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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1892, p. 6

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BY ERIES~WAVES; TWO ~~~~T ORZJVZJJWS BV FLOSS. CHAPTIER14 IIseul for ernivefi. Il"My servir-es are not ru- 1 quirefi hre " bu said liendiug aven lire lite- Whbe Lily lboithlie baoesie d Ibmut ies forneoutMns. Lanising.Il"Dectir ,&e note lu he o pacies, ce ie iouglit, bat arust have leen insantîcrus tram n bonhaste auJ exitemeat sire bcd eibow- 1 he llow authie tempe; " Turang k-i Ilthaslip Ilinongirthbbclds oa iehondrees. tthon la dostornrsing, lbu noînale ?ýinen ele arrived bomne chu stanlefi la go ta witbhlm tan e long timer, and inaiiy 'ler rnoam buthini aven lire events juss h lp- Isucceded le tanebrg bathe licspcnutf iite. )eeed. lien hbaad woald sauri nehumn, Tire nuws ai tire accident suon spreafi ho cd sIre insI campose hensefto tlhe ba al. thue stnouading country, ced cli mouruefi Vibh these Ibaugirîs caureing thirougirbe lier e feati ai lie kinfi, becutilal Mns. Lau- anlasefi Irain, sire did eut se thc foraiof sing Mns. Dane (Dorrhor Lcsing's icter) ?aclor Lasing staunding j ir e haulu tuturecame train Montreal, andi irre baye belon rer. Sbse was nora ware ai hie prescence Liiiy Lansinsg was laidi ta rest lu tire quiet stil lie laidi bis brand hlecvily ripounlber aria, cemeleny,aud le citer yecrs tire story al lies' id seifi, in a voice remblieg witli agot, as tragis- deatir wcs otten bl! white briglit ru bauded iber thîat fatab letten, j ye grew film, aed sweet checks paled lu Il u eou I know ail, modem. Deceittai, listening lu lie Sad, accidentel declir ut anc ,vaman, who ba% trampied rny b onar benecth sa youag. Tour fuel. Von maie excuses ho muet thie Ina c JeneeficharnIer ilatrut cty pa ite my lisses anc wanrn upon your cattage, Doetcrt Lansinsg bey tirnue long ipes. Let this home ta wiicir yon have weeks tuesiug uponiris led jenhthe test- iogtsgidisgrace, andmsrcy, sineter yau iess dflunt utbraie lever. Tinreobaong ru marc. " Witi a wild, bhopeless eny, elie weeis lire uvcred between ile, cand dethi, ani ah lis fuel, ehriukîug ruway tram tisnsdfitben ir e lga sowly ta necoven, andi pan withbtireliard witue lace, auJ sut de- in six weeks' lime lie was chIe ta go ont lermiued iodtures. agrin, c safi, grave man witli paie lace, andi "V«1 on inow abi " she gaspiugby nupealufi, sel lectures, the ebafiow ai hiîe former suit tnd wibi youuuot torgive? Wreu yau liave '-s-Ah, tocsed upon if's bilows, àearfi my uxpieurtion you will ual blerne H'd heen for may ?, day. ne." ýTire engulsh ai bis pîllaîr, IlFongîve !t ularme yan ! Are you mald? What hmai tangue cen ceg." How eeu I ever fargiv thue woman wbo bascandcdfing Ibose long wuuks ut necavery wïrvduiiy diebunared mse, auJ maine. Wbai hoctar Lansing lied mcdo hie plane tur tire mpiaaiou do 1 neefi mare than art- wn future. At iris sslcr's requesth ie cent blle eye. Go trami my presecce ah aride, Taise, j Vota lirer lame ta bc eared for hy lber. A lateee ieacrt'e cane, ced I tiongit youi large cern ut monet- wec pîccefi at Mrs. ta trac. 1 trastefi you, rush.gefiyau,, auJ Dane's diaposci for tire pn'-pose ai seenrng fiis le cnt- nwarf." every instructioancd camftton ber charge. Witli a gruau ut pain lie tarnad e ul jDector Lasing aiea bold hie ister thc safi suer andi psscef i a bis cIndy. Lit- coi- 1 stort- ut aw Iis wiie bcd met lion Jectîr auJ ;eeed lber cliattered stren Zth andi passeuflhhade bior la ieep tira trathitram Vota as lorv tIre long hall luta tire nursery wiscee long as possile, fanrblecred sIc muglil rhirincilfilat-sleeping lunlire innocence ut locrur ta despise iis meurlory in chu keew cli. iefcncy. For ittle Ve was ccarcciy a Same day lie saii, ire liapefita rebuntuhosou yecr aid. Kueeling beide lie lefisire crmud lier, but il migit lie lousg yeans, il miglit riau inlatlirebitturnesccof ber beant. I"Oh, j e cuver. 