Ani, ey "h.2 crîad, exczitedy Jc - Modaun, wo edto Mwork at ydour mine, ýrî ~ ~is thllel o% wliwho et thbie reintoecernents "Aud vor VI Gwr is-? fonte te iôo, th ieran 3i as "No deideiyno. Yo1 ae xi dte hill)that idcdthler toreLuru lvith lhim hiink ofit. 1I don't,,ee hiovvynou l --adata the town. Ifgot this ,ýfrom an terprel't any action I e'a ie d, r aytiu old negr îo cook they a ihthm h e ;lve aid, as an indication of lve" serted. I met bim on tha road comiig this BuA nnie,"pasistied the poour fellow, _Wy" ~ two "you id nt always talk this way. W an Te iita aal the able-bodied man Chave Ise c e" Avatwee chidreu" luto-> nl ge readto rasist the invasion, Col Crop. hre bies rorinletters Oys erk h ~I maini;~atu~ okcnnn ttemvret fresly rceied fom p- e ahale to Say 1>l'ot et tinga wen n prsrr. apai artly was assigned euna rentswho ave iven erma Syrp waara children, butneno isibll'let to tte iitia and anothar trainadý tthO t h1dueniiiteegn cies ed mti wouid attemp-t te bring 'llin urere.nces efflciýr took the lrest. The fightin2g citizanls s e chldhedas ledes iningupo aWeia forrnje l a lino.,behind tLe militia. A ofCsu~.Yo wl cedtthse oman grown. 1 j Lý teî .0UJacukonice-fer bariaeblit et old boxes, tables and becaue the corn fron good sub-alil that it ilao ethen us-elýess te prese this lubr, wvasatl sccarstesre i tan poihappy in finding miatter furth)er. 1 arn thjoreughý-iy ecided., do-,n whicb the gcuariliaswr xetd. What so nayfam)1illes lack-a rned- I disIika te give you pain, but I wisb te Soutils were pested at ail the streets leading bie onaiin n eildrtxg, Which il,' tify yen front this on ta discontinue your ino1het1 b Te Mgt asclar. ah mohe cn#dtinstr it m- sis, whicb cani ouiy resuit in aunoyance me(nu was just above the tree tops. Sud- liitrwt co-to me and pain te yen. " ciy aý clatteringeof herses boots was beard fidene tothe itteoes in their Tha first speaker was a tail, siandermnadaota oe osmnrode into viaw. xnost critical hirs,- safe aind Sure e tweuity-tbree or t wenty.tfour. The secon hnte etfî usgbsm evu that it ,wlilI carry therli through. wa a girl just grcwniibTh girl was finsbe ld iitis anturnedleose bis gýun aîd the rest, Bn. .. WLLxrs, t Itra.JAS.. K ansd angry beesuse Jack Mrdauint bad just wiheutvw"i;igfredrtloa ut Alima, N. I iv i flgtes'Collegeý, asked btr te his ife. Jckwa amie hariders retreated in apparent contuszion, te iny children wbIen arodbugKîy. I boss, and was peer. Perhaps that was oea and the entîuiisiso sldiery jumpedl over treuled ith-rouIlp h depended upon reasen wby his suit fared ne better,, Ania the briradprud taigtimbn aud nyer ýzsaW q-y t-1uattacks of Croup H a ssthe'danighter et the wltbycries. Captin H i 1artiy and Colonel Hast ings prearaio se hke jtbutlitiedauh-mine ewner, wbose servant Jack wss. vainy! nirdte ehi n at o t.tissîmiy lYM- ter, and fiud it an in- Doubuless it was presuimptueus,1 in hlm te thair experiance hadl taugbt tiseu guerilîs ractlols, valuabie remedy. offar is., humble loe a te pretty, styliali tactice, and thay knew the ratreat was oniy Flyone-haif of our 'custorners Aninie Hastings, but thay ssay love ise bîiîd, a rusa, but the milita