GRATFULCOMORTNG.I B!I~CoGnstruction !Il th Vast. BREAKF3AST. ."P-y a thorougà knowledge ofthOe natural aws whi ch govern tihe operationg of' digestion ,nd nutrition. and by a creful application of dis fine ppopartIff e. welî-s,3ected Cocn, Mr. KPps bas provided or breakfast 1 ables with a lelcataly Riaverai. beveratoc whjeh May save 1 Mmy Lhavs docter,' b11li. It ta by thse i1di.i1. iuse of snob articles of diot that a T- -Lui ny ho gradually built np nntil eton nb te resist every tende,", te fiseaso. Hundreda of subtie maladies are doati ig eronnd us ready Io attack wbere ver there ta a weak point. We suer escape mauy a fatal shaht by lheeping ourcelvàs well ferlifled wth purebond nad a prouerly nouriseid rame.-'*Civil Service G7azette." Made, simply witb boiliug water or milin sainnly lu paokets. by Grocers. Ialfled 1Ibus; J M ES EPI'S êt Co., IleineSepathie Chein et, tLondon, Enginsul The Mother's Heart. As a yoinug man was lea'iug home just befere hie ordina tien te the iistry, he re- oeived Chie parting exhortation frein hie mother : «"Others May tell yen more iu kuowledge, but let me imnprees eue thiug ripou yen. Every lime yen lay yenr baud upon a child% h ad, yen lay it upon ie mothcr's hearli" The Head Surze0on Of the Lubon Medical Company is no-w at Toronto, Canada, and snay bc con- snlte'1 ether in person or by latter on al chronie diseases peculiar te masn. Men, yonng, ci, or middle-aged, who find tlsesn selves nervosîs, weak an exhausted, who are broken dlown frosu excees or overwer.k, resnltinig in many of, the fllewisig symp- toms : Mental depression, premature oid ago, loss of vitaiity, loss of memory, bad dreasus, dimness of sight, palpitation of the hcart, emissions, lack of energy, pain i the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wabting of1 the ergans, dizziness, speoks before the eyes,, twitching of the muscles, eye lis and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits i tIse rine, loss of will power, teuderness of tisescalp and spine, weak and flabby Muscles, desire te sleep, failure te be reated by leep, constipation, dulîness of hearing, lues of voice, deýýsire for solitude, excitabiity of temper, sunken eye snrrouud- ed with LEALRN CIROLE, Oily looking skie, eto,, are ail symptoms of nervous debillty that lead te insanity aud death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lest its ten ieon evcry fîqnction wanee in cousequence. ¶Ihose svho througls abuse commaitted ini Ignorane nay be permauently cured. Send nr addr ess forhook on ahl diseasels peculiar t l man. Books sent free sealed. LJcarý disease, the symptoms of which are aitspeliJs, purple lips, uumbness, palpita lion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blond ;e the head, duil pain lu the heart with beats triongraid and irregîlar, the second heart eatquscker than the #rst,pain about the breast boue, etc., can positîvely bc cured. Kcure, ne, pay. Send for book. Address 4-V. LUBON, 24 Maodoneli, Avenue,Tor- ente, Ont. Pa Gave It Away. CahIePr -" le your mother at borme, son' oy" No, mm." ('lo-Did se go eut fer a drive V' Boy "Yee,muIm." Cie-Iwonder if that was her I saw jusî noýwtssrning the éorim'er. Wiîat sort of ý.couveyancc djd she go ont lu? Do yen 1',o w ?,1 Býoy-"Yes, m nt. 1IPaea-,-inPst - 6 ri 3; 4. à1 h tol. andmme Boek, a pretty pictume te Chose iVbe senti ne lsaie iln 12 wraispers,. Senti wrappers teý 'Suli4ht" SosoOff ce. 4 3 Scot St,Teot Det luter tien 29cof eacb mentis, aund marked >.Cempetitien" ; aisegive fullI namo, ddres ege. anti number ef wraopsrs, Wlunur aansses it blb ilehi lu