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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1892, p. 3

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O'r i] 'Standard Remiedy fc ~ sses and Dis eases of th ipained Nutrition, et( isPue Fresh, neari, id therefore most suil a.2.Lielîcate, digestion, Non geruine wîthout the name IZDAH' etarnped on eaci capsule WROL~ESALE BY LYMAN, SONS &~ Co. F5ý We will senud the MEjICAL Ai VISER and anjýy onle of thej foiloWin papers for ffltŽ yýear to any ad1dresý Toronto GicJbe, MiEmpire, ô Montreai il n ,Star,- sud Fani Ilerald, Weatýern Advertiser, Loindo Free Press,>St, Catharines Standard, Si Cathsarines Str 100 lioethers. ýOr a ny twoof the above- paper and, Medficel Adv-:iser for STG !?JY kowmianville, Ont. th( t, During l> t2ont1uwe have recei, eéd ',, U'î1n ow aubsriptions for th Me{ '4er, and every person cal] ~fainily paper pubiishad. Son -cents for Esample. GRAND TRUNK: RAILWAY. GOrNe FAST OOINO WEST Passengr..9j-a mMxlii........ 513 a:1 Mlixed .Sl 2 % Local ...820a i Local.707 p m Express* ...945 ar lia) .1:lOm IMxed . 312P 1 Imail .:.*...827 P1 BOWMÂNVILLE, JAN. 6,. 1891. Local andi Otherwise. Mr. Fred Quick, Lindsay, was home 2WewYearis Day. Mr. .Arthur Brittain of Toronto was il tewn over Sunday. Mien E. Frise, of Peterbôro has been 1, Visiting Mrs. Geo. Tamblinsen. Mrs. W. J. Canu, of Fairmant, Ont., fias beau guest cf Mr. S. H. Reynolds. Al euitsi and overcoats at reduce< prices hefore moving at Mason's Clothing Store- ýDreý akers wilI find our stock of dressa lngs a, -1 timmin ga always wel assent. mýd. JT ,. J. Mason. Misse Galbraith will ri-sumo lier rmusic classes in Orono at Mrs. Luxton's and Mr, Jas. Huntera on Friday Jan. S. Charles Kelly in his teId songe and Guitar solos, Town Hall1, Jeu. 15. Ad. Smission te ail parts of Hall 35 cents. Ladies, notice that Coucli, Jolinston& Cryderman are selling the balance of their Illsters et c jat-this la a genuine sale. The watchspring Corset sold by Jno. J. Maen is becoming moat popular., Wear lit once you will have ne ether. Our 5Oc. corset cannot ha beaten. Ilr. W. \V. White, inason, is able te be around again after bcing confixnod to bhis reom fioru the effects of a fall on the Ice hy whicli soea iba were fractured. ý_The Trinity Y, P. S. C. E. intend hav- ing a social eveuingon Mouday January jjýt11b. Refrealimonts and choica pregram. f ;ilver collection at the deer. Al are in- ited. 523w Charles. Kelly, the pepular Basse sund Puitarist, eccompanied by a grand Chi- -zago Company ef artietes wili appear in Tiýwù Halli Jn, lth. A fine pro-, j4~ram ofcf l' %on. n(uic sud sn.Ad.- mission t ý parts cf the hall 35 cents. ~NOTICE To CUSTOMES-Of l al aOc'ounts jLat are dueme and ara net pzid this .&onth, it-twil becliarged. Aise in all acz,»ýt ruuning overl 1 menth andi a*iesll pIi4,'e'loi], stantig socounts Ïn ']&}LE\ANTHEibRI; <- rtN 'EfionýE-The druggists tel-' us that ~opl,, eal daily for the ncw cure for con- Xtipation and sick h.