'He loftI lie bouse ia t- chirli, art-love, were il nultaortireI11 chargeoft hie lwo laitul servants ihaunet ni cane ta leave Ibis humne, cow 1 iuaring instructions with lis îawyen as tisai ushen love and hlappinesare deaiefi me, bal 1 if lbu fidnoet roture Vena wcs lu bave cil ii, n icI wouid I et do te cave hhee, art- wirou she came ai cge. Witlirese plans tondit- buvedeune, tram corraw an score lunjftantire future Doctor Lansing loftlbis hume fie fture. No, nu, it chah nover le Ibat une day inlastcd cum, loftI iis1ovuy sec- r ou 1sirail sufer, Inuasurefi denltng oi my! side home ho wanden ainmbessit- abo'ut the n,1 , fone 1dieuarcmue hîci iii -u egiin. 1 worlfi, rabrokeus Irecimai, Jepresed inl irail rture ta stat- tarever, wbonlirela spirits, auJ wtb tire feling ut vain regret langir-en me, ae I inow hoe, in humie, shah purputuclly apon hlm, enfla sliedaw restefi Io.,,aven tIno picturusqne lutIle cottage, and icli- Tiras sic paunef aut lie sornow ut br ence liigeref i wtbiurits wcils bat uaue ave ruant btirte uncaîseciaus ciid sueepegl-DetrLning's idr eurkrsw, or gusss- hro hor, lut tire recitai ut bier woes, evea ;ef Itle true roeon af Libiy's ccd fate. No ta thile slnmbernug cîilfi, ceimufi ber and! une wcs surpisîfi wbun Doetor Lasing îamewial dlepuled bier servaunece. 1 bot his brme fan tier sceeues. "lPaon Puar Lilit-, ebc difi eut lnaw the great teibaw biiey caifi, I"He lvef ierb ons srume ut whlcb bier h baddthougirtlion deenby. HRie vent- existence secmcd guily.lic lid bolfilber tliraI l evraili, wranpcd ap inalier. Naorvondur lie conifi nid sire bcd thiuglit tiraI hie auget wcs nr eut at wheroe nory tbing, nemindefi sanseed it-lier bau'lug decived hlm ilunut ihlm su painfuiby oa isCie Jeest wite'c fate." teIing hlm allbi blan. Air, chuinew not IAir, nu wauder indceef, baithiey leew nul ibat Iis passiacate bat-e woid nat permiit,'ail. Tiret- inew Coi the ccd ding o fanere ru smali a bernier îo corne beîweun thora. cianitef in rhIis cre, tial finge wiich ia even WYihcals ai anguisi cime iissed tire vebvety mure paicflita beartia flet i. -Oh ! ne- _ieel af iuttle Vere ; bien iiag troar lier gret, hagels agu xsecsi kneussebiastiby ell lIre raom, lest lien wlt trani ever iraut as? tuengîli auJ reclution ,;.oldbfi faeclien. Gaijin lbolier owa raum chutsd own CHAPTER V. ind wnte lhile note lu lierhulef - DocTe. Lnisto. -on wnbd ut l~e flougt-cars Irhave passefi siace Dco j'rammy oan is1a Incm lcefilawrteLesmgloftIhie boume, lonrg yecrs in-,wbich my a rdrt fj-Vyi tht1Viý,io u t idinge came tram him, Vota Lau ini )'ihly t l librurnetanagir]iclir tout-. Vau ow crgbteen, whiteulber cousin, Ilida Dene, lavesen me ron, bonn. e l weir jidtwo yecns lber senior. Tirere le certainby a lorueleesa ru tam -u he erl nd sik 1g iffereece botrucen tic twa coasins, erwht? ecauý i njygirhondtcd I ihdeiseac bah, gnacetub blonde uitb 'bîne boen foîr e short mo1cnîb e i le ai eyee aed goldeun har'lut beind tIraI mcci ofrtrr ewr aocdbuoee u perfect beauty hîrere Inriefi a selfisi ru aswaiiry ce Ie br-f m. M mhirrnatute, and hler apparuuhby cala miefi wae jes ilI, witradl iefis, anmeey mt pr-ernpianning cornu device for thé gralifica- rre lier bbecacre sire ceedufi. Chester Cari- tion oftlier awn pieceure. Vota is petiîe,cnfi un (lie wascanaeske ai aur uwc) offerefi gracetai wiIir large, safi, dan eyos, cund liaoth c beautilul home, andi eveny cr twavyJedrk hein. un m y 1mur tir, il 1 sianifi ca Ih wcas-New Vecre uigbt andi Mne. Dcee's ýîe wife. I ikui, bah did n, u al utit al resideurcu was ail agbo ouronHilda ove hlm, auJ cen t-au bleue r ýne for ced Vere bcd juet rehuruedf ram calluge, ,,onentng t sae ouseles fom overyced c grand ruception was helfi taeuvucome ,ouscuhata cavremours r-c u arrv-tyhra .Ihome. SaI t ligits spalefi aunif ,ge houlos'cl&, tliraugh the îebsenee o~f fowurs aed lues, sweel masc, ced joyas rollier (the vcry braîber wiro sont 'that Icugiten floatef iapou lire penfurnuf air ced 10ut h-igbt.) FHe wes ili ah tire lime ai au ctlie twauis ne'], tire bandi strusci suddnifen shoci ufthIis ciiy êas 1é d tnp Il Weieom