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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1892, p. 1

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-v. [0/X ~EMH:-l.O~zaA NU XOUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: TJ WORLD À FTERWA2RDS. M. À JAMES EDITOR ÂND PROPitITOR, NEW sEiEais, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEPiý,!SDÂY, MARCH 9,189-9. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEP. 10 1892 t- JUSIOPENED UI _-A-T_ nil IB W HA VEIV. 71 Ni~ any VanCamp lias returned from iýprolonged visit with frieuds in and aroun .....o. Mr. Geo. Perkin, Moor"IIeld, visitcd relatives and frieuds luin localit> last week. .. .Farmers sud otheu, here regard the 'ZTATESMAN as the popular local paper .. .. Mr. Win. Good iutends building a uiew bain with atone cellar ý .. . Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Wood atteuidfrd the funeral of lier father, Mr. llenrIj Bartlett, Cadmus. . .. Mr. Thos. Vanclllmp sold a fine horse to Mr. Hi. Burk to take to Manitoba.. . .Mr. M. H. Fogar-, fnrmerly a resideut of this vi- cinity:-ied recently at Rochester, N. Y., froi eart faîlure. His romains were intery & in Port Hope... .Miss H. Good, Toro{ri,, ii gest of lier nucle, Mr. Win. WBIEN IqÂ1TUItE SMILEs AGÀi.N.-When naturi smiles again in the mild spriug days, inankind often groans fromn the eff- ects ;D, bad blaondsud kindred troubles engenrped by the long haid wiuter. Re- movethe cause of aIl the trouble by pur- ifying your blood with nature's rexnedy, S'PARKVIL LE. Geo. Seney, Iowa, is vipiting Mrs. E. J. Ballagh..W. Hollowel will erect a boume and barnono his E aît 50 acres, Robt. Cowau bas the coutrac t..* . J. P. 0'Flyn has charge of our Pchool this term .... Miss Aunie Stark visi'ed ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Davidaonu. .. .Assessor J. F. McMill- au bas been tbrough bere . ... Mr. Casey, Mitchell, visited Mro. T. J. Ballagh .. Mr. David Walch had a family gatbezing the other week .. . .Bert Ballhgb bas tra. ded bis driviug horse with Dr. Dickey. The only variation in qualtity wbicb ýwill ever lie fouud in "Myrtîs3 Navy" t3- bacco is in tbe degrees of moisture wbich it coutains. Tobacco ii a very ready ab- sorbent of moisture, sud in unusual states of tbe weatber it may become a little ton mnoir3t er a littîn ton dry to suit the taete of sonme. This is a mincr matter, how-, ever, as the essential qualtity of the to- bacco is not changed. l's combustiois a lutti slower or a lictie faster aqcording toethe degree of misture,tbat is aIl. Tlhe darker the plug tbe greater moisture sud, mauv prufer the dark In eich . Âd-v PRO VIDENCEB. Miss Isa Osborne has returned from visiting her mister Mrs. J. Hiamiltoni, Millbrook .... The young folks had a good time last Wednesday afternoon and even- ing at Mr. FraniK 0sborue's. ln the afternoou "l1es jeunes hommes" eawed wood and "les demoiselles' talked and uow and again did a little sewing. In the evening the two parties speut a very social time... Mrs. Joseph Hlamilton, Milibrook, 15 visiting Mr. Riah. Os- borne .. .. A meetingh e thjs Wednesday nigbt for organiz *ranch of the Sons of Temperance..*Mr. George Downing of Bronte is viciting here .... A meEting of the Trustees of Providence church will ho held on Friday 4teruoon, After the Grip Hood's Sarsaparilla will restore your strengtb snd health, and ex. pel every trace of poison f rom the blood. Do not despair of caring vour sick head- ache when you cmn se eaBily obtain Car- ter's Little Liver Pills. They will effdct a prompt sud permanent cure. Their action is ioild and natural. The rSURPRISE Way YOU want your Cottons, Linons, Flan nels always. sweet, clean, snowy white? YOU want "the wash"' done the easiest, the dlean- est, the quickest, the cheap- est way? SURPRISE Soap "'the Sur- prise way," without bolling or scalding, gives these resuits. RADthe directio,,s REDon the wrapper.

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