-dachae disýcovered hy Or. Sulas. Lanae It ifs aald te ho Oragen WP operot (a gre-ar rexnedy in th.e far wet ~crthoe çmplint) ornbnodwith sim- 3 herbs, and s ude fex use by pourizng Abaiing waý-ter to) draw c'ut the atro8gtll bo l at 50 suad Si a package sa ii a 's î'a aviy M"4die. Mayrs.On Monidasy 1406,pupils regist ivt Ist col of tis Higli Sehool,' 18 beling nion-resi Rer. R. A. Eilkey, Toronto, of Toront.o spent New iu St. Johin's church SSunday. Ji nome Iliera. Miss L'zzie and Master Jolir Blighit, Mlyrtle, is visiting Hespelet.i, are v7isiting friands ir friands in tcwn, Ray. T. W. Jollitie will pi Mrs. C. E. Henry, Tilsonhburg, sionary sermons at Hlampt),on, .visting friands haero. Zion on Sunday uext. _es shouid sec those clieap ulters at1 Rev. R. Saniderson,of Einisl .1, Jolinston & Cryderman's. prescli moruing aud evening i! Mfrs., W. Beithi, Whitby, was in town hodfist churcli next Sunday.* last week, guest cf Mrs. P. Murdocli. IMiss Joliffe, u-ndargradnste Ordler ail nowspapera and magazines of -Ladies3 Colilge, returus te MI. A. Jarnaý, Who gives lowest ratas. rnorrow te rasumre lier studies. Mr- and Miss Fife, cf toinabee, arc Mr. chais. Kelly hias goene guas of their grandfathar Mr. D. Hum- atic stage and the fsat chancet( ber, iu bis incomparable songe avi lii PANTS, PANT, $ p unrd fJan. 15, Town Hall, 35 couts t -.pairs toelchose frein at Mlason's Clothing MsLrrirsdMs at Store. any Mr.Kolly. Town Ralil Frld or n sa ewi n agltrVi admission 35 cents le aUl parte te have gene te Napariea te visit Rer. J 6II Aýf. iay h aserve a' Biü24 .JeMIi. 6tl. teL3t wiout extaBo Mr. Wesley James lias retuirned to e-o- nMr.Sanet-on wi ria B [y rente te, resumo ha tudies at the, Uui- neawe-nWdedy t- vereily.haeprepared bte receive ra unit, f~ vesity.of Organ, Piano snd Iziarasoi, Miss Kate E. C. Murdochlihas been For ternis calon M1r. Singleton vislstïing lier uneie, Mr. Wým. Beith, aidence cf Mrs. A. Norlt L Whtby. TI TAEMNwelc---cis te Miss Lottie Brirnacombe ani -Miss vTille Mr. sud Mra Ih Ja*ell lmaud Fleminciapernt New Yeaýrs in Il"li have dec,ýý:ed te m1alie t Osliawa. liteatoe edc-ata their faily at Miss L. Haney, cf Toronto, is viaiiiug rlent eiil. Bfr evn y~ lier grandmother, Mrs. 'X. Hauey, Cen- l <taMehdsaat Kirhy tre treet. ýan2ib1e proof c." theahigli E S Mr. aud AMrs. Lewiý,s Lyle sp-nt ýýe whicli they are lield hy the Berooklin. ister, M rs, <(. Scott, hicli Mr. Jew el lias b en aI Brüiokiiii.offi ciai meriber for miany yaars,. Ladies in qui c f tlo lateat styles in Gaîr offars Pizes c f -S30,$( f urs ahiould losa e -.iile in seeing Mayer'a for the hasýt short humeorcus arti uaw stock. ý poan, narrative or cliaracter aI in hefore Mach 1,9, Tha3 Mr. ler)y n an sd wifa cf Exe0ter ha awarded net se inch on hli liste been vi-itiog their isnsny friendg in aS 1unonl the humeor sud apteesa Dai1ngiton, cspt. Prtosioi i wi-rs baii iViris Jas. Richard,1Pickering, ja riasit- rael, there la al fair bieid for alli o hg er father, Mr. Johin L. Perkiuis, who is turul. ll, rc la acac for ycui aeriously ill. te test their aitjîjttes. Se ainc, Master Asa and MiËss lelen Wabigenlu Gar. s, speut a few days witli frienda lu Nawi- Jrw& a vury thus1iïjastic ]ycastîs lately. which greeted LouisE 1ýDi, Lon n Every pair cf ladiles kid gloves soid by avaninz The scene frcmi "Las- Jue. . Mason liaurantecil. 