l0e btaL TERM :-1.5 PUIANUE.OUR TOWN AND 00 UNTY FIM8T: THE WORJ4> ÂPTERWABDS. K ÂJAMEB DITOR AND» PR~xISTOj, NEw SERiEs, NumBEF 687. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEIDNESDÂY, OCTOBER 28, 1891. VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBEBI 44 fini iu JOHINSTON #& CRYDERMAN uuuuII1 Have received direct from the Manufacturers SEVERAL CASES 0F LADIES' iN- CH ILDREN'8 GERMAN MADE J'ACKIETS AND ULSIERS These good are elegantly de- *igned and fit to ,eorfection. Every Lady is respectfully in- vited to cali and inspect our stock of these goods, WHICH ARE ALL NEW, and the finest assortnaent ever shown in these counties. OOUOHt JOHNSTON & ORYDERMANI l3owmanv'illo, Sept. 8, 1891. One Door West o! Pont Office.1 HAPPY THOUCHI RANOE. There are more Happy Thouglit stoves now in use i Canada than any other Range. made in 48 sizes and Bty]e ail perfect in operation, ele- gnt in appearance and dur- able in construction. The external appearance hau been completely changed, enriched and beautifled, the interutil construction is perfect. If you 'want peace and eomfort h---i -the-household -buy -the HFappy, Thought Range for wood or coal. THE CHAMPIîON RANGE is a cheaper but excellent range i6 stylos. Calil ad examine o oChampion cooker. - IN HEATERS the popular Radiant ilome base burner, aud the Universal base burner have no superiors. They are both cheap and durable and eleganlt in design. Al the eading styles kept in stock. Cali and inspect. WanArFun esfrw migde- The Euonoîny W r i uncsfrwrigde ings, Schools, Churches and other buildings are taking the lead ii Canada: made by the J. F. Pease Furnace Co. This i8 the furnace that so, many of the churches and dwellings in Bowmanville are heated by and none give better satisfaction. The company has over 35 year's ex- perience and, make over 601 different sizes and styles. You wil save money by calling on me before ondering a Furnace. Ail the above makes controlled in Bowmanville by 39 TEE IRONMONGERY, Bowman7ille. 0NoTI1:0 l Haviug sevened my conuection with the firmf of HosHE@N sud WEERIES, 1 an stili prupanedf te attend te ail oendors for Casting sud repains.E Rememben my motte le "Nover tee, lete o moud." Repairinig a specialty-Sewing Mach- nue, Guude. Revolvers, k3toves, Locks, Wash- Iug Machines, Wringers. Reapers, Mowere, Plows. Keve made sudfItted. Pipe fitting sud ail gerierai reneirs. At present. (until 1 get a shop e atelO>al ordére ieft ait Mr. J. Jeffry'S5tap Houe o. on my bouse. Liberty Si, se&= M. Lc&vi Morris' nesideuce. wiii receive xny prompt attention. H. J. WEEKES, 37-tf Bowmauville. Minard's Liniment tonrIThunatisma. I BEAUTIFUL BANFF, -N. W. T. I was in- duced to use your Burdock Blood Bitters for constipation sud general debility and found it a comiplete cure wblcb I take pIes. sure in recommeuding to ail who may be thus affiicted. &"-James M. Canson, Banff, N. W. T. Tnun, FAITH. "I have great faith in Burdock Blood Bitters as a blood purifier. 1 bave taken thresîbott1es for bad blood sud find it a perfect cure. It le a grand medicine sud 1 recommend it wberever go. "-ILba Sanderson, Toronto, Ont. MILBUI8AIRO1WATIC QUfININIE WILNE fortifies tise system againat attaeks of ague, bllons lever, dusmb ague aud Use troubles. SURPRISE YOÙ want your cottons, Linons, Flannols always swoet, clean, snowy wht? YOU want "àtho wash" dons the easist. the dlean- est, the quickest. the cheap.