j XMAS STOCK UNEXCELLED. kl,*eryýhing bought right, and will be sold atsmallest living profit. Speciallines for Sunday Sehool Teashers and Classes. It will pay you, and satisfy yoii to give me a call. P. TEBILCOOK, BowmÀÂNviLLEË, JAN. 6. 1891. THE ELECTIONS. BOWMAN VlILE. The only election in this town was foi three councillors in the. South Xa rd. Mr. S. W. Mason headed the poli as was xpected, receiving 110 votes. Mr. D. Davis roceived 88 and Mr. T. H. SPry 87, Vi-T. Kirby 84; -W. Winter, 35; T. Jew- The Aldermianie- Board for 1892 will th terefore be composed of the following gentlemen: ~Zaor- W.F. ll~ï,re-elected by ace. ~~~Reeve-W. P. Prower t I)eputy-reeve-R. Wort'a bZ azlamation., --Nýoth Ward-S. J. Hlall, M, A. James, 'Job. Pattinson, by acclamation.' West Ward-E. Bellinan, J. Jeffeîy, Levi Tole, by acclamation. Sothl Wa H.-U). Davis, S. W. Mason, 11, -.T.H. Sp"ry. DARLINGTON. ondiigtkit thse conteet was to e- leo,,t oiy twomn in Darlington-reeve ànd second d<eputdy -thiei7e was intense ex- ctiieit over the resuIt. Mi, Thomas Smigatn reeve by Ilit cn,4os-ty over Mr. L. Vti a uad Mr. j T. PoN* is secondf depUty 7bvetz Mi. NY, Tre-! L22maoriy.The votustande i SMOAIE. VANAMP. P o Pviee... 93. .. 0.. CHINA W19DDING. Of ail the joyous ana happy surprâeca in which it is has been our priviiege to participate, that to Mrsnd Mrs. 1. L. Brown of Cedar Valley Farm on New Year's eve* was about the best-.- About one hundred invited guesta were present and every one brim full of love and good wishes towards the genial coupile who were so pleasantly apprised that they had arrived at the twentieth mile-atone in their happy wedded if e. After ail had been heartily refreshed with the good things so bountifully pro- vided by the gueste, ail were assembled in the large dining- room and, Mr.'and Mrs. Brownwere given the teats of hon- or with Mra. and Mr. Marshall Cryder- man as bridesmaid and groomman-they being the only persona present who weîe in attendance at the original ceremony twenty years previous. Dr. 'Mitchell iras then called to the chair and after a few humorous remarks that made al floi at home introduced the object of the gathering, calling upon Dr. Niddery of Millbrooic who in a very nicely - worded addîess pîesented the happy couple with an elegant combined China'Dinner and Tea Eet and a hanging lamp (ail purchas- ed fromn Murdoch Bros.) The groom (Mr. Brown) made an (xcellent reply Lt is on]y necessary' to see Mr. and Mrs. Brown in their own house, to know that theirs is truly a perfect union snd a happy* boffl. Pastors -R. M-cCullough-and B. Sanderson thon made felicitous speech- es and the ceremony was concluded by Mr. M. A. James letting the happy couple jumnp the broomatick. Mr Brown was too much of a *'3low-boy" to keep up with his wife,howe ver. Mi. James macle a witty and interesting speech roferîing af ter personal congratulations to the bon . efitý of home training. Mr. M. Cryder- man, the groomnaman, responded on be- hall of the bridai party. *TIrE ADDRESS. Mi. and Mis. J. T Brown, DEAn FnrrnNDS,-, Wehave thus uncerc-moriusly taken poaseasion.of your home for the purposo of joining with you in celebrating the twontieth anniversaay of the mott joyous a nd important occasion of your liv es, and congratulating you on attaining the "China" mnile-aitone on the journey (À your United live. It is not neceas: ry for us to aay here how useful those livea have