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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1892, p. 8

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<Condense'd from the .New.Is.) Master Ross Stinson, Castieton, isa vis-' i ting J. A. Jerome. .. . Mrs. John Harris, Hampton, waa visiting here last week. Mr. Henry Hallett, Bowmanville, vis- ited his brother, Mr. Jas. Hallett, rscent- ly. . .. Mis. Wxn. Blette bas gene to the' N. W. T. te reside... .Mr. A. T. Gains- by, Toronto, was home Sunday week... A social gathering wasl held af Mr. R.1 Morton's. jr., Thursday evening week.. .Mr. Wm. Tbompson has resumed is atudies at Peterboro Business College.. ..Mr. ELdward and Miss Mary Jane Panr, Blackstock, nere guesto at the North A- merican Sunday w........ Mr. Reratrt Barrett, Toronto, is home .... There arej 150 scholars attending our schol .. .. Miss Minne Linfon bas been viitîng Mr. W. H. Reid, Newtonvi)le .... Miss Ruby Gray bias been visiting friends in Bow- inanville .... Mr. Riel Eddy bias gone to North Dakota te reside ... .Miss Louie Fielding bas gone te, Toronto General Hospital for treatmnt .... A Christ ian Endeavor Society hae been organized in connection with the Presbyterian church her..... . Meusrs. Forey Bigham and Bert Hunter, Tovonfo, are spending their va- cation list.. .. Mr. Daniel Hall bias pur- ehased from Mr'. F. L. Squair the Oreno dairy .. .. Mr. R. Moment preached San- day week-i l the Mt. Vernon, Enfield and Enniakilleu Mthodist churces .... Wel- lington Lurik and bride lef t for their home xear Wawanesa, Man., Monday we...... The members of Orone Division S. of T., regaled themeelves with a fine oyster sup- per Wednesday evening. .... Mr. John ]Robertson losb a valuable mare from in Raimation racntly... .Mr. Sandy Wad- dell sud daugter of Dominion City, Man., are visiting with f tiends ler..... A large number of ont citîzens are siffer- inig from La Grippe. ..... D. Hall hias taken bis sens inte partner8hip ia bis masonary business... .Miss Ettie Kirk has hasts appointed organist cf the Meth- odist Sunday Schoel witli Miss Lena Tamblyn as assistant .... Mr. L. Wilson of the Ontarie Veterinary College bias taken ch>rge of W. W. Dickey's practice until he retuins from New York, after whicb lie goeeste Aurora .... Tbere waî a pleasant social gathering at the residence of Mr. Irâaao Cobbledick on Tuesday ev- ening week. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KellIycf Psrrytown; Mr. ani Mrs. Edmund Cobbledick, Mr. David Waleb and family, the Misse-s Walshand Mr. llewa-d Walsh ef Clake ..The follewing are the newly elscted officers of Orono Division: W P-J W' Ciffod; W A-D T Allin; R S-W E Soucb;.- A IR S-P H Jamieson; F. S-P OdelI; Trsa-R Knox; Chap--Annie Jerome; Cn-e Jobuston; A C-M Millet; 1 S-R Bet; 0 S-F Stutt; P W P-A Staiker .. .. Mr. W Wagstaif, New- catie, D. D., installed the followlng offi- cers cf Wolverbampton Lodge S. 0. B. S on Monday wesk: W P P--D Hall; W P Wm Battsn; W V P-John Davey; Chap -Win Eoddy; S-D T Allin; Treas--- Jas flell; 1 G-W H Barrett; 0 G- Bert Hanimer; 1st Con-Jos W Hall; 2nd-- Barry HIooper; 3rd-R Hi Woo; 4t- WXOMYAN'S FRIEND. A reliable, genuine and comforting friend is alwbys desirable. You have it in "Sunlight" Soap. No matter whether it is for washing fine clothes or coar2e, or for doing any kinil of work where soap can be used, "Sunlight" excels ail other Soape. A trial will convince you thaf this ja net a mers assertion. cf cheap imitations. fiyiag. If behoovea, them te decide early -at once, if tbey intend becorning partic- ipants in this frese contest. Tbey should, witbeuf delay, fui up and send in their form of entry, wbicli wilI he found on page 15 cf the booki of instructions and rules. We may remind ail ladies who have net seen this book on the Diamond 1)ys Cernpetition, that they may obtain if front their druggiaf, or from the Wells & Richardson Co., Monireal, wbo will send if posf fraeste any addîess. 