- SURPRISE Soap "&the Sur- priseway," without boling or soaldling, g1ves those'rosuits. I *REA.D thael'tin CREAT DRY COODS PALACEU When you corne to Toronto, bear un mind that i90 to 200 Yongc Street is a meeting and resting and waiting place, as well as the biggest store in Canada. There are reading and sitting rooms for you; ' telephone, telegraph and mail facilities. Your parcels will bc cared for without charge. \Ve try to make you welcome whether you buy or not. You 1:now that there is no worthy thing for wear or home use but we have itý If you Scan't corne to the stor-e, ,.rite for whatever yen vrt, sam-- pic- or ,,)ocs.Shopping bye mail La has'corimc to bcu mpl and ceî tain. A ftw cratclhe,- of 'a'en, and À2,',!e acilt of t1hestore are y oursý. In short, we shcop for you as Ive ould for ourselves, and suchi service costs you nothing extra. Tr. EATrON & CO. 100 t. 200 Teage St., Toronto. *EtLICLriC4 -OFFICE HELP il ro take the place~ of the o1d-fashioned corded~ corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three' weeks, if you wish. Then,if you're not satisficd, you can, For sale by CouciH JoRinr O &CxZ DERMAX bau a nice assortment of YouNG MISSES' HATS in the leading styles. BÂnim' ~BONNETS and CAPS, VELVET TAm-O'SHÂi.NTER5. STUDENTS' CÂPS-in the latest fashions. Âlso a nice lot of WINGS and BIRDS, FEÂTHERs and Tîps, OsPRAY and POMPONS, Ladies, please remnember that keep a large stock of SATINS AND PLUSHES suitable for Fauc-Y Work sud Painting, One door Eatet of Post Office, Elug 'St-, Misb,ýsd'a Ul:mqut curesDiptherla NETWCA STLE. The firet concert of the season was given in the nmunie hall under the auspices of the Royal Templars. The weather was very unfavorable and the attendance amail. The Royal Templara band furnished the mxusic and Profs. Brown and Mounteer, of the Ontario School of Oratory, read- ir.gsa nd recitations which were rendered in fine style.... .Mr. Hunter's child was buried at Bowmanville on Thursday... Rev. J. A. McKeen, of Orono, preached in the Methodiat churcli Sanday week.. .Anew metal roof ban been put on the music hall .. . .Report says the Post Office will shortly be removed te Hooper's store Rneeve Treleaven who had hit leg broken a few weekn ago ije progressing favorably. Falllng Off a Log. »ÇAs easy au falling off a log"* is an (Ad saying. When it wssfirst uttered, nobody -knows. Nt nglisessier, unleessitiithe t.king of a dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant P>ellets. These act like magie- No grip- in.- or' drencbing follows, as je tbe care with ahe old-faahtoned pisl. The relief that f>llows reeemble the action of Nature in ber happiest nioods; the tmpulse given to the dormant liver ln of them~ost salutary kind, and je speedily mnifested by the disappearance of aI bilions symptome. Sick headache, wind on the stomach, pain through the rlght side snd shoulder-blade i sud yellowness of the skin and eyeballs are speedily remedied by the Pellets. COURTIOR. r . John Bainier spent a day or two rin Toronto ist et ...... Fasrmn help àe very bard to get ini this section, the faeu producte are 8o abundant every person seerna to be overcrowded with work-good sign.... Mr. C. W. lent, P. M., was5 aumimoned sjuddenly tb Belleville on Sat- Lurday eveninir te attend the f uneral of ~hig neice .. .. The funeral of the late Jno. Pk ~ el wae very largely attended on Su 'n- ,dây afternoon. A short service was con- kdiucted ei the hoube by Rev. J. Liddy ~after which miore than a hundred car- riar4ee followed the reomains'tteI3owman. Vville remetery. Mr. Piokel wae one of epom u dwaed o