FIi.LL STOCK 0F SUPPLIES. @]Pecia1 attractions in my New 5c. Exercise Book. ';Ever iReady" 5c. Tab1et~, '«Student'" 5c. Note Book, Big 9-00 page 5c. Scribbler. My 5 quire package of Note Paper for 25cts., the surprise of' Statement of the Resuit of the Revision of the Voters' List for Dominion Election Purposes in West Durham in 1891. ,GREAT LIBERAL GAINS AIL ALONC THE LINE! Bowmanville Will Give a Reform Majority of 53. Darlington Will Give a Reform Majority of 452. Cartwright Conservative Majority Muoli Reduced. iWEST DURHAM WILL SPEAK WITII 322 MAJORITY FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT AND THE FÂRMERS' 1NTERESTS.. N«rne of District and Miîticipality. M MA.TRICULATION SOHOLÂR- SEIPS. 11ON. EDWÂRD BLAKE'S GIFT olr $20,000 ro TOýRONTO UNIVERtSITY'SSYSTEM 0F SC'OL- AýRSHPS.-THE SOHOLARSHIPS TO BE KNOWN AS TIIE "WEST DURHIAM" SCI1LARSHIPS-BOWMANVILLE NOT FORGOTTEN. Through the generosity of its chancellor, Hon. Edward Blake, the University of Toronto bas been enabled to re-establiali a general system of junior inatriculation scholarships. A few years ago, the uni- vermity, owing to pressing demands for moniey in other quarters, was compel- ledl to bp off the scholarships it offered and depend upon the generosity of its friends for substitutes. The Prince o Wales'ocholarship #)f $50 was the only one remnaining for mnatriculation. Through the vice-chancellor. the Mary Mulock scholarship was added. These two were the only scholarships offered for that work until Mr. Blake made the noble gift of $'20,000. This was in addition to the $10- KENNER 8808., We are stili adding to our stock newç lines of Stationary and office supplies. Account.3ooks, memorandums, etc'. Paper, Envelopes. Inkstands --- a large variety. Stationers, novelties and specialties.