wouid aet listen and are mnothecrs v-ho use Boschee's Ger- and Jack was se deepy inltat le weuld'rashed madly on. Wbhan tbay got tea a inanu Syrup arnong their children. haetn ere thd eu an age?. jbond in the road they saw a sight whicb A meicie t besucessub iththeThay bad playad together as obtîd(ren, sand checkad thora. Riding rspidiy towards Aliteie o ,0 nstbe a reatenthfor when tbay grew up illck hsd beau permit- tbem, six abreast, was a naw datachmantot 14ffe flk us b teamli fr ttecoma te the, bouse and tla anaugaila.Than tbay knew the ekirmishers thle 7sndden and terrible foes -of child- emi riand eft tue faiîy. hdmaeybeau, sent iasa blindi. There was hooQ .vhoping ough crouliiphiVhn Ania told Jack she did net loealittia' timae fer re-leadiug or gtting raady thecria a11d the dangerons inflamma- hlm sha teld the trutbi. Lika her motbar, for defenca. Ilu;sunin st ant the ight ridera alla wss vary ambitions aud wsuted teanarry wraamengst the a rwland inexperîenced tboni-s cofdelîcatethroats and lungs. @ a man aqual in station te bersaîf. But Jackmiitashoeting right and lat t wîth six- did't censidar these tbiugs, and Auniae chamberad revolvers. They seon saw their TH CA A ANSTATESIMAN sPirited ultimatum crnabed bis hearyt. Tbey casa was hopeIessa, and bagau to ask leave ta were standing under the, large trees siear surreudar. -Soeaoe the bleed-thirsty gang » -the front gaie, and as Annie turned te ra- conîmeuced yelling:- IINo qnartar ; run up ESiTABLI.îHED 1834 enter the bouse Jack made a motion with the black flag; kili 'ain ail," but a lond, ÇIpar suinum lu advanca, otbaer-wis $113. bis band, aud she stopped, WOndleringly. commauding veice broke in, and a sleuder payale a theoffa ofHe sid:man rode lu thea iddiaet the crewd, hnid. Subseripties a1w~ys pyable St ta effi ta f Ha said:inea arevlvrueahbd:" sefrig puiblictioni-. ,\dvertisin;r ratas tnul,3qsby cl Annie yeni have repudiated ,sny love, hoo te rst m an wb: hoota se fr- racl 10 cets par lina. nenptrIal. drat iuaart wicb was as bonest as it is stroug. 1 shallM ho he -tmnwo hosasr onl, asud 5 cents par lina asch nusqen l-- edered seldier V' The firiug sfoppad. The 5fioin. Locsds, 10 cents Par lin. neyer rater te this miatter again te yeu n lu M. A. JAMES, Pubishe aly way,-but hiast me eut," ha implorad - prisouers laid down their arms and were as abe again turued teward the bouse; .I formad iut ô lino. ruoREN-Feýr tarmn of aa,"Glas nWil e aie but a mnoment, sud 1 waut Next morningJack MordJantgotupearly -T Dhu' "-3C00 acres, 2 miles yeot hlby te ssy sometbing te yen. Aihgb -asd Weut ovar te the guarid bouse wbare the goeild nsd soil Admirable Par stock declaration bas ruinaS my life ai-sud blasted prisontera were confinad awaîtîng the death or dairy. sue fr geîng extensively ifltc and hîsokened ail my hopes 1 want t etal aignal oacrigtetarlae h Toronto nmlk buisiness or steck rasilg foi 'urlawrae h rsnr eefe nn.aricsn marka-. 3Men with capital onlvy you that shonîd treuble or grief evajr m ueil araa h pioes eaf Aeed npplvl J. il. Dow, WhstbVI ms- tf -'-te yen or yours-wbicb I prsy Ced it neyer(- quently shot, witbent mercy. Ha weut lu may-I waut te tell yen that if it aver d aensd alanced keauly around until bis eya ýArý FC-iý SAL 4 ('osisingof 31 te Yen er yotrs-I men tbeeue youil leva" rested ou Hartly, at wbtcb it lîgbted up -1 i4RM FOR SALE.