l'h' poti ma unfirit Satmrtay lu aci mentis. She ±'ouud an EXplanatioui, "Yon sas, Mre. Oiliiz, said tise suave V.Oung mean, 1'tbey calisd tlemr ' Caneanitas liocause thsy campe tromn Canaan." -Oh, 1 understaud," caid the oid lady, 0,tiabiy. " Tlere's semetling CIel Mn. 011- riz kmovd and I dîdn't."1 "Yce. He lad Ieard thet yen speut eev- Prai yeans lu Paris, and lue Spoke oh o ys terdey as 'a Panisue.'"yuys (jatarria. ITA IILDEÂurcESS-lAY FEvER-A -NEW HOME TREPAT2MENT. Sufferers are net generaliy aware lIaI tIsse diseases are contagios, or tisai îhey are due te lie presence of living parasites lintl inug membrane cf île noie sud qatachian tubes. Microscopic e eadl however, lhes preved s t e ha a act and tle recuit cf this discovary le that a situ- ieremedy lias been fOrmulated1 whene- byctarrh, catarrhal deatuses and hay iever arc permenenily cnred lu onse to ffinee simple applications made et homes by lhe Patient ence lu two wedks. N. 1.-Tuis treaimeut le net a usuf or an elulment; boîl bave beau dis- ,arded as injurions. A pamph!et ex. hsaiing Ilis uew treaimeut le sent trac Dui racipt of tamp le pay postage, by J. G * Dixon & Co_, 345 West King St. Por- Dnto Canada. ~-Christian Advocate. Suiffer *ns trous Catarrhsal troube ulieuid carefuily reasithe aboya. Mix biackimsg mitlh seapsude for ordinary Miss PlumleigI Ichokiug) -"Oh, Mn1 . Dodekin! I-I rcaiîy tiinI I'va swallowad us dreafi fly ! Wlat abalI do?" Duide. tine--"1Dean girl, btter swehlowv coma fiy. sapai." For Over Fiftv Tsars lIs.i. caSOW'e SOOTnIsIiYeS'eUP labasa aseti by millions ef mouisese, honiancbildren wiîe usetlig. I? dsurbed et ulgisu anti iroken ut gnon resu by a siek cisilti suli'eing mnd c7ying mitb pin et Cutttng Tets sead ai' suce andti ali lottîs of "Mme. Winsiow' $oothng Syrup"for ehildren laetbing. h wîiiI tei h ie poor limîle suhièer immediatly, fpesntiOpen il, moibene, thare is ne mistake uitj. Itcotas Diarrboi ea, gulates tie t3ica)aci anti Belc, Curas. Wind, colle, sofens tIs e Gme. radoca Inflammation sud gîve tou ani eergg te the whelae steur 'ilIne v'inslewv'e Seothiug Syrup" fter cidren teailis. is pesaet tee testa anti is tie precrptoneuaofttse ldeet anti bau te- 1e1rode pIgacn' ud inurses lfi ibe Unitedi ilite Prcc 5 entsa bottît'. filti isgai. d 1ng;sça 'Asni a",l ithse corlil. IBe'eeandl THF SPLENMMD RECORD OF A IlECADE. WrIAT ILS ]iE3r\AtCOMPLIS1IuD pIN1891. A rview 0' railwa y construnotion iin West- ern Cjnada le alwaye a inatter ef pheasure te those iierested ;iu the developineisi of tise colntry, for it will show a mecord un- panalleled nri listony. We have te go hack but a few yeare te the date ef the osciu f the first railway in Manitoba. aiwyconstructionî was commienced iii Mansitoba in 1875, by the late Mackenzie Goc-ernncent, ou the Canadien Pacifiec rail- way from Winnipeg te Lake Stiperior. Construction was commenced et each side ef the road about the saine time. The Emerson brancb ef the Canadien Pacifle reilway was aise grcded freni Winsnipeg te the bouudary eft Minnesare as carly as 1877, but coijuection was net made with the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba railwav (n0w the Great Nerthern) untîl 1880, there haviug beuis considerable dclay, ewîng te a difflcnlty regarding the bonds, ln extending the railway nertlîward froin St. Panl te tlic bonndamy. The year 1880, therefore marks tiîe opening ofthe fit-st railway lu Manitoba. The fluet regular railway travel then began and Winînipeg was eonnected with the oct- side world by the baud of steel. A new era has opeucd mpen the oity and country. H-enoeforth