8ýe our saken," was perfiaps the 1bý9t f l. aciug giove. bers. The artist seemned te fat Mr. Ed. Haggitlh bas been spending inspiration cf the chaactler idhei s the hoiidays at home Brantford sem ed, aiý vividiy were theo xpressio te agrea well with liin. xng in the "Gipsy FlowLy (<liri Mr. W. Nelsen sud daugliter, cf Oten- t urne she captiatad thfo audievc abee, -were guiasaof ha sister Mra, Geo carmng uxur s perf. et o Bickaell Over New Yeara,. cf the wiitd an i on cf the airat Ladies' and Chldren'a Ulsters seiliiuonct . ss riir a uisth off ai sud under coat price ai Couch, o rsamdetkn h Johnson & rjderiiat'i,.bits 1frorpianannber of w'deiy vr, Joliaton& Crdermn ~ of literature. The young, arti Large ,fh:prrut cf shaker il tnnrels just mPany new friands by this very oporee eut ai J. J. Maao's store. Beau- entertainimett. -- hce0 e tifuil patterns. Seo thiern. ý r- Miss Gaîbritih ud Master IL)oad aNG F1U SJackson of Lïindsay are viitiog i the lhome on Liberty street north. C. Mf. Cauler hlaviug sold c luMantileletha at greatly rdcelprices tereat in the hutchering buF,$iu diBexivers, Serges, Wors-tedsi, etc., ai J. brother WV. R. R. Cawker, te J, Masou's prior te stocktakinlg. Eolicits aOniuac f the pal The REVIEW c0Y RE\IEzwS for J ouary ha ocustomoirs liint depar centains the pîrrîra cFs f 901-10nofl y oülisf. e a ,o tranisferrec ixy of thea notabîlities f f ihadaýy. cary snd pr.wvisicu dapar tmneut i Miss M. Prouýti îi1tej,ii ,k 11¶ School, Hope, 11118 Jear. l e r lany cotinIue theaýrme in the cld ýa fienda liea wsh lier avery succes. lie trusts ail bis old ptoi n Mta . E Escraiassstat eitrasnew cnes wi]i encourage the yoq mn MisE .RyrfaLitn dte.neri bv ua en-arcus pýJstrenage. m, cf TnE STATESMAN, has beau speud)iug îlhe C.M Cakrrtnata -u lolidaya with ber parents at Myrtie, CnuM.Cuawkpatroneo-terv0ar Misses Alice, V. (i., and Mayy E. A. support during the hast quarter( Wight of Providence spont ihe liolidsyîs tury. Ris interesi aili be lunil with their fablher, Mr. Geo. Wight, lu cf the near firlin with whlorn i let w *Toronto. for soeatirne. Tjho change Dr. B. Brimacombe, Marlon, Imd., la place next week. visiting lis many frienda iu town aud vicinity. Byron bassa ticurishiug business AUCTION SALES eut West. Geo. Haine, Esq., Police Magistrate, laS &M !i' ,an, 9) -Thora awi)lI eiowly recovering f romt an injury te his ai the Central RlotaI, Osho oback caused by falling hackwards dowu a o'clock, a valuabie farrn nluDî stairway in ha lieuse. heing 0 acres cf asat haîf tof1 Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Higginhotham, F., ou whicli ara frame lieuse nMasters Hubert sud Creigliton anid Mrs. oýrchiard; aise 21 acres cf lot 2' Medcalf and Clara opent New Yeara ai Dalinion, ounarhicli are iWhitby Ladies' Cloe standing lisrdweod and ceda Itisr Collaurriige. 