(,']>AT EFU -L---C 0' ORING.V VI~E A T M NO .OBIGIN Of TTHE Il RIP." W 0 ii NIIOTAA tlft<tnl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î§ase. iICThat lis SUil elarkal lysilig dvni wthih eral' - fleasis. Im-~!~ sITURE OF AN INDIAl U hrlyfe teriMloMayQ-. Iived in the West and àruhdi' - __ hotla-erthearivi f ar long enougîl ta îecornearcustomed to thlose ThAK3AS e Awriiul, the Driesi andi Witheiiflg of Scots and hier court at Hq)13'oO reach:oY, Ma n otmpil oa Ilya torog k o c deo hntua arth -The Black Clouds-The ass o qf nan i hrhusbl, ohFrnhcaIled wolves, and for a long timie 1 put laws wbi h igo aruotaio 13 of'dgetioli Fiery asrIoln nTs Iai niadEgih er ae onwt h them about on a par Nith coyotes, but l dîd theI fin ar res 2wei s acat i o O f fervr.flucoza. The queen kept lher lied for six'te Epps 0, p or outry giapMcuredays. Tiesnnmagiven by the court to tbe a nutclne n ubr bIreakfast tables with a Let me tryt fe a pean otu f the w ae diflcetydagru t dei ftey lvorel bever&a whonma osa uïndof an India summer and tedsae bc î the etalsgini s eg-satisfy the mot~atn.Ihda xei delicatey beghn isi y recognizable as one of tbe îame elasi asccawhafwoftenoeinrupi uis many h av ocorbillis.It is bytiseo of a- Io heý i e l of iu s f ui r s fdelsaithe period when thc mousoon raisde- tbtfo_ ihhàaybslacysifr'ot constituion mayhatgrtdfrontbuwhup u tuumaieud coitton mnoist asii vcy enecYto Da te ay tise son pours down cvitised, was "Tise new acqaintance." Since 1Motaa, tise racollection of wiicb makes distge ndh rsosîtiev maldies areing bet, theairtis sik with it, tis -tiat day the disease bas oftcn ii iited man- ne~odrae ody a eufrforIfa t ad Ch den floati sg around us ready i1o attack wherev-er i ad . ion nggp n ra round askind, the lateatiolant outbraak having oc-a sntimss eogged inr oing tsafork ofd tisera 15 a wea k point. Ve may escape manY u ada rn n ap i ra rcs soorrcd about forty ers o During al aseiimsegr r orefrasni a fatal shaft by keeping onrslves weillfortifiafi theogisopcn-mroutisad, pleading to tise piti- ti yne nvlryaartleseeagoehaeug ncate looking for minerai uptisare, and ona day 6"Ossiorlais se WeIiadaptesi toch=u drntat_ astorla cureil 001e, Constipationl, pro r 1 l- iarncd about it. Notwiiisstanding tise poo i trame.-l' Civil Servi;Ce Gazette."paso fcounitrytisat a few montheisi w enarFtLontLwioXIll omgvssop Maideonly plychet. i Groc terraballedths:was green and flower-bcspriukled is browil great improvamaut wbicis bas takan flace in aot1 ie oanto Lsta1wan, kRwn te me." H I. L itnifERli eto Jol olyin EI'a~Cket. HoceOPliiC Cd hen is rss wtu irc îata faî1l' scientifie observation sud in statistical faci- saot1 iga olesohas i as w aî Ki ge orin, giv0.sOepford petotS di j NSEP OI]lmoail hmtegascrisped wt ieracsan st1 litias, tisa cbiaf mysterias of tisa disease re- ealyhng a wortls ldIda, iog THSe CESTAua CouuÂNY, 77 Murray Streat, N. it ono. nlas tetopowdar if robised; te- - erallydth frt'sad n i St, ]arcisddand sty-no oeatsmain as mucis mysterias as ever. The mie-; haateiti aud I osafr,ha d inrbis avergreeni.are prhe nddst;no. ahroe i t ca iroethtdostise isst hogic wpay, "Wolvpay noatntngr 'of air rostias througis, no leaf stirs. robe, if toaundioeedunortsathe ui adtsogs pcrigtopynoateto In a frieudsisip between two womeistisera Tisey resemble great toy tracs, witis leavas Oc hisudord, tra is rb et bis remark, 1 got m ndiinlrvl is aitiser a mans at tise isgiuing or wil ha of painted wood. vede th opraginbe ulyslivr sud a box of cartridgas. 