o mre,"swhbie adnrinug cge ils (datir. Whben lins brother leannefi biat 'a n, cweel weleame grect hehicn un every oua know oai my foro uanao le'aie ii - ena ware acocsturme ai pure witc thratnedtetel yu i Ididno gie Il whichs displayedta perfection lier yuuhiîj- WnndbirneateneI sta e touil I difif andlo t grc lioveîirmese, and eddefi a damier sirede ta ciit, inendiug ta tell t-ou t ,,)h trI1hraee.Hlasrswsfe-re ,bougitî t-u would fongive me. ý' ' ci uf oIgrscetiî-bueilvî- reasu I weci ashacnied ot my actions tiret 1, Arnang hugentletetu, perape lie muet lid flot tell t-au, anît- 1dif nol meatian" admired nsagit for wace E71lmer Chilton, Jirst, ced tien I thounglt il eut neeesent- j a wuctbya efinfed yuung meen af about1 f 1 lae-e inneef, turgive me, andi lave our bweuîy-fivc,' hanfisome andJ iuf; ire was si-ling ebilf. Faewel-LuaLY. " ever c lavanite witir hase wlmo knror Ahrpacieg Ibis note inauceunr-lape cdl- h - Hie 'wes ru loveit- face perfect in dresie efihleruinuf, seatb ud ienJbiits calaning auJ lectures; ees of violet1 in, c pîlunaveliniug suit andi passefi ont oai hue wbose dearng gaze seemefi ta tior rorn. As chu passefi hiestufit-dean sire rafitIre mumst saab ofai l, whilis1 gcw lieu rchuadafi ctufia ahe icwn -laçk traminsîleahctital hIae s'eined1 iasv with bis iraci lowand len s ro rw chustorefi waves ai golden bain. Blippef inl, auJ piccefihente oýtIre wnetoWa ho caul buta talle unafen Ihe tuIl iltnoea i ile rmasleu-,IA, wmse hrmcorg ift aI g f hIe gasalier bv ir lid anu-eatd1Te Wirere sire Ineur-ho wonld natice it.Tho love , so kn geoushatd Ta she peesed dowa île hall onal mb tire dan - j iuhim thetliildaDane neservefi ber cweetesî nessi amibes lut Eimen Ch; !ohun lie re eunusefi Ruaciing the roafi ciaotaraud andi wcikud jta heautitul wonrc'd a JbcVerdictants ocasieou ctâs witlt tire sajunlt-, wbo valufiS capidit-, nutl buoiig elîber wcy. Presentit ur TehuL t ielah. o'c e teeacrd landi shuutîng, and seau tie Sound jH1 iabtn t1-wn t olge u r ot horse' o'liols ipon the roafi linfier, !lda noe butaeau Voaced lier butein's lut lier hewiifictudbraie Ireedfi euh tlse! a ce IoýjltVr, n ecui' warnings ubtli hireecame a rci, a sufiden quil .7ec c at ivl n oiug tire recuit aitemetn, torn sic iew as weiliaEh blow, auJ thon ail wac aven. 'e lof etIliisbat a aE l a CHAPT ER IVl irTehloping ut Vwot Lesing Doctur Lcnsing, stand ingagch Iis banne, epeefiug abi ton swiftb', - nuil irva sudy wiudosv, is sdul lare ît- o'cîaci clirmeri forth aud lie gat- campant .anflicting passiotns of cuger, bave, and pain boeto dopant white sweht faeecis, andi 4ad huard bis wsife'scstepuenterhenm, but 1iadgoodi-ihs rangouuîripouethe air. Eh-.[ devoted to each other but alas, thýeir UNTING INJAIRNATED FULY. 'gonle straiglit into tite jungle frein the IE L H fond Youug hopes V.,ere doomeid1 ravine, and as the soit was moist fruttia E L . ta lie shattered, blasted by tie cruiel re- ,receut storrn the traclier bcd noi difficulty venge of a vain canceite- o woman. Veralha(l Eveitiag« Sport iii the Jau 1gles of Xinia- in following hlm for about fivo mii'les. Then Food for Dyopeptic-s. often asked bier aunit to te,"llber about bier 1 bail read and beard a great deal of the ail eviidences oftitré trail were lost on rockv I wish ta tell the sufferer 'fror a -, eakz parents, but she always put hir oil with fanions I"rogue" elephaut ut the district of grond. A wild elephaut muvinig throtigLastomach how ta cook soine things vwhich a cotrneunsatisfactury reply , nly teili-ighler Mysore, province oï Madras, belote I ever a junigle generally leaves a plain petbi by 'dyspeptic ea et. Four years ago y lbus. that bier father would rcturn onedy and got withia 200 miles uf his starpiag gruund". breaking and 'trampling. If in retreat it baud ives almost helpless with dsesa then chu Would know al, Oncliewh s ilo 1He made bis flrst appearence in 18G8, aud looks as if a troup uf cavalry lied torced ic 11e consulteda twa doctors from wholneh was twelvu Yeats old, Mr.", Dane lietd taKein for tbree years was a veritable terrer tu an Ivay along. This tellow huit moved as eau-! learnIed that bie could ' not live aI year.