6 alt e '0 acres la excellent laud. those heavy ribbad stockinga for boys are tan per cent deavu, have sold. Juat received another ful within eue week. T),ha,,first Io d lino. 0ur 25c. lina for ladies la sBpecial aold subjecite oa Mertgage g value. Jue. J. Magon. payable April 29, 1892. S. C Siguorina Caita Martini, omiinenut Se- iNa;, Auctionear. si prane. sud, Miss Marie Louise de Lonim. AUrAJnlteThe fury -ier, Chicago's gifted elocutieulat, accoin- the RvM, Pratt wîll be sel pauy Chiarles Kelly lu Town tHall Jan 15. mne opiignwai 35 cents te al parts of Hall, pai1rer st, ir ýparler and othler 3 biedroom isets asud al il er lb 1 The Leading Articles cF the mrnth, as effects. L. A. W. Toiz, auctic cendanad for the Jauuiary numtber cf the___________ 1Rýeview cf Roriews, comiprise the mioat important esaym sud dimcussîins tht HOME EXHIBITION 2 have appeared iu the laading paniodicals PRIVATE SALE 0O of the world ini the moutli cf'Deceaiber. SHORT HORNS. grea pretigea- ad ---i-e--yt swo plasurs Ueiumbie, Hall Japasu gra REV eat o r eaygan syth uûkle, twe Clrysanthamurno, taw Rr-.Igwor, bah Vioýlets, a yaar's numbers Oh, what s cougli 1 Wili yen liaed the Journal. Addres . Wooivert, waruiug I The signal penhapa cf the sure liter, Grimusby, approacli of that more terrible disoase Consmumption. Atsk youraeivea if yen Osu They make eue foal as tliough aiford fer the sake of saving 50c., te rurn wortch Living, Take ene of Carter'i thue risk and de uotFiig for it. We lkuow Liver Pill.s after eating; it wilI relie *rom experience that Shioi'a Cure wiIl pepsia1 aid digestion, giva toue au wou0r t êigh. It nover fafsi. tf. to theosysjton. 'Vhildr,n Cýyp Pthes joma sident. avwilipireai an. 10. n Kirby, oi in toavu. Eldad anç killen, w]P n the Me Pof Dem:P Oshiawa to in the opar o bear hin b2 giron cï eo al!parts i acconi. Jay Jan.15 ts cf Bial i fi-cm Jai arge. owdauvi al nd Wil rd numnbt cl f Ciarke, thein e our ec ig the 4ci cgave theri durcni M an efficiat-ý sud $L Moe, stoij ich lisan pnizes WIU] ram= ai c f the Corý ring ileba f a litarr mg avnite ouncerneW 3audiene Ih ce Fmi berm nuit el the ver ions cf fea] ce muishIh uaga Chai ing selec ying gemý tut gainai oui bis in~ Lems te b eapectful trenge e ment in W cd dle g and MliP, ung beglc ks te b 'y lits ia- cf a 0~ te euccew. iii rernaCx avilI takýII ~li il t Il r- i le -i ~4Mayer lias a cdliceot oof îriew fani lusi neceived. TiwE SrTESItNi-, as ne agents; psy sul ci tiot M. A. James. frDemnocrat sud phimion, secoud han( frsala. 1inquire cf )M. A. Jamnes. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT lusuiranc( ROavr. YIRTUE, Agent, Bowmsnviiie Wlien ai our stoeO ask te sea our 1Oc, t- suid Oc. Factory Cotton. They beas Ilevaryîiing.- J. J. Msson. Tan places ail avool Tweed wtli', $1,0f new being soid ai 60 cents bafore mervil at Masou's Clofhing Store A fine assoniment Mveni's sud Beys ~ready-made Overcoats noffl sbewing ai 4Coudh, Johtisien & Cryd,-îmýan's Th'e balance cf (our stock ( f Chrisinaý 9gooda avili ha ald ai gretly aduiced ~.prices. Comieansd ecura aa bargaiio .J ~ .Masoll. Big Bargaitus lu Cîoihing befona rnoving, t ulndreda cf Seitsansd Overeoats ,aill bc soid ai Siaughtai- Pnices a i Maon's Cleili Sing -,tore. Oinae Jtia nat uset ul pateots ave havi seau for someo tirno is a 8iafety iug-lioldel for carniages for avich Pliiip & Ege: have securad 'the sole igît for