beepi, hoir ex- emplary in ail their social relations, how perfect in the muner and true life which formulates and moulds the outer sud makes us irbat we are; how reepected by aIl with whom you daily come iu contact, how osteemned by youî frienda by whomn you have been tried and proved 3e;_w 7 od by your xelàtives -and childi-on. We are hero t -niight not as flatterers, butas your finaadwel-wishers, with words of cheerî,nd expressions of osteem-the greate8t neoad of great and generous hearta; and to express oui ap. perciation of your broad hospituality and aociability; and to emphaeize oui words we bring in oui hands those frail articés- which we muat acknowledge are pouash- 5«~,corne as f ai short of eXpîeasng ,w for vou as thode of this We ask you t6 tF111I h 3p i h- wihich thoy irrogv f- tepr 1ndly the doQUosd-or5a4ýLieVe them yuVo i n"dS. and may fleaven gidnouh ~'the past ii 3 Jane, M7, w. Jno. Ayre, conisuniiptio. 8-Geo, Wlke,1, inflam). ln 11=p. 1), gg' , 8, e.J.Eeyur. 13-Geo. Hocoper, 64*, cancer. 16-W. L. Joqies, 18 coneuniptin T.r,70, pneumoie. Jm.M)r- Jenkins, King- -Johin Cleverdon dý ~hn Jefery, hoIera NO RTGAGE SALE' -IN THE- TOWtISII O F OAP LSLK contained ina theremu aeftêred fo r sala by At The R8nne(tt in the- T,üwn of Bowman. at Onie )oelock ini the afterneo' Wwtrdî JOth day fi -~ tOfl<~w,~~ -Anyone who a Qst Ohristmas PresentX$s DEÂTH'S HARVEST. R.SV. W. LEE'S LETTER. List of the intýeiments in Bowmnanvilà Wo take thse iiberty of publishiug an- C@eqntory during 1891, giving date o1h oter private letter juet îeceived from dj(ýth, naine, age relation of wife, son oi, Dv B.o. Lee, because we know that daUghter and Cause of death. hndreds of ouireaders will be pleased JAINUiR.Y. t heai of bis safe arrivaI at the Antipod- 10-Alinie, 37, w.W. Patton, hemorrhageACKC 1Ni eaad ctomach. Thursday, Dec 3, 1891. 12-Thos. J. Calver, 21, consumption. My DEAR MMR. JAmEs.-I have juat 14-Minnie A., 27, w. R. Barfett, con- rrived. My lest I posted to you at flou sumption. lulu where ire remained for sieveral 21-Elle, 15, d. A. Morrie, inflam. bowels. ours te take lu coal. Considering the 25-Richard F. Prout;, 33, Bright's dis- ropical heat 1 took a fair amount of ex- case. icise both linsiding sud walkiug and FEBRLA1XerebY had a goo& opportunity of aeeing 2--Tfos. B. Clark, 4î, cougest. îungs. 1*ý tho fiet. time an ab~.uâdnce- of tropical 3-Florence M. 10w., d. H. Creeper% . Palm, cocoa i!nut, orange aud inflam. lunga. Éaly Other tîees, the nameu of which I Il Kate, 6, Il.-R. Richards, infiamma_,jýtîoý n nunt now recali,gew in abund~ bowels. fiile along the plain there w' e und- Sasah,60,w. P. Higgius, geni.debility ' ds of thougande of bananas juat ripe for S -James Moffatt, 25, infia'm. bow-els. ,atheriiig, and tise fields eoivu to rico 6-Christina, 66, W. P. Kigh,1t, C01ng. more promising a, good returu. The lunge. temperature does not vary a great deal iu 17-Jas. Wûeh, 7j9, dropsy. 'the $andwich Isan~ds. They have 8uin-> 21-Lucy, 81, w. E.G.PwremrIae mer all thse yesî round, scaicely evear go- stousach. îng isloir 773 degreciý__ Wo passec thse Jno. Holland. 80, pleurisY. euator Nov. 24th suld for a week the 27-Olive M., 4mn., d., W. Kem.ptlsorn., IL seat iras very tîying for ý-- Buiopean. brain, We passed the tropics Mon ýy m ning Il Mis. J. Bull. 80, old Cage. 2o.28th an~d me iere gEd ito findtise ilMis, Chas. Bonathan, 24, pni1eumoniie. lemperaturo 2)eomehat couhet. We have M 4RCH. last say this meok S-as to be îiht mith 4---Rd.Fole, 7, paalyis.tice sun. Hoence ire retired ïMonday 4 Rd Foey,77,parlyse. ighIt Nov. 30 sud amoke the next inQri. 