progrese would be steady and rapid. Tracklaying frein Winnipeg eaetward te Lake Supemiot- wes commenced lu 1877. TIIE IIRST LOCOMOTIVE and cars were brouglît dowu the Red River on boats, witb miiejli te preseoute track-iay- ieg frosu this end of tise roed. Tise Cana- dian P'acific railway, however, was net 1openied throssgh to Lake Superior until 1888, 1and tise Canadien Pacifie aIl rail route wes cosnpleted througb te ?dontreal lu 1885. Tise years 1880, 1883 anti i885, therefore, rmark imsportaut epoche lu railway construc- tion lu the wtst. Up te 1881 al! raiiway work lu the country had been carried ou by the Dominilon Goverrument. Isn this year the Canadien Pacifie Railway Company was formed, took held ef the rocd and pushed construction rapidly wastward from Wiuui- peg, eempleting the main lina through te the Pacifie coast lu 1886. This marks an- other important date lu the bhistory of the country. The work ou the road eastward was aise puehed forward more rapidly and compheted ou tihe date as given above. Sevenal brand i hues, have since been estab- lished lu tihe cousntry by the Canadien Paei- fie and otiser railways. The Manitoba & Northwasteru railway was tirst cbartered lu h880, under thba name of the Weqtbourn & Northwester-n. Iu 1883 the naewas anng d fiactive work i nsrncing the road c,ùinisenced. EAILWAY MoNOPOLY. ,Iu order te everccme what wae known as the railway snonopohy 'pniviheges et the Canadien Pacifie Company,,the local govermu- meut et Manitoba began lu 1887, the con- strustion of a railroal sonthward te the United States boundary, nuer West Lynne (Emereon), where il, was proposed te make counection with the Northern Pacifie Coin- pany, of the United States. This lina svas then kueivu as the Red River Valley., Atter muccl agitation, litiga tien and atrife, an ainicable arrangement was corme te between tise Dominion andi the Canadien Pacifie coin-î pany, for tie abrogation cf the monopoly1 clauses. This endis'g was very satiefactory1 te the people et Manitoba, as it breuglit tea a close a long period cf turmoil and agita-E tion, which niuns have serionisiy retardedt the deveiopm.eut of tbec eutry. Js8t te1 -what et the agitation eand the causet thïereot biudered the developmneut of the r ~ bkilown. but certain il t Edmonton, were coiuplted lu 189!, the roi beviug bees built frein Calgary te Red De the previeus yaar. Another important uîsdentaking for 1891, aise lu Albanta, was the ooîmemucenieut e railway froni Calgary soothward te Mclqd This îailway will ha kuown as thbc utheru- extension et the Calgery anîd Edniouicu Duriuig 1891, the rotd ives graded and mn ad frein Calgary te Mosquito Creek, eais tance cf 54 toiles, and an additionai 50 milýes bas beeme gradeci, which briioge the gradei witiîin eight miles of Macleod. This roatd wili rau tbrough the centre ofthie hs ranclsiug district of Alberta, and cvill open a flue country. The work donc lu exteudir.g tihe Por t Arthîur and Western railwcy, le inchudedi thc alcoxe suninury as thse tennîony iter-' seoted je genereihy eousiderad within tie' boudanies ohfXVestern Canada. Tisera opens np c rich minerai territony. Somesei irmportant railway u-ork bas been d'oue mm1il British Colombie, but this will prebebiY 1beý treated et lu a sepanata article, by our Bru i isI Columbia editr nl addition to the neIlw railwaya eonstrneîed, tIhe eoîîpleted pocj 'wi et th e Nothwest Central rcilway, inu Mani.