 5:58 Mi irso Iict eStTissto c. me on May 27, a perleS of forty-sîx heurs OCH, c-- oCe, a negro, w-s anS iorI-y-ei'glt mincI-os, anSd-tÊl i-btat lyncheS oanly yecterday monîing Iy c mol, fiie onearly 77,000 -tocs ni freight wore wlicls lattorod àdowe Lhe sI-cloiors of I-le Ipassod. Titis was Soe, toc, cI- an epese CiI-y gaol atid Iraved I-le wisoie police force imu maintenance ni $7.66 per Incitage nd aSn ceiiumeDeparI-ment Le geL issvictii. $3,6S per vcs-gei, Lhe ceci per ton ni ireight Coe xsas on ine lifor a criminel being ouîy 45 seuls. assacit on 1I-ti 5-year-old Lizzie Yctes a-id Tiese Latis tic rmaiers aethIle locit know xvlon it luca n own I-laI- I-licchiid lad ChLat- 9,579 xescels niakicg passage in 1889 SbeS irons I-ic e ft i -e injuries inflictud bmnuglit gmees caning I-o I-le owncm nifI-le Iby -lt he ciru-mteLIe indignation ni. vessoîs ni S8,634,246. TIe averageo osmel-sathe citizeeî vas cmaosea to suh al-c for a single passage was $901. TIe total that tise uic nifI-le miscroant was fh lncy, delay amoncted te I-ho oqual of Lwo average thing I-laI- weuld satisiy tison. xescis for I-be seasen nif 1889. An average JoephlNr.;shoffèr, wlo led I-he ascaci veseel inakes feurtecît round tripe, or f wenI-y- on I-ho CouinIy gaot lait nigîit, whidliI ciglit passages Sering a seasen. Sonie vessels resiteS iii Iho lynchieg ni Geo. Cou, I-ho maIe I-xxenty-five round Iripa, but I-loy are negro, lias boni arrested on a r-large ni, very few, while many barges do net ex-eed mnurder. mmr iIl c hc yce I-lu average, I-x vearge vossehe wnuld maIe I-le negro, Gcýo. Coe, are under armoît charg- Lxeny-eigt sroued tripe in Onec season, cd with niuLrder in I-lotiraI- dogmes. At 7p.m. anS I-bse, aI-$901tI-e passage, wouid gise a laro crme,,S surmouanded flic Ceinty gani gi-osa canings ni about $56,b00. If tîe anS thrcatenedI-bat il I-le prîsoners weru carnicgs ni 1890 xveue ontIho averege, I-le net gis-en I-louir liberty tise gani would le sainu as I-mec in 1889, tise lss wnnhd flot aItaciteS antI-e ienlilberated.; County cppronch I-le hall million or nînch exceed Attorney i4cisoeey sent Sown xvord tsaI- fIe one-temth oniti. But fthe canai officers say mien xveuld netle relcaseci under cepy circîîîs- IthaI-lis business tisat was deiayed was nef stances, euS I-le croxvd aI- once began I-o hcy lest. IL was qubckly mcdo up, fer I-le roasen plans for ýtac-iig fihe guel. tisaI- before I-leed o! tIe folhowing AugusI ___ vesmsxere waiing as long as I-broc or four Saps for cargues. IL secs assumeS I-I cI-l- Arabzinii Their Bage. fore I-liencd ni Angst s flicsefriI- lad Tise grayrxxoieburnouses nifI-be Arabe boen carrneS throsîgbI-hoecrai I-bat wouid are furnish'eed wiI-l a lienS, lib a monit's bave bsen carid if tI-holaS boen lninter- cewl, whli l ispelleS ovcî- I-e boaS Snrieg ruption ni navigation. I-be greaet b at ni Lise day. The lieS las Sonie x cry icI-resting reportIs haxvo bon cloaely cropped or shaed~, anS covered iith madoe tthI-l ock. The Atîhasca,.onec of I-ho e n ol)de nifli thetrbais, wbicls latter I-le Canadien Pacifie steamers, sailed 33,- is wocu L.