DR. MACNAB'S BURPIAL. A SOLEMN AND IMPRESSIVE SERVICE. The funeral obsequies of the. late Bey. Canon Macnab, D. D., rector of Darling- ton, took place Tueaday afternoon, Nov. 17. The remains were taken to St. John's charch the previous evening and the open caoket placed in the chancel. The de- ceaBed rector was vested in surplice, cas- sock and white stole. During the evening and following day, notwithstanding the stormy weather, crowds of friends and parishioners went to the church to bave a last look at the dear face of him who Iad Iabored anionget them for 40 years. 'Watch was kept through the night by the canon's son, Bey. A. W. Macnab, of Omaha, Neb., and a number of parishion- ers. 1COMMUNION SERVICE. On Tuesday morning there was a cl- ebration of the Hoiy Communion at 91 o'i1ock, ihe RIev.-Mr Manab-ofciating-. F -The, chich--was-tariteftilly draped withj AN EASY WINNER. After a trial notbing wins a woman'g confidence so easiiy a s "Sunlight" Soap. Her own good jîidgment tells ber that it is a different Soap and a btter one than any she ever tried before, and that its cleans ing yet mii prperties are far suerorto- any --thig ,sh&ver usecLheafore-- -Su~nlight"-Soap-- GREA T OL EA RING SAL E!bi As we are obliged to leave our presentprernis&e onýl01 the first of February, Iarge, and as our stock is very-. we will commence at once to Tpush sales. It will be Scores-- wilI géI~Y Sufts and -Owrooâ%s at lYess than ----------