1 axpected to at tisaenid el it Tiserais no qound of lifa anywisare; te pth atisa vpoint, lever, tiat of ehteracofarinta ig ndFRSL BYJHIGNOIA &SNOW NVIL. N egotiations bave beau opeuad for a con- noisY, green parrots ara sulent, sud bide tUpeto tisa aa ponth 50W, o .icaldil so, stayiug .witis him iand -barting ont mercial teaty beteenýFrane tiseG metisodo ofe propanationbatisef recantseofficiai h merai raay iatwcn rane ad Gzaca. frun isesunin isebeat e tie dnsat eport of tise BritishsUovrnmcnt pres brsibto and cariy tise next morning for Lew.- TheHed 8t~onand leaficit top. o ya oainoraî -fraiu I ~tu io Ne t a woiI baad I sean tise praced- iii --- 1, YoamytprapToeracOWtsaie rportnt isercionts f is trcbing<iay, but by 9 o'clock on tisa second day IIlth(1à lIJII~eIIIJ' O1 the Lubon Medical Company is uow sit solitarily on a bougis, witis drooping win r ie nts 'e iinr an thiar barking began, and in aunisour isea t~II IlUIItU I ~II UI4I at oroteCanada,' and uuay ba con- and gaping bcak, belpîcîs in tisis great pur- was a pack quiatly formiug beiind me and ~ ~ , J ~ ~ suitd ctisr l peson r b lateron il gtor offir. -corne tisa apidemie of 1889-90, ad doas not Ontotcomiug aiong in tisat ia'sngiug lope and cirouic disesspcuirtlan'a, Theiseuconsoon, tisa mosoo-wiîî it oa tsto h al ato p~cat kaaping about tise same distance frein me yonng, old, or middia-agad, wiso fiud tisau- neyer coe ?" you asit as you tosi E aif nak yad su whici tecortaionty wor aî isral tise tima. iPraseitiy ticy cama withiu axsastd, wlso are'ed on your bcd, îvorried by prickly iseat aandndrangeiicndisa cutagio ionsmorehrpid r and Ikiiia slves nervous, waak an exas vrtk net hc hl enmlnt the san in tisat of tisa year pravions. But tisa nga r 1 O ul elia. Tis tatda hlm ýý brokan down from excass or orwksstswiisah anmesnttsamctisod of propagatiou was ne doubt mucisuh aoeicudti t lot îdwr dsc- ba.ck meajn, wba I shot auoLtier oua, and resuiti iu many of tise following symp- ýwrst of wisichis thie persistent, bo sktise samne iu tisa two years, and tise conclus- h toms : V »tldepe* n p aturei d ing moi ito. Heat aolaxy a,1 ts -- sae procesi was rapaated. Thsis wai " ~VIantl aprsiiOnpreni O q. ppj pr p siens wiicthereport establises wii rob- ~s agli fvtitli fmmrbad pîostrated oua or two cf your friends, and a kcpt npfraota orwe hyge agls fvtlty oso e rabiy not be invalidatad by latar invastiga- pfraota suwsntsyga dreauns, dimneis of sigit, palpitation ofthtie second in tise open air uuislmed would b in.Teeqiywsetutdt r ebl n hr ees nn ftenta heart, amussions, lack of anargy, pain ln ties uddeu deatis. trionTieairywas entushtedntorDa- 1selifldaudtitsae ie rc ssn ftisan utia kiducys, ieadacise, pîmpleq on tisa face or I-"Will tisa monsoon neyer corne " tronin eP arnsriofisasheg nora- iwas nacessery te actinlu af-defenso. 