ý' Hilda and lier to scelber birthiplace end in area ot country fit ty muiles long by thirty tiously as a deser, and lnu white ma could Every thing bue ate caused great painouil the louly ceinetry by Erie's shoo e sIre was broad. bavýe followed triai half a mile. lie triedl a freeli egg, well beatere with aý littho Lshown lier mothers grave. A "Irogue" lepliaut, as bas otten been ex- At the spat where the trail was losh there sugalr, a very littie sait and autmeg, over , I wias a cbilv ove in spring thiat ililda pleinei, ije a mate wio lias cither voluinter- was au nimmense outcroput rock, anrd, atter'whieh was poured a teacup two tird) s fuli Dane came dowsr the broad etairsý, tbe tradiiy left the bherd because of deteat or bas iookrug around for thrcu beurs withoot fin d- boilinig milk, stirring the cgg constanitly. lo ut bier ruby velvet tua guwn sweeping bu- been driven into exile by bis companions for ing trace of tuotprinits I bec rnes heated and took Ibis warma and could rehain il. witbolit hind Fer, a saile inDgered uipou lier lips as reasous aut known ho ma. 11e nusaunler exbauished, and set down for a pull et Ilie trouble. Laher 1 prepared, milk toas>t for sile softly sang-' takes up this solitary lite tiran lie beconres water bottle and a bite ho cat. The tracker hlm as tollows: 1. used stalle, a-isn "Give mcback myhoart ai,,-,i vindictive and reekîes, and it igues without aise refresbed himself, anrd tben, wbile, I liad brecd, made tram wleat rniddlinrgs, eut. il) Do lt heed myfoolish tears, dispute tbat une ufthtese "'rogues," uspeor- a cmuke, bie starhed off to searcli anew on slices hl ait ninch thick, tuastod a ilca 'Tissa bitter cap to drain, aliy if past the age ut fitty, is more danger- biic oun accourut. He had neth been onut ir owu iu a brick aven and soaked liiiee Sad 'twilil make the cuming Yars." uns than a berd of a dozen ordinary olie- sight more than, five Minutes when I imilk which bas lieuel boiledadYh l Mrs. Dane bad galle that mningo pliante. thickened with fleuor and seasoned ' ,u'sat week's visit to a friend lu tire ecauntry, and This feilow was calied "lTihe Wucked" 1LAD1-MSRE.edbte. ntrrdeicniro~~ n Vera sat alune lu the parler. Prýeseahlythe by ail the natives ufthIat territory, and After runnaing a distance of 400 foot I came Icup ut water ad hait a teruepoonfti utfsa,' door openled and 1ilda, with aý grave ex- corne ut the sturies'told ct bis doingc were ta a eaîll deil or glade le. the Jungle. 'and butter. Another disli cuacisted ptun ye pression uipou the face, entered tire rouar. really wonderful, as well as etrictly truc. About tire centre ufthIis ay the dicadt body'cap out ne, well wasbed, put ;lu a large Vera taraud tram the book cie was reading Hlic terrîtory w.as along the Sniddar Valiey. ut my tracker. 1h cauld.bardly lie called a granite basin withune cupoutwater anpd half anud iaughirigiy asked bier wliy chu booked On the casîcra cage ut this valley, wbicÂr le body it was rather a arassut pnilp. There a teaspon ut sait, and alluwed ta couit slow- su tragical. traoae ta five miles wide, le a dense'wcs nu living thiag ru siglit, but there rvere'ly until allie water was taken up-,la the IIJ shal bave a companion lu tragical jungle fltty miles long, and this place was fotpriats ta prove tliat the elephant bad rice. Thea 1 added twoc tabîespoec1Isfr fe laoks saun I think" IIhegan Hilda in cruel bis retreat. H1e was proliahly htunted atter beeir there. IlThe Wicked" bcd beten la sugar, and five captuls uf new Mill, and stir- coldaes." Yeu have aiways Iongedfta the mure tiran aay other "rogue" ever huard ut ambucli hehind a large mass ut rock. Hie red il well, after wbicb I baked ih in aý slo w revelatinof thIle past and as ikaow thlin l Influa. Atter a year or two the Gavera- bafi only fitteea feet ta go ta seize tireun- 6vea for several hauts. The rush toft1ho $tory I fuel it my dutty ta cui you. It would mrent afferefi a reward ut £100 for his deetb, 1tortunate racker, and h lie d made short t amily liked this as well as lie dia, eepeciaily ha cruelty ta keep yola ignorance longer, and hetare ire wae firrally disposed ofthIis work of bisa by trampliaig un hlm. I ran wben servefi with sweel sauce. especially as yau nu doubt have prospects rewerd liaf been iucreased to £300. 