- toba, whlch s acostnîsotaîl lu1889, ,;as put lu openation dUriDg the lest mentis et 1891, litigetion hcving delayed the openatio et the roed, The record et raihcvsy construction for 1891 le bv ne mîeens uusatiatactony, wvhei, compared wlth ether parts'oh North Amer- ica. lu Eastern Canada oniy abýout 1'50 mciles out mclvay wemc constroote-i diuýg the year, or atoat oeehait the ssaw ile- ae et the west, cuntiug ouiy the fuiiy colin- plated portion. Iu tisa Unitedi States rýail- wey buldimng was vcry sleck iast yeanc, aed consstad meaihly lu a few shiort etnin etol ei hes. Western Canadalisas tee fore muade the hast sbewing duning tap-et îyear of any part et the continent, notwithl- standing tîset the uew mileage coeestrmscîed vras net as great as lu sema e ormr yeam,. 1155F OUTLOOK FOR 1891'. 1892a favorrl aynte tan.P. R 18xpaectftvonabfer rnaslay omustmien lu.iý Sentlswestern will lu ail pmobabiiity ha ex.\' teuded frem Nesbit westwea-d te a joncetion witb tise Soumis branch, a distance ut about fit teen miles. The Canadiaus Pacifie link haý- tween Deloraîne and Napinke will ais) el buiît, mekiag about 20 miles otfsîaw read.l The Canadien Pacifie branol te tle Souirieý coal filds will aise ha complated by about dune uext, oftwhlcb thera ramains abouteu, miles te grade and thirty te iron. Thaý- senthemu extension ot tha Calgary endý Edmonton wililiec conspletad te M 1le 1 dnning thc present yecr., of wbloh about teni nulles romain te ta gnaded and abont 60 to i-eu. The complétion et the Canadien0 Pacifie brandi te lthe ceai fields asill if-ho e very important maltai-, as, h will open up111 cuiother source et tnel eupply, and 0.eue1muc1 netaner the city et Winnipeg and tha oa thickly sattlefi portions et the cou ntry, tIeni the minas uew ilu eratien. As a recit oet the conspieticu eft tiis railwey, the coat of ceai te the people et Meuitobe shonid ha e-' duced from tbrse te four dollars per ton. j The roade eiready mentionad as hikaly t e i constructed during 1892, are ouly suc' àas are certain te go ont But il- is net likeiy thatc railway werk wil stop wilh tIsse roade. Ilt 1 bas rscentiy beau anuounced thatet lsNornt- m wasl Central wili axteudis lina as fer eat1 as Carberry, frosu a peint mier Repid City, c lu Manitoba, and the ae lins may haex- tauded weetward tronc its prasemut tenu3iiusi et Ilanciota. Snrveys te Iluis sud bavebea made. Te eManitoba Nertbwea-ta en - pany bas becu eerryisg ont a-s extensiive Iî system et surveys beonfi the prcet est- i arn terinusfet is lina. Itli bas beau stcte c thet the road wili ha pos-hafi tbrou1gh te Princýe 2erkarItis yeag, whicic wolid imelui thse cosIs. 1wý - 11 f r ,î- j t in liou aeeroan ý,enta dpisteongt asplenid , p~as Ila tva silice restedfor farigaudsoek-reiassug. Tecepaucy lu omartie peace willi tha faderai gev- ncay ha e xpcectd te maeat et ist anmrie ex- errmien. The days et agitation against tension westward ot ite main hlnatîs eye,-, ralwy onply hwee will long ha aven if the road ha notcoompletad tbreusgb le remeînhered, sspsomaliy by blos vho took the objective point of theSsktews.u eusn active parte iu tle avents ot the paniod. tise territory adjoiuiisîg Manlitoa oIsle eet, Atter Ilesesathamet ofthîe nsonopeiy thers is tisa Port An'lturand Weste rni, r question, the Red River Valley railway wae oison whicls wihl ne donît be continued! tii41 carried te conîpletion, this lieing accores year. A brenol et the Canadien PecificLo le the plised lu the hall et 1888. The roed was Atikekaîuirndistrict imeieomenutl n edemeeg acquired trous the provincial goveli.mesît hy theapnobabilities, Ihoogh îsotde fiunitalydecided e company ceîlad itha Northensu Pacifie and upon yet. lu British Columbia tIaere are 3Manitoba, whicls is preotically the Nos