1 boyitisngorpeuarsesaio aou tse Evcry evaning tise suni drops down i teni vryqte ftiseglbe.Ivs net particuiariy uuaasy, for altisough.B body ithin Orpecliarsenatin aouttheTise tacts wisicis the report luis got to. 1 knaw it bad been a isard wintar and tise D% scrotum, wasitiasg cf tise orgaus, dizeluesi atlksagetbllo iegbtiae e gther seesu te show tisat tisa diseae si car-bast specks bfera iühs ayas, twitciogf thse, heat baind him. Oua aveusîug you notice ried by contagion frour person te parson a t were ravenous, I was eutsis tise open musclas, eye i?â and liewisera, basisuns, iîlretiYtw rtrc lc cod snot carriad in thec atmospiesr. This counetryat ssoouday, and they stili kcpt a deoit n ie tisa oss cf wilil power, linsisup ini tisa cat te take a paep et bis . .is axpraesad verys dacidatdcontiho Dr.g, 1Headquar te3rS in W~es t D urla m deoisi h rnopinionho v er.back isis did isotcontinuaclong teudarnasi of tise scalp and spine, waak and descauding msjcsty. Tisay ara tisa advauca parosan tse xersad sddua ver he on began ruuuing up aud flabby musclas, desire te slaep, failura teo ha guard, Vou tiink, et theisasonsoon, and it frona veîietyoetfacti. Tise gneral course auapping at ~y rse s beaus, and uow for ir'~ rastad by sleap, constipation, dulluass of wiil suraiy rain batora morninig. efthtie diseasa bas beau, in tisa nertiserui1frttogtIwul ho hnvrt isaariug, ioss o vice,, dasire for solitude,. Moruuusg dawns, and tise sona sets te bîew- emispisare, front acet te we, and, tisereamefiîttiogst el hot iaee i excitability of tampar, sunken aya surround- 1ing bis beat furnaca strong as aver ; tise sky fore,in a dircincnrryt h rvi- -nol do.bu Tisa n Idcd d îois t owia dC cdwtsLALISN CIROLE, Oily looking ikin, is once more a great doesefelburnisaed iacio cssrrytetie raandam cos nogi, utISoedttats, etc, re ilsyptensetnarou d by ais. Tisa mousoon at lait blows tisa warn ii îs. aeea itiey came up and actuaily triad et.crurlsmton fnevu ed, uuitrupethuman intarceursa, strikiug tise chties that ead t insaity ad deth unesie ured.ing rumpe, andtheirsghiandf tiseidprovincialhe rtoinial auds ruralal TeEXEXERE ISE R TH THI hinTEET-, Tisa spring or vital force iaviug lest its tan te tise far-away horizon celis you eut front districts later, It seemi aise te ba pratty Buavutsskpmcus. rselyC i w r , sien every funetion wanas in cousequence. your bcd te tisa varanda, aueislibrwel astabiisaed tisat tise diseasa doe net Ouaet ianfscndbst0i i s o' G -assw are5 Tisose wiso tisrougis abuse commrittad lu breatis-, a great cals, a strauga bsh-tise traval teter than isuma bningi orslea igoace may bc prmanantly curad. Sand bush et axpectacy-fiuîi ens hand air, lattars can travel. Tise tact thndiîat tseahieIeboGhm.Son,(1 1. e1 ry,ç yoradrass forbook on al diseases pactiliar Ha 1ibore comas tisa meusoon. Away on diseasa bas pravaiîed indapandanti ofaniotisr one did tisa saine, andilu a short -'I te man. Books sent frac seaaed. thisaewestern horizon a great back loud JlwslaIisdai cud oteiea issof ahlio-arlor Haart disease, tisa symptouns