-C-theistiugwit- an ,indescribable pleainre. Ha wlked crs in te nt CnIide the corpora- th wrd ookad hlm- yen will alway. vrt îm aty unSpl buh tien ofýibe tw of B 'wrnainille. Thera asbve bud ynn18Ita sitn 9051'oue, aruand stable utha promises,hae hudyune tth sitc vrt)Ii- H tltridplewnle ais,,ïWe boutl4c'v a of yonng orchard uow ba- aye, the lita-et Jack Mordaut, aud beliave raeognîzed the guarilla oblat. Mordant vling ixte berr ad a smsill uning< reek of m utitahpletmrln tm i tended'bis baud, as lh a sid, grimly: wstem crosaseL eprepety. Everytingl h ldb ha h "peeedm eal f Hello, Hartly; I arn deligbted te sea yen. good condItion sud staeaorf cultivatin.Tiie wouldea hadet wbcpacedd y eatlî yurif bas beau a long tima since we met." Hart- oropîl;y wjt.All eitcas.A.sud Bo ayrm htda adba cue bsain orly ignered the proffared baud sud said:- o! py meu.Appvlla. te. A W45atrTH lite or the lifaet foeu enlove. Willye- "Mordaunt, a cewsrdoeaSy fallan SHosîT Bewmsnilla. Ont. 45 oh, will yen beliave me in this?'" te We e altenmsfrtada DYIC W CENIG The peer teilow's leyes searchad bars - lina enyoîîfud mlteneadaSfomyeuly AND CLEANIN ageriy for saieateken et sympatby orcein- y l passion.-I)id they rend it thora? --et a regret will ba tbat our boys b..d net killeS Ladis ud Cents' wea r offal kinda, Feathi- bit et t. She langbad lat bila, hrushad by mars ofyeureut.tbroats." Mordanitloeked arGoPa ibbeus, Laces, Certains, sud bim sund rau in the bouse. Jack liaIS bis 'bac, as lha xclaimed auigrily: " lBe cure- al 1i ,îf-ancy goods Dyed, Cleaned cr banda agaiust bis throbbing boend a faw fi hr r es iîg hnsotn. Frenc Ieaued Work positively guaran- moments, and tiien droppad tmsu 1risd artiy's face tnrned as snade pallet, as hae e a hat. No peddliaîg wagoni employed. bis band defiatly. A diffrent sort et a nttered bearsely: "Sureiy Yen would A raliale agn uevery towu. look camaeie bis ayvais ha leglaucad lit tha , y Jwnd"boei e ntwt BRITIU AMEICAN y9t cCWL, lieepwurd hi c amineba 1tre.a barsb langb ; Iweuld Se anytbing for GoldMedlia Dyes. ad a reentcd us poclmatonreveuoge. Do yeun ow," lha said, eaî nestly, M traTeron,ýto, Otu ansd Quebec.1 * *Il il,*1*I"that I bave beau looking for this day for -A ntin Bemnii.Wbeu ha arrived at !lis humble, lodgings tan long and weary yeara, sud caa byear bas ,.J. DBSNSTTINE Idautbrew hîmsehi tpon hia baS, andà added iti interest. But I can't stand liera neaýtoidy. lie firat wvondered who bis ail day. I siiply camu-e tepuy yen afriaendly Il 1UA fl a, for he toit confident Annie weuid calsud tell yen yen bave trou-t uew tili fic UU M J-LL L net hae te a e5rO insa yd eet lve-o'lo te thiulW ve~r what l'v Siaflered al Sava rino t te is hrow cloareld udihomuttered -tha raim. your snstar se~dsud o te bimiselt: "0f course lia la the eue; * * * * ou17r oue lit Grand Trunk Rail stîsunga I biaS net thoughit et it befeore. Wel iAunieI-Hartly sut haloeatie grate in the voS soa, wbere thaelrgbest market I'in net as ricb as lie is or as wall aducatedj large drawingreem uat the Hastings mmri- px-o wîl h pai lucas by uE.