ýound again cedl again wiLhî a 344 miles Suring I-be seceon ni 1889, nselîeg bow-colered wooeoîs orS. Tise turban, thse lest record. Tise gseaI-osI qucnittIy nitîcrelore, miaIes a capital pillow, anSdI-ho f rciglît carnieS in one season was movod, as Aral find.% a cheap anS tolerabip cleais led las heen saiS, ile-i Anînrican steamer on every dporsI-ep. ExoopI- wlen batliicg- Nortîere Wave. The big steel steamer Pan- w hbi I 1etiai recdlly believe, Irom I-ho sIrng ti-ac, ciiother Arnericen vessel, carneS I-le 1 emeil niflsýscanity among I-hem, Lhe tewc largesI- baS isaoved le c single steamer xvlen IArals se( on indulge in--ley never seern sIc cerrneS 2,849 nef tons. 'A lumber barge, te Itae niltiSese woolon garmncts. They I-le Wahnapetae, exceeded tIls whee cIe live lenLhgm, eep ie thens-semefltmes cet- carrbed 2,030,000 feet o! lumbeur, estimaI-eS uaily worlin I-liens. et 4,060 net I-eus. WliaI-ever fhIe increase ni TIc gs-l -ete older and oiSon, ike business înay le siîown tI-nho et Iho end ni our od-alsoedIcksklu breecles' but f hie yoa-r, iL wiil uedoubtedly le ener- cge Socs nom seuiI-e whimlier I-bon very iosseussvltee -l veaI-ancoCrn logic I-o mccli. Withece gcmnsfents boin I-o go, iove o I-xrd I-ie coasI-. Ihey goNciI-I crun. Homo are a ew aieef The importance nifI-lis passage, I-o pensons Anabs waking aIent, (înaniyoni Ihem live familier xii b Ihe o onierceofnitI-e port of ta I-be cgc o! a hundred years-theme is n iNew York, may be Imugît home ly a few, reesen why -bo ld net ive forever, il censparisonis. There wome entered cnd.- IL is Irue 't)saI- iL le work ced aaxieI-y whicb cleamed ut mue port- ni NewYork, le 1890, lanock ac fian up,) xvlo resemble so many nf ArnericcanS omeige vessela, 5,407 ni ail rag mercîmasîts. 1 ans xery fond o! antiqul- classes. Tisese ve"seis carnieS an aggrogcto tics, an.Sholdiu cci lite I-o Ieow tIse ex- tonnage oi 65258,222. Thse vaeefi I-isacet age niof corne ni I-bac venerable garmonta. coîsseerce was cnes-mous, ascertaicaîle by I feel sun~i-loiiy date bey ond I-lic ime niofI-le careful searcb butnt bnnediaI-e]y available.I preseet gdnoiration. W/eare I-nid fat tIhe BuL I-le cemparisoîs ccc le mado wiI-Iout Chihdmcc of Ismuel xaedered iorfy yoars le Igoing icI-e vaines, Ie s amie pear, 1890 I-he Wilderness, and pet their ciothes waxed flore xere passeS lisogl I-ho " Son " Ledk net nid. I cue readiiy beliove Lhe enarraI-iv-e 10,108 vessela, camying a tonnage ni 8,288,- noxv; bIcI- I lea baS job for I-le tailoring 580 nifit-iglit. This is calculated I-o sagger business. Illaveoenly.96enonueArabtfailor's I-le m-t who lies becîs tliicing nifI-be smp sie 1 came home, cnd ho we&s evidenI-ly commercial statistica ni New-York as gis ing maiting- ,m new lotles for I-he oyug hiem a supresnacy iii every respect. But I-le Aral "meeahiers." story is ceot'al LlS yoet. Whlienynu coîco Bat, E I-le Iaiior's art is net very bnsýy, te take Windsor or Detroit as an obasevvIion tIecocrdS-ïaier's evideetly is. Some nifI-le point, it fo ee I-at tIc consmerce of ragged nid Isîmnonses have been sti-lIdled and Laites Huron andS Superior, açlSed tt LaI- patchied ôver ccd over again, uI-il I-loy are ni Laite Michigan witls Lakes Eric anîd Ont- like tI-l dd itife I-ho seller set scch store arin, isaites un a grand total ni about by, wlicli bcd lied six new