hd friendst_ o 1 n en 1 ýasrly part of the week. * Quaclc Âdvertisements Are a nuisance and we think it bebooves pub)lishers to examine into the ments of articles puffed upintheir columnr. We do not deny that many meritorious rein- edieB are propenly to be classed nder this bea»ding. Take the hundreds and thon- rands relieved froin e evere auffering by the use of Polson's Nerviline; would it not be unreasonable to expect then to condenn that far-fâmed reniedy Now we know for a faot that Polsou'a Nerviline ie with- oui ex ception the most powerf ul, plesant uû uertaiù remedy jin the world for pain, It cannot fait, for it goes rigbt to the bot- tom of pain, penetrates to the nerves. soothes themn into quietneee, and aflorda prompt and permanent relief INEW HA YEN. Mr. Neil McDonald bas been engaged as teached for 1892 for school Sec. No. , Darlington .... Mn. E. G. Power one of our oldest neigbbors je ailing .. .. Charles Frank bas succeeded to the eptate of bis fathen (the late John Frank) arnd intends belng a penmament resident bere. . . . Mrs. John Hoft bas been visiting ber sister, Mrs. Sexsmith, Toronto ... . Mr. John l>ickel. alter a long and severe ilinees passed away on Friday, 23rd maLt, 1 is i é5th yean. In him we loose a klnd and obllglng neighbor. H1e bas be<en an lmn- mediate resident, of this -lc.cality -and hav been ini active buin&ess as a farmer for oven haîf a century. In politics be ba% always been a abauncli Reformer. Ie wife, daughter, snd four sons, two of whom are in Manitoba. survive to mourn bis loo%. Bi.s romains was interred on Souriey ë,t the , svle cernatery followed by a large concourse of relatives and friende .. i-,Farmers are behlnd with their fall work here.- Belp le scarco and in good deoeand. . .. Mr. W. T. Wither- idige, Toronto, revjeited the old home- stead recently,..Mr. John Stacey, lake shore, intende netirlng trom farmtng and will selI bis stock, implimente, etc., on Thursday..-..Mr. Geo. Richarde and sister Lucy Richards spent Sunday wlth their sister, Mrs. S. Piokel... .Mr. Wm. Gamsby, Orono, visited O. R. Hall re- oently.... Mien Charlotte Bates, Toronto, bias been vielting friende boee. . .. The item about the threshinz of Lyle and Blythe that appeared in the SrATBOMA&IÇ -Ad re-iedto -y-EPO. or1 h.ade KENDALL. Mn. Adam Heury 6th line will in a short time go te Orono to reside. . .. Jackson & Son bave the contract te f urnish the plank for the new BowmanvIlle bridge... Mn. R. Monton'à bomie on the 6th lino wes buiut down las% week. Partially in- eured..Rev. D. F. OGee of Newcastle preacbed an excellent missiouary sermon lu the Methodist churcb lâst Sunday. . Mr. Joseph Henry bas returned froni Bos- ton where he bad taken a carload of herses., ...Mr. R. Warren ineongaged In painting Mr. John JackFon'a new bonse. In Traïning. There are mauy lu active training for aquatia sports wbo will do well to rend the opinion cf Mn. William Beech. a champion narsmnan of Australie, who says: 'Il have found St. Jacob'a 011 of greateat service in reig.For stiffooei, crampe, muscular pains sud sorenees, it in valuable. 