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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1892, p. 5

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Do You LIKE PERFUME? 25cis wiIl buy an ounce of the new favoritet Bring Your Bottie and you will be delighted with ,the ý-",,etness and durability ot this perfu me. STOTT & JURY. N. B. If you are -going to Manitoba or the North West .you can ]earn of something to your, advantage by dropping us a Post Card. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMýNVILLE STATION. GOINO EAST OOING WEST Passenger..93 Mail .. .... . 543 arm »::? '1.521,t Local ....820a m Local......707p m Express*...945 a m Maul....].0l9 p M Mixed .....312P M Mail ........ 827p m ]BOWMANVILLE, A.PRL 13, 1892. Local and' Otherwise. Nice Hot X< Buas at Tod's. The Higli School concert la May Il. Mr. W. Kent has gone to Mount Rev. T. M. Reikie proached ini Trinity -hurch Snnday. Mr. John McConnachie left on Monday for the North-West. Mr. Gordon D. Fletcher has sone prime etraiberry plants for sale. .Mr. Jos. Jeffary attended his sister's golden wedding at St. Marys THEST,,,N'q locals*re a in ,niAd inn C. Tod'a Hot X Buns. Eggs will go down lively next Sunday. Mr. John McClung was in town la3t week. The ladies attend Miss Shaw's millinery rooma in crowds Mr. Frank Telliug bas seured a situa- tion in Brantford. 1Service in the Methodiat chnrch Groi Frirlay et 10.30 a. m. Miss E. Painton bas returnod from visiting frionda in Toronto. Farmors, read Prof. Shaw'a letter on aeed grain on an inside page. Be courtecus te yoar guesta by insert- ing their visita in this paper. Mns. Thos. Mountjoy, Haydon, spent Sunday with frienda iu tcwia. Some cf our correapendents bave not been beard from for a long spoîl. J. Higginbotbam & Son apeak te car reaers this week. Seo their new advt. Misa Addie McDowell, Port Perry, is guost cf her aister, Mrs. T. E. lligginbot- bani. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Downp, Wbitby, spent Snindey at Mr. Jas. Knigbt's Lake Shore. Mr. Chas. Nichola ha3 gene te Brock- port N. Y., where lie bas secured a ait- uation. We wenste hear at once from ail per. sons wiahing their address for Tneu STATES- MAN cbanged. Mr. W. Boyd paid Mr. W. T. Lahte cf Clarke $400 for a spcn ffO 'iver Twist hoees laat week. The wire feuce adverdaed by Messrs Honey and MeMurtry la worthy cf in- spection. Sec advt. 1Mr. RIcbard White 'fTl~sy cf thi3 town is now the sole edito ~d proprietor cf the Milton Reformer. W The yotnng man wbo huya a hat before aeeing Mr. Meyer's new Spring styles will miai it. Sec ha new advt. Capt. Jes. Phi]p lkft Wednesdlay for Bowmanville, te fi; etut ilhe schooner "Trade Wind."--Poi-t Hoec Guide. Mr. John Maynard,the Jeweller,bsving docided te, remove te the North-west ii offering bis fine st ock for sale et cost. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A , attended the mceting cf the Executive conmmittee cf the Preabyterian Surnday School Union in Torontc last week. Mrs. Geo. McGill lias returned from Georgia mucli benefitted in bealth by ber sojourn tbere. Miss McGilt romains there for some time longer. Wm. Edmett, Port Perry, lis baen ap pointed by the Suprem-3 Grand Lodge, S. O. E. B. S , as District Deputy for tlie countios cf Durliam and Oatari.