11e ltlrough the tarest iu severai directions, pur-1 This le the way 1 made dyspcptircocria- ut linking year lite witli that ut an honorable was liunted on several occasions by bauds'fectly reckiece ut the prohahuility that thecake. I book une egg, one tablespooniful of man, 1 cen oniy wanm yuu, and Ilion if numhering 400 men, and et Ieast flty differ- 1 elepliat was lna embucli agein, but I gui nu bnuwn cugar, une-hait teaspuontul of sait, you do not ireed my warniug, if uhntvhite bhuir journieyed rata the district'track or trace ut hilm. He lîad vanislied as une-irait a pirrtaf cour cream, aliepint of chose to bring dishonun ta a-. ntime that and bcd a try ah hiar. siieahtly and swiftly as a ctcrtied wulf. saurr bnattermiik, three-tounîbs outa leaspoun- bas neyer betore kauwn it, I shall eut ho tu It wce wondertuliow l'The Wicked" mau- 1 Iroturned ta my quantere fairiy beatea fui ut soda aurd aile tecs;pdontul ot haking llcine." et escape decîli sa long, but 1h usefi ta, and ta lucre Iwu daye latter that tire ele-, powden. I bcut the egg alld sugar togetîrer She pàused, and set iouinig ah Vers, bue asseýrted tiratiebuwce an elepliant aniy in plient bcdl killefi une of tire Britisli affceure, until very liglir, stir in the croate aand salit, >wha, dur;ng tliie recital set with, clacp. farar. The nactives tnlly belles cd that bue the day citer Ilion tire huttermiik, noext the soda dcov ed bands, and biarchefi face. Fo-r asminte was tire Evil Onu la dieguise, arrd more tirnhKLIGM RCRR e naltl arwtr anpars cr-e a liho chu ct tituas, then risinrg fottrie hiriecu1,000 peuple rnoved ont af that productive TARR.e a a libttiewatr w arcr auJmae-tiae paced the flour shriving to regain lier casn- Valley on bis accaunt. The officiai records utfI-Hu lad amabuseef himsefitnl the rame tacli-; two parts ut fine fleur iuito whicb tle ielekin g pusure. bsdrnswudmakis a big book. 11e bu- ion andi ldtara hlm 11imb trom. lirib. 'pwuriaee itei eltedîl "Wydifi Yauneut ki[l me lietore." ga kiiling cesesor as 113 eppecrefi. One had naw buctome impossible ta bine native the steamer, lut lb stuaru tbnue hou>irs, thon siro saifi, pauciug blancHla. Wiry niglit about midaiglit ire assistance. At ieest no one wonld consenti bake il îwenîy minutes la a bot ovc.- . 3keep meioun Ibis horrible suspense u, ow, tar- EtaDA AîEV~AEh beat np the jungle with me, and I eaw L. D. turing my very.coul ta readnçgsc teiî, me eh NEE NTV ILG that I muet depeafi eatinuy ipuanMY uwn arnce Ibis hrrible mysteny that s5urroundefi coataining about sevenhy buts, punetratcd resources or beave tire fild. Inu iis eorner- MY peet. la lire centre, andi killed five peuple sie-gnyIdtnnndh1me Tr ikd h Er The pleadir dispair ut bier dcark eyes, inlg in, a iruI. Even tire doge knew; ihbso jao-tikr.Frsv The birman car us a mach mare delicate and ghalatyface wauld bave meited ca boart nutbing af hie presence until lire guIta work oa ibt r cdnlmie1u eyu ieorgan Iban sMost people suppose. Il is1 lx- uf tone buI Hilda Dccc, ouniy slragged hber He Put bie hueks underIlie tundaluon pales 1villages, but dnring oach day ho lied cur- remely deirgorous ba inhertere witb 'iltby chounders andi went un. oftitrc but and tipped il avur, andi thers lie mîîted camne depredations. Hie iast vicîlsa use ut earpieks, or any of the varions inst7L>u la hefrt ige, liu y 1 ce rarrpbed 1ors the tamiiy sleeping in the wae a wurn, and slirewas kiibed wtbiu wolmonts tassadfor tire purpose ut cbeaniing it George mrried yeutr motirerIre imidd f fluttheond fleor. mlstwhr wsshpig.Se fa ramnwax. The a x lea naturel