ý ,,ý f AGRICULTURAL. The Season for Work. Apnil la a very husy seasoin with farusers CI sud gardaners throughout. Of alscasoits .z ou tise tarm Ibis isftis eoronearnast îvonk when tise facuities ut luth mind and body vý P iay daily ha brougît into requistion te advastage, iudaod uow Ilsat spriug lits reaiiy come witî ils bigît sutîstîje anti JC. Davis, Rector of St. James' genial almospisre-as alto the poat's lcvely 'Epjicopal Churcli, Eufaula, Ala.: flowers, inging hirds, luwing lards, sud " yson lias been badly afflicted otlierpiasanaotssai mîof tlsehalmy vernal seasoîs it is incombant upun the csul- wità a fearfuland threatenling cougblis iatora ut earth a varicd sud valuable pro- for stveral months, and after trying ducts to commence preparations for crop sevFra1 prescriptionisfrom physicians production it the liope ut racaivirng ahuin- whici failed to relieve him, lie lias dant retunrssfon wiataver labor su~d en beer -erfectly restored by the use o01 tu"Y ha tevnted liserato. At ahis junatui-e it is essestial tisaI farmers atsd botticultsm- two botties of Bo- isîs slsould ha up sud doitsg, whilteîsose au- An Episcopal scliee's German Syr- gaged in daimytstg or stock rausngsunst up. - I can recom-- i sscesaily give muait attesntion te the came Pector. mnend it wi~thout ansd managansaunt out eib flooksa sud lerds. hesittion.' ClionicIf is the tinte for carnest wonk lu field, àai.- hesiatin."Chrnicdeansd orclard-a sersou wlen lotiscilnd EzSee;e, deep-seated couglis ike this suid muscla sliouid ha un the alert, planninig are as severe tests as a remedy casi sud perfonmîug lu the hest adv-sntsge. It be subjected te. It is for these long- i essctiai fur the arn m uanagerîo snsiv say staning ase tha Boslie's Gr- Coma, boys !" sud lead sud direct iin par- stadin csestht Bsche' Ge- son, foi- uniy la uvbsupeinteuds antilkuows man Syrup is made a specialty. u'îat is douec0o5 lis pramises is the wjse 14any others afiicted as this lad isusbaudman. The sirewd farmer willirr was, wil do wsell to make a note cl si luhs men, teamts, ansd machiniury ansd this.cotmence the ouset ton aubsistasîce lu the thi~ hope of bing ahussdatiy raxarded in su- tumu for whialever lahor sud uscans are tu- J. P. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., vcsted inte spiuîg sud sommer camlpigus. W rites - 1 always use Germian Syrup ['ROMPT PREPAIRA-TION FOR PLASTTINO. for as Cold on the Lungs. I have Marcb pros ad Se unfavonabla for ouldoer pever foiund an cqual te it-far lest oprlion8 that usuch ufthIe rreparalory xork ton piautimsg sprtsîg crops must le doua a superior. in Apnil, sud Ibis wiil nacessitata prompt (i C CP~V tii~s iausfrwrodbu andJ sutystematie action ou the part utfniosl _______________________________cutivslors. Farmers whodevole mauy s-ras te sprng cereas sasd bued crups bave manch tu do in lîttle limae if îisey propanly prepare THE CloANADIANSTATESMAN the soit hy plowiusg sud otîter essential ESTBLIHED 154masipulation su season ton saeding. lu tîls ESTALISRD 181 - prearatory labor, "s well as for atter cul- ~t pu- nan luadvaca.othrwie ~ ture, it, is truc ecouomny lu use- tisa mst ýbbsoip tion3 alwiys payable aIthli oftl -,)£' appnolved implamneus, employ, ouly cumpa- ,ublication.. Advertisin,, rates unIssa by ci a tant mesn asd teams, suddaethatthIawork is lacS, 10 cent3 par lies, noap iriel first in3ert duns in the hast mauner. Many tarmens lu, sud . àcents pa-r liaeac'î sub3equ3atin- "ssi"aen p-nb tyn 0hr ;e -tiOn. Local$> 10 cents pan lia. ms f vr pig ytyn ebr M. A JAM S,_ablihg auger hoies with gimiets-aaîampting lu wîithouî ,prupar talliage sud uuanurng. Tîsose J. E, SUMBlLE. who faril for profit siouid pusue a wisem BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- course ly pros iding ,aIl the raquisiles for AReue., offices, McArthur's blopk, profitable erop pruduction. Uling Street, Bowmanrille. Mouey toIaria. 