* Hot X Baus et Tod's. Spring Fair next Friday. Order your Hot Cross'Buns at Tod'a. Mr. H. J. Knight is to sigi Port Hope ncxt Wednesday night. i Mrs. James Sinith'a farm ît tk sale isi on Thursdsy. See notice and buiis. Dr. McLaugchlin will sddcess the Gis- pel Temperedce meeting next Sunday at 4 p m. The Town Council are otYring a reward of $500 fcr the conviction of the pgrson who eset fire to the Furniture Factory. Thse Toronto bye election to 611 the vacancy caused by the death of H. E. Clarke, M. P. P.,will ba held April, 29th. Now is your time to boy in a stock cf sugar. The West End Hlonse hive joat got iu a car load which they are preparod to seil cheap. Drs. H. G. and A. B. MeGill left tbsà week to spend the summer et thq Post- graduate Modical Coliege arnd Hospital in New York City. Our roadera convenient to Newcastle should attend the Royal Tom plar's concert Friday night. The drama is an exceed- ingly good one. A meeting cf citizens and members cf the Council is cal]ed for Monday niglit to telk over what stepas hculd ho taken te induce manufacturera te otte here. Wc Pre showiug a big itock cf Cotton- ados, Shirtings, (fat colora) Sheetinga, Tickinv.s. white and grey (lettons in al grades and et rock bottom prices. Concli Johnston & Cryderman Big time at S. A. B irracks next Sun- day wben the Toronto [leadquarters Baý.d will bc down to awsken Bowmar- ville sinners. C ipt. Luthýr Werry cf the War Cry will he wth them. "Alexander Campbell, The Reformer cf the Nineteenth Century" is the subject cf an addrdss to be given by Mr. E. B. Barnes next Friday evening in the Dis- cipl S' chnrch az 7.30. Ail invit d. Sil. ver collection. Mayor Allen eRtablisbed the precedent et Mondey nii.blt's weeting cf the C-un- cil that a resolution passed et a previons meeting can bc alterod ta read qoite con- trary te the original 'cy a majority cf the merobers. This ia certainly sornthing ncw in Parliamentary procedure. Can th e.in (Counecil by ivote ga 11y remit a ffne 1i6âttI y thd « olke Mag- ,istrate for violation cf a tcw/î by-lawi Mayor Allen zooms te thinkFfBo. Some trange i hingsA re donc at t 1; Bowman- ville Couarjeil Deani! Backb àn1 ..yi dontly a minus quality thèreo. Mr. Samuel Burden, Secrotary cf Ex- celsor Council, Royal Texnp'ars of Tern- perance, dclivered a rcalIy excellent ad- dress at the Gospel Temperance meeting Cake Keeps Moist and Fresh if made with Cleveland's Bakîng Powder. The reason i, Cieveland's is a Puecream cof tartar pewder fr9e frcm alumn and amnmonla, which make cake dry and husky. Hîigh Sohool Notes. 0O9ý the afternoon of Wcdnesay April 6th the L, a'ry Society met in the As- semb'iy Room TwT'very fair attendance when thisshr program was rendcred- Choruns, J. À--M-fiýitjoy & Co.; Uç,ita tioD, mucl; Son,Miss Maud Wardor; Rectation '7yii 31. Instrument- ai So!cloMiýss1F. Elano; eitaion, Wý, E.ý\ sinýton; . n. The" critic rcmarka netemeig Tie IHigh School boys organizcd a Base Bail club on Tncsday evening wben the officeýrs for the comiing deason, where elect- ed ý-Presid&nt, D. H. CoateFs, B. A., Cappain, E. G Parka, Secretary, F. Mar- oney. Committoe of management-Parka, A fine assortment of Ladies and Child- S IED TI1IE AJND ren'a Spring Mantlings is being shnwn this season at J. J. Mason's. 11ARVEST Notices of Birties, 25 cents, MarrIszes. 50 Before giving ycur order for Seoçdirîg or IIar- cents;- Deaths, 5o cents. eaeh tnsertIon vesting Machinery lie sure and sec Noxon -but FICEE OF CMARGE, WlsCîI the fanerai cards are isrinted at titis 0111ce. Bros. Steel Frame Hoosier Sced Drill and New BIRTHS. STAPLEs,-Near Leskard, tp. of Darlingtorn, April th, the wife of Mr, Gýeorge Staples, of a daughter. Cooi.-Iin Bnrketon, April 7t11, the wife of Mr. Thos. Cook, of a daughter. SHioRTRWQ.-.Near Haydau on April 9th, the wife of Mr. James Shortridge. of a son. GrnsoN.-Near Enfieldon April 3rd, the wife of Mr. John Gibson, of a daughter. BowERmAN-Th Port Perry, April 5th, the wirf.Q Mr, A. Bowerman. of a son. HÂmIEY.-In Bowmanville. April Il. the r sHamley. of a son. RENwix- In Toronto. April 7, Ilerbert Ren- wick, M. D., agod 51 years. HAYES--At Hampton, April 5, Lleweilyn G. Hlay e. son cf Georgea and Fanny Hal e, aged 9 years. BLIGHr --At lot 10, concession lat of Beach, on April àth, William liight, aged 71 years. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J1. McMuatry, every Tuesday FiLeui, e 100 14Ibo------. 8 WHEAT, Feul, P bush .. il Spring, 'I .. i Colorado ri . RY,..... OATS, ..... BARLEY, P bush, No. 1....- 1 Two-rowed Bnck'wheat ' bush ... PzAs, Blsckeye, P bush.. - nMnmmy 'iSmall, ' Blue, - BuTTER, best table, e th ...- EGS Pdoz ............. POTATOES, 4P bush... PeOR, 4P cWt............ RAY, e ton ..... ...... 82 25 to $2 0 00 et O 0,00 i, O 0 00 il O 0 00 te 0 0 00 et O 0 00 le 0 0 00 ,,0 0 00 0 0 00 0, 0 46 et 0 000tg O 0 00 il O 0 00,,t O 0 00t O 0 16 te 0 0 10 et o 0 00 il 5 60 et 0 8 00,et 9 65 95 85 80 185 28 50 45 4W, 45 48 95 85 60 70 17 20 00 00. MaUiiUy, iottUL, DUi* OUutAn,. LiW. . Aie ERSEY 1E [FER FOR SALE.- team arc makingactive prepartios for j Thoro-bred two years old, fawn colorn the coming sosson sud are opens te receive Apply to M. A. JAmEs. 1-f cba4lenges from ctl'er teama. - TE UG~ FOR SALE.-Cançpy top, juimo-seat Buggy ln tlrat-ciass condition. $purgeons Life for No)thing. APPlY te m. A. JAxEs. 1-f 'E.NERAL SERVANT WANTED ,-ýverybody shonld get the best bock '0J for bouse werk. Must lie good ccok. publislied on the Lif e cf Spurgeon. WcV Apply te M-s. S. S. LDSALLat the Itvergrocns. have made arrangements with a well- 11-2wý known pubiishing honse for enougli copies fORSE WANTEJJ te lire for the toeuspply ail our subacribets witb eue copy E summer for a lady's use. Will lie well c,%red for. Mustlie quiet. Apply te M. A. ceci free of charge, on oeeoasy odiin nsmnely, that yen pay yonr subaciption fe TMfl STATES'IIAN te the end cf 1892 and BRICK llOUSftW for sale cf S r coma, send ns 81 0 for two1nw b na fid new ama 0, wlth I. acre or gardon. WilI mers, etc. 1 aydon mille. HENRY BUIRTON. Agent fcr Dsrlingtont 12-1w. LIFE 0F CHARLES H. SPURGEON, 13y the noted Author. Pastor, Journaliat snd World-Renowned platform Orator, RUSSELL H. CONWEL. About500Pagep4,ElegantlyIllnatrated,Price$l 53 SENtI 18c FOR 50ocOUTFIT. This ia the grec fest chance yon ever had ta make money. USUAL LARGE TE RMS TO A. GENTS. Interest ]Intense Act QujeIr. gJZ'ible fifrst te sencf 18 cents (posta.ge) for Omtft gets the territ or y. Addross ER. CURTIS & CO., 5t West Fourlh St., CINCINNATI, O. 122w Salesman Walted. Good opening sud permanent situation te the right party, salary or commission. Previons oxperience flot necessary. Ont- fit free. We enau tart von te work at home or on outaýide territcry if preferred. We are the only firmn furnishing STICTLY FIRST CLAS CANADIAN G1IOWN STOCUK Nuregries cf 700 acres at Focnthil],Ont./ Write for paiticulars et once. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, ûýt IVIRS. DBAIN CAS TE R *.... .Having received a .... fine display of New .... S-Pring Goods would .... kindly ask the ladies .... of B owma-nville and .... vicinity to cali and .... inspleet. ....A great variety in ..... ai the latest, styles .... Hats, Flowers, Rib- .... bons, Veilings. 1 %j orcL ottving i wine iiincier, jiorse naKes

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