seue -t ion, dd1workbrig la a field i wth a heavy fringe otf~ u h a icoe iesf hde natkna be. le mt ier n Iis ery Only Ibrue or tour people canglit sîghtlout huches along the nortir aide. Tire ebephant neut accumulatte auy tester tiran le necessary City, and feU lanbovi[hi ler ïah eight. iea onrvdaa.Agrn utwcrushed 0u11,utfcover and kiibed lier with a 1hoaproteet tire passage froiie entrenitce ut Silo wes vory pari aud ahth tfi rel ai- onganizefi, but bu was not even discovered. bow of bis tnank, aed was gone buftane bcinsecte and varions partrclus winchli mîgli lmosr homçies, but hbu naried lien ne It wasc buefi at hbu li e hoa tig aeDed hulshani, wals wonking 200 feet away, gaIotbterwi8e ho fnced flu aud tond ho irterr àgerdiese ut cli, aud for ltwa yfrtheiy ivdont oftftiredistrict bal îwu onrbire dy b ine umna ywhîlr era.Tege 1irappily together, bit blien a srduvfeilas e native waz drivisrg a liubiock cent abong Tha ir h a akad a ,ad1 upon Ihqir homne, a siIlrcduw iîret ,ndeccu ton- a roafi athle eage ut the toreet, the oie-. hngi a ak n cnar est care is necussarn uwecbiug bbeure ufr ltrrd corne uftheir natives ta go wiIh me and.bti hidu.Tiysuudlewse >oeunthe lifu ut a taitI,]es w ife, nfI dakeu- pliant,,whio was hiding. bebind a clump'ut preparetepo.We dreesed ap a lay' outle ilduen.bb le-,oulytan rus ý-,IbeI ed tire itfe of a deceived ihushni. 1h was, huches, piekefi the ma off hieseat wibh "'aris gure ta neprusent a nyah's wife la tiree at'fne rupdl cl ue ibg.The anomeî ringfluauuntati ttreni Iîtunk u flng lawetytetlatsea r tnaping grain. XVe pleced tisabout: practicu ut forcing a irrir pin anin' oie borecai ouni iswio l cnvrstion Iluithe camieminutelire drove bis bang tusks forty foot treinstire huches, Thon ah the larkistumntishuth er asag i withh estrangu mâa, whio inal i i intrdaceflh'-ougli tire ullock andi then dirappuarefi. e;euhiehceqndIrnytotaa ruginrumiilider uitinjhie g Iu c8 hlucslf ar-lien iuscLani. 'TirecacwiiîsTbe native wes su badby luarlt taire udied cago e îagirî bn ht eta Ie "um y WO hnane auJ cangerm nent dea1e1p tobowedcinb eiuragined,aud Iyl outii,ýtherfer- ilîre days laten. Tis wcs unea Tbarsday,! dag atsri itethep Ilougir aInmy eiEracie and ady otchibautd dus- es bld tire womarrwtai eeveiaJdsrc about Il o'cbock je the miorrsîng. AI9 aah s aayo en alHl efi hlm tbu ay cule rgr niiose. oclockinlathe atternnsthe oephantapp e veycn vsbkn ubv ohn by'museldistressing pain. The sipler- ppa-whiclî the uephanh's suspicions rngirt blrneyfri st aualitecta ipf sbe ebf t, anJ tliet argit met blrie,, li y-ecdrt a point np bbé Valley, cxactiy hhirty- aosfada ona h aie in odlmedywfr t swet oui a put 1 ti he crmcas wer thn onlya y'arobd ani rr lle h mles awey, ced kiefi e ryot, or native aroweand a s cc. Ineasthe bupes nonioak- sarAaneta nra rit; i is eu ing licith the ceeueA ihieseraJdigeefermer, wbo wes ah wank liniris fieldi. cd tan IlThe Wickcd" ta appear duning tire so simpleda ngas isni ia itiepn boias iugyou lu the cana oft my mathler. That lu Lincu Yeats, cccording t10< llii netuirruenigirs. Iflire difi, Ilen 1 shouid miss ha -ngbisaiple ra n ay b ltt a he ar le, briefi y, the tury yau su-,onigefi ta mcdo, I"The Wicked" kilcd nprvard fi u e hat and lire miglît ovun ffi me as I s1ept To prevent this, came hysicens eivise ier." 100 peuple, deslroycd thous suds ut duliens' ced pull me ont ai tire bole. nraakiag a lihîle wed ut tire cottafo fiwrp And Hlrde a se tram lier c air, uswupt xvotbut crapc, andi ceused the deatli ai Tire igit passefiwitlîcuh ra ruarm, anf'ingi tefnetatl iu out of lie uroo.. Upun ree-cchieg bien uwn bundrefis af doseesîle animais. -H-i",cruin'war awke whien Jaybiglih ceuse. 