3,. PR auneOs. ~/jQ EY O LO N,-n fam scur Sping uhat, the finst field crop to he IY.ity on muaI favorable termis-mortgages ovuialsetnshrelisasdsssd boiigt. APPIY inoICRD u~uFoSTER, east ot go in as sOou as lise soit eau be prepsred. sw'n. 1P. . BOX 119 1 O HN FOSTERDroTur. Tbats cone oas, hsmiey, ouu, eets sud IwmnilP. 0. 5-lyr. potatues. Tite aowiug or piattting ufthleue 1will dnpeutdmueI upoîs ltaecondition outahe tý7,r E r ETEC rIVE STibIES: F E!Pcl of gonds worsh $2 an soi], wIicl ougbt te tent oly propaniy large 100 page Piclunre Book [bat wîliî sey pepared, but improved by propar iuder mut you ou the rouaSte a hand8nmo fortune, sud surface drainagewbeunaecessary. Extra Send 5-. e ilven to psy postage, A.W.KIN JE *tillaget a asgood seed lbed, plenty ut a B. C. S., Yarmouth, N. S. 12 - m. ricts fertilizer, sud propar atter culture, ara ASH~UADR .TAFT'ASTI-1MAIrNr, itenîs whicî count lu rsising hoed rops- IVI fiIM A' flnercfaits; end tsucit as cern, heels sud potatoas. yen~ ~~ w dd1o u whU in5f out free tra Oass aiouid ha suwu very esniy. Sow s boT DR . TAYFT n dS ., 1ýFR Dps [86 Aco dela vanîtywstls ansple tolage that pruduces ,3. oBNosTe , Aee i large auud abondant grain. 'T'en, if the ru-io lINT For enusut ears ~ jgrain faits, you svil hoi likaly lu gaisa gond MO-I. j-ortainofvArq il -IL Dbn '"-300 acres, 2 miles irom Wbtby- CovradsnyhsuuIbstohie gond bnttdtssgs anS sout Admirable 'or stock e ed a ow hs Itfi or dainy. Ctlnes for going extonsively luto "anlier tise hetter, on wittter graissasd un T, routo miîls usness on stock raiaing foi grass lands laid dowu ias scason. Ranniug Yn0cn s*lî- Mon with capital Onlyj a ssnootliitg lîarrow over tle grouusd wil AoUf apl, J. H. Dow, Whttbv. 32 tt prepare il for tise seed witllsen tearnus up tbe cerop*imsjtnionslIy. Slsuuld tIare hae s VTALUABLE FARNI PRIOPEiTsliglittfait ut snuw cdoyen seedusay lha aowu P, FORtSALE.-159 Acres, being Stiuth upnnil lu asvna o.9su pont uf Lot 10, sn tbe 3nd caon, tle xsua. Tuwuship ut Cartwright, Connty otfDurham Forage erops, suaI as pesa, spring rya, On thse promises are a largo barn, stable, driv etc., mnay ha sown in successions,uonce its two lng hanse sud comfortabta dwelling. A nover weaks. Parsuips ahould le suwm early. failisugweli of water sud 14 acres gond hisrd. a gl asu a et r l ethn wood. For partiCulars apply te WILAiM auas agn et 0r ls atwa vWOODEY, Blackstock. 8_8m. put lu as soon as practicabla, buta cannots nsay ha sown ilu any aine hafore midsunsuser. SARM FOR SALE-The north hait CAME OsF LOVE STO5CK. of u lot 22 in tise Srd concession ufthtie NMosIt arnu auimais xiii requsine cane sud Townshsip of Clarke lu tise couury ut Daihm godfadbain.wîusale aaîa ceuraiuing le0 acres monre or legs. go edn alwri ete ete Uponthepremises aiesa guod dwellug hunse, sud certainly shîould not ha tunnd ont un til barnusud stable. Tisanea le a nover failtmsg the grass lias sufficient growt tl u tnislî Ep Ilng close [o ltse buidines. agoud yunng nutrition, To prevenîloason soffaing gi,,a _bciard For termsasd paticulans apply ru CHSuÀ. WRGHT, soliciter, e. Newcastle. 