[~.perbapa, but I thiuk nature biaaendowed me'sien, lier eyaa were ted witli weepîug OLMSE,o sucnpd-'ceahb RB witb eue qualification that will makea amendas Her lbtic goidan-baired daugbter, waa platy- who edsM. Couitar ast fer th ia, and 1I vill cail it inte requisition ail iug aroeundbr vr ocuaw Iiaba issegre our busiu&es th'3ra. iin gond time. " Then hae turned ever sud igbt, cbeary laugh would break the silence N. B. KEENEY &SoN. went te sleep. Ha had solved the problem.- et the roo'u, Sn'wîing that the awf ni tbing x415. His future course was decided. callad deatb badl net yet cat its gliastly * * *shadows over ber. AÀ man's quiick laeavy F%'J SAL . Thelarg Hasings mansion wasbrn auatly step was heard ascending the steps onts ide illuminated on a besutîtul aummer niglît a ndîa Sharp imperieus knock wss deliverad ~ (~~ wîll pumohasa 76 -acres about a montb tfollowiug the incident juat on the door. A servant answared thaeoel "YitYj î good houes and god narrated. Thie occasion was the marriage et; anS nshered into Annie's presec-Jack on ildings q: lq S 101,1coX i) Arlrine,ioil good Anînie Hastings te Capitain-Lu Malville Hartiy, 1M1ordaunt." l"Yen ber," "Shacried. ci~iatal cearea. $860 nb wipucnAare gooome a yung army oficr uho bad just ohtainad Jack mokaS et lier, aud raînarked, oidly. en thco..Darintoc»,bi mhre' People who liad seau the" Yes, vby net? Annie cevered bler fae titg11,, acres, gond stona bouse, good out- young couple, ansd lad known them lun thehr witlb ber bauds, sud murmureS "lOhi, lmy buil anyounger daya, said it wasae match et nature's Gel, bu is fate." Bu»lt littie Nallie sle 0 will purchaFé. oue of own making, and predicted a long and bappy over te, the straugeri, sud ioiug inat $LJ'JVthJib e t farine btwaaai lite- for tbem. Aisycue gisuicing tbreugb the squarely in the ayo, saiS:. Boflavil sdNecsîa omanng~ windows ou tItis notable evening would bava , ol'e e sec 'ceo makes mZzer or1y,- a1ud acres ebpe10 acresé witnessed an attractive suid besutïiu speot. l'ont like 'ne if 'ce d,; dat. Tom e (Ver 'cm buligalcleared, good soitý,.r roýo,,s,aiid themanybandsomnecost umxeswoi11 dat way." 4~by the ladies. But there was onefigune who, Mordaunt looked ut the o a S e moent, ou.14b et am on con. 1, bidden by the Sark sbadow et a large, oak, and bis lips quivered. mute gond buildings,- gond locaiity anmd looked sud saw it ail, and the, more hae saw Illa thaI your chiS 7" hasiediuihsk a 0p .Fr nyo aoa roetisthe gloomiar aud Surkar beaeelis brow. toues. LEVI A. W. TOLE It wasistarange that anyona couid lehold sncb Aunie ouiy noSSeS andeti haut lerbad Real Estate Agent sud Arctioneer a scorie and remeain numovad at i ta brilliancy Iower, she faIt that ahe deserved ne oputy aiud the charm etf the mnusic thatescaped out from ibis man. i-tu she could nt 1~e look-i - inte the stilluesa et the nigbt. But it didunet cd hlm in the face thon fbaS ber litaSpcd excita any entlunsiasm lun the biddeîi specte. aS on it. tor-thauninvited ouhooken. Ha ssw a ma The girl reached up baer