1Ihlelpu 11l he1leI ndtrmnetbie roams hufny-anei witli joa et'Iheo sl -,,cd ecy, rJ ireweuh abut auEnglirepîrant gun earrying a îwa- cario o[.IIiatce u on , s iipigis caver wcbî!0" Ih cor eni l it ai afianchus1 v, rd e btecrle huf e u rpoun Eter Chilrii's faceegaini. How wuil durng f eyiht. Thusiloxstaiked abroafi u rf epibchrogrwii old'oe yennir lu n ii au I neleted tthc story. ïPýouirpîto, huhy day as wdl ,Ias by nigirI. '?Hemoveri as ciuariy srvey tire ffi. lwas 9 'cbock l wîc. o thmp t rmao rî tin beier'us eveny word ut il heccusýe île past i cieirly a>riwitîiy as a tigen. O n'temo-igbfreayha ovfaJtate erpr. age;by ring n usru basaruwaesappearuemnyctory ta lir. occasion fr-e natives, wira iadbeenstcckinglIrafi1I att beca watching"TireWiekeJ" nient li ia a 1ir thî'g ftor anty une cep And tisas Hilda 1),a1-c, p-aiced so g ast down taet their luncheon'. woaid have playefi se asharp brick. Ho ian auriet t nenaeIvons aeia lien cici-enness, wbile the abject utlertrel- It war irigli noon, anJ Ibuy wueaital a tille: came ont ut the jungle wbere I bcd liapedpahtuesrfc u ne fetosu h ty bey ueoeniug ont tihine c ler boin ntire ecage ut the jusngie. Thc ciephansîriehowoulbts uihytribtpa igurcionorsurebutedhm aiet pei huart. "Oh, thie msyery 1 sa laugufi ta cerneuponthrcu oven bard ced ctany granrif i hm I could1net bave crudiîed bic prescace. iclete. heun, lias aI lest heouaneverlei., If I could whene tire foûshsip ai a man waulfi certnrly liHe coivered thie ground bulweeiu the jungle j only file and ed il ail tuoyer. Wirah is have been huard, auJ the firet knowîi iris111 and tire lay figure etca switt pace, andfit1 was lite without love ur hopre,adterlnil- preseace was wbeu lire sruck lwa oftuli not unîilieo seuzeJ tbc dummy liaI lie sus- Eye Troubles. et for me ln tire ionrg fumai y ahocorne. five duwn. ýThe othere escepefi bue by pectefi anylhing. -nc Infla'mmation at the conjunctiva un ru-- Nothhng bat scarn, and drespain, eepcl, dark, lcaipili n mIaa vine. ~5TdYSSS cndliropeless," jW heu i1 reechef tire vruiiey lb wcs iraitfide- TOSDI K II braeowhiclr shieids tsicfrunI t'irecyh Fitteen minutes latter a eenin dark- populaied, cnd acli tirie remcaiug wero ino auJd wlelefi ta go back, and I shoui n afai otire air hakes thc rab out lr eeidl rubefi figure uiglit bave hýe-e1cocarunnvng a clate ai continuai terror. Nulte day passcfi gave bila a hiallleiaf the cliaulder. As iiiehf i iegaddt ftr yal fiowîn lie bucy street, for Vera Laustýiisg ]lad uatltireelephant dififot kill or atlempt ta, lho nceived itl ire rieeled aurd etartedlacross thirenoraing, andi more especially býytilim decidefi lu go baek ho that irlhicsua. kili came ue." As onu ufthle precauns tie grain field, bust I rolieà dn u ire en oe bbaufshot conditionr,lire vussebe b 1ciug biglil Fan awcy ina tiet Inely hborne(,cir ou,,)ld lbe agarast bli.s -,isits aciter Jerkbthe villagesha;liele'bd gone theur yards. re in ieru ncd 'wiading iranii netun scie, cafe ftram lire quostioiug sconurduttieheurt surzuirouîiLled by Tiret'lncky aId boal wae ufs tlet uvcglrtwiiî na discenri 1l,ýibeu no ln world,- tramn he gaze of hios e e ir u ie ecrlnre adechruch.ioru by onu utEyes uesorlmerntarib in d sa lovefi, Ahirna, tiroughi i brIteb,"cat LI n nnv nasil. îesmpulpiotýs evor p r practucehonertehatueimpasfrlefmy sire rsolld-ievr again meutehbesme'ba ire)()idea uas tirlu ireakrg a .way ,airrct t hm.Ii r asvlk arnutn boi 'e(lJhitsiled hy siusdingSIrlecc ii a lran-corn fac, utiuîr, wb sIr kne hîr or o uer, tire animal w oulfi malice e forlimes butanoe I coulfi neabize r 01(1scrap ut greenpprraia irdib pifzed lue bue and 1ve ir oudnoise enougli ta betnay bus prescîrce. (On ual ,ho irebc cîab houa snfi eefi, acsnelnspîhio.Weseea bld ancwil t lov, au ilt, a j bopc.1îwoaccarions ihululairemaved urougli ulmnel tuil tire nahîveýs bogantio gatherand rejuice tie alliary-muscla, oatari crran re etionr, Olr pon sacrificing clîlif iSe1 stetuye s n aie an apeniu'g,,anîidune usa arofiiy ven bicflaii î ietafihiat I bcd missecinMay bu tise causeouttIrecvii, A nttv bcd lier ioviag mothen bld ruie u brme ltiai people sleepfing teln fout aweýy IrallfoIIe rogue" andfirpi ca eilest transi ernor,.resgirt.bucorrec7iefI by propunspc auJ iappiaerss, auJlite. lýýcentueo yearcis eatrfinu nuise. Wlie n dsoeeicd t ean-by berdi. HIIac coon fuily