'Ne presume if is nsedless at this time te inform the ladies thaf this Competif ion is free and open te aIl. It dosa nef cost anyfbing te exhibit your fancy work or other goods ; and, whefher you are suc- cesaful or fail te takes a prize for your work, remember it is stili yeur property, and is rsfurued te yen frea cf ceef. In thia way the gain is ail on your side, and the entirs ceef ard expenses faîl on the manufacturera. At the present time we believe suffici- entb has ee said to the ladies as te the advisibility of making early application fer a place in this grand centest. -This is Keep clear Dr. T. A. Slocum's OXYGENJZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If yen have Bronchitis--Use if. For eale by al druggists 35 cents por bottîs. Sunshine in the Home! I mweary wiih wrk!'th geed wsfe sighed "But after ail." sbe sald, *It's sweet to labor for those we ]ove- No wonder that maids will wed.", "A wise bousewîfe lightens her f ouil nd gladdens the home circle by her oheerful- neas. But health is tbefirsf requisite and bep j ust preropative. Healt.h follows the use cf Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, wbich repairs the ravages caued by pecul- iar diseases which inflict womnankind. If enriches tbe hlood, cures the cough, in- cresses the flesh, prevents hysteria, nerv- ousuessa and lew spirits, and is a veritable fountian cf health te womnen, young and old. Satiafactio-, or the price ($l.C0> vs- f unded. 0f druggiats. T8 USE UT FOR 0 ENTS Difficulty of Breathinig Tightness of the Chest Wasting'Away of Flesh B OTTIEThroat Troubles BU 11 LEConsumption Bronchitis,Weak Lungs Asthma, Coughs, Catarrh, Colds DR. T. A. Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure TASTELESS. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGTISTS. LABORATORY, TORONTO. ONT. NOW %- F C : lREE tMoNIP Se lu-,iioINTERUI Keep Warm and Comfortable beatty.- This free-dist ribution c f $1,500 Cuicra RIesolvcnt Children's -Heav-y W-ool Hose 1 Subscriptwfls received at the offee fthis pape, te the lciso oron , , h Thenhav e d and Skin Purifier and greatest a 0 ets-Brownings. by -Ai JuL-heus- - - 1nOW seOleg at Ï cents er p ir 1, . .u "in . "±onuiar hold article, bas neveu' been thought cfb eode II impurities. andtuèrmetle ads beor.Th rmrk r CntYmae ya u'se). and CUTIGIURA. tha great skia cure, je yGl.Oe for 15 bef rs. he rmars reentl mad byanad CUTICURA SoAP, an exquisite Skia Beaut- nra 1en av. fairly Well expresses the Mfer, externally (tteclear the skin and scal 1 cents per pair up. r Ae,%cy for Il - - i - ~~lA " Jui"'Q - MrT nnstÀ'.ýt PERtS MAGAZINE LPERSWEEKLY I lJJ .IJZi - 1 Per Xar...t0 $00 " .... 00 Our Good Health Corsets are se1I4 ing well, giving good satisfaction. We stili do stampi]<çq, lection of the handiwork of the ladies Ir 11 iju Bien iy- UTC R eOP from ail quarters of the Dominion, so that the publie may have an opportunity Ià%AN' BREAHE Enla ic eriUff la of judging of the great possibilities and Cs aNis, renes.Wakns, H u V lmuU N Laet crcuation of any scientific p,.per 10 h wonderful elfects of Diamond Dyse. adaumaie elevdincyeN mj îold 3 îbustrt eeklNoine a Let us Dow point the ladies te the dial miut'anIh CuîcraAnt-Pin eYGOOS ndbou M1tNi& O. cf time, and warn them that the days are DasRrYNth GOIODSfo WakLans d JWYVI!U LJ-IM. 36150 x oalyNthsjk Remittance shsbuld be made by post office 1ILot 8 and west 1 lot 7 in the 2 con. eft money order cr drafe, te avoid chance et loES.- Township of Pickering. 250 acres on which Newssa»rs re OC e co~i hisa~1irts3 firsi class barns. ail stone foundetions metwithouthe earess t ordro! hisadvrPeR &delling houses, well wate,-ed, ne w4àte la mentwitoutthe xprS3 rderof ARPR &Will be seld whole or la parts. Prie BRTERS. terma te suit purchaser. Apply te IH. B. ', ,&d ic e;-H-ARFER & BROTHERS, N. y-. LOB, Whitby, Ont. I - thea is anà 4L 1 1 A . -

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