littie, round ara anS a hendsemely attireS womau enter tha te Mordaunt, sud saiS lu beor prettfy obuS. reco nwbile the sweet straina et the wadding ïsb way Reuaepthe Stornach, msrch were played; ha saw tbem stand a IlTuke me aud ]at's deoan' Suidpapa sud L*iver a ïd'I -owels, u n locks faw moments before tbe ministen, aiîS ha dring 'im buck te 'ittie muzzer seaaL.a we't th e S eczretion sPu rifiesthe knew tbey answered IIyes " te the questions dry any more.' esked. Ha ssw the man place a ring upon Mordaunt instinoti ey littea the oild Bloud and removes &Il lm-- wemnan'a, finger; lia saw them kuaai aud in bis arm8, sud wluenaliter bad reached the troea meansd a scout appeared astride et brng yen banc te sec your Ofathier dia? himu. Ha rode up te Col. Hestinga' mansion why,--ha saiS, in desperation, Ilyou 0M4- anS bastiy dismotnuted. Ha SaliveraS bis wratcb ; bn-in t yen got auy beant ut al report, betwacu guipa for bneatb, te the-" P u L r-SRONEST Ur.' , cnewd:MerSaunt stood as a statua, tlaougba it Iiay~r~iun y-uenttty. For nseking Sosg, IlColonel, the gueillas aea juat six miles was aviSent trom lis expression thut be wa- aneuc~trDîi7 sd abtmuited ethebalow towu, and tbcre'sa s nîurry oe 'cm ta iDCtrlO iI yu ie. &c îaeýsisP,,,, isai Soda..Bub soidW AtiCoe'p ae uugas They've gel raintorcemeuts somnewbarcs sud effort hae choked bis wrath back sd ai ýd -- xzm.m'ry t aeamaking for banc et a gsllop. calmiy "Captain HrIiy, beni nnchil ; tak, b]and ufoilow nme. Butlif yen n epeat Y0o11 lagaeIm y change my mmdI. Faîl iu.'- Captalu H Iartiy wastîuder-stuck. Deubt, hoeanS jey ;t1ihenbethought : th at perhaps tii nsonyan ,nerr-e et trt'ure;haliene it wbýt; but bha ethe hnsihwst br.Thy iytaesd 1îb ) dasrtd îret, asInga culn at, the satt-g Sgnas WeIIthaHaîig muien wasmucheS, Mrauu1etoe Huritiie antan, lwebic a int-t id- Tbe lîttie iiiinmuèddowu ou the fleer sud rusheS p t the sofa luponicb /Anie w Mas rech1iinig, with bar bauds befo;re ber faýce. She iîpilyIlke ierotb;er's bnadowu, sund abouleS: "Muzzcni, 'aras papa " Annie loked u'Ip, gave suanexclamation oet jey an nuS'ailtsd ruisheSinto ber hua- 1band's ou*tatre,,tched arma, Te sea thuseayes et a loea ore supposed te ha dead, open ; te know tIsaI eue wlsobad a taw shen t moments before, stood in the ýsbadow et au awful daî, anS that the sbadew baS 1fý1(adSaway lu the glonieus Sun- aIiIBcu et light sud lite ; thia repid, euS sud den transition trom the durnesa et the- tomib te God'u bnîllhaut sunlight ; thîs la cnIough te overbalance, the strengeat mnd ; but joy deés net bihl, sud fet ta s w short moments et hsppy caresses Hertly turneS round, sun than a ghastiy jean cama ovcr hl. leiaps lha was pramature lu drink- iug this cuip et uew tonSjoy ; wbat rightý baSlete tbink this man who baSl suiferaSd se nuch t1irougbhlhm would shlow hlm te bavea eh tlW pheasure wbilie awho beiS the divine right et power in bis bauds wonid drink the ýcnp et gaîl te the draga? The thougbtoev-epowve-ed bim. Mordaunt was the firat 4e Spaak. Hle sddnassed Annie, wbe stood looking douhtfnlly et bitu. His words wene iow, but dlean anS ent likeaa kuifa :i «,I telS yen once, wbeu i loveS