6-Ann. 64, w. Juo. Hockridge, paraIy37. qfidi a Wdedy le.2& This saenms to hobua itde stange,'yet trui 17 -. W- A.,.lackmani, 27, consumption. We callcd at Apia on Friday Nov. 27- 23-Frank Farewrell, 35, paralysie. eue of the eS.-moan Islands. A large APRIL. iumber of naives in boats came ont to 1-Jas. Adams, 61, apoplexy. tie ship mais ý1ifferent liuda of fruit,such 21 Barbare Rickaisy, 76, paralysise as pine apphoý, imangos, cocos nuts, limes, 3--LcaM,6. W i ecr etc.,lier' did hev carry back mucis with inflaia, iungs.j them--it mj nearly ail disposed of. eFlore, 21, d, Geo. Trembie,coueump- Ilapp-ly a ,ceat change has passed over tien. Ho.nolulu ad thse Samoan Island. Time 4-Geo. Ficher. 48, heart disease. iras wie, ohipiciecleed marinera sud 6-Rev, John Pincis, 64, debility. others ire oa? raid to put in or enter those 7-ýCatharina Prower, 79, old age. Islaind-, the people boing savages, but 19-Charlotte,75, w. Geo. Hobbs,declinu' noir thy go to either or ail of tisens wirh 20-Phylina J. 32, w. R. A. Lee. phthiers. perfect confidence nul can do businesls 23--Chas. MiIne, 24, Epilipsy. WiLitine natives mithout alîy f.,tir of bu 26- W. pry 34 cosumtio. ig oten up by them. People ýh, spea1b 26-1W. pry,34,conurtligo. 1fiyofmisaionewo-k ahould pouder MÀY. awi facto as these. Yesterday me bcd 1-Jane McClung, 68, drown ed.« ýtrery atrong bre&ze to eèuc r n hichr 7-Margaret J., 69, w. F. J. fledges, Ipated well into the nîght. making a iiiuîn paralysie. ber cf tise passenger sgick a? toi a beauti. il -Serais, 58, w. Jas. Heuderson, heait ful passage for about three moche, but to disease.* dayc me hive bcdl a splendiel coming into l1-Wni. McCleilan, 74, riseunastisus-. Ack\ nd' agýfnrf, h9 rbour mnicis is 19-Ann Borland, 78, atrophy ofer. apoken .E4 as eue çcf ttifest lutbe mould. 20--Tiros. Westcott, 35, phitisie. It iss vertainly a very apflendid and, coin- 24- Jessie V-Y v, ~- Jt 1 B.Jat niodious one. I seai tisis lottor on by' cony -tise 8ain steamner, tise Alâmeda from 25-_cVirtue, 7, dropsy. wbich I arep off to romain a Illttrib in Neir JUNE. - eZland. O)ur dsily bible readingsansd 1-John Cole, 67, asthnie Studay services have been of an interest- 17-ZiaS.Cli,35, W. J, . W L.to 1in1 imf sip profitable cliaracter, iu infiam. boivels. wçihich al tise asniuiters on board have 18-Mers-jet A. 48, w. Jno. Cjiaplii, ini- taken part. Behoil hoir good and pleas- 11cm. 1sUDga. sut a t hig it ils for brethien toýdweil te- getlser inu usay. With kindeat regards 2ý9-.MWry.8M, w. Jas. MMlltto BaanilJI alin fsn' ieuds, Jas.MeMiias, oM age~ gver truîy yours, .5-Jesse o G.151rr , a. W. Quick, inlil- ~W. LEE,. The, Last Cal CHRISIMAS B&RCAIN9 ITr H^BlBIOLIDAY STC' ar- ,won hiiin pick from our grand digplair goods been shown. -Ne-- have prices been so ,- pleased -who sees- and in Boots and Shoes. It is imposslible to appreciate the>m,, old and young. and consists- wh'. inake. these beaL' Chiristmas. ,at p~ Ganni tJWh~tselCtin.by.Iooking>tl'-i 1OUl ur cornpléI tock of~ carefully selected and esjpecialIy adapted to meet the require- ments of Holiday Shoppers. POPULAR .PIRICES RE-ASONAB3LE PRICES PIRICES WITIN YOUIR MEANS. We please you and save you money. COIVE. - KENNM.P"ER 33R08. VALIIETÎ ~ALL.