et wiicisaawêv ug ptardtie eihbotio-wabtise o csnata aneunetsf tep e t cat aî i. y isorse bacasealamoît unsanage- prebabiîitystisat h us net etnatnsoipittric abl sî iulyEsuisigovrtwdiatQ.nLIa2..Ta fen sal, upe isumnes aliaont the burnisisad sky in iti prograîs, jus enrgin. t bas appeered iu ail seasousýl, anereiaogt bisl f ron ot, e atg f~ l tien, skip 'beats, -bot flushes, rush et bîood as theugis yen pourad ink sîewiy inte xstu îmaaeosyints-nrier m s'lwc ar ing iliain fantga lo. audloI wadsi te th isaitad, dul pain ini tise seart witis beats brasa bowl. Baiud tisis black wava aud seutiseruhenispharbs this , at opposite !Aslookin g in couple spriugin d 1 hl wfrs stroug, rrapid aud irregular, tise second isart moving withifI is a great dansa chou mass, seaseusoe iayaar. It bas fleurisisedune okgE1acul"srni t i rn ancy u s beat quickar tisan tise first,pain about tisa eut aval-y instant by ferkad lgtniug aial kundi et conditions of iscat and cold, course, îadiy uprpard otiieu, aud o brqM boue, etc., eau positiveiy ha cnred. bllowiug, lefeninig tisundar. Tisa quick dryness and mosture, lu Russie eand insouren, itaeemad tepe, t ot-f actoard 8aucers, V ases, Ne, csr, n py Saudfor bcok. Address i artiusg adder tongues et flamas flash avary- [udia, in Great Britain and in tisedr war tils d t e mketw tis rydviii w ere MVLUO,2MednlAeuTo.wisera, icarcis tiaheilowing iséaveui Egypi. Iu Spain it wae userad lu by aJ ia.Ariko tega eiswr ente, Ont. ibrougisout frens top te bottoîn, tisrougis- mîti t oddywatar udianada on use in au instant, but I et once arosa ne~ae and I1 i.n d es t ________________ot tisa whoiacloud-packed doma. by tsafnsosatd, idat ean ou re- lig two or tbraa, bacauna treed tron Now for a second, oniy for a second, tisb h osts n iles oro e-od.tisen. My herse aise croie and îsook i- Tie naiiy t oo uuaiytaanlooquick-flasising ligitning ceasas, and an It is, et course weîî knowu ibat tise dis- se'a te rous tisam, and te usy utten dismcî, the tomain i yoeusac thnaes, o ttisak blacnst e akues et Erebus, caseabis spread rapidîy te tisa varions mens- weut flying ont, ovar tise prairie. What 1 U LF .A M L "3 systam reqtira. succacds, and tisa tiunder bliows as au bars et housaisolds ie owhch las beau lu- tisouglit waî my muin, isoever, was my sel- ORM Belevemeevey an as issecetEnglishman in bis sca-gint littlie i neyer troduced. Itacrswith the m , rya vation. As tise herse started off, tisa woîvas- Barwsie he var man ba s ecretd eard it isliow. It la 1no distanît rumbla, infection, aise, tisaitisaediseuse bas usualiy cissloeeimndmeetre ona. i d no heI only sad. a reseunding crack overisead. No; around attý,ack d sparonsgobate sfcin time te spara, and nseking up my uind in- J l > ~ E l L r l J I EI and jut overisead tisa infernal din neyer Ts bu ebniws ot town daily te stantly, strucut eut aisaad. Fo OerFitvyersceasssnesshveuatekdbtnatsi IIcouîd reaci samli rancissoeatan Mns isL ' SSSOOTHIN S .YRup lias bien 1The blliad clendi ara pr-ýgisant witis wives. Ihi h claimed, furtisar, tiat porsons uilesseisead, 1 knew h watld ha ah rîgis, used bymillion ofmorhrs for iroir cildren hunderand