Sarsaparilla Y-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Oatarrh R-beum-ratisrnan S-crofula Salt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tunou's FR-unning Sores S-curvy, Humrorc-, Uch A-nemnia, lndl-estkr: F-impies, Blotliies A-nd Oarbuncles 1-mpure E3lood THUNDERBOLT'S MATE,, BY E. W. E CHAPTER 1. Penebope Lee-, cauteriog fron the wood- shed to the home-sic tionolu the red light nf a Riverina suinset, wva, beyond a doubt, the pick ni ail the inerry-looking, biaek-baired, Iblue-eycd lutile minxes lu the cnlouy. hi is truc thai there vae ni anotber minx ni an,' descripti on withiu fil ry miles oi the IBilbil bnnnldary.ieuce ; but there was ni a second Penelope lu New south Wales ; at ail events, not une to compare with the Penielope that cauîercd home so briskly fuis 'evening, after a long day ont at the shed. Iler spirits were n'aiways su bigb, nr lier look$ su j-unnVy and eugaging. ht was a special Occasion ; the day now dlying lîad beîî the happlest day ni Penelop'e 111e: it was fthe first day ni the shearing ai, Bilbil Station. Ail day long little Miss Peu, ou bier pie- bald pony,,bad been bhelping wiîb tbe sheep 1ORNUNG. s0 wvas 1. Tbe reet are oun tt a1teke1. The shearing began to-day, you know," How far from ti-isletise shed, tMp, V' Well, i' six miles ieom ibe Iloýme- stead," said Peu ihougbtiully ; "lsu il-,iusi be about four front bere. I'm certain if isu 'r a yard lcss than four mile from er I've just corne from there." "IDo you tbink they would send?'"iy legs broken. I'vc been lying heretety four hours. But for ynn, litie misy, V- uight wonld hav e tinished me, , thougb for tiîat matter--Bless nie, nsissy, yo'r"e martatimuunting thai uitile pony ni yours !" Penelope bad vaulted back intn the sad- die. Rer reç t ile lips were tîghtly pres- sed, ber teetb clenchcd. And there were n more sunirays anywbere tn be accui, but only a pale, pink refleciion lu the wesý,tern sky. M bcbng lbf alone, or practically alone, from HE.ALTH. Monday tili Satturday, for six long weeks, with hs stranger within the gates. But she remombered how heavily her hueband had paid, the previous year, throngh net Natuiral Appatites. giviiug to the shearing that personal super-, It jes easonabie to jufer that the wiil vision which was of littie use uniess it be- beasts bave naturai appetites, con troiled hy gànwith the first ehiftinl the eariyrmurniug. I the orders given by their instincts, such as She knew that the overseer was ton youug w,ýere given them by their creator, not iu- a man to manage tbîrty-six shearers, snd fluenced l)y faise ideas- or by depraved, hait thaf number nfIl"rousabouts," single. abnorînal impulses. ihey are supposed to handed. She aiso kuew thp.t at a word fruni die oily by accident or old age, never hav. ber, her husband wouId give up sleeping'ing the diseases incident to humau beings, ont at the shed ; an~d tobis was the reason of unless these are contraced by sorne fermo of ail others why sh3 beld ber tongue, abuses eonuected with human society. On Never iheless, William tees did receive a the contrary, it is supposable that there hint as te the doubtfnl wisdom nf leaving are few, i f any, lu so callcd civilized society, bis wife and chid alune at the bomnestead Iwho really have normal appetites, snch as witbout protection during thie inside ni Adam and Eve were blessed witb, fi they every week. 1V came from an outsider ; ln feli froîn their higb position. fact, fron n other than the object of Iftismore than probable that water je as Mrs. Lees's feminine suspicions. It was certainiy the natural drink ni man as oi the Satuirday evefng, tise man baving been beasts, and that a bigber degree ni healtb broughtinouîbeThursday; ihesquatterbas would be obtained by ite nwn use. This returned ironi the wool-shed for the week- may reaeouably be inferred irom tbe fact end; and bis very firsf care was to sece bow that the buman body le so largeiy cnmpused tbe broken keg as mending. of water, ni a practicle of tea, coffee, opium The man lay lu a room lunVtse I"barracite" or aicobol being found naturally lu ire strue- -a superior sort ni but witb four s noms, turc. But alcobol, that enemy ni gond t kihAkf h* 4-1- - --t- l ATE 13 A POOR RIND OF CIM It ie ou a par witb buying lots ni rubbis'ý- suap for littie muuley. Pour soaps are the -"burebole " ibroughi Duecurste wosto vsunate cases hwl C other ..... ..r.., o i, ,, ,0nar- b,,,t.---IVrses e g n eanty;unismisuiîuerstanuing was Touno su tihe business te?" WM at5i$1S er aileeento xfre5.eoe. ;oid by drug- ]y auy une rt the hiestead, Tbere's only sbe bruite off: " Dear me, how laieifl quscuutecacissnteCurini "e aweirg" e Ve t f pri e - o ix f rse rsent by îsiaLlon 'mfr a a h et o d . i o îer, sud S id th e b u t e er, sud S am m h I am g go b c ." u gl u d, " W l a f d i ym o f h h r ell o f SBta c o u te o r 1 W lh efc » a pli et. S o li n [ l io - n ' hir i n cu ol ; i V dw u m u ps ti se S eoef. hfhd b e u o u t ein r g d m o th e rs th e n fo r y o u ? - [ K a t e ie , s T" F o r - tw b a t ? " - o r t e bnaanHebySTTT& uu. grnm' gi u ef b we userng-aud fougue to express the Objection 8be f eu fn Wasbinton. "Hieftires me." --PURE 9-S, iGEr BL u- Conitains no AIum, Ar-noia,-e, Phosphi,,ot eany -:wnriatn