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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1892, p. 8

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TEB NORTE-WEST BEIEXIF Mý.>AKPNG. ILS A GRiEAT COUNTRY, ACC0RDING TO JOHN THE GALLOWAY AT TIIE HEAD. WÂDE 0EDÂBLNGTI~.A VerY interegting bulletin lias juat Our esteemed friend, Mr. Eli Osborne been issued from the. Experimental Sta- <whe by the way is one of the best.hearted tion, OntafiO Agyicultural College, on inen in West Durhamn-a iwortliy son of feeding grade steers of diferent breeds. a worthy sire), bas handed us a letter, The primary objecte of the euxperiment written to him by Mr. John Wade, of weie to ascertain: I. The average cost of Peplar Grove, Aberta, N.W.T , son of rearing grade steerp, for purposes of beef Mr. Chas. Wade, of Oshawa. Mr. Wade Production, from birili until the period writes a very interesting ltter, and we of early maturity, when fed upon a heavy giadly publish a few paragraphs for the- or- forcing ration. .Thcoprtv delecation of our 12,000 readrs. coat of rearing grade steers on whole and After describing the journey fromn To skim mi1krespectively, and the effects of ronto to Winnipeg, Mr. Wade says:- hese on davelupmaent after the termina- l'We arrived at Winnipeg cn Sunday tion cf the mîlk per&odý of feeding, 3. April lth. It ia a pretty citýr ai the The comparative co3t of Producing beef station. 1 counted 15 switch tracks aide from weli graded and native or screbl by ide, with more cars standing on tham animnais reapEciively, The chef cf the than would l e ean in ail the station secondary objecta were to ascertain.: 1. yards batween Toronto and Fort Hp The relhtive cot of rearing animnais for Portge l Praia i a slen i wnsie beef production during different periods and ia situated on a gradun ly elevaied of growth xhen fed uçpon a heavy ration. portion of land. Brandon in the beat 2. The relative daily gaina; and 3. The town0f ny lac I aw. l i motlytotal relative Scrasse in weghi. builit cf brick;3 the stores are ail ap- The animaIs aacured, eighi in numbar, parently doing a good businese. Tha ereth o 9ario f a pure ragistered land isn arly al good front Winipeg te ire, except in the casa cf the native or the Iiocky Mountains, about 900 miles. scrnb, and the aim was in every instance, 1 did not ea over three miles togeiher cf except in thaï, cf a native, te bave the liglit, poor land. I dîd netlika thalooka dam a common grade cow. of Manitoba, ih looks tee bleak and levaI. The bred included a Galloway, Aber. - -. l-- P11T-T F- 1---T l ENFIELD. Misa Fannie Niddery is vhiting friends hare. . .. Mr. Jno. Winnacott is very low with conaumption. . .. Amougat the seri- ously sick are: Mr. Wm. Ormision, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott and Mr. sud Mrs. Jno, McKenzie west cf here .... A sociaty hall ia te ba built in Enfield this apring.. *..Mr. Frank <rossasu las renied Mr. Jno. Bray'a farm...Mr. and Mrs. Van- atone, Piokerin7, apent Sunday inre.... Albert McCullough lias net yet recoverad the hiorse sud cuiter lie hadl stolen from him ai Oshawa. OZ8J±A WA. Miss Alice Cummngs. Belleville, is vie- iting in Oshawa.... .Miss Mary Warren, Orillia, lias been visiting Mra. Wm. War- ren .... Misa A. A. Keeler, lias been vis-, iting friends hn Toronto.. . . Mr. Frank' Wrighit, Courtcc, wss guesi cf Mr. J. D. Siorie recently... .Misa Wiiams, Bramp- ton, has been gueat cf Mrs. S. Trewin.. .Mre. JA Herbert llyland, Torontq, was in town recently. . .. Miss Jeasie Brodie, Toronte, is guesi cf Mra. W. F. Cowan.. .Miss Annie Parel], Toronto, is guast cf Mra. Hsrry King. . .. Misa Annand, Ce-' dar Dale, ie viiiing friends ln Paterboro .... The Salvation Army wll celebrata the eightli anniversary cf thair opening liare on the 101h imat., with a grand bau- quet ...hAbout 80 memhc? of Cou>irt T hat Ls .a siangerous condition direcily due te ýde,,pdeted or impure blood. It should not be allowed te continue, as in its skhiythe systeni is especially liable i senious :attacks cf illness. It is re- mnarkable how beneficial Hood's Sarsa- parîlla ha k this enervating state. Pos- sessing jeust those elements which the systern needs and readily seizes, ibis medicine purifies the blood, and irn- parts a feeling of strengih and self-con- fidence. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the best remedy for that xeakness wvhich pre- vails at change cf season, climate or life. "I believe il la te the use cf Hood's Sarsaparilla that I owe my present healtb. In the spring, 1 got se com- pletely run down I conid net eat or NOXON BROS. MFGT. 00. (Ltd.) INGERSOLL, ONTARIO. Established 1856. MANUFACTUFIERS 0F STEEL FRAME HOOSIER. DRILLS, guaranteed thé'e best Drill mahis COI{D SAVING TWINE BINDERS, INIDEPENIDENT STEEL SPRING TOOTII CULTIVATOIR SEEDERS. A FULLJ STOCK 0F IMPLEMENTS AIND REPAIRS at our branch ware lieuses, 222, 224, 226, St Paul St. MONTREAL, 86 Front St. TORONTO, 125 King St. LONDON.

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