tlivinge oeut ofhitisailway etininfectionhehavef asecaioahdvet scouaneoficouse, idthaul feliyol te tryrytt wîhy mtetin.ef mesiu-s for t ir itiad bnradts aefrsfaiigbtsrruîa,ascapad influenza. Tise persnse o breken0f yonr rau hy a sicktchld suffering and tbitiar piarce tisair wousbs and leesa tavoed wouid ha daap-sea fisisermen, ligisi o bck, se I satiîed dowu te a waik wiic aud cryiug witi s pin eof<Jttirsg Teati sosed et' tisatisunder trous isprison. hrmusisuaeprsadts l.D.Prions apd te keep up for iheure. A lancete once aud grta botiaetof Mrs. Wiuilow'd oeeoetMichael aud is cetalli oit war- bas made sany -qsiis so.tia. ~zstise left siowad me tisainsy hersa was try- S o o th in g S y ru us" fo r c isil fin n te at isin g . Le w ill r niib L c e is l g o s i i a i n n t ie r e pie s avg te s w s t s a a relleve tisa por ttle Lu [Forer imaediatly. igwt uie n bslgos tiso e mondterele av hwntýîI ite aka bis a back ovr tie rod wa s a w y è l su lew h abaut il. Ltcuras Darrisja, regl5tes the hsiayn uglwts iî dacn isits iei a fc sooioiesproached ouaetftisa few ravines ybicis eue very best goods atil w s rc s 8 ousacli and Bowel-'. Cures, Wînd, Coitesîndtiai arida tia onsonceria sofiens ltehanem..reduces Iuilamîuet'heuanti * - -- . - iîî midocean seensi te peioite oasesstitcouradgtiaiaetwib gives 1toue and euergy to'e isa loîasysteus . th icîeouds et bîînding doit, wîîîchis tféeteplnto fis rg u f isaherocd rau, and iseard a short distance a m P o u e MWins1ow' Soothing iyrup" 1r ciedren Iuew pilad up an loch bigis ou tabla and chair id hiidneocasa lias ih appaarad upon aaedta hr, n isalta Eighe st Prices for V'arI. P o u e te,.isng i plesat)t ie t,ý,etend is tiseaend saîf. And still tisa arofetslamants saidtisaigiva xv eusîsy are worrying souse .rsrpio tse d sud hast l-vessaI whicisbas beau se iong ,ai seacas te . ai ntaodtsesuds maie physiciens and nurses in lise United go as on. pehd h osblt fteineto aaia ol eu vi h ,ada States: Purce 25 cents a battie S id by ai Yen eaunot bear your neigisbor's voice paiîd ts.psiii e is n etonbe- iaear te ha only tWo or ibrea, 1 a ig enbogitfonsoeiD.ichadLeadi g S e s-. n t e it it druggits Ilrouglienetishe wonîd. Be sue auî1tisougîsisaiesouts hissutmest; tih indi, a inf baubruis tou ior. D ichan rd d apparedvrad ak rigis d ng Se d inen in t e isrit a3k ton "*Miei WINSuOW'S SOOTHING SYcUs'. tigited,ihiekith thiikets and the ne- fiuna," very strighy expresssicuesainie Turning a corner suddenly 1 case upon a Te ha ganarous. guithasand ef frac dis- tive iarver.ts suddia tieseslvas togetiser i n viesv, thatrise disease is almosî entine.îy pro. sigis wisici 1 do noù baiave 1 ceus aven fer- A.1ways pleased to show goods. lnspection soîiciued position, is te taka tisose thingi for bird derk corners for safcty. lise sky opens ts pgitd necingat. Abeut a dozan uvlves bil sunnoundad bots that yen deaun cannon bllets. floodgates sud rein in torrents peurs dowu pagea r'ysnfoflii1rertlod' and wera new ihoding ai bey sud trying te MR O 0 1 B I S Coihes arc the hast paîsports amon. ihusout trisionprc eighcertis. Sphab tise questien et tisa engin ot tips