Durlian 14sdVictoria counities. Evaeryboa'n an 2beuld have eue. d( Coudh, Jolinston &- Crdiermnan have ai, elagant asseniment ef ies' goods foi Cliriaimas presents suoli a, ina Furs, Lin- e] e900o38, lovai-y Emibroidel'ed liaudker- chiefs, Kid Gloves sud Mitta, lde'ani IMîstesJack-ets, Men's sud .Boys' over The anouncernent tbat Mr,. Hoavalli wil lave Ranper's Magazine, te) ake cd- itoial charge cf the Coarnopolitan, on iMardhislt, calis attentianote,leproceai (3f building, up the staff eot a great maga- zin, M. 1Rowels is ecognized 'ui I~sala~t~Arnei.-u of ,3trsdvwîll týaka in baud the destint,s 'À amgziewhichprmiesteo -,rci86 a ehare of influeneaitb the reading c'ass- oes cf tis coîtinant, Ris en,ire services ,j ili. ho givaxi otehîe Cosmopolitan, sud evmy tliing hlieantes aili appeau lu thai mnagazine cduniig the contiauance oet l'h editership. Týlho Jariuamy numbar cf the Delineator centains alsiai nud descriptions cf curmeut sud incning styles, for Ladies, aisensd Children, articles on the uaw- est dresa Fabricsansd novelties lunmii inigm, and represeutationscof the latesi Sid.1ea-.3iluiiiiinery, Ilingerie sud fancy work. lu addition thora are papars by practicai ariters on tlie louselieid sud its proper malutainance sud a saeociion cf ~ententailoing sud joîtmuctivere raciu on Elagancies of Life. Send 15 cents for s sample coDpy, sud you aill i Led enanuin- ber te ha wortb tlie Subscriptiin Pnice, whicl i la$1%ayesn. Sendorders direct te The Delineater Pubiishing Ce, Ld) 33 Richmoud St. M'est, Toronto. A E WRA FEN. Misa Vida Vancamp ie vi8itipg relatives in Oslia a. ..-. Mn, Alberti(T.Witliènidgo bas beau speiuding the lholidaya aillire- latives lu Toronto. . , Our achool lias ne. opened with cur ne- toaclier Mn, Nail McDeniald and a. fain attendanc ....- At the annual acheol meeting Mn. Jea. Lang- miaid aras re-alected triritee. , . ýMr. Win. Griffu b las vacated has former residancao and moved in a heuse of Casey Trull'a arbre ie lias aecured a situation,. - . Mrs. Sai Burgess la in poor healili now-s-days -....- Saml. Barken apent has hoiidays in Tr into... Mm. R. O. Short gaveas large Christinisa parîy... . Recerît visitr-R., Bilrk, Oshawa: Mn. sud Mrs. Dickey, Oshawra; Mn. IsacseMoecaîf, Mooetel.. Hanry Burubam la apeudiug the winter aii liie grandtiathor, Justice )Malory IlsIdim-anid., . - Mr. W. H. Wed" bv lrnie,liaa arrived home aih isbgaie Mr. sud Mra. Wood bear the hast aiahes cf iie neiglibûra for their future pros- perity - ...- We are sorry to record the death cf fMaster Anson Osborne, son cf Eli Osborne, wboao death wam ars sd hy diphthania. Rtis body waas qu.ietlly interred in the family lot, at Ebenezer. The neighbourz sympathise arili thorm iu their ssd hereaveineut. eCOL r1IB Uý The Mc~ethodist snniveraary serviceaý wound csp Thurzday niglb ith à b~,social aud a programme, On Sahbatli last the Rer. J. J. Rica deiivered tare grand ser- mons te large aud appreciativa congre~ gations sud addnaased the chidreu of the Sabbatli School ilu the afiernoon. Ou Monrday eveuiug auppen aras serred, fol- lcared by a piattonan meeting, the paster Ro.v. 