2 3bm canatul attention ru dams aund tIli yoossg,. espeisllv during inciemeunt weatlar. FLO.IST.Womk bonses uced pieutyfutarnengtlses- FLORIT. iufood, regttlaity in feedmg sud watarng, CIllA IA, WZ - OTAIIIO asîid goud groumiug. Guard a-laiust galis Growen sud dealer in Chico Cnt Fiowens. ly keeping île hannies ean aud soft . plants. Roses. OCarnations,.'Violets, stuijaxý.àMassy horsts okbs u fgondmle sud Fenus. Fanerai D-eigns sud Bouquets jwr atosfgon -a muaSon on short notice in Wreaths Crânws, lsey are haro foot. Protect heated teams t-1 lilwsIlearts. Socety Kmblemi, &,,. trom drafts. Cive hruod ssares oomy Plants Loaned fun Decoratuon.such as patimsj quartors, w'stchfui cane, sudtrast tibm Farns Li tes. &CTelephone Otnneton t-ly jgeutly. Cows require extra cane aI Ibis scasuon. Ladieos' ad Geu s's wear ut aliinds, Fealli- againet abortion sud accidenta, To pros-dît ers, G loves, Rthhon s, Laces, Curtsins, auîd gargous sn îhser troubles reduca Ibmî foui, ail kiutds utftssucy goods Dyad, Claaued cn IlougI plenay uf gond, sound Isy may ha Frendh Cleassed. Wou-k posiîiveîy gîsaman- given sateiy. Keep ail -île eood leifer load the hast. No poddiig swagonuenpioyad. calves, sud rememher litteaciing tIens lu A reliable agasuý in every tuwus. feati from ltse pail savas troumble. BRITISH APÂERICAN DYEIi4 C cy ( Sieep slouid ha kept lu dry yards lu pro- Iuid AMedalist Dycra. itact thiai t- e, sud also gîtardad against, Mlotreal, T-iuo Ot awsnudQohu slormss. Esesau(i amhis naed guod slaltar ,t is tawa d ubeanvi.-sd lhuerai rations lu pravent aaffrntg 'sud A n lmavizo kep thani tbnift-y. Spring laIs wel caresi J.M DOaSON, STATIONER, tua apd fad iîharally will soon sellsît a profit. Pigs sud poullmy psy for good cana anti g keep. The pigs will do good by destroyiug Gent " f'lotlinmany insecti cumules if ailowed au take oser- cissa iiitisa orcitard. (ive brcediusg s Cleàined, ficS, PresseS end RepaireS by bran sud oller couiug fond, but nu cor n S. p rrý reai. Poulry'e shcli ont" the profits n0w, T R S P E A T if evea ; sa came sveil foi the lirds if you T-n mi «X 1 anî fresh eggs sud chicisens galou-e. Pro- Dyen sud (doilses Cleanet ted ibhm mom vemmin hy usuug kerosene acise, and ara emmenîl. GL S IM EET ed 1by lepasing isysiias. Fou- sala tsly 1leaingý See that cvery impîcunent is lu order sud drug,î rsas or sat iy mail; 25 cts. a ia. Addness in ils place ; haruesasound sud w-eh oued IIOB' MDIIhE DPîpî., San FranciSCO Or ChkCaggoipilovs, isanrow-s, sud trimminga reaired sud IO AL N BOWMANVILLF, ONT.. UV ready for wotk. Tisose w-ht, hava not aI- J.~~ Higneia sSon, tlausily and ilispenisiug ne su, shouid aI once sas lIaI ail Childron Orvior 1 4-U U lyaru, Itedscus uînog Oalla - J provsssu ai Ihis seasun. Rubbish ut ail kiudsI sisouid' le raked up ansd ramnoved. Tracs ansaîuhsthuaIihav'e heausinjured duming tle witer raquire attention. Everytýhýng shounttle rural or suburban noof-tree ulouid hae put in order sud mate pleasaîst sud at- tractive. MosIt armers have piculy ut spaca lueaaugmest tIe besuiy out 1cm bouses hy île planîing ut lowers, vines, slmuh-m, andi treas, sud tîle building ut neat tences, treilises, sud arbora. Suds improvements cust litll, w'ilie thcy sdd tu the iîtrnssic vailue outhfe homestcsd anti