1 al- wayakeep abottle with me. It cures nheu- meatieni" This je standard authonity.for athletes. SOLINA. Quartenly meeting will not ba beld et Eldad on 'Sundwy next but ou Nov. 8ffi .... Mn. 1-. Ho(>pIr aud son have gone te Garde-n Hll te commence busines.... Mrs. Alfred Hogarth and children bave returned from Detroit .... .The Division le flourishing, there was an atteudauce o! over a buudred lest week .. . .Mr. Thos. Baker bas purchased from Mr. L. Skin. uer, o! Tyrone, 12 Iambe which will make a valuable addition te bis fiock of South- down.... The sad intelligence of the sudden death o! Mr. Wesley Joli near Brandon was received haoelest week Deceared bad lived in this locality ail hie lite until 1e4 i.prng when ho went te Manitoba sud worked at hie trade as car- ponter thie emnimmer sud was killed in- stautly in a naiiway collision. Hoe was much respectod by ail who knew lii. The mother, brothers sud astere bave the boantfelt sym»patby of the entire comimun ity. fie wae 27 yt-are of agaansunumar- ried. Hie brother John lef t for Brandon on Wednesday. More cans os ck hoadache bilionsne8s, en'ripation, can be cured jrn lestirne, vi1 ~eee~il~înearn for les mon1ey, by n Mr. A. B. Oryderioeaa v eited aeeb lest week as e delegate from the Epworth League te the Christian Endeavor Con- vention .. . .Mrs. Jeuktns, a former resi. dent of this village (tinter cf Mrs. John Johns) sud who hais for some years been livinig with ber daugbter,. Mrs. Johnson, Aurore, bas passed ovar te the Bslent majenity aud ber remains woro interred bere on Monday .. . .Mr. John Creeper who bas been in declining health for somne years,. died et 6 p.m. Sunday evon- ing .... Mesars. Eîîiott were et Port Hope Sunday attending the f unerai of a relative -. ... Rev. W. Lee, of England, 'will preaob boe next Suuday merning, a grand timo le expouted. . . . ivery person was praising the siuging cf our cburch choir Sunday. . *..The people et this vicinity wore very much sbocked lest week upon hearing of the accidentel des.th of Wesley F. Joli et Brandon, Man. The femily bave the heant-feit sympatby of the entire village in tboir Bad bereavemont,. fi was killed in a railway collision at Komnay ne ar Brandon .... Misses Cryderman,Bowman- ville, were calling on fnieuda bore Suuday ... Dr. J. B. Brown, Arkona, sud Mr. F. R. Brown, Toronto, ,nere visitiug friands bore lant week. ENNI.SKILLEN. Among the visitons: Mrb. John Gamble, Scugog; Mrs. Thos. Barton, St. Joseph Island; Mr. Wm. Parka, Oshawa; Miss Sharp, Buffalo .... Mn. sud Mrs. Charlos ~Roonsareleotfn wel f ton 1-heiFir-terpt_ Maniteba sud Dakotae.. . .Mr. John Young bas decided te 1.ave the sohool ber. at the close of this terni.. . .One of eur fareros about a mile north from bore bad bis thumb frozen while plowiug on Thursdey morning... .tIrs. Elford ie home again atter a visît te Sougog .... Mn. J. T. Pollock wae the represeutativo front bore et the Presbytery in Wbitby latoly ...Mr. F. Rogers bas been visiting ln Toront ... . Master Will. R')gere le home freni Pickering ... . The Chautauqusu reading circle je aga at work. Mr. Ed- ward Sandersen, president; Miss Mary Vintue, secretary; Dr. Mitchell, freasur- or. They would liko te have a langer membership. .. .Mise Bestrice Sanderson bas returued from a very ploasant visit te ber brother Dr. J. H. Sanderaon in Mlch . igan. . . Rev. A. McLaren in hers; he bas been prostrated with an attack of typboid foyer. . .. The annuel meeting et the ýEp. wortb Loague was beld in the Methodist AUCTION SALES. LEvi A. W. ToLE'e Lisw. WEDNEsDAY, Out. 28.