,-,.-~-,'-~----- i ei'TL EU}TtAl Osse a' taeStranget 'Ilats ietAre ta Be Witiessed auci ihe nitse. A ctta una-ral may scem aueiti ddthing te wriýjte abos ut it is tan times more otitor te wict iesý If the observear happen te ha on feo'.. bevicinity of the scene of the czmichowaver, he le apt te Cidit ayngbut eodd, unless there ha a trac o Soea ther ' .s.Ce etrefuge-onuvenient, or tle curions olooker ha unuually fleet ef fooit. But doubtiesa the average reader dees net kn,.ow whk, a cattle funesal is like, anti par- haps is nt inclined to give credit te the possible axiteuce et scc a thing. If he has neyer live inlu a locality wlicra cattiaet a moire or eAs untaniad dsposition ara wot te range, hae ill crtainly neyer bave an opporteni'vt te learui by observaition any of the peuir ranti notable tacts ceunecteti vith tuhs remarkabla phenomenon et the THEE ESCURAL. The Wondes's of' 11î5i CGreat Palace or thse spalkisli Iîîsis. Thea Escurial, the palace et the Spanish Kinge, has beau termed the eighth Wondier ot the world. Situatad twenty-five mies te the nerthwest it bas a commandin g position andi may ha sean for many miles in avery diac- tion. Begnu by Philip JIl.lu 1563, it was finished inii5ISU t an est7;imated ceet exceed- ing S50,000,000. It was buit te lolfisl a vow made by Phlip 11, tfgýt if succasstul lu baffle witli the French l- weulti ereat the met magîifleent mnonast'ary lu the world. The battlaetfSt. Quentin wva ,ouglit ou Atig. 10. 1557, the F east ef Se. Lawrence, anti the menastery buildings commencat inl fulfihîment ot the vow toek, in houer et St. Lawrence, the torm et a gridiren as en this implement the, saint le report2d te have eut- tcred martyrdein. Seventeen ranges ef huiS jet. crossinz e tah othe t riz ,hlit anzles, hatoped was seaachcd again. The behindthti boxas. Then I weutantiget the tietec i vas tounuS that the seeas anti pillew,- heati. I eut off the noce, the upper ip, anti cas,ýa liaS ',strippeS from the bcd, ant ieha eeaa,antibi5ti tharo iin a v.'r,e, uthe heousatkceper saisha could net uudersta.d it cellar. As my candle was ge-ti-ae low hy at a il. Tbey begnu te scarcli toc Vanheurg, tbis time I hurried back te my ceuni witli' anti at 10 o'ciock that came night arrastati the rest et the bead. I wrappeti h lu hlm lu front et the teinent, te whichlieh Boutry's clothing, wliich I baS strippeS was returning. Ha was cool anti calm, anti frein is body in the callar, In the moru the police at .irst theught that lia wae lu. ing 1 took it te the place where Beurry nocent. The magistrate questioeti hm anti I worked together, andt lrew it loto a closely, hoivever. "D1iS yenont bring sema vault." Thus the second day atter the nu- oeahomiewith yen lutha lact ew days 1" covariug et the botiy thea murdoer was founti was asketi. Vaubourg heitatad, then saiti ant ibaS contessed. 1-" diti bring a friand home with me." "Anti wbo wes this frianid?" Vanbourg 'HT'TEYTNSE3SY heitatati stil longer. Ris bauds ore W TTEYO GTE A. twistiug uacvoucly, althougli bis face b-) trayeti ne agitation. At last lhe sai- Pret5y lIard forTfieir Eiders toBeat Thim "is naine is Bcutry.' "11Anti whara sUd li5n eal ?hilesupb3. yen taka the sheets the bousekeeperi Little girl et 7, being asketiwliy aie ate saw yen going eut wl'tl?" «'I teok bier tart ail areuti the cdge first, anti coiu- them te a wasberwoman. Thay ware saquantly get lier fluger coverati with jain, soied. end 1 did net rani, fthe housekleene,--------- ~ - "I., - - ly): "Then I think I'1l taka a pý,.Sef luSs rublier wstlî me." Once Tommay was alant at the rec -,,t ol bis eiders for many weary mnt-,anS 1whcis Cv ceeuld e letîger contain imý.ef he Lw-a3 telS that silence was golden. "Yes,"l 1q,àotli lie, "'but you knew we wa-t change A hl f31yers had beentaugit by meacean heart, 0 Ced, aud raoaw a riglit 1apirit within me." At uigbt, at the end ef li pa erb, uuasketi, repeatati the text it, ollowiug form " Wash msy heart, O Ced, anS banlg eut te dry." A little 5-y car-old et ny acquaintance in- trviewati hic roother the other day upon the subjeat et angels haviug wiugs. and, en beiug teld that there was reasen te balieve that tliey were se ecuippeti, axclibed: " O mamma, liow tuuuy rliey rmast look wheu asleep reestiug like turlseys. uetween osimscii andtlahe urners, or if lia ha desirous et studying the spectacle ha will clni the nearet tree or scek comaeOthie- pint et vantage inîaccessible te the matdaen- cd beasts. If, oni the other banS, lie ehould bc se ackiug lu cemmîn enese as t:> be unable te -ecCgIize the apparent iguset danger anti iheult ieh approacli tee clocely te the angry NecS, is awekeninig te the peril will ha iharp ad utictdan. Seme angry beat will ,atch a glimpse et hlm, auti, recoguiziug iu Ulm the rasponssbiity toc cbaedding rof blueS, ,vii l lwer bic beati anti, with a nort ut de- iance, suake a wilti charge for thae bject et ,aoviiie wratli. If' that ebject escape wstli hics lite ha will isîdeed ha fortunate. Es-eu i ucea lias been ksîowu to havaebaS. uinthing but a pleacant liait heur from au sCouttr witb a tUnaral party et this Tihi, niews efthîe deatb et a comiratie scams se aprcati wih tise rapidity efthtie taiegrapi, ai treeli relaye etfIneurners cestantly %rriva, keepiug up tise strange spectacle for aheurs at a time, uer ceasing util tlise shades 'f iglt tiescc'5c Oecasion-il3 t !heo iseoetbleodcLtid r111 be d ',,,rcb comeaidering "cri tter "' ý,-Gc- liasta brtienetthe rasîge te ismac lemurs iy.There uaybhane ethar cattie wiuvtw or tiree miles, yet the loune àsçournar :vll comnrence the procadure ai- ready Sasecibeti, ctnd ithin a quarter or it au iiilsour hae will have been joinad by ýthers, .%hiile te ot an heur there will ha, cj11C Sane ias -exciteti cattia on the spot anifs'nsnt ie- range lu every direction others ilc s eaC.1liurryis'g ta the ceeue. AIltegerthar a cattle tunt.ral le enaetfthe udi' sdniose. ittrestinig:siglits fta a lie wi' ,az-' a iman up a trac. 'iat lie shoulu ask atLas uiy Liutg uay's a r But if I retuseti hewould go him;elf. Hle 'vas a genle,patientold mari. Andsonîiethinig stopped me-ene ot Godas angels, 1 think. "0f course, fatlier, ll take it," 1 said, heartily. He gave mie the package. IlThiank you, Jilm, I was goiug myseif, but somehow I don't feel xery btroug to- day." Het walked i rth me te the. rnad that turneti off to the town. As hae left hie put, hie hand on my arm, sayîn,, agaiin. 'Thank yen, my son, you've always been a good boy te me Jim." I hurriedtet town and back, When 1 came near the lieuse I aaw a crowd of faxai bauds at the door. One of thei came to nie, tears roling cown his face. Il Your father," hie said, IlfeUl deati justeaslhe reach- ed thehliuse. The last wordshle spoke were of yeti."-l ain an oldl man 110w, but 1 have thanketi Cod over and ever, in ail the yaars since that hour, that those last words to me wre: «"Yo'i've always beau a goed boy to me," Nohbucau being everwxas sorry for love or kindneas shown to others. But thete is bitter ramorse in remembered neglect or coltinesa to lovetiones who are dead. Do not begrudge kind deeds aud w ocde. especially tc thosa about the saine lïeartli. It is such a littie way we eau go tog-ethier. Ha is ricbest uf al wbo is most geucrons iu giving the love that blossoms eontinually in kiud words anti deetis, Conditions are pleasant or griavous te us accordiig toouersensibilities. -ELew Walace, It le bard te personate aud act a part long for whare truth le net at the bottoîn, natur'u wiil always hac'endeavoring te return, and wtll pertp eut and be trayherselt eue time or anothCr, MYfSTERY IN ?CELLAI. Strange Story cf a Criaasa. Neo. 27 Rue de Charone, in the Quartier Se la Roquette, Parie, je a great fsve-storay tanement eccupieti hy respectable familles et werking-men. Among the chope ou, the firet floor is that et a certain Vacharesse, wbo stores bis geoda lu twe aempautments et the great clgr whicli runisunudar the au- tira building. Abaut notai et Nov. 4 Vac- harasse anti two et his eiployes went Sown loto the clar te stir about ameng the boxas anti casas fer semne stuf tliat hie wanteti. Tlie stairway leaating te the cellar is lu the rear et the public hallway. The workinen, Dirkx anti Camus, want Sewn jute tlie flrst et Vacheresse's eempartmeuts. Thay diS net inti what they wautati there, se Dirkx svaut on into the next cesnpartment. Ha pnllad clovn a lot et ef boxes, anti suddenly get a viaw et semethiug ywhici matie hlmi