tisam ui*ote a nunuber et rail way en terpni ses tlJ- Pacifie Company oh tue Uiited States-, apsr- "ofe, but a good îuauy eh thoe are mip alin luMantoh uner eCandie chr- ikaiy te get beyond tisa charter stag c tan. Thsis read effords an independeot eut- existence. Souce, bowever, nsay euu let from Winnipeg soumbiverd, te ceuneet something prectîcai during tise y,en.,Tei with tIe rsiwey systeuus ef the United areaelse anumbar ofproposed naiixvev entetl- States. The Nenîluem Pacifie bas aisecon. prises for roada is Manitoba and.Ithatan stro'-ted two hraco lineseii n anitba, cou- itonias, but we have eîly usetioued su uecting witl its Rail River lins. Oua as have assunîed practicai shape. neacimes île town et Portage ha Prairie, and Two important raiiway aisierpnises wsc tle othar bas its western ternuineition et we bave yet eaid notsmgabouaets Brandon. Winnipeg and Hudson Bey and tise D,1lIlu We wilîînet attempt te fohllow tiseois- and Winnipeg reedS. Sonleeconstýruction1 sîmoctiomiofethîe valos brancies in thubIswork bas been doue on oaIu util country freim yaar te yaar, but merely tîle Douamud XV- te iniegoa ls ba mention coma lumportaut avents. TIsecoin- to uuhadWnie o- ,l e pietion oh the final railwcy te hIe Norh compieted tor e considerable cdistance ifroni Saskatchewvan, et Prince Allert, l isel the Dunfed.Taesemiweelb oh 1890, ivas an evant xvetiy oh seciai s0e donît about île route wich tlelat mention, as opeiig up aveet and naw ter- noed mey tae. Au air lina îoad frein W, 'in-;1 iteny toi' settîeenat. The semae year aebupg te Dli eol atro ne reiixvey wes coonspîeted and opened letween wbut rwe 0bc glve ne veydefaiteAstoree t Lathîiga, Alberta, and On'eat Falls,wsasuyledetseyer Asonli Moist., assd construction was comusaucad Winnipeg and Hludson Bey road, il l ýevery opon e seconîd raiway te the North Sas- rîeky to liazard an opinsionu This road lia katchewes, et -Edmonton. ainaady appeered inluse ncany phases, that, eny reports concerniug île ,rosonîlption et ECILWAY CON5ÇTR7'CTION INi 1881. construction oms île road, unay alwaseh Thougî tle mileege of naw reilxvaye con- takon as more or hees d onîttul. structed in tle wesî lu 1891, bas usot beau as Basidea building.îlenew nflagpoe greet as fls onne former yeare, yet écusider- cf, tIeCixadi;anPaie nigîntlc able work bac beau cccomplislied, and soeaenîseotnucefi that iueporteant inuprov'lieenLt imuportant avents bava trauîspired . Iu Mciii- wili be canîied omnt on tise main Emle. They1 loba tlic Casadian Pacifie raiiway eouspany coîsdocted- impiovanents eon c large scele les extended its southwestens branch frosu tle maius une between Winnipeg and its wvestern terminus et Matis" on te Neebit, L ~5~Sîsperien dnring île peel yaari ca oisteuce of six miles. Tise Caneadie.u Pacifie amsd Iliis imsýtea ded te continue tiui Sonris trencliilas'aIse beau extended front xonk, witl e vsew 10 providing tIe lesta JIarîney te Melita, a distanute oh twauîy- peesibf acilities for haudlmng traffic, wlîichs seven miles. From Molie ssestward tlisa is veryhieavy over this portion et the toed s semae Companuy bas gîaded igtity milies ot 1 It hbas bsenreported (thoogh îlot confirmed'ý- read, sixty miles oh wlhichiiricsed. This Iait fise lisse will ha aouble traickad et ouce- is îhe road wh;cî will rnis frein Moliea toIlhe betwaen Winnipeg and LaIe Sopenior.ic Soursicai fielde, eonnecting et Melita witb Thougl tîsis v'ork may net le unlderteken) tise Souris branci, tise latter joisning filse Ihis yeer, offiomals oh tlise euspauyvllave pnb)-L nmaini linse t Kemnay, nlean Brandon. Ox- liciy