blaSes aed five '20,000,000 le tons. The 8,000,000 pasîbng ccxv Ian(]le.s, anS pet xvas as gond as ever. tLie locki8isvalueS, ripou e cerefini ostimation Hom ed t r, cIalking mcjesticaliy about, ly easoticîle units ni vaînation, et score we corne cernes fine specîmons of ýmaniionS LIais $80,000,000. Applyîiîg I-ho sanie mle, 1deSa in c1ice nS tidy roles. TIc youeg I-he velue nifI-hocommerce ptssiisg Windsor ArabenI aotLweetyv-ftlm or leur- are le c voar is about $209,000,000, or aboust mo-ni _ eîis finýe ioiixva ; luitI-loy i-o cnt one-seveeth len velue nifI-licentiro expert.an picI-ique as -lie maggedS, grape anS imsport Irade ni tise UnitedStIaI-es. badeand Ierueda llnid n. Hery tlsey are inuds-aIi ss' e ls, ex-or, Chili S-auce and Catsup. nu"e oni them-si-ming, squattiug, standing waligbt chiefly squattiisg, ced rcone IL la inlly Liime I-nput cp Chliisauce anS of thrcritig tomaI-o unS grapo camtips. Tise hast recîpe fer Chli sauce, whiio is faliig I-le place ni nid-time tom:,tn caisuîp in mariy fa milles, TlIse mena -nec endoavors f0 soued I-le calis for a peck ni tinmnmiglilp ripenS saqils gnrîse"LP eee Il tomnaI-os and eiglt xvhiteo nioîîs. Peel tise 'ases aVý?ars.-[AcoL-. to-sscIoea by Sopptug thon n e oiing svaIer ________ acd rubbing I-be siin nff. Chop te toma- I-nos fine, anclien r-hep tise onions. cnd T aSd thonsau I-otsetomaI-oea. Put tI-Ion ne1 0 thc fire in e porcelain-liled kluLe anS hot Ih-obi. Then ed s pint nf vinegar anS a ablespooiifuil ech ofnigrouneS olnnon aishpice anSblicol popper, and a e tasperi I IOf ground cioves. lie tise spieca in Lwo or fîre ittile as of cearse muteil. Cooia I-le mixture aiewlp for four or fi ve heursý,, or m until IL is quite tls:ck. Be carolulunetI-o lot nTh sii-ccese nitîis Great, Coughs Cure is iL buse. W/li I is ready te tale off I-hie 'iioI eall -oIsoyo eiie fine, rensve I-ho legs oni e', wmiI- I- a peste A m i tsare ral l n h id I-nfcli i n eo. wivth a lI-Ile nofI-le sac~e, a ablespooniel oni itve çguaaetee, e test the n other cure den suc- greced csnstard, a Ieaspooînui of Caponne 'ces-ui s tanid.1 That iL îeay become known, peppr ce twoteapoonuha i the Iham~-iIos t an enornnus expeeme, are gineo. StIbm fis mixturi into I-le saceopiacing 1. Sem,,ple Bottie Frc icn every borne asîd add self I-o tiseIaste. Seal I-hie sau(e la 'tIcl-ie SaesadCanada. If ycuhave up in loI-Lies thaf have tnt-heen useS. Put aILot r ruhiiue t o Imsî conta in I-le beI-tics acovor thoîn i wih crýyo.I ou r Bclhstrusei,o xitI sealiisg-m-ex fhsorughlp, andin addition ic eYn1I ordSba -eCop I-o -bi Li a peceni oI--on cI--iug o or I-hoor Isoping Cough, use iL promptiy, and relie! cetcomtieiy tieeciott clair. Svert LIe issure juIl yendread tiet insidiouisdiseuse lok otIlsnc elSarI pchielar te C .nsissi, mse it. Ail peyur Dmnggist for boule Ilia col dar: -pace.S111,0LO1W.S CURE, Price in c., 50o ts. unS Thc Germanitieusewives preparo I-lir $î.no. Hl your Lungs are sere or accl lame, tecsato caIsup b ci eatimeiy diftieent pro. use Shîlih's Porons Plaster, Price 25 dii. nes, wbich doso n e cii n ceuI-oégîve ea aatisfactnry rosuît. Tley ailnw fhsir net- supe Le ferment ced do net beI-Ile f bm Iill ail ferentationnlhas stoppeS. This giu'es a