'J. Whîtiock, acting in tiie chair. Rer. J. J. Rice and Rer, J. B. MocLaren delirered gaod practical addresaes, Theo dhurcI choir lead hy Mr,. B. Crydar.- in sud Miisa A. Whullock, with Misa Enmui Dyer premiding at the organ, rend- oed severa l e e t sii ý f; is -c- as- tyle in Clé der; oosi state~ neve-ry b1 ai IS The iugt'fiCntsare alil se wliele- scppy, ,e are glad te have people unow wlat tley are, a bo ffare< ara, ai snriigtot) loi 31, E u ang 1, conA ) aluabla Àn. TItI Term,- lt avili b- cf $160C nitume ,ç' I kttC 'r Carpeth uunear. AND )F ou F te lle( and bi5ý: vto Fra-, pxlae %I ioiet or Il a 132j0 dtS of he 'iev ci- e üic fI>or, irai for next year dat o(f guests. -ais paper during ,nnied with mora ,i genterally than nur ,L up subscriberLx. We -1io tho naines and saveral .n the liat thisar ndre ýrY subscriber to make ati fr e blis naine am-îong"the Edïtor',sa bat .Ïends, .iReader, will yours hc there 'ead dhe article crn editorial page. Notires eorfLirtils, '25 Cents; Iarritigfs. 50 -btFII IAI GEwh tie flineral cards arlc rtnîcd at tis oe.e BusN.NerHamnpton. ci, Jan. Tt, theý BS-OA DmN -ARMÇQB t he rci~dence et the bride's p)areints. Bowmianvile, on De. 30,18, by ReY. Jas. Itiddy.Mr. RichardShw don or' Darinen. acd miss Amnai hA daugliter of MUr. 1idchira Brmacoibe). DIEU. JO.-4'ALl'r PBrweU, a rithe ýr(eýi1enCe of her sn i-aw r. W. Y Erpery, on 'vues- day evening, Deceinher '29, Mrs. Ellibeth Jolie'-,iec o i o! atechadJonesý, Eýq,. 1iarjLngtu, ged 76 vears, 3 inonthaï. Interrod i. Bowm11anivilie cemeterY on Ne w Y)eav's cday. BOW-MÂNVILLE MARKETS. Corr.,cted by .. 1leXurtry. oery Tueuxlay F'LO1R, P100 Ibs ........82 25 te V265- WHBÂT, Fail, e buali..O 00 0 95 " Spring, i >..0 00,o, 088 RiE, '....... O(P00 O85 OÂS, ~. . ...... .. 000 ,0 1 BÂýRLEY, iPe bush, No. 1..,O0 o o 0 48 ' '2x, 0 00,11 0 4,- 'i~ , 2. . .000 ,0 40 Twvo rowedýc 0 00 0 50 Buickwhcat iPbush ......O0 00 0 50C PEÂS, Blackeye, e~ bush.. 0 00 0 90 Mumilmny t..0 80 003)ý S m a l 1' 0 0 0 ,,il 0 6t; uen, 0 O85 Il O 90 BUTTER, best table, P lb...0O00 ,0 O 1 Ec4Gs, e doz ..........000,,0 17I POTATOES', V' bush ........O0 25 0 O 30) 'or,u#1cwt ............t 0 '7-500 HAY, ',ton».. .......... 0 0, 1000 J.F. UElE B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, SOT- .LJARY, etc., çoffices, 2McArthur',i blocir.' 1 Kîng Street, Bovç'manvi11e. -Money to Iban. 37. Jscrap iron. Jciîn'G uîoa (, owmalvji le. f1 G4OOD WVAGON FOR SALE, elieapý -with box sud hay rack. JOfHN Gie Bawmanrlla51Mtf i 1~R S4TL-Asi-x horse power eangine .52 lugeod wolkinz or.lar. Will bc so.d --cheau). Appy 1te JOSaî'r UTCES Ne w-i ËIcastie. 51- rr 1HIEP ASTRAY. Camin loi 2, - icon. 5 D 'r lingîon, about iha mniddle o! -Novenibar. 0oeaewe'.Qaarsehv mey V MMr P r-piu p r ty s r il o p a y n-g ex u e u s e s. E urxuý EI5trI taxptn. 5,-w T' HT OR FR SLE.'lTfIhe .5.. Mtchll owete~~. 03acres, lets 31i 12, con. (;, Darlingion. 40 acres avod, 2Maple îandbeach. 70 acres p1oaved For turi lier t sava. 51 -t!. APPLE-S WANTED.