yen as strong as li aluca leand te baie yen, thuat shouid troujble laven threatau yen or youns, te cali ou J"sk Merdaunt anS ha wonld stand hetween yen anS danger though il ceat hlm bis lita. Yen scorued that offen et truc tniemîdsbip, as theugb givaîl by eue power- lesa te randar yen service. No sabre tbrust or buhiet wouid I have ainca meceived luas rpuaeu oe lhait sse vaeeas yonn ceutempt- >nous treatmieutonu that occasion, aud 1 vow- cd I would maka yen anS these Sean- te yen suifer ton the pain yen causeS me. But youn littie girl thene "-the stneng man's veica faItered; t4ecchilS looked wouderingly at the strango scana,as sha stood thera with bar baud ilulber motba's-"1 bas vonobsated mca tniendship yen SnieS. Sbcissomncb hîke yen avère wieu yen wene lutIle yonnselt, suad I Sare, Say," lha weut on hittcniy; " whcu abe grows up sha wili leeru-as diS lier mother-that a sýensible man woîmid net regard tha utterumîces eohldhood as pledges bîndin g on ea we-man growu; sud soe poor wratcb is Ib laa suiler as I diS." ',O, Jack," lAnume murmureS; "osanyen -O, cun yînu aven tongive me ?"l _Ha 515 net Socimte notice the mcmark, but weut on~ more rapidiy : " Taka ibis -:", hia band-eS Hantly a amal envelope, 1"sud wbeui the beys ecceat yen, show it te them-ii. As ftan as my men are concerneS, it wili shielS yen as a wali e! adamarit. Ilbepc "-bis voicawaa braaking new-" yeta aill ail be bsppy, sud soîetima when she 1-iudicatiÉg the littie Lgirl,- ",gnows eid(er, yen wilremember mnate that hitle in 'gel tIsera. geod -bye-GoS bles uiyenail, " anS lue passeS eut inte tbe Yard betore thecy could st 'op bîm. Ha want t'le L ac ut stoppeSl, atudiad a moment and ebyiia u imp lsali could net resust, gide ot iy Ibauk te the ýwiudow, sud peen- aS Lunos i te shîLtcra. Thene nen the glane oi thie chandeliers stood Annie sudý baneirsbnd coseiy locbed lu cach ethera' eiî%hnace. Thea utIle gini-tha innocent autýe oe t il al,-was gaziug complac-i u on the accue. Mordaunt loobecd, sud i a long, pititul sob escaped bis lips. ie hareached nervoaly ton bis noevolver ; glanced cnniouahy anS keenîy aI it ; then coo-ked il snd placeS it egainat bis toneltead. Ble pauseS e moment suiS saem. ea t tdy. Then ha muttered te bimsalt : No, that's wnong ; not banc ; net banc." Ha nepluced the pistel lu bis baît sud walked towund the woda.Ha walkad rapidly tonrs haIt heur untîIliha neached the býauk,; a coi, ark-loeking Str-eam. TIse witrmoou peepad ont frnm hhind the ra l\ ansg luS, d for a wbila bath et the high ibanika efthe. Stream were plain. ivsil. i N e od thera sund looked gloemlîly ut the swittly rushing cernent. Wb-ýea vis allthe wsten geiug te, and boas' waS i il ta, depite ils rapid movaînuts,] tiiera wvaï stili pieuty more always imoviug dOewn stiveiainte kcep the Itanka fulli? A large log a'ppeýared lu sight sud came on dowuwiîhtIs tiS. ladS ead traqunur ly et ou ban5 teuS'lurios undar legsi vlibaS dritted et bore, anS tisa tîougbt was' net plýasuntd. The hog was ýooC eut et streaut wssstill a alu ;s havy sulow clouS obscureS thtaeen, ne awas in ïsigbt; nothmg -livin)gor deaS. Was thie water vary colS,be wndenled. Il migat ail