-Mn. James Galle- gber, lot 31, cou. 10, Darlington, 1I, miles nortb of Enfield, wihi seolis val- uable fart stock, implemeuts, grain soparater, recta, etc., witbeut neservo as ho in giving up farming. This lnaus important sale. See large postoru. L. A. ToLic, auctioneer. TEuRisDÂT&, Oct. 29. -The furniture cf the late Mn. George Piggotb, consistlng o! parler, aitting and dining rooni sud kit.. chen furuiture and furniebings, and tbnee complote bedroom sets, crockery, gleeRwel-A, asnd cinner 'sets, 81ier- ware, dlocks, etovea, bodding, table in. en, erpete. etc., etc., will be sold with- eut reeonve ln the store, MoArthun', Block, eue door eaat et Murdoch'sfBrou, Bowmanville. Sale at 1 o'clock, shirp, This beizig e superior lot of f urnnturo sud effects it commande the attention of buyers. Seo bille. b. A. W. ToLw, FRIUDÂT, Oct. CO.-The farm stock, im. plensents, etc, belongiug to the Brodie Estate will ho soid by order cf Mr. W. P. Pro wer, witbout rescrve. Sale et 1 P. M. This je a big sale, attend prornptly. Se, biIlle. L. A. TOLE, auctioneor. SÂTiJRDAY, Oct. 31.-Mnf. M. Baiiey wlll sel aIl of bis bousehold furuiture, stoves, eto., on the market square. Sale et 1 p. m. LEvi A. W, ToLE, aue- tioneer. MONDÂT, NQV 2.-Mn. John Hammoud, 1,)t 16, con. 6, Dsnliugtou, (McLàeau feaim) willIDeol bis valuable tarin stock, implemente, et#., withoîit resorve. Sale at 1 p. m. See large posters. [L A. Tor.u, auctioneen. Wlî,DNBSI>AT, Nov. 4.-Mr. Isaac JewelJ, lot 20, cou. 5, Clarke, will soit hie valuable fanm stock, impiemeuta, etc. withoîit reenve as ho is giving up fart- ing. Sale at 1 p.m. Sea large posters L. A. Toix, auctieneer. FRtIDAY, No)v. 6.-Mn. Thoo.- Jennings, lot 21. soi). 5, Darhinaton, will soU bis weil bned Clydesdale hersep,bigla grade caîtie; farm implemente, etc. Tbia î% a 1-aygve arad, iior tant sale. One cc1ek sharp. Se e large posters. b.A Toir; -;tinepr, Mo-NDÂT. Nov, 9-M,7. Richard Sý5,4it, TOLZ, teoiQr TUDÂAY, Nov. 10e.-Mr. JeLn Giffrd, lot 31, eon. 10, Clarke, will soll allo! his farta stock, implementg, rocte, bey, et.z. Asteh is netiring from farmming everythin2, muet b>9 sold. Sale et 1 o'clock. làvs A. W. ToaiE, suctioneer. WB»NES»ÂAT, Nov. 1l-Executors o! the, late Danill Ooruisb, lot 9 con. 3, Dar- lingtoai, will Bell the whole ot the fanS stock, impléenta, hay, noots, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. Seo bille. L. A. W,. Tosa, auttioneen. MONîDÂT, Nov. 1I& Mn. Eli Robbins, lot 17 con. 0 Darlingti>u, wil eh aIl o! hi& veluable frra stock implemeuts, roQto,, bey, ooru, ete. Levi. A. W. Toas,auct- lonoer. THiuJitDAX, Oet. ft -Mr. John Stey, lot 30, Broken Front, Darliugten, -wilI ol hie valiuebio farm stock, impiemo.nt., etc. Tiier. je a ânue lot et young stock. Sale aM 1I eelook,sbharp. Séelargeppst-, oe. S. O, lBuiç]Nn, auctioneor. FItIDAT, Oet. 60.-The eitte of the Jute HirentTapli,îmile eouth of! Hanmony, wiU 1* m!1, lueluding farni stock, im- plemeete, et..Sale etlo'ciock (j Huirtnçe4 *. .oioeer. SATuitDAir, (»t. SI.- Sale of farin 5190k, implenmia,@te., ii1 Centrailfiotol yamd, Oebaa~ SQO.HrUXKrNu.auctieupon, WB»NBUSDÀT, 190V. 4-Mn. W. Rt. Gornill, lot 2, .on. 4, Eget Wbitby, near Taun- ton willl soatiaXl h evaînable fart eaok, implamonts, ete.,without reservo. Sale et ene p.m. See large posters. S. 0. HUNIrune, ac.tioneen. FirnckVWy* o r ou> pi Grass, Eeq., Columbus, wiil have an ex- teneiive sale el farra stock, etc. S.(. Huiçuziçe, sautimeer.' SÂrTauDy, Nov. e.-Mr. Kuepp, Simse ,et., North, Obhawa, will seli householti funniture. IB (1Uwxmc,, auctiqyeer. Mr. and Mn,. T. Oreepen attended the funeraI o! bbc laie John Creeper, Hatp- ton.... .Mr. &. M Clouions and fsxily bave moed imb Mne. Wood'a cottage.. ..Mr. F. Wright e! Bowmauville B. 'S. is teaching titis week for Mn. J. H. AluIn who le absent through ilîneas. . . .Mr. andi 1 v7w lem> Àw