siated, tIat they racogize île neces -s bow. on the ccessng eh tle Meose MounitiI c imy tor double trackiig thie portion oft le creek, le tle prescrit ternusuofethîe ceaimed n tIse very sseaa- future.a fielîs brandli. Tise Caniadien P-acifie aise ha- Eleven yecre ago th'e firet railwav waes guis tise construction et a hile tmom Deloraina put in operation lu Westeni Caîsada.' Nowv te Napinka, te cemect tle Deloraine andJ lIere ae betweess 4000 anud 5000 miles cf Souris branchles, uopon wi iinie miles eniy raiiway ln île eeuoitny. This isa au lterait-' were graded, the work baiusg left over on ing tact as show ing tîso andf de-r acoeuat of the acarcity of meu. velcpnsout lIaI las been geiug on,> Wlbt ile ThIiisost mpotnt rîaiIvay work o re dur- cf m"re importanîce, however, eis e tact P9g 1891 was in tueo territery et Aleta, lu tisat tle roade aie las ing heavy traffle.' tise ceupletiois cf tise Calgary & Edmsonton Soine of t'o branol roade wast oet Menibobaý raiicvay, betweamî île two poisîts nausef. have iffit yet a very extensive traffic, hbilu i Thsis seakes île second raiway telbcensm Mamioba, mads haeîhis seasoln îaxcd pletad te tise gm-al Norths Saskatchewan te boleituist capacity to lisamdie tîl bsi- river. The langtle et the nailwey ils 192 nes., offeî ing. Toms years or so ago the coumii- miles, and ih passes througl a splendid iry uaua.ged te ger a'o sg wîtlsouî railways. cor, liichreors - arusing and stock- Silsce ta tisie thîe trade ut thf'ete'utry bac raiin, wic reio ise tiereby opened frgrewnuse tact, particmleîhy usna-sports, tînt settlemEc ii . Aspi evioucly soteti couistro.> îlte large ieilsvay faciities me iiow amsjloy, ion m'as c"mnecd on thîs rocd in 189o, tue bacuiy ecmii tetIhe demamîds oh cons,- and tise fisai 94 miles, fromn Red I)een te0nmorelle 1 ova 50p«soscwiiilwais Itder or;lders le Pr(oceed lest wcek trorn Devoupont te 'ortýaouth ly lîoopship, waa rsady hon de- partr ons eaiys betoeetlie vassal couid haý,vearmnved. For fomty-aighlt boume tle tr oop3 ware wiîheut beddiug and cooking ut anled were confinsd te berneeke, tle resoî t beiug extrema disconstont, epcai te thte wemeu aîsd elldren, who spent twe inigiseon the lienches. The Rev, James Charles Archer, a wsil- known ansd highiy-respecled Baptiat minis- 1Car, died et Blackbn on Susnday migît nuý.der singuiereircumsîances. Ha mas con- dnucîiug service lu tIe lueofha havi friands, ansd, Ilsaviug givan Ont a Iy-n sud recul e pealuslha pnayad veny tervenîly. As hae m'as drawisîg te a close hoe smddenly ctegger- 1sd troms lis kneee, and axciaimed, Il Tlere's sometbing strcluge coins over me." A dec. ton m'as snmmnud, but Mn. Areher axpined alncoet immediaîeiy. Thelia es- etfdeatis snpposed te have bean apopiexy. Gýenerel Booth lied a quaar expeniems"e lu Ca!,cutta. A big enemigl buildingeolild muet ho- gui for hiue. Fer ladc f letter s ceeus- us'oletiou, c circus msnîagsr's kindly offer et lis Large tent m'as gratefuliy accepted. 1 here m'as cose tear lest tisa liens and tigere irmesediately behind tise phaîtore n ilnu appreemate île Army's siinginganmd I"volley- fi musg. " Just asIlhe (ieues'c begees, reports theý iV r , tisa lieue set up a roar loud e.neu gîs to drow tls scurom îny water-s; but, il picucly adds, "Tse Gomi cf Daniel was at liaiud, aimd ini responsa te uthe exormcise et felîl île rcaring m'as st oppad." Thec Londons erossiog cm eeper ase Rydan, wIo sortie time ago atopped a roua wcy cais hore, on Tuesday cniîig agaiu distinu isised i mi ssoî by a aso se ewats îe ar teat. As a leaded van m'as de eendiisg the incline iu Waterloo Place et a aiant, pace, the herse took fnight and bohtad, tle driver iosing ahi comtrol over the aninmal. Severel vehuicles nerrowiyecapad collision, tle drivars ohfwisicl, owmsg te tle state efthe gnound, axpaniessced great difficuity in pull. îng op. AItisae jusuction oh Waterloo Place aed Pail Mcl, tle atfigimted ansimal, whcse spDeed was iucreased by tle cînuetsof île spactatens and the impetus gainad by lse van lu descending Waterloo Place, tund te the ighi, and proceeded aheug Pahi Mcli on thc wrong sidaeofthtie roed. Tisa cross- ing "weeper Ryder, wIo ciseuced te le crm- ing mni the opposite direction, pluckily sprug te orse's head, graspad tise reins,. and snc'-edcd in polling hîm up aller a short ,etnugugle. Things Turned Ont Diffes'ellt. Little Ethel " And Cousmn Mary is mer- nied ? I did net kîsow tiasaiae knaw auy Lîttle Ethel a ne,-asmna ,-Il Shc muai hae knosvn crue et least oralhe vouldn't have get Li tileE. Did yen know papa betore yousece '. crcdte ir iî,uansma Little L'e scuesma (witI a sigi)-" I bonglut i1 did." "ieeg os aa i l'i lot Congresi o o r e .r t h cn l ue ee l li. " " ' A i .f g ~o . prý sof ofh is splendid integriiy !"-l'Ob, suc --of hie ssiserable lueds et poker. 'LPJE BIIS NEWS. 1Ilen1ry egn urvîvor et the Baiaolava chre ied lu l3irmingbam, troinbroncfit5 , oTeday. Fie isiscrucn iere dro-evned on Merday off N'ýwcastle, Coemt Down. Two of the hodies were wasbeédy ashone on Tuesday inoroîing. A syndicatsetofBritisil capitaliste is pre- parng te send an expedition to explore the eoast et Patagonia for miucra!5 1t. h le- hievefi that snub an exploration would yield geod resselte. 1A gamekeeper et Ciogham Castie, Kiug's County, fired et a'man sscmed Ward, who, il i le igcd, wae poaching on the estate early on, Satnrday meessing. Werd was shot su the leg. The keeper asserted that XVard raul nway wben hie callcd upon bim te Surrender. Troop Sergeant-Major Adcock, of the Ist Kirg's Dragoon GCoards, statîonied et Shoru- cuile, conimstted suicide on Monday momu- iing hy siîooting 'lisimeait with a rifle. Deceas- Sed lied been in the service for 26 years, eud lwas luch respectefi. The Royal Geographical Society of Lon- don, it is said, wihi erect a niew building, te be fer lerger thasi any other building 0000. pied byea Geographical Society lu the world. It is the intention te useke the new buding a hcadqtsarters for ail explorere and thý geographars et ail nations wýho visit London. At tise Richm'ond Lunetîe Asylunu, Dub- lin, on Triesday evening, whilc lu thse exer- else ground, eue of the umates ettacked s wosma named Bryin, and betore assistance could he obtained bcd kicked bier se severe- iy about the îecd land body tiset ehe dled le a few lheurs atterwards. On Monday uighit ami armed and disguised baud, et moon ligliters atisaeked severalhlius- as isi the nieighbourhood of Kantnrk. Shots were fired int th-- buses, but ne persoîs was injured. Firearms were demanded and ohtained from two fermers. The Coverrnsent of Newv South WelEs baveanaîmuced tiseinseives willing te euh- sîdise a proposed Pacifiecelale whicls wiil give, an alternative route te Europe. The proposaisjetît'ttise cable shall atarIt romn .ladstonie, elittle senth et Rockhancpton, Queeusieud, go tbence te Fiji, Saînea, and Honolulu, and finehly tooch at semas point on tihe coast of North Amienica. A sale et portionsof Martin Place, Sydney, tha new street wblch bas beau opened op- posite the Canerai Peet Office, and the irontagas te which were reserved by special Act et Periement witb a view etfrseliing them and thus defreyiug the -ceet et the