presutwerry te deatis a sphssdîd spacimanet ofanoraBw lvie.2 strager--chracers mon acqnai tane butson te prchý eath. Spash roentoid hîsfalo hl.Tesuin dginsr strausars--citaeactensnausong acquaintbucai onibreaut, givîug an acceuni et tisa lfog ou bis lag-, andlise was bieading adstn- Viçi rîBuldngs, o anil.2 A crenut in Washington tisa otiar day de- spes.s onts oo o lfiownbu utver " et 188,5 ius Australie, tisa dengue un inginpooboluTivciuuir maudad tis arrait et tisa Weaaier Bureau set.tisa Lavant and tisa auicediet hoseedis- apoiebed.Tsvconugy staff ton dealiug lu futures. Ibis is tisa useuoon. eass, and tisa Cinasa dloods et 1888 aud beasîs isadlest about haift tisir numbar ou Uatarrh. mationithaffected. Tisaraidplaiuisone 18t.isa ilsnenaiatt isabistoowvr ett&Isa wbuttis abd actualiy torii.eut bscycu-q ' . ATÂRHL ~FEsH us~1u huisitba pase, lst tantor189.is prattdeniowvhe tisai ailf tis sohea isAsoIo ie l e- ~ ~ ' OA.~1LL.A -i 'A O K -- great leke, thirougis wiich risc inu ea pideusie cehiad tise " gip" h is atif ir-t in tise strugglan d haie tood tisera witisric__the______ CATRHLDANS-A FEVEP-A tracs et gios sy green, sud crowding thiar beeeti isaenî ome t 9 n saih bluff bhiind hlm and Wiihs bis face te NEw HOME T-REATMENT. leafy catisedrais fdocks of parrets ansd my- Bokana and lu Russia lu tise autum o e th ets foc, stampiug aLd cnusiing tisauswisau GEORGE 0. .HAINES, Proprietor, -uahse ciatter tisir tisanki te God for tiesa mrnayaar. Witîs regard te infection tres hae cosshd, tiseugis stone bliud. -MA NUIPCTUEER OF- - Suffers are net genierally aware tisai weicousa nain. animals, it em rtycerta h i-A U DTECRE issuediseaas ae conagion, orTise great aka soon disappears, absorbed caa tsesDntyda httsedsA UNDTECRE, a aree deaetse renntiinortisai ihey by ietsnt eei naaea a u say ha communicatad trous animaIs te A langeuoit bcd spnmsng upon hbsm, and li;GARRIAQES SL.EIGHS, OUTTER8 WAGONSY ~,G are ue e th prparasitasiv tnexpssterdre eutfalayorsud musan ad fros usen te ainahs. TisereaSp- once sisot is. At tisa sound et my pistu KING STREET, BSWMANVILLE. in te lnin memran ofthe osedn pears te have beasen sote epidesias ot indlu-tisa ohd bull stenîad and trembied vioentiy, Now on Sand a uumigerof. veile3 and ih manufactuimsg a great uscny usonset f t l lutie iuugmebrneettia ou sdwords ilotis dazzlissg graenary sud spriîukla aunza asorg animnais, panticuiarly asong but feeliiugbis enemy feueat Iis tact, lha patterns and hast finiis, which I cim offerng for- saleaet tha iewcst pnlico nsistant eusiaciian tubes. M icroscepio researci withfloears tisai save seotup ila anigisdgi u189tutiesus ttiapaan suna 1501hg vtsinrdbl oyan asdcrgadt y'nnauii adqsiu3tis olofgi alt0 bonva, hu revd bi tehae tctsu eati's mbdie iym etprisetetie yar Dr. Sisley saw ninsy catie suifarng fistsampad hum eut et ahisap.Tianitise principal vehicias mcnsfactured by me tise rasult et ibis discovery laihai a sins- Creator for tis hcsnettsmuon. ufuzalLud.HiowemdaueIbttse bull scensdotetheahze tisai Double Covered Canniages---------------------------------$150.p..a.d pie remedy lheu beau fonmuiaied wisera-inqlueniai u ise