puasawayl soon, haethpughr11 -,u he wu3ssîll standing thene losmtg xalni)e tiîne,-tima wlslcb migisI carry a 1nljcf donnthecStream manymile beore ayhiht.It aas injiadici- utep-,rocrstiIsato. Weeid sue ecre ? Wou]ld tielittle gin cure? But itdcUSn'tmakeitucb ditenucetuhocane-1. Tisiexva ten ',as rush- ing by, amud lie via-i idy igeîag_ Af,, te as eb'ssaha onlm "WhuI 515 yen dSe eh the day?" James Spedding '*as once usked b-y a curions tnicnd ou th eoCO4'4ou et bis baving consenteS, wîthlu is hbhitual readineas te tae part in ;viutevcn ýwaa geing forwend, te join a avater-partyý.,"I1 spent tlhe time," ha re- plieS, "lu weundering wby thse vessai wus celleS a ploasure-boat," (Esýta-b1ýýihed 1857') imorer Mnuacurraid Dealer in MonumentIs, Tomb's sarcopha, abiets, I-Ieadstoures and ail1idsof Archiitectur- al1 anjd Cernetery Wor" c îkin the best Furopean adAmerican Graiutes landMris Mloderate Prices ats DsgnSupe-rior W 1orknnship and f3est Mteriai. ~YiiIbe hapy to qpote prices on.n ka of wor. Gve mý acali before purchasing. THE EAST END PAINT AND PAPEPL STORE is now open where wilI be found fulll unes of Wall Paper,3 froin 5c. to $2 p3r roli, Mixed Paints-mixed to order and sold by thic pound, Fittty, G1ls, Peerless Machine Ois etc5. Iarn prepared t do hou3epaintin,griin-r, and decoratiag of ait kinds. Brushes to loan for painting and kalsoiniaing. Mixed Kalso- mine also for sale-any shade desire'i. Reid's Block, opposite New Hotel Buliding. 14 ILA CD1>ý-E IL- THE FAMOUS HEAYY BODIED MACHINE OÏL -MADE ONLY BY- McCOLL BROS. &'Co,, TORONTO. USE ,IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. MCCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL. FIN EST IN CANADA. wil be Ifound in his old shop, nextdoor ctoor to Express Office, B OWIMIANrZVJ LL-E, whereélie keeps cons tantly on hand A LARGE& COMPLETE AssORTMrý,NT, -0F- I oarse and Fine for Men an,.d ByWmen and Children. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Rpiig LUSINIE'S __ I beg to announce to the peop le of Bowv- manville and s urrounding countrytha-It I have bought out, the Tin and Har- ness Business formerly carried on by L. GEO. QIJICK, and *1'ntend to carry on the same business in the saie place. Any person requiring anything in either lino will do well to give me a cati and compa 1re prices before buying elsewhere. You rnay ho sure of getting good goods at right prices. Eavetroughin)g done away down Particular attention given- to furnace work. We would be pleased 10 refer you to somne of the lollowing who have had furnaces iu for years, and can speak of their qualities: - J. B. Fairlairn, Esq., Tho-3. Paterson, E-q., Sam'l MeConnachie, Esq, Francis Bleak1ey, Esq., John MeClellan, Esq, J. J. Maïon, Esq., John McMUurtty, Esq., J. A. Johnston, Esq., Mrs. D. Gatbraith, Mr.3. Mooreraft- P. S -We stili have the rebiableHumphrey in the Haruess Business LijOiICi Gents' Clothing 1 Cleened, Died, Preosed eud Rapalrad lsy i TIIOS. p E AT, D)yer sud Ciothes Cleanar, Ccods wsatad te obe as ne eue will kuow th. r uom netv wben doua. Corner Ring ug e Ontario Streets, ]lowmanvillla. LOCAL AGENT FOR Dominion Organs -AND- B.OW1UNVILu2, -ONiT.