im- provemeut, toek place et publie eneticu on Mondey. Tbrea iots were sold for £ 126,000, an eaverage cf £1250 par foot froutage. The remaining lots were withdrewu. It was ascentainad oms Tnesday îîunng that a young lady 7nemed Rewitt, residin et M4ilten, et considerabia weelth, had eloped with bier fethar's groom. Miss Hawlt lef t home suddenly ou Moniday vnig sud nothing more was huard cf lber util ,yesterdey mornnug wheu baer father me- caivefi a latter tronclhar, addnessed froueà llerris's Silver Grill lui the Strand, sayiug asha was goîug ehnoad with eue she derly leved. The youg lady is oniy 15 years old. On Snturday, et Bray Peîty Sassions, iwo lasiaîned James Esîls and. Patrick fvlerat, wee earged with attempting te wr'ck e train oUn the Bray s (tonetthe Duibln, Wcloand Weterfond Raiihway by plac;ina aýtones on the rails near Nýew. e0urt alid Fiddlers Bridge, on te 4thIliiet. lTain ws neithroîvuoff ta rlis, as sha ngie cnsbd iba stonas, et wlýîhio ~x~rtw~.Tha pnicuesio xw.e 81)o - 1 >jxýlgittd tor B OWMANVILJLE, Headquarters in West Durhamrn for FIN E Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, Or ockery Hiail, .Uarior and Hand Lamps Fancy Oups, Saucers, Vases, Water andi Lemonade Sets, etc 0OU R FAMILY lIs always weil supplien-d with the very- best goods at et prices. HI-ighest Prices for Farm Produce, -Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. InSDection sollcited Vie, oria Buildings, Bowmanvilie. 26i HAINES' OARRLIAG-E WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER 0O- GARRIAGE8) 8LEICHS, GUTTERSe MWAGONSý &O KING STREET, BOWMAN VILLE. Now on a d a n user of ve1zicIe s ud i m 'a tu g a greit many m are of h-Oi lot patterns and bet finish, which 1 ain. offring 1fe1r sle t the lowcit price cansfisbeat with duo regard te workinanship and qality. The followitg is a ist o0 the principal vehiioles nianufactured by me Doublc Covered Carniages ....... ............................... $150 lpward. Single Phietene .................................................. 100 OpenBugg ................................ ...............0 "7 Top Buggy.................................0 Deimocrat Wgn...........................6 Lumiber Wagons ............ .......55 Llht Wagon ................................................ 40 Express Wagon..................................... ........ 75 Skeleton ................. ................................... f0 Sulky ........... ........................................... 40 Possessingsuperor facititic-, for maufat isng erra-es,' 1 ntend te selvceCg cheap fr cjbshi approvd credit ed by se doig I opce te gratîr incrûase my isunber of sales. We Seli tise woid parts o. lg, or the gearnos of bnggies irooc. Ail Kinets of Vehîicles Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Painted andi Triînmcd if Desired At the Factory 1 ase do Planning, Matchin, Turning and Sawing with Cirele, Bad or Fro Saws. and Propare ail kinds oh lambin for carpeoters and otiiers for building purposes O u m .tland Plaie Pickets for fon-ces in verg style required, madce te ordr. fn a2ý ia 'y Le 'y ie so for Ifnfants and Childreii. «Casoriale S wef adptedto eildrn tsaiCastoria cures Colle, coôntipa.tioin. 1 recoinmeu d i t as superior te uny prcritin u~i Stomacli, Diarrhoea. Eructation, kaown tomeIr." ILAKillaM. MI Worms, gises sleep, and promoes l M Oxford st'., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wlho-dnuio S detio. TBE CzNTÀur Coxrmsv, 77 Murrayà Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY T. IIIGGINBOTIIAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE. m Loi 1mIm