affurd rosi pleasure tu ils occupants. Esery, tarmar wisu las s fsm-iiy is lsn dnty bosud luadoru bomea sud ils sunrottudings, ansd uow is tle seasous te mals'-efforts int tisidirectio-n. Pray dlu nul dater urnenglect a msattar tîsat w-lu give groat satisfaction lu uvte, sons, autd sîugistans, auîd add to tle ploasure ut visilitsg tieuds sud passiîug straugars. Rapid Rate of Inorease. WVa fuily sgre w-ttiuour sa see -ilLondion connrmporary, the A grcuittuîi & Guzeti, thnt il is of importanîce luo-emy farussar te kuow- ,w-lat eau sud uigiti le dou," lu tataniug stock. Tise e att devotes over fis'e cf ils broad pages ru a closaly pioled report ufthrie Sssthfield Fat Stock Show ra- cestly hbld in Londons, trouswhich s siuahla, inalttctiv lassous-can heleaeetyAsson- iean breedars. One ut tisa musa impurtrani ut them la tise rate ut inctease lu weigt, sviich is uow heiievad lu ha possible w-tî cattie. As is net mausualiun Iditain, the record for youuîg purme hiood-u usas brosesi ly s Shorîlorn, Mn.. H Corrittgýe's steer, dam Rarity 21 ditys, or niusa dsys iess tsasu luvo yoars uid, wasgbcd 1,674 ls., an aver- age daîhy gain front birtî of 2. 32 ils. 0f otlier saleora utftvo years assd undar,'s' a re-, fond waighod 1,5'26 Ils. ; a Sussex 1,571 ls.; sud s Polled Aberdeen-Augus 1,463 ibs. A crossbr(cd Shomîbomu simd Abendeesi Augus sîcor, 709 days old, woiglad 1,592 Ils. Admittiug tisa weigl t ftIeîircssed meal to le fi% e olghths ltait fthc liva sviglt, blase ara exauspies utfrnaking mear prctty tastI, net oushy, ha it ramem- bored, with s single lreed, hbit w-saliseversi ufth ue hst kîsowu, anti also witllssci-osa- lred. At a former Smitlfieid suow, il la reportcd thuar a fat twu year nid Shortisun sud Hereord cross.bred steer w-as purcb as- cd, ans inimsweiva sotlirhbis wigiit, ly juidicions Irealunent, was iucraaed 784 puuids. 0f seap, tise p.-izc fer thceiseas lest w-as taken ly tihe long-w-ools. A pair ut in- cubas, w-diesons laweeu 12 sud 24t montîs, sveragad ovor 300 lbs., the Iseaviast being A536lise. TIey syre aiseslyfoliowedhy tIc sbort svoois thec igtîeat, Oxford Duw-ns of tisa satne age, aaaluttg 315 ils.. TIn lambs, Ihis heed home rhe palm, lise hisghost, 311 days old, weighing 216 Ihs. Wa holieve tlese weigis sou catale aud slaep teluehata- tainabie, itise saine uumlen of days, in thia cuutry, ifl e same came hooems lue i tle ralct ion uthtisaigbt younnqîigs, sud lu teeding sud srtondiug rbem. That tloy ara baud te Sud, w-e do nul dany.. TuaItbey are bard tu rear w-orn like success,,w-e treeiy admit, buistisae ling las beau dusse. Lat us kaap lise rasusit betore unr eyes. Ita l w-thm rescî. Who w-il taka tIc nuosunes raonisite au seenra it? hsnca the above was w-itteu w-ebaya icarned tIaI the carcasses ut steors unden 1w-o years oid, froma tle Smithlieid Club Show w-lu uow average 800 pounds, s great- Cc wegIl lan lise ordinary rmn ut hest bol- luaka seultauebise Loudon market. This, w-hichs la laiîned to le tha oulcome ni the Chui's show sysiens, represours île gain ut a yeaa or mur,:;lunlime. When forced for ex. hition aI Issu yesrs old, thie funther davel- opinent uf a steeur la geersîly nul su profit- able as w-Ionlise is ted w-cl trom tle first sud rot foread until lie is oven 1w-o years. Ha w-iil tlan carry mure flab aand make a asure perfcect sud more useful animal. -[Prniaicai Fermer. plteh'er'çCato;~ needed farm sud garden touis sud impie- ments