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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1892, p. 6

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GRMAýFTUL-COMFORTING, BREAKFAST. "yathorough -kawledRze of the natural >aswh h gaverio the operatinow o digestion and nutrition. and by a carofal application of the fine poete i ell-selected Cocos. Mr. Epp. haspro c Oourbreak'aa*t 1 ables with a deiaey livared besera -e2 which msay save n miaay h-ýavY idotori' bis. It 13 by the Étiolons luge oi' such articles of diet thtta constitution may bc gradually but up iiftil Btrang enougli ta resist every tendency ta tlee.ilundreda ai' subtie maladies are doatli garounduneready la attack wheraver there is aweak point. We may escape many a fatal shafi by keepinz ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourish'td Made siniply with boiling wateror milk. So]d Oanly in pacl<ets. by Grocers. labilled thus: j . N ES EI'PS & Co. isoepathie Clsem et, Londoni. Englfand The Head Sur&,eon 0f the bubon Medical Company La now ott Toronto, Canada, and înay bc con- sulted eîther in persan or by letter on al ,hronie diseases peculiar ta man. Men, yonng, old, or mniddle-aged, who find them. selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down frein excess or overwcrk, ra-sulting in many of the foiiowing symp. toms : Mental epressioii, premature aid age, loss of vitality, loss -of memnory, badl dreamas, dimnesis of sight, ealpitation of the heart, erissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimpies on the face or bady, itchinig or pecul iar sensatian about the scrotumn, wastiiig of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lie7s and elsewhee-e, bashf uiness, deposits in thou rine. bsai' will uiower. HOUSEROLD, Cbîld and Mother. EUGENTE FILS). 0,MtiMLv, if you'Il give me your band, And go whore 1 ask yen ta wander, I will Joad you nway ta a beau tif ni land, The Drearaland thai's waiting ont yonder. We'l! walk lun asweet posie gardon oui there, Where înoonlight and stanlight aie stream- ing And the flawers and the birds are fIltng the air With thc fragrance and music of' dreaming. Thereli be no littlc ttred ont boy ta undresis, No questions or cares ta perplex you; There l be na uitile bruises nr buinps ta carcss, Nor patching aof stacking tae ex vou ; For 'Ili rock yeu away on a siver dew Stream And sing y ou ta sleep when * vau>re weary, And no one shahl know of aur beautiful dreani But yen and your own litile dearie. And when I am tired l'Il nestie iny head In the bosom that's saothed mac sa ofien, And the wide au ake stars saah sing, in uiy stead, A sang which aur dreamiland shall soften, Moter-MyLove, ici me take yaur dear nd away thraugh thc staright we'Il hand, Away thraugh ttc misit tte beautiful land, The Dreamiand that's waiting oui yonder. Three Pairs of Shoes. Tbere tbey are, in a neat litile raw under the manile in the cildren's bed-raom, a pair of twelves, a pair af nices and a tiny pair of fives, blonging ta the baby. They are ail more or leas wrinkied and warn, sud thc pair of twcivcs bave baies in the tocs, whicb csused me ta say a uitile while ago ta the sturdy wearer af tbem, that there was ,,no Sense lu bis kickinig ouît shocs lilte that." and if be vas not more careful lie, cupfui of sweet milk, two teaspanfuls of soda, one teaspoonful of sait, one cupfui. of flour, four cupfuis of corn meai. Steam threc hours aAd brown a fcw minutein the aven. MÂAnONT AND, ToMATO S tLGE. -To pre- pare this nutritions and palatabIQ dish, break the macaroni (smail pipe) ia twa inchiengîlis, after having carefuily exained it ta sec that it is good, and drap hit nta boiiing inilk and ivater, equal parte, and bail until perfectly tender. One hpur or longer will usnially be required for ibis. Have ready a sauce made as follows: Take a pint of strained, stewed iomatoee. sud beaita boiling, thioken with a beaping tes- spaonful of foeur rubbed smooîh in u ltile water, add sai if desired, and at lasl a haïf cup of bot cream. Bail up together for a minute. 1ish the macaroni, and tam nthe dressing cveuly aver it. STQRY 0F A BRAVE D]7ED), The Episode aof Lord iiliais Jeresford and sergit. 6'TheIe. il What one likes lu Archibsld Porbes "Barracks, Bivouacs, and Battles,"ýis the air of frcedom, the rabustuess, the jaunti. ness of ihese episodes in the pagent ef war. Men do their brave deeda without parade and without false humility, but wlth, just a touet of assumed carelessness. 0f course na man risks bis life withuut cal ing, unle-s bc is utterly tired of ii-and in that case there is no speciai menit in running after death. But really ta enjoy life ta thc utmost, and put t ail in peril for a sentiment or tbrough ambition ta wesr a bauble of a cross,lwhich means bonor-that takes nerve ; and ta do it wtb a smile, as though it were one of the palie conventions of life, wbich are exnecr.ed nof everyrentllman, rlnilrnsi BLER ?IC MARVELS AT SEA, 51g-ulliing lVliSasitWres. It is annaunced that Mr, Edison bas per- fected anaiber wondcrful electrical inven- tion. h laintended naioniy tafuriter tbe interesi cf commerce, but - pratect buman life ai ses.it is Ln subtance a systeni by wbicb telegrapbic communication cau be carried on between sbips at sea, between stipsansd ttc store, sud beîween distant points on lanîd. The most striking fesinre is tbat this comnmunication cau be maintain- cd absoluîely vitbout tbe use of wires. SIIIP-TO-Sll 'TSIIIPSfPTO SHLORETELEGRAPFEY Here is anc of thc ways in wblcb ttc in- vention is said ta work: Suppose ail tbe sbips ibat sali the seas are ftttd with the apparatus. Ain ecean greytound (says ttc City of Pari8) breaks bier stafi and tbere arc fears thai she may sink if assistance cananaibe surmoned quiekly. Net a saii in sight, nor a sign of smoke on thc horizon. An operator skilled in tbe transmission of Morse etaracters mnanipulates a key located, fat instance, lu tbe ctart-room. Away down below tte horizon is --uotter sbsp Se far distant ibsi net even ber tapînasis are visible. The Morse signais are transmiited ta ttc otbier stip and ans wered. The dis- abled ship gives lier position, and tbe atberspecds ta ber aid. TheChcier sbip migtt be a small barque or brig procccding under sailiaînd incapable cf rendering aid In sncb a case tte barque or brig would work bier signiais, wtich would te caught up by any shîp itbin a radius of say 30 miles. Then ttey înigli reset anoter sailing sbip, also taa sînail and îaa far away ta give tbe assistance required, but sbe in tamn would begin signaiing covering anotber radius cf 30 m-ilesi i h SSLff 'i J ~ for Infants and Children., «CaMtOrlis sewell adapted to hlrntha 1,Catota cures colic onstipation l - [reýcommend t ag uperior to any reipti.. our machDiarrhoa, Luctation. kmnOwito me." I.L.à, Axc KRlUs Worms, givez sleep, and promotei di lit " OzioM 3si,,.1 gesJon, TUE CENTAuR ComPÂssY, 77 Murray Street, 7, FOR SALE BY J. 1HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE.

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