-Casi effer te fllarMers whe h 1ave apple3 ou baud ta - aili d0 o eavarorate or dry I1aili gie 40 cia.l per 100 ponds teIsa dalive3red a, \ Whtitby Evaperatiug Works. Ail N w l hva suïch _stock write meas postai card staiiug how muchl yen have as son as yen sec this notice, suid if anoughi stock shows, up te make a shor-t rue, 1 - aili give yen notice wvhau te deliver. Do't t dlirer until yeu gel notice. S W. LOewaa, Wjuiby, Oat. 5-w uoRENT ON LIBERTY STREET. 7s T ià sterey brick bouse with bard and sort waten.lerge barn,stabie sud pig pans attacheod, aise ail the fixings sud uteasils reWured foc carrying on thse butcher business. à acres et i good land, enao acre set eut iu ercha2,rd. wýith *choice Apple Pear sud Cherry trees. T'his îa a gi-est chance fer a Butcher,Market Gardener on Teamster. LEawî s Qrrîic. 4-t F O)R SALE OR RENT.-Rouso and -2 l acres for sale on te roui. aituate on, Segog treet nonih. The promises con.st et 1a gond bouse aith evary convenionce, driviug shed, stable, etc. Tas gardon contains a lot cf the cbelceat fruit et ail varietles. Imtïediate pos3sssion eau ho given. For particulara applyi te W. FISsaLaeIGI, BoWamavlie6 Ont. 19'tf R,11abIabieage.nts avanted te soîl our coice sudlhardyv nietis er Fruit trees, R'oeas, Shrubs, Ornamentals. eic. WVrite îI' ar once and gbonna teritory. 'Steady em1p'eym7,ent. Addresia. MAY BItOTIHERS, :N1îrary mEn, 53 oechester, N. Y, STOCK FOR SALE OR EXOHANCE. Jersey Cow fer saile. 4 yaars old. lu c Ur hy a Jersey bull.- comals in about J rna 1.I.893. AÀ Isi a gond GaneraiPurposa Mare il years old.tirst cOaBaorkariu foal by Genieral weed. W'ouldCI excisaa iho aboya for a good stron4 twn he.rse wagou n sd goad young horieet Ëgood 617ze sud souud. Daer lu IOl roù,&., IOtario Street Bowijar. ville. FARM FOR SALE. Eqi TL ïE ofTara Lr.TE MEnS. T1A1qE LS - it. rhat vvel kuavu tai-m beîng lot 34 lin the 7th ,oncession et thaeToavnship et Clanro. col0itain. iu 116 acres, ba the same more or leDsa. A irst-clasa hnic3ck dweliing honse with gar- dan sud fruit hearng trees foc ited ou Chureis St,,Bowïnauvisead Occnpiod by the laie Mrs, For termnisplpiy Ittha Executtor, Mn. WILr..- IAMï Scorýr, illaramont. 1Pickering, or to Tareos. PAIlEPsON, B av7vil 4 tf 7uHORO.BItED .BERKSHIRE BOAR il-. kepi for servie on, thea Bradahaw Iarm. Kinate rod. AMrL Sownr<,Jr. 50-tfý jut rnrdidrect frein J E. Brethourle eV"ybod Zrmena bord. Burford, Brant Consaiy, Ontanle. w~d Farinera ahold cali aud seca hirn d th Short knows ; - d al inf Ifomus ai IROBlaudvale Siocýk liarn, Young hul il(u boitefer orsale. ~ Wmr * . 52--tf. Solina, Ont. and give the b st of u -, IELL DIGGING CLEANING A$e» Wrepairnurdoue ai moderato pnii3e' 6y J l s 5 A u . x a r.B ra d ih a w S t.. et Bo ia v s ri ! 5K~DSSAE aemisauyigb- MAYN ARD iauv Ibezlganud Oleasases tie Skumw 39 .'. ýew xzU w ~oe (D Mt~ THE JEWELLER Is to the front again, ant invites evervbocly to cait and, see his fine NE«W STOCK of Watches, Olocks, jewelry, Silverware, &C. You can buy a gen-u- [n e Amierican Goki Fillec] Watch, and Golci Fillecf- CI-iin and Sea], AbL for Only $Î15, cAsft Everything else so1Gl equa1ly as cheap. aW'e de the busîness and can ar- In Repairing <j 71 'J '~ C+2 CDQ0 ÇQ%, ~(D O0 CD~o (D~ 0 Pl< eFQw.F.- 1

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