are examiued sud put linursiar, sud sncb nlew unes obtained as may he required. Nothiiig ib More vexcationsothan tlu Sncbont just as yeu want tu use an implantent, that it is out of repair, or su worn that it bas got to be replaced by s uew one. Every tarmer sitould guard agaiust sncb contin- gency hy providiug, lu advance whatever machines msy he uecesssry to prepane the ground for, sud to plant sud cultivate the crops to ha produced. ORCIIA5D ANDt FRUIT GAnDEIN. April is s montb ut activity witb fruit groxvers. When trees, sbrubs, etc, arc re- ceived from the nurnsery, at once lîcel tbemn lu that is, tausporarily hury the roots. Aîter îhey are thns securad, planîiugnay be done at lisiore. Trnuc planting is nio% timely lu Most sections, and for Ibis thse soul shonld ha wall prepsred sud the work doun& ca-ctnlly. Fruit treas naad ide and deep hoIcs, so tInt their routa will bave ample toorn te grow and sprc-td. Kanp a record ot evary trea plantsid, su as te know namne aud location. Graftiîîg may nuîv be doue, if dormanst scions ca-i ha ubtain-ed. If net a akilletd grat ter, take lessons or cmploy an expert. l'ut maunrs a, tIc routa ut bar- tan tracs, sud open andI tlin ont their headtî. Cnt off and hum any Iwigs thal harbor the tent catempillar, and guard agai.sst utisar pest. Plant cuttings ut grapp-vittes, ecrants etc., that wera lccpt rirough the wititer. Grow mtore grapes, trawberrios, raspharriea blackbeu-nies, carmants, sud otîsar stsall fruits. It Yen have noue, get sud try the hast varieties canyon cuitvenîenitly, sud inake a bcegiuniug-sud if you have made a stamt, sucrease youn plantations, lu case you do't know huw tu batrmn, conuîlt the print- ed authoriti*es sud interrogate expert culti- vaturs, Cîtuice fruits, basides haiug banafi- cial lu the fstuily. may ha proftatjy mar- keted lu mauy localitias. TH IitTCtIEN GARDEN. Nu farmn is complete witbout a goo3d gar. dan, sud uow is the timetua 0pssh wonks Ihoeeu. Tise Srst naquisite is a rich, sveil- dîaitiad soil, aud soutriern exposure is the hast. Garden7gmcmssd should ha leavily mianured sud tharonghly prapared as soon as it can ha %vorked. Go.,d sead is a primue factor. Plants enough for a tarmer'tî garden eau be started in window or kitciîeu boxes lettuca, sud aarly pans are usually the first crops sown. Beets, spissachi, unions, etc., may ha sowts ea.ly: but beans, cucumbars, sud al uthers ut the melon family, toma- tocs, etc., are too tender for sowiug hefone the cocu plauting scason. Cabbage sud tornato plants ea uualiy he hougît cheaper than thay eau ha raised, Asparagus sud pie pistls sould be grown pleutitnily in every garden. Successions crops ut radishes, lettuca, etc. -aud aiso ut sweet cornu, hescs, peas, etc. -msy ha aecured hy sowing at intervals uta waak or tan days througit thair resp)ective seasuns. Auy farmer cao have a gond garden hy praparing the grouud wcl, plaîîtiug propanly, sud in season, sud giving it timely sud tiiorcugis cultivatiout. FLOWVER GARDES AND LAN. lu musa Northern localities April is lte time teo41 slick up" about the dwelliug. Whethar one lias a largo lawn or oniy s Effeats of Tobauco Upon the Young. 1 have lateIy lad savenai questions pt lut me as regards smoking hy young munn d youruîs. rEspecually ny rue larron, as Luey are ususlly very auxius onsluksow wvietiser smoking "stops lIa gruwth," on bias suy teudcuscy te duono. ,- . Yes itlilas a leusdency tