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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1892, p. 5

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'"A N o HA M S 'CUres the most obstinate cases, i! taken perseverlngly. 3ABNDIIAM'S COUGH BALSÂM lias stood etor years of trial. SANDIHAMS COUGH BALSAM oaa be ta. ken by the youngest chidren, la PLEASANT N, TASTE, perfectly afe, *nd PREVENTS CONSUMPTION, if taken in SÂNDHAM'S COUGH BÂLSAM ia made froma a prescription o! Etablished Value jWbich has been in use for ycars. Large Bottie. Small Price. PiRICE Q25 OTS. ARE YOU COING TO Manitoba, Murdoch Bros' coffee is the be)t tht can be bought. Mason's 6 cent fsctory cotton lias gain- ed a reputation. 'Ask to ste it. Order ail newapapers and magazines of M. A, James, who gives lowest rates. Miss Rench, of Newcastle, was a recont guest of Mr. Isaiah Best, Cavan. A lovely stock of new gent's ties jnst opesied ont at Oouch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Readers of TuE STATESMAN are invited to cal! and make the acquaintance of the new firm of Cawker & Tait. Jno. J.- Mason has a fine line cf Ladies Circulars. TheS are niee patterns and are slling from $200 upwards. Have you seen those lovely chromos Murdoch Bros. give with eacli cau of Bak- ing Powder. Real higli class German pictures. Sherin & Kirby have opened eut seme lovely new American patterns in WVall Paper. Oeil and see them at the old stand, Reid's block. fume & Wright are exceedingly wel piucased with the patronaze they are re- ceîying since beginningo business. They wilI keep the beau meats in the town. Reynolds' old stand. The Weekly Globe during present seois- ions of Ontarjo and Dominion Parlia- monts, for 25 cents, Daily $1.75, Even. ing edition $1.00. Leave your order at the STATESMAN .-office. Subaciber asits the origin of the phrase I l Ie isn't in it." It was firAt used by an, editor who died and went to heaven and looked'around for the man who tcok lits paper and died without settling his bill. The furniture factory in Belleville, occunied 'av Mr. J. G. Frostformerlv of Note change in date of Eli E.rl'a sale. Good bouse te Reat. Appiy te M. A. James. Mr. H1. C. Brittain speut Sunday in Toronto. Mr. Earl's big farin stock sale la on Thursday. Have you any freeh eggs toetell ? Try Murdochi Bros. Mr, H. Gale, and daughter, Coiborne. spont Sunday hore. Freali cysters and haddies always on hand at Cawker & Tait's. MiassFiahleigh visited her friend Miss Nancy Jeffery Pickering Eat. Good butter wiIl command a geod price. Who will buy at Murdoch Brea' '? Miss ThDimpson and Miss Mahel Coucli spent Sun day with relatives in Port Hlope. Cawker & Tait have just received a large conignment of caaned goods which they offer very cheap. Mr. R. H. Fry and wife left Newton- ville Station Feb. 23, for their home in Wawanessa, M anitoba. Members of the West Durham Farm- ers' Institute are invited te co-operate ia purchaeing binder twine. The father and a brother of Mrs. (Rev.) C. E. MoIntyre formerly of Bowmanville, have died in Brampton within a f ortnigh t. Rev. R. T. Courtice, Cla-ke, will ce.- cupy the Methodist pulpit Sunday. Friends from the country corne early to get a seat. Rev. Dr. Burwash, President of Vic- toria University, wîll preacli Education- il sermons in the Methodist church, March. 20. J. J. Mason bas j uat open ýd eut a nice new line cf ladies apring coats. They are stvag~ods and have been marked ex- 41 No baking powdcei l gaining public favor so rapidly as Cèeade One reason is people like- to know what they are eating, and the composition of Cleveland's bak- ing powder is given on every label. Se many baking pewdcrs containing ammenia or alum are widely advertised as "absolutely pure," the best way ia' to refuse any brand thc composition of which is concealed. Who keep the best Finnan Haddie !Murdoch Bios.' Mrs. John Bant, Oshawa, is visiting Mrs. R. Trenouth. Mr. Geo. Evans. Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mrs. John Brock's. TiznE STATESMAN bas no agents; pay sub- acriptions to M. A. James. Call and see the new stock of veilings, cheffons, etc., at Misa Shaw's That t ired languid feeling- and dull' headache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pulls before retir- îng, and you will finâd relief. They neyer fail to do good. Notices of Birts, 25 cents; liarriages. 50 cents; fleaths. 5o cents, eaeh Insertion -but FREE OF CHARGE, wheu the funerai cards are srinted ai this offce. 1BIRTH8B. RusE,-At 112 Huron St., Toronto, on Feb. 19 I o Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles Ruse, a daugliter. GiBSO.-In Enniskillen, Mar. 2. the wife of Mr. J. J. Gibsoa, of a son. COULTKi.-In Hartney, Manitoba, Jan. 3, the.wifeofo G. A. Coulter, of a daughtçr, TmoRNE-In Kendal, Feb. 29tli, the wife of Josepli morne, of a daugliter. VAN aToNE-le Brantford, Wednesd ay, March 2nd, the wife of Mr, A. L. Vanstone, o! a son, MA RRIED. KEENAN-TuERNEn.-Feb. 29ýli, at the Metli. odist Parsonaize, Port Perry, by Rev. L. W. Hlli, B. A., M~r. John Wesley Keenan, and Mi-fi Ruthi Turner, botli of Cartwright. GILLÂRD.-At Trenlasta, David stow. Corn- wall, Jingland, Jan. 25th, Mr. John. Gillard. aged 73. Deceased is kindly remembered by Mr. Digory Haynes of Ibis town and Mr. S. Cotton of Toronto. ORrISTON-At bis residenc-3, lot 17, con. 7, East Whitby. on Feb. 27th, Rober& Ormiston. ln bis 81th year. BIOBlARDSON.-At Whitby, Feb. 26th, Sarahi Riebardson.relict of the late John Richardson. or Pickering, aged 851 yeara. BURROUGHS. -At lot 23, con. 7, Wbitby, Feb. 29th, Elizibeth Pite, beloved wife of Hiram Burroughls, in lier 41st year. HENRtY-In Darlington, March G6, George Hoenry, in Lis 68th y ear. BARTLETT-In Cart'wright, Marcli 4, Henry Bartlett, aged 72 yoars, IL monîlis. HAYES.-At Columbus, Marci 2nd. William Hayes, aged 86 Sears, 10 months and 20 days. HoriNs.-In Toronto, on Sunday Feb. 28th, Mary, belovedwife of J. R Hopkins, (ose Mary Parish. !ormnerly of Hampton> aged 35 years. SPRINC COUDS ARRIVING DAILVU Lovely New, Prints, iNew Dress Goods, New Steamlooms, New Factory Cotton, New Shirting, New Cottonades. Extra value in Towels and. Table Linen A splendid assortment of MEN'S TIES, ec SHIRTS, " COLLAIRS, etc.

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