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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1892, p. 6

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KIIG CHRISTMAS. jpantomnime en Boxing Niîght mworild be . R SISBOM -garded as eVmn a greater incongrniity tli asEnu , f4I OhiCuts ,s dprs-seu1o the play of "Baimlet " gith Ille lnhl G il Cusoms an Prince of Dêlmark omittd. ai Tere s n ~thrsoial or religîo s festiv- e iiigaffodheir Engla nd, h hlreîil'EwnAnl o h rs whenhang ig no otheorkigsoc-,Chist Crisis in British India. al ii ll heyearabu which cluster s mas Eve 1-epat tliefollowingehymeaddreýss mn 'y quaint old observances, custois 8and ed to the gdo d fairy of Christmnas, believini sK1u41per-stitions as are popnlarly associated that it will infallibly insture the bringinig oBODfiSB0 HE N - , i ;,Ný,with Christiras. Maiy of these are univers% whatever gift they rnnst desire: BODfA ENSE N E ei'e orld. Others are pecnliar te certain Let me wish what wisli 1 niay-PRTO M STB MAE ,eeis fan incident frOimthe Scu'-" dwl-nwnaloe h hitin Crsîa a o hitnsDy ARTO UTB A sisSiP wrtten inl .pril, c 9, ýountries aud nationalities, -while inse n If 1 thik, with love, of von, _tZ9siimanywriYeu wlll inake my wisha corne truc. - jus't after the Grippe had visitedl thaâ i lads-Enigland especially-every country One of the oldest and for centuries oieof ilEngiendiles itlt et £1 000,06a Drop co1~ ."Iarni a farnier, onje of u almost Pveiy town, village Or hamiet the most'popular of ail Christmas Usage, s -She was Nevei, In Better Condition fri oseat ,ltoie» e arlyn4 ' is stoiviecsliar ChristmnagIsai'es which the singing of Christmnas carols by parties of thesgle ie fsian Beai Must ~tr -ws n tp in olaSt lie- old Chrjstinas bliefà and observances go abont frein house te-lV6use for that pu'1tj 0ve onI14 Mean Destructliofor ius- UofVick s on, isa tiregti t seàr tà e--ho"e4 speeial chia an pose. The following-is probably the oldes îîiSprssay tiquaries and scliolars in ail ages, thee qate b=Or hat bee drenched. 1L. a sliower of rain. f okte 1most noteç.i writerb of -ail Christian served, and dates bauk te Ileasly Engisi"AStLoith ehrdaSrEwe vent hom-1 nd-â- soo aterei e ouit 5 11e tLonght material ie the vast tims: old, in replyte a request for an inter- wih dy ~ckn1c g. h as e foililor- whiuh they comprise. -,- e staybei Cryste was borne, ;iew on the.fight of Gilgit, Iedia, said: wiU ad-yl ý,akilgcogh risExen lutlher)ihaý net disdained te note the ý,I ye catl bende theyre knees 1'The crisis is unusually aiaing for gre-w wGrse every.day, until 1 had superstitions and divinations of the cemmon on ye cr0,, bis lymbs were terne re special reason ; the reason is the faut tose ýele.~consulted Dr. Dixorà peeple in connectioDn with the day of Our Thiat hecaven miay lie reachel1 with ec. s -the blood. of English officers lias, been wh lassicedid ad ietod eLords netivity, for in bis IlColloquis" ' lie Sheute and îyng anîd liyle yo morne, ilad lu this skzirmstsh neanliGilgit. Te one toge aboti b Bsceestell us that on Christmas Diay, at an heur Peece good will te ai on eyrthe, si f smiiller with AiTglodlnd1ýin itory-a-d Gixnwhicbho desi e t give but wbich lie says ijesWype therem everyf eye 'aje teart Syrup. Meantime izy coui ge--W c.led the " swinish heur," il is estoinery nye thatwundrnlsroyale %byrtbe s Iifiëde gavty of sobatraditionainhe~ worse oreand then the Grippe for a Young weman desiring te know wbat Menkynde are freeifrom every t«ar, b h Arp1a ined Threisa radit.is ojeath worseand ~~~~~~~~Shoute and syng ced ba11il ye MIiiune,EslhAmyj niadtisedai came along and I caughtthat'âlso rnannet_ ôof man she is te snerry te go te a Cryste, Our lordg 1 ee6y borne. Ïepet as Gospel througbiout the entire Indian ver sveel. M cndtin tenp' pnthe popular belief being that if a .--- ~ Isprtbat British blood is sacred. Once ?ekle <meto d som±lilg. largehlog grunts et lier approachliher future METAWàei>QOSES 0F- OLD SONiTS J, hr a enewsigi nn ottdote o soGerma 'n rn. I himal hog grdntssh llweman, butb. 1io)nproising, ne explanatiosi, save the egan usîngtt1em, Gean efore1ta in Whule trvllnt h istms te in the n1nr..tcce lgdl ac isa oïit uonviecieg disavowal on the part of beganus,.n-th-c-n, ad befre taing Wile raveling a Chritmas inisn thforeigace goveremeutg govmpliuatedliat in nthe mucli of the second -bottie, I was old English counsy of Deven.a few years Ciileiles a UfluI!eh lyrnn. jae ý f bloodshed ; and ne satisfactory set- ~nieyc lear of the Coulhtliat had fa-go1-fumi il-pnecniliarly affluent jen tbee i Tere s.s-eauy rings which were eou>- tleient except the most prompt a.nd ceo- odd Christmnas superstitions anid custoins. 'p>i>rsdi i6 the time of Chtles 1il., w1 eie expiation for the-sh7eding of English ngto mie solo , the Grippe, and Every family 1l v« itdprvie, f bs e ii> isml vogue today, whbýss words wegbopd and the blood of its Olicers -n India its bad effects. I feift-tip-top and afford thein a Il ule cheese," e " and' h ma ifrnul\nec~tdsrito s4 article for which the Anglo-Indian '5'tthat way lever- since." cake "Ifor the Christmnas season, snd- if"la originally. Henry Purýq1l, to\thle iihaim&o f 4ir charges £1,000,000 a drop. T.-BIAIý,jrCaygaHilleS eonsidered very unlucky te eut them hbefore that epoch ho it said, bro4ght forth mnanty 1,ilgit and the fort on the threshold of ChrisîmsDay.Bt sn Shvee ,aspear et Cap, trre, where the confliet ocuurred, are, Tihe saine superstition prevaîls with ro- times descended to the level obshs a ge t 'rit re, net British possessions, but Cash- -gard te the I"Yule candle "-a very tail need îlot teelitturly bleme tho mj.siea i mete is a State under the protection of the one specielly provided-and the 1- Yule dog " genius (the greatest that Eeg4 idj -ver pro().1 Bnish Empire, Tlw danger of trouble ho- I~IAN SITATESM AN or le g-lagstc for the Christ-mss fire. ducoed) for tr.ying te eern eIl occasiol tw-en Russie and %Ugland et that point cf Misfortme is regarded as certain te follcw shilling liy tnrning out sncb wicld musical i he position bas boe great for semne time, 'iIED 1854 if either candie or leg is ligbted until just compoitions. Some of the car Egibfor the reeson that down the siope towards as the famî>y are sitting down te supper on haliads telof times of persecutionjof bigo- this-pass, on their side, the Russiens have otberwise $1.5). Christmnas Eve. celd il is aise considered a try, and of, intolerance. Natureli,-thleîo b64 steedily advancing for menths past. ~t s offti0' sur precursor of evil for any one te stir the musical works have undergone tran orru4ia