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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1892, p. 6

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GRATEFJJL-COMFOIITING. BREAKF~AST. laws 111o*3n eopeetions 01 digesn )-I an,! nurtion. ndlby ac .1fl ppiation o delicatgly fi ivorefi baveraee which may s$,e lis msIny il avy doctors' bills. It is by the i Ldicions use of sucb articles of diet that a cOflititution m-y be gradunaly boult up until 8trong e.Longh ta resist every tendeacy ta di0ease. Hundredî o! subtie maladies' are fioati ig arouad ns ready in attack wheréver there is a weal< point. we msy escape manv a fatal shaft by keeping aurseivas well fartifled wihpeblood aad a -prooerly nourished rame. CivilService Gazette." Aiade3 simply witb boiiing water or miik. 8,310 only in packets, by Grocers. labellad thas .Lt1IUS PPS At Co., flomwopathle Cheie ists. #,Ondon« Eng-land, HIOUSEIIOLD. (Ierepttrator~y tD Houseleaning. I hav e reason ta beliex e a recipe for the rernoval af haif the dread, if net half the work, af bouscieauiug would be welcomed by ail good honsekecpers. J believe I have fouud the recipe and hopL it nxay prove. as efîectix e in other cases a-, it bas lu My awn. It is this: look after the Ilodds aud end " befare the weather becomnes settied enongh for actual ceauiug to be2in. Jt is wonder- fui what a number of odds and snds there are ta look after ! But it is wise ta laie sight af that fact-.and begin on the good aid prîniciple af ane thing at a time. Frst take the bcd ding in baud, that iýs, the sheets and pillow cases. 1.naw juit how many you need, and then find ont how many yen have lu good conditiou,and soppiy the resulting deficiency as a finst stop. For- ordinarv ulse tht.e nhleched, both for slîeets the baby's growth, and in the Imbbing which follows she ivili easiiy disover if -tnything is physicaily wrong. 'Many a sprained arm or strained joint, the resuit of Sorne accident wbicb mray have escap d ev ber watchfni eyes, willbecome aýparIe.It then. Many a cbild mighit have been spared a 1f eiougdeforrnity ifhie mother had always given him the daily bath and daiiy bin that follows it. At sncb a tirne shé wvould have discovered that some limb qr cother part of the bodly was especialiy sensi ti ve ta the tonch and called in the necessacr mdi- cal attendence. Mothers cannot atc te physicai develo,)ment of their chiidren ta 2 -refi' Incipient bip diseases, palatal iseases o.f the spino irst show thieiisselves by sorne outward s.snsitiveness of the arts affecteci. The best time for a hshy's bath is about 9 o'c;iock iu the morning. By this tme ha wlll have been up long enough to b)econse wýearied, and thE bath willintduce at sonud STORIEE8 OF THE DIAMOND MINES. A ILurky Zalu Wh<, Ceot $75,000 for Rtester- Iaga Iast Gega. Mr. Geo. D. Longstreet, au Englisb min- ing engineer, says of the diamond fields of South Africa :-" The control of the dia- nîond mines hy the Rothscbilds is entirely dne tai the overcapitalizatioîî of the origina campanies. Sorne af tbeni were capariilzed as niglias $25,OOO,0OO. There are now iim- iting the production of geins to the demand. Diamands wil neyer go down in price, and the days of romance in South Africa dia- mond miuig are paît forever, Jn earlyr days the mines were divided ino littie a!- lotments of thirty feet square, and each of these was sold ta a corporation for $500,000 -a nieat sum for a littie ]and searccly large anough ta put a ehanty ou. J1lhave be working for anc company and in oe mine as maoy as lO,0Onaked Zuios, whose work oddcly enough, wes carried, on by eicctric y__ -j t il WLt~ jaye.è,jd. h -j- allu UhllUW UqaRIr. Il Ulifi UUIflCLr LU LIAIt I.,î y h,4-h j-.,. ...~.Itl-..I ~ i.-. ~-.- À~4t~,.t J --.------ nolor tht.-., n-jnur lrnnw+.hntitrill lanon h1t.n~h '~ ,~m,,, r ,------T ~ fln, wie - -- fy Kanowe Tna.rLsb, anrue a taTia tiooii ,m. TiLtuA for, Infants end Children. «,aatorta s go Wel adapted tohidrentatC«,mtota Cures neotpao, recommend it as superior to anY escript o aur Stomacli, Daroa rcai kflOfl a m IL~ A. ARcim, M.D., Kifls Worms, cives Bleep, astd promotea dl- li l fOord st., BrookynN. y. I O~f~~medlcaun. TuE CîErNTAU Com'ÀNv, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ..~- ~ - -~-~~'-. ~xna mer iur e nr~ n-ve~n fl, aflnvet TflS 77 t ë bPO ggars managed7te steal large numbers of sulted lier in person or bletroaiIgatitude toward the clerk who, wheUe he'byltero degrees. Ihe mother shouid wearat large diamionds. These Zulus are born thieves. chronie diseaseee eculiar te rman. Mn .I t und IJ wanted unbieached-it was tablerran nfl,. thiT â .il IL-.. ,.L-ý i-1. _ Te;r - -- FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTIIAM & SON, BWMANILLE 1 l'ici , 1 ý 1 . 1 ( ..... ..... la'd ýill- , If - M . Y,-. ý

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