pungont 'imiler te nmasiefctured ce t ps xvlich would lbaS I-o I-he belle! I-laI-large xvhoîesaie îîsanufeotunors edopI- e sinsîlar moI-bd. This catsup las nore onitI-lie mcc, Lueis chîovesef, uS muLi Scs itsip9ss!ble. 2,000 redere:sces. Book, wnmit only under tisaI- conception. Ifl lue Pexphnatio:nS and proofs mal1eý weenet this, tIsaI- is, a proces nianlikvo- (senaledl) freo. Adldrcss, mnent-, tisere w-nulS baveo bois ne occasion fer a ea clworld ; ce existence nf mereie-s ou ERNE MEDICAL CO., percepiones, nr ni pue minixitlîout body or world, w-nulS have aesïvemcd as welî. 1 BU FFALO, N.Y. BOUNSALL'S BDowrnanville,, Ont. (E tablished 1857.) Imaporter, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Monum ents,Tons 8arcophagi, Tlabiets, Hleadstones and aill kinds of ,Architectur- ai and Cemetery WTork in the best Ettropean and Amnericarn Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs, Suptrior Workînanship andt l3est àlaterials. Wi!I be happy to qnote prices on any kind of work. Give ine, a cail before purchasing. THE EAST END PAINT AND PAPER STORE is now opan where will be found fulll hues of Wall Papers frorn 5c. to $2 Per 1*011, Mixed Paints-mxed to order and sold by tha pound, Patty, Glasi, Peerless Machine Ojis, etc. I arn prepared to do housepainting, graining, and decorating of ail kinds. Brushes to loan for painting and kloiig Mixed Katso- mine also for sale-any sýha4e desired. Reid's Block, opposite New Hotel Building. 14 THE FAMOJS IIEAVY BODJED MACHlINE OIL -MADE ONLY BY- MVcCOLL BROS. & Co,, TORONTO. USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO 'OTHER. McCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL. FIN EST IN CANADA. ASI E'O1kAR iTI will be found in his old shop, next door aLoor to Express O:ffice, B WIVJAN vILLE where hé keeps coustantly on hand A LARGE &y COMPLETE ASORTMXJ'NT -OF- Coarse and Fine r for Men and Boys, Women and Chlidren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Repairing. I beg to announce to the people of Bow- manville and surrounding country, that I have bought, out the Tin and Ilar- ness Business formerly carried on by L. GEO. QUICK, and intend to carry on the same business in the same place. Any person requirinig anythingin either line will do well to give me a eaul and compare prices before buying elsewhere. Yon mna be sure of gettingy gooci goCols t ri-lit prices. Eavetroughin)g donie away down Particular attenition given to furniace work, We woùld be pleased to refer youn to1 sorne of the tollowing who have had furnaces lu for years, and can speak of thieir qualities :- J. B. Faiikairn, Esq., Tho3. Paterson, Esq., Sarn'l McConnachia, Esq. Francis Bleakley, Esq., John McClellan, Esq, J. J. Mason, Esq., John Mel1urtry, Esq., J. A. Johnston, Esq., Mrs. D. Galbraith, M~ Moorcraft' P. S-W.e stili have the reliable Humphrey in the 'Harness 1 3usîiess L - Q~~U~ICI~ G ents' (llothing Clenod, Died. PresseS caS RepaireS ly THIOS. PEjAT, Dyer and GbI-les Cleaeor. Gccds seeranted to ho as no one wili k-esw tIsons iront aew wsen Sons. Corner o! King anS Ontario Streets. Bowmanviito. LOCAL AGENT FOR Dominion Organs ANO BOWIMANVILLE,-ON

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