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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1892, p. 2

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fe r sec> g foc -h"nt Laiente d ri'a-s fi-e'i t,~dt>~ ,?, -n leg-s and t,-t-, tc.1"ap s" cdl ýc -wit nbenefit. I uan seo L Aver c paitamîs wvondei-fni curearas i-bhreT"It. Flac b tttes cuffici-d te rstece re t ah.ih. eia Lopez, 3. E. Commrerce st., SaAntonio, 'ýMydax-ybhter îvas aftPcited fornearlyaayeci- wuh catrn-. The physiciarîs ai-bg,hie te betp bei, î pasto ei-rcennnegi-d A5rs ScisapariUta. 1 foitoaed is adicte. lai-e nonihs cf ieguiai-i-i-at-nt i- îhî5vc's Sarsaptiita ad Ayî,rt Pis cotnpltî-y i-c'a ,'d -' dagbti-r s hcsIttî' Mi- Louise R ctlse C5nad, Wi- ic, Alass. "For sceai-ai ris, 1I as a Louhted at flaiiannai-oiy rheumattsnt, bing se bai at tigles Stoe tentttir i-Joplcss. Foti-dise tast tvoue ysici-, saisevcr ci-tU t te ects th ie .-sese, tIhigin io tic Aaci-'~sasi-ta andi haie nt bcd a i-peu jet-a Io."- tinte." E . T. Hlaxsbiougb, Etk i , Va. > For ail NO'Od diGeaSeS, the bes't rereecdyE Pi-cpared by Di. J. C. Ay er & C., Loir-h, Mass. Sotti by ait Di-eggists, Price $t ; six. httas, $5.. Cures others, will cure you Stck HIeadacbrt and relieve ait the troubles inci- dent te a bilious state ef the >s tam, sucti as isizziness, Nautea. Drowsiness. Distress after eating, Pain in the Sida, & heteirmoat remarkable su esbsbc hw ecrn - - T-T~~n50tg yü[ rU T~,-- 'rmP ae eqal uable on8R ontpon,,crn, ail re in tbi a cnoyng eOulaît a tîH atirniat t1! ier d d regtt tf bowc ý!csif ýtbey eniy ced HEALTH. Hottse plnts ast rtrilerttoff the Atmùjs- pher'e. It is a plisimsg characLristie et cultnred people goneraliy that riîcy sek te aderîs tueur homes with gi-cen plants and fiewers. Place is wiliiugiy ruade for thein in the fav-orite recuis wbectise warm aîsd lite- giving rays of the surieaus fiud an entrauce, Especlly lunainter, wlhen taîtastie icicles bang froua the wiidow-frame;,, and forest, field ansduseadoas slnmher under a mautie et ss'ow, therc is rioc more plecsing and g-atef i eneupcttcîs for tthe lever oet lie rs thoen tbreugli areful teudisig et cheice plants iu is coemforabiy warrned i-cins te sumînon Spring,as if wvitli an erîctarter's wandl, and gladden bsart anti ceuse with t he beauty and perfuLme et leaf ansd ficaver. IF or the chuber conservatory it is uscîci te seiect freo-bleoiniug or otnamental teli agad pants, iich shoutd hoc nîsually trac s- piaureci in a fresh saîîdy eOti nrichcd asiris humus, or tise surface sheid, get a liglît r-ineral flowpr-dressicg ii'nther ro-i qriroiues",tc are a nodrarely wcrmed i-cern, wýtis a suîrny expeaure, and the plants sbould standi near tise window wbcrc the full sunlight eau strpaîaruporu thons.Given these conîditiens, uotbiug more is evcîtedl t han an occasionial ight sprnklirîg from e wrater,-pet te ensure the, uîstolding,,cf leaf, and 'md, and fiovter. Thcre is a very gonerai impression, more- over, tiser growing panîts exercice arr sm- portant saitary iîrduence, puifyiîîg the at- mosphere et the cbaruber, by absorbicg the coxieus gases et animai respiration ; but tiîis is a theory wbich aililiardly bear close insvestigations. Men arîd animais give ofl' carboniecr'cid gas by respiraton auid rhrougls tlhe pores et the siin. A grew'n mais takes in about a. plut et air ab every hi-cari; tise oxygen, or c portion cf it, passes into thse arterics, wherc it is taken up by the red cerpuiscies and