Londog. i ae, ns vadenwîefasd r tetilse dtbas an a e hoad g i uos-----------------------1500uvad by catarris, catarrhsal deatuasu and bey ed tisai tisaeeiad beau ne usssual nsrtaity arrivad, for hae faît for tise woit as it feu eand Op.Bgy-------------------------70 favarare arnsneniy cuad i euete flatisof aFamos EaiwayDo~. aissong anisais duning tisa ibrea aidamici sîaspad it as bafoua, but jr did net semcsaiToBug------------------------0 Ç thrae simple applications msade ai home Tiadîi sesoue e Hi iao 89 1890 and 1891. Ibareileapractical al trigbtaued ni my pist)l sot. Tise leng, Deusocrat Wagons-------------------------------------------...65 by tise patient once in iwo weeka. Jraihwey dog et Engiaud, wbicis bas juet oc- saquai te tisa recognition efthtie contagions disîssai isowie wisicis h bcd beau .learing lu Lumbar Wagons .............- ..... ..-..5 N. B.-Tisi reatmant is net aecurred et Nawhivauwisana haeubas beau cisariten of inuduenza. Dr. Sisley proposas avary direction, kapi cosing ucarer ail tisa Ligisi Wagon..................-.........0 uni o u usuai;bti av ea is3îtyngsliebariia tos civ aria.tsa is et-c-iA tluiuzTisud atizsdh a h-yP., iestostsetExrssWgo---------------------------5 eade a ijuies.A ami e c- is dg va tcie iy n.Joîu Cipou, accmpisryyPnhemui Ts-Eg-ra-cs -..M..ewsJ af bpa t....s....to--------------------------------.f A potrai et uihîan hnow ppeaing or tse lit u-efylic tisettîla uoney speni iii addiug te tisa e&1 wes soseiesra isitiina e fas-mile Ad , %sîlý t ,$Ç4. in he llstrteddaly apes.grass, perarsp scant eugis twpen e nading asistance, As a ceissaquesîca, leha'41 Lu tisa ilusrratd dehly apans. Tsa ibog e cc te increaccatise mîlk sud butter. bad dropped averytisin g aIse to look for se, .Ye ' o ga, c a h sseral dsrvs sci Young, ouais rihisn lual tise future tisai Assd 00W tîsarth isawhtanbas cue vtS sand iadteuud me. 'D' ~-~ gendiis teatuent a thi.ihadreensi ; ohd, eue is poor i lus ah tisa eliadiish na i ow oe ia We eacuinad tisor.ughsiî te sac iftis a ll C<c6? ' a'I tisas ha regrets. prefit te ha made hy goed taeding, ritier wcs blind beyeud hise, ansd foiîid tisai ha eç e e ~ Wisen Baby was sek, wa gava be'r Castesla. Blssngs etten ft! te recels ne ireugis than gis-e thea grain food tisai wonld msske wcs, se h askad my friess1 epî sset~~'~ ~~ O a , %Vhese c as a Ciilu, se eied ton Cesteia. tisa waîî et circumîtauces wiîîs whicus wa utrtsi ai ttsi csna1issgie ii ssr-Icu ntar te do it nsyY Whnsh ecm Ms, h cingt Cso is, ave îurronndad eun ives. est pnice et tisa veer. Andlin pring tisa sef-and se tisay did. Wlenaie ecmaMisaie iîngtoCaios. Naxt te inventieon is tise power et iuter- houys keletone wil îîagger te tisa immature h Lieve bcd so-ea ittiéeaxpLensca ss-tii ots Wlan se ]scd CiL.Iran, sha gas-auemstein.a is uete eiîhaî iapwrpastîsne te gîaw the astaer 'i reets and wohvas once on iwica silice than, but tisai Me Purebasers should look te the Label on thse Boes sua Pis et eppnaditiug heauty. tisloua tise creasu et tise sumnser'e profit. mes tise losait cll 1 htink 1 es-en lsd.Iftsadeu 5ntS3GfrdSreaduisyrepuoi. Chi-Icrén Cry for PîtCher's Castone,