ienti- ltace;aJiftrccir rire dnie buture hldtiret sather tîraugiithora anisj crortef iet I"The Wickcd" rubsays cdeoflief i, bawevei, ar uranq eeaimrstire use aiflire varinias giatees :ehir bav c ed t iru ng i t e, a ltî ili s , th e c h b i d, c u c d f o l t e j n ge'itol e h e p in g t u î b n y h i c i b w ,u l-a s ll k o s y ni . F a n in s t a c e , lie e n i e fié , i l p o in t s ' t a a c r t r a c v e o n a stria, would treven sufer, now deparo,; -,as 1reiscclef, lbutlie gener-alby srueita iiclîlibu bafI a Jeep rý,_e racro3sbis tonreafiwrongly correciedas Oucas t'blerie cireo aut Ifatal nirîlt harl doue, ieariiig ail rsoi-ne une butran ce cirar sas iraiSefi, Atwîîelru buiet l'dfrr-wedlieetd ;teuTest eacioye tan cstigniahucmi, ai for ban tia wsdean tu lîfe bhuf.Vena lire lime 1 reachief hiesrvarrriug grotnu-1,suas ano(îbrar on ire ,tlrulk, whcne a native on shunt sig1lit. Gel pnuperîi utfilil arnivefi ath le station ia goud fitime ibere rvere two Britich Anmy ofcr au-bi'nc lsrfiiesitlr e inig kniife;ire spectacles focassefi for ncadingi, wiir ta ctcha trin hich Nl _1i ',Lkëing hlm ah the other ed af tire,*ungle, bot'ibcd a pecuiar spat aon bis euje,an'-r do wk.AdfrteiiIiiito, bier toivards hli eJstinabran anfisire hbcl no aire hafi ceeutire ciepirent Ian about a blief,,ihenu n'as uniepossibiiity ut seistake. wesîr tire eycs with (iouindwater; ibse soo lut tre us di- birai.weok. liclrcfn't luthtiredistrict, baweven, Tire Go3véruret paifi tiere îvsard rythont'da Ieldoeatietliwr o ionr Tiînee laye lahen a, iunely inca iwalked cand neitirer lied lie becu illied. j heaiîatiotn, ala Donusaulier beccure kaurvu tire enfer corner ut ealielr oeIvuocn ic fiejeetiy ciung une ai tire muet fashionreble rck psse ifau ahandiefi village tirai thedreaeei courg'-. ut tise valbey bcd îbrus a fia3:-Hydrocliaoratc iceiuu struels lu Muntrcac, ail heediese ai isee uiîiy aethIe baoen cd outhîe veîîey. Henutre _ire ýt bis fate than tic irïeople bogae ta ne-9grarne ; harle acifi, àdrachme ; glcetiilu, 1 -,vllaasandtain as 1h desliscd la hicface. 1h clep'iant bcd iret eppenrefi,auJaburee 1iisîru h irir bosnres, a inItire aoauvrusary ut az ; eider tiorver waben, 6oaz. ;auJ vaertç wcs Elirrer ChiJiton. He biuarnefi dthabl' leteleiavncfao epl.Tr iig ire evat liras ft1onyears been cet 1ebrxaieds in maie 8 oz. Ceafiwalen sirousiduatl ho nuf day trose e lvi-e',L-s visil t oa cc. eg lu r ch d ah b oer abecanpeoplerTon-stnik e bdistrict ds a hoiidey. fan bathîng Ibre ctes wien infisamai on li4 ced'upun Iisnistihbel orea uc at,ýsire t e rai h enrionefsi terrtriel pau rsu.Tpf stnrryb sJti Mr. cre' wer ielenitamd atedreoefi bd bin ile awy.theero wnu'£T Ttlandfimanning, kcepiusg lire -oyecaeay liet VoabdgIr wyafwdy rvi bu ot ussiisadng a tsef yr u ias i be anbarr uro' a erg a na.a uepir n seu tîr alpAl lrrfu ueoit1iiursTocs]Otrh ad by day. sL utehntons lad set eprng gunsiancevea rief isl a dny-goods eur-." Jpbei-ldu -ii yrbu- Oh! ireartlecr, revenigefuainrn, ta thus poiýsounefi coureaiflire pools wbere bu Ivas r Mrs. D'Fshiou -" H orron t I ciosilfi wite ? wreck hwo laviug ln'mecenblilves, secrificing iupposed ta drink, lut IlThe. Wickudl" bad huai sire mightli.t hve tounihue out hy Miifref-Weli, nul to-day. them apon tire citer ut Reveeige. ortîsitlefi every iove. I dehormined to iris tall-i." -"0h, Milfirefi, Iîaw ae îou sýpeai ,ksf ip- (Ta liE iONTISns-ca) taie rip iis LIraci ced lolbow i il hib bu avas Mrs. D'Avno " Tial's justiuaw thiel pantby -' , _______________________ fosui fOi te nalr-os nelusefi la enter paon r i 'vas deceir-ef. Ho ufý.ern seme fi't, P}ippanitiy? Haw Jo yansppsu tire -jungic tuy a i p-k I cauld pay, ltknaw auayrbitrg'about aeyîhing, cracnd culipocsibiy le yuu'iit oriy Tino thinnest tissue papen le 1-fflth )fai c lie tho bd mrepîicianfi agreealu sup of icourse ire ues a mi liiunaire'c clonii wnh ah casttwa weeie tog Ul noady inchr in Ihinees. day iir sue. '- Vu bud tire eboplent hrf s o." ln. Af '-

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