bas latelv made advenues there se logieeY oer seuf the caedle dsîring the pregress tien in modéra times;bu ee,'le akdtatngnd anoelwtem 'se ta 0 th mel.Jew's Deuglter," bas remained intac and Rniýsia now occupies a siopo of the Pami On Christmas morning nu seember of the tells of the murdier of Hugli of Lin oien frosu w ýhich il will have te recede. Eiigland's iShe family must stir eut of tîse bouse enti its whicb teck place A.D. 1255, and dessands te that effeut wuld have h een -threshoid lias bec crossed by the feotsteps charged upon the Jewsq of Lincolii, of wbi n wie in any eveet. Thfeywilllncwl ho mcdo SOf some maie outsider. If a wemaeâ or girl over 200 were brouglit te London and trij, iii mscht a toue thet Russia must heecî them 'is the first te enter on Christmnas nioreing with torture, forae mythkïal crucifixind .1 retire frein its present occupancy of 'i 11 luck is sure te follow. Another Devon- tshe unfortunate lad. th Pamir slcpe. A refusai te do se will shre superstition is that if the sue sîines The tale of ancientjealousyhfs comoe down meaivar, notbîng more ueor less. brigbtly t nacos on Christmnas Day there rsoi timsnl the song, " O, \ValyWaly c.,beli present outbreak arises, I amn con- ,vill lies plentitul crcp of apples in the suce- Up the Bank ,"w-ièeleferstothsRreievirotd,4frorn the fierce, restiess and turbu- .sdiu sumer.of Lord 1 amie Douglas frein bis wife. Thu eet,ar spirit of those peculiar compoeeet '-Oui tisue immeosorial il bas buei regard- origiLal tale reads- much like tire pl1r z Ofarts bbe Russian Armies. Tho Russian 3 a peculiarly favorable orneforShkaesI thlo, o he ai r ntieî unanigtefotrfre r tias te feu uapon Stieday, wesle t is îago "nthe h ll" of&cr tsrow.eo t>?.'wsaanam: nni bathe frostb ierforcs ar -laisequally unfaverable one for it oihesaeofs'etaeLw i o , , li ( 'ï , hi!s cy s bes e ifcut ce Seurday A qaint ld ~ Blackwood, Secretary te. Dec glas, sdt 4n teCzrIaai iiodeiespect onddleAges, . amsti opesliedefeuit cf the fatal lîandkercls4ef wicb i flays eci-i nd keepp iii ek Their livesare 'sleent dali resoincof its beese important e part in tire Shakspeare i.' ,s'pei t-qn îthufrontiier z.i leyl stiIgi>-, tbey gen da bvreaon f is o3oltetregedy hs wicked man plecedi a pair of gro*'allr!s~ot-aevagc t: a -,e alweys yeaami ords and spelling alludes te th'is boots le sncb wiae that the jealousy of tIse in for' war,; Ihey hiave Liit euie Ides ---te Marquis was aroused, aedapathetie se para-pe on sudi puali on toýw ardls Illa. There Creyste a borne, foufolowsd, of which few wîîo ie 1thse i nra eIdafrTu~ hr u oe Cyse s bforne,, thioghli tat particelair regi -, s net )oupi- lae sossg kuoxv anytbiug. 1!ý li sioidI a 'e goed par fay, somne of the odd transfermnation of snsed'y sitisde-e t Rssa: nzden )fte shel bc, .aedet htma rgelybv ienprlasses, it is ia sphieeof British ln "er aundwatmitorg dry.i e ,e i"Nwts otl Eil,) !ie,ýadi bod rne.esomethsng very like theft. Thlis "ih7, 'oet h n1s-4iesadr borne lieb engaged in -the, iglitinlý- rGil« We Have Mîsssd You" îsa only aparphrse - gt ~atedayfeue cf he fmon Sctch ang "Jck e He si y li roudi(ly that, as is iuevitablyiitease, ddee ale, des.", The yet imore celebrated 'Jhe n-the h v hetvd otahe sd utfed that oIe temspeste deràon My .10" is sîuspiionsiy like " -e -0ihcnicintatteQeu oe ,ian and buste. Johne n Qomes arcbiing Homne A alo1,. e r T e ocait deelsugenod fthe n nie Ibet day, cua sn f ýa'iiis l, Fbal dye par feY. epasug wa tme. utsoetme mu sen. he ocain d eveaywlpied tuiao, tetieet ainmayu 1r unuetyzTuî trt-bsery. I kee(w Col. Durand, tbe Officer exfethi e " y 0sPe.î aned stcOft in th~eSt yih e mm.dthere and who was emeng the of the lule'noe *u lw44d,~sdie le tise hxV nls Mly God, te Tibe, thuls making;~dIl,~ ';seEgii fiesaol Ce 'me enufiracoaîn O~en~i>- -gafllnt1y and promnptly'. -ery energetie dasie. Sutcli "sfrtetep, u bycnitdo eccur threugh the usseoni- Gdra an Cashmere forces, ne Eniglish -fa tenu e tire sid, as solhers lhavisg boe engagsd. Tho Casl- Meodussoh whie ceo- slsiery are net a part of tIhe Bri~ 1 idhard"uituri . tbyae tie troopa pïrf'k us t v~rIo wais e Warni fled 'ux tunetîis pop AeGoraia orgi1 s(Ildiery enklisted je th, and ise mrel.uyclung o ndan sd very gaîlant ut bis being wae o too Tbey hlave the tue Ilrore oset tbeworJs r lTeir barttlery of tb -he Loýrdï," to e "abru a , tIeis e sugcol/s cfEcres,.'> iie e asb ei aIse .ulteiqi aY "le alterod the mielody, l1bt te, orwill stili discever seins-tIc fl1 avor ef" Anid RbeGray" inib ï,ord" ud ruprodluced ýIn Inew' BOU-NSALL'S A RB L E ANO G CRANIT îE WORKS Bowm anville, Ont. (Establi8hed 1857.) rmporter, Manufacturer, an~d De-al er ini Monuments, Torbs Sarcophagi, Tablets, Headstoues andaill kinds of Architectur- al and Cemetery Work in tii-e best Luropean and Amneric-an, Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workrranship and Best Materials. WiII be happy to quote prices on any kind of work. Give me, a cal before purchasing. will be found in his Qld shop, next door ctoor to Express -Oftioe, IB O:WVIANV I L L JV- where he keeps constantly on hand ALARGE& COMPLETE AssoRTMF.NT -F Coarse and Fine for Men and Boys, Women and Chlidren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Sat-heI Special attention gîvejà to Repairing. MR. AND MvRS- BOWBE& Ho lathored awey sîntil if began te, drop off, ansd thon picked np the razer aigalu. "Wbt ave - The ides cf my tbrowieg away,' 80 to laeyen goVtlir "queried the barbera !" lie inutteresi ashlaid thec Mrs. Bowsuer, as lier lselo-rd in-veea dis- flat of the rezor on bis cheek. -'%\el i, but- play of a sinell i ckage wheu bu ýcaine home ter late tbkss-uie'er.- No partksculur lsarry the othce evuniug. ottîi, eevr eller .wauts te give -Mrs. B he~'le, rpie as ho sat binseUifinoe te gel banig of if. lPerapaI'd wAwn u(Rvruslyi"uldthe package, btter bogie on mi chiie first. IDon't sup- "Id 4you reail ot thaï ainjeTroy whereoe itmausau ige'st dtance whetlîer I ýa barber gcutl, c OmrsligktlY ce the ahave(up or duown, se long as 1- 1 cheek and 4e diedl of hlood p)oisonling" ' " Mr. B>owvsur, whaLt's the matter ?" calîed "N.Sivay ~o[u'vgone andg1ýo1mnotîser MrsCBwssr, as she kicked on the door-. shavieg ouflfi YV" lie, 1"buaeswered.. "Aobr IuidIeeîaeon? taeyen jumping areund sco You gt Onu tc rthrec P-rs a5îtv'd shako the chandeliers Detroit, and hwdildy 'ï*1 t Jiiegz ai i. n)a, yodouii 4na-ln. ' 'ust have slipped ou o -atay m e 1 ~i. 10Crf ii~ 1"I do,ub? [Is ifeLisl fr mulle t Iot avoid blood psehl i~ hvi n5i L1 '0-- - - -~'ueri i-i -i Y -i N

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