utiiized by the combustion of fat and the albumen efthtie tissenes. Inutis proces of combustion the oxygen unites witb tihe carbon te torm carboule acid, wiicb passes, over te theo venons blood, which cargies it te the longs, whencc b. la exhalcd. lu pure usontain or sea air tire propor- tien et carborsie scid is only 3 parts in 10,- 000; the respired breath centaine four te five rer cent, et carbonie acid: that is ove" a bundred times as mach as pure air; the Iarîssosphere cf a close rom is quickly polut- cd bv the uresemuce of a nerson sui:411o mcrely by reasen et the carMm icarîd, wisicts is dleterlous erseugir, but beccuse, at every respiration imspure, wateriy Taper, carrying decemposiug. r .amle atter, is wisicis gonerates the offenssiveodors ilu a cltse, crowded reens. piamt-leaves, -ct, stemu, flewers, ccd fruit -absorb exygeis, and give off'carbonic aidn, and this procees le continuons day and night, bot in tisoe ssotf assimilations wiicii tksplace only tînder the iniluence of liglst, Puttsy lWauts a Corner'. This lit o je liko a inionstreus plank 1lut lu mi o-ocean satliug, Ail crowde ni ftll ef living issan, And ce'e' a foot of raiiing. Thora, ail arae truggling for tise beet, Aud each ene te bis notion; lu this great ,trtiggt cf tan semae Are pu shed off in tisa ocean. Amnd soe awili find the iuîoky plum, Like lirne Jackey Horuer; Soniealaways struggle f-r a place: "For pîissy aants acocrner!" Soeohasva the ecavaN%, te hoid on ttghf, Howavcr rougis the siling; And bold ttsc pianiz. threugh ail the figit, Witb nceen a foot cf raibug. Soi-ne tbings arc sonylitght te beacs, As ight as oass hbbies To bear antis gi-cati-t foriltude: 'Tîs other people's trocues. Soie gat a very liihral treak; Tbough yen isay deensit funny, 'Tis very easy te ha fiee With other peopies miny. 'Tc cf ten got the iucky pisin, Thriug s ouse peor rthers serrowv; Tbhef-iti-o hoeendures to-day Drings yen staccees to-inorrew. 'Tic suds c. complicctod wold, Where oen aud 1 ai-e stsa ceg, We etel irciiiecl te think a bit: Çoav, breubron, lts, be pra5 ing. Oh, yen, wbo've fousîd thse lueky pl un. Like littie Ja-ley tornor, Mateoi-cens for son k, poor tarving eue; "Poor pussy wants acocrner!t" M. A. Se vysa. Pittypat and Tippytoe. .Ail day long they corne ccd go- Pittyp at and T'ipp toee Footprin5's up and down the biail. Playthiugs sctterad or- tise loor, Fingernuarks along the aait Tati-tate streaks upon tisa door - By ttieso piesents yen sail kuew Pitty par cnd Tippy toc. Ilow tbay ri-ot at thoir play! And, c dozan times a da, In tbey trrop, dernandisg hi-cd- Octy hutrereci hi-cd aili de, Anti that butter inut ch spi-car I'ctîes thick wiîh augan, tee! Neyer yxet bave I said: 'No, iittypat ansd Tipp toee " Serntietus tisera arc griefs te sethe- Sonsetimies rufliedrhi- os meotis; For- Inuuls regr e osay - Tippy toe ccnd Pi Ltpat Sensatinios interrpt t hein play \Vitb an internecine spat; Fie! Oha, fie! te quai-i-c se, Pittypat ced Tippa tee! Ohthtie thon-ccd woirying tiings YOUNG FOLKS. How to Throw a Bse Bail. Every eue bas what may bie called a natural way et throwiug ftic bail, but this se called 'Inatural way" usuaily means a pcrvertcd method acquired threugb eareiess- ues or attempt te threw tee bard betere the arcs is suffiiently accustomned te the work, As a resuit cf this, there are tew boys or collegenuman who may iet learî a great deal in tise matter et throwicg by careful atten- sien for a fcx-wecks te one or tve peiîsts. TI-e fi-st nmau te whoim attention sbeuld bie called is the mata Who rakes a boep, skip,acd junip befere ho lets the bail go. Ne mata ea un asat enough te beat a throwu bail, and, conseqnientiy, if takes longer te carry tise ball part way anà throw it the rest than it does te throw it ail the way. Therefere, th, first tbîng foi the mais who lias acquired this trick te do is te stand still when lie gets tihe bail,'andl thenthrow it. The oppo- site fanît te this is tlîat ot leaning away whe:s threwiîsg. A mac gets a ssa-rp groundeî, and throws the bail hetore bie bas iecovered tîls balance, and the' force efthte throw is tisercby grcatiy dirinished. Wlsile this is nos nearly se ceunuon as tho other lanît, it la tjiite as diffieult te correct. Tihe haippy medumn betweeî tire twe la the nman wbo recoives thé hall anîd, quickly straight- euing bimsclt, drives it wiiile lcanimsg fer- wnarÎd and, as it leaves the band, takes iss ingle step is tise direction ef hic tbrow. Se mucliior the tact and body, now for the arm, baud, and wrist. The beat and mear accurate tbrovrans are those wbe cotinualiy practice what le cail- cd a 'Ishert-arsss " tbrow. Te get ais idea, et the first steps toward the acquisition et thîis metbod, let tIe player take the bail in bis baud, acd, bringing it back just level with bis car, planting beth teet firmly, attempt te threw the hall aitheut uising the legs or body. At first the threw is awkward andi feeble, but constant practice speediiy recsuits in moderate speed and peculiar ce- curacy. Atter steady pracrice at this until a pace is acquirad, tise man may hoc llewed te use bis legs cead body te increase the speed, still, isever, sticking te the stnaight, fonrard motion et the hanta, wist, and tise atm. The secret et the tbrew la, et course, keepiug the baud in hune with the anm aîd net s'ainigng it eut te the side ccd away frem the head, where mueli of ttse ac- curccy andticeeoe the quickncss ie lest. Certain catelsers hsave breugbt tiîis style et discerncd. Sometimes -three timnos et least-cuch rapccity is more than tiseCap- ter itsecî eau stand. At leugtiî the fish withic the stomcch begins te decompece and gas le created. The chiasmodon le forced ever tapon its hack, when tlice imprisened gas, as ha a bailecun, takes it upward from the depths te tise surface et the cea. Thus have the three specimens heen tonnd flotinig ou the surface, risousandc et tatheme aboya thicr true haunts. Iii each instance the fishin l the ctoiuach bias been twice as long as tise swaiiewer, aud troua six te twelva times buikier. The Gen-aine Fsiendships of Lîfe. To be riels lu friends is te ho pon in netlsiug. It is te possecs that infduite ras- ci-voir 'ef wbat may be, for wact et a botter tarin, deueminatcd intenest lu lite, in that it predaternmnas sueceslu whatever lice et aoiievemeîsr eue may choose te werk. A range et warm and strreg tieuships creates tlise sagnarie atmospbere that vitalizes evecmy lament wlthin its influence, se that it le net tlsat social ecicyments and compan- iouships -are lu any ceuse interruptions te spacifice work, isecever important, but tisat tboy yield instead the very eleuseuts eut et wlsich At is hast created. The genuine triaisdships et lite arc iargcly discevered, net ccquired. \Ve fiud tbem rather thais make tbems. Tlaey ara predestined relation- chips, and are rccognized intutsveiy. 11We cet-at ieast thiose who anc truc to tiseir instincts meet-a succession ef persenb througb our lives, ait et wbom bave soe peculiar errand te us," writes Margaret Fuller. IlThare is an enter circle wbose ex- istence we porceive, but witb whom we stand lu ne teal relation. They tell us the ncwc, they acr oun us ini the offices et sociery, they show us kçindness and aversion, but thoir influence dccc net penetrate ; wa are notbiug te tbam, or they te us, except as a part et the wonld'c turniture. Anothen cir- dle wltlsin tisis are dear sud near te ius. We kuow tbea and et wlicr kimsd tiîay are. Tisay are net te us marc facts, but intelligi- blc thoughts et the divine mind W<e tike te sec how t-bey are nnfolded; we like te meet themm and part witis rhem ; we like their actien tapon us, and the pansa that succeade and eaches us te appreciate ifs quaiity. Otters we leave themn on cen path and retur sic moe, but ave bear thens lun otan mensory, talcs which bave beau toid, and whoce îseaniug bas ceeu tdft. But yct a nearer group there are, belîrgs boni undar ith-a sne sta-a .nd bn,întl 3mb-b ,lit;,n a a.n, W TH poor SO&pi anCI old tashioned waYEI of wasirg, it is cruel and bard upon wonaen of adlvancing years to atteinPt laundry work. But with the world. famed, labor-saving Anybody tran do a. Wash with cons- parati're case by f ollowing the simple directiong With IlS UN LIG H T"I there's no hard rubbing, sore knules, hot steamn, or tixed backs. A trial will astonish you. Work PtSunlght lever Bs'es.. 11mseted Near Birkenhsead Torcinto Search for playthingý gene amiSs-, the instant it strikes the bands. They aid ances, mere frienda, but when we neet are ce.Pnai1 roaerifrayV- Many a litte urn te tiss the throwing by a slight twist of the body. sharers ei our very existence. There is neoatn fTut Life's îndced a ftoering show, The quivkiess ef this method of throwing separatien ; the same thought le given at Pittypat and Tippytue! is, et course, due to the fact that there is the same moment te bots ; indeed, Tt is A despatch freom. St. Petersburg, says There are littlc duds tomnend; past the head or byturning the body around, wise have ibeen called inte existence at ail. E mpire te prevent the divulgiig of any tacts Little frockus ar ultorfl which losecses mucli vainable time. Its These net enly know themeselves more. but in cennection -with Russian aruy affaispo Ijiti bou hnt Ceetgv veru accracyis (ueIt the fact that it 1i- casier are more for having met, and regions eto U la n iiir iOiery tçs tiTi-, ..4 --.. I .,,,,to oiinn- noX .wr, in niot i ifarnie einivnCs îv aniutu; edf>uaîpetsVlbtCtC t Pitt3 put anti Tippytoo t But wbeu coesastis ttsocgt ttn ina 'Sarine theran i- that chitd.ess ho." Stealin,, te tirir littia hedh, W Tilis a love 1 cannot snack. the eyes than wben it is eut heyond the shoulder. One cars ecsily accertain thies by "e" a' U Ubw Ul. - - --co paring the a ce et poi ting thea i nex fenger àt auy ebjeet when the bacnd is lu front et the face with the difficulty cf do- saaled is coid obstruction buret leto leat and bloom, ans ceg. The times et ibaca meetings are fafcdi," she goas ou te say, "ý non wil itiser erre bhabche aven te ureet any other person lu the saine way." It is tIse me erinoeapart et Sira., u u case et officiais betraying the trust ncposed lu tisera, rhey avh firet be corsdemned te saTan yeare' imprisoeninttle o ortrese et St. Peter and St. Paul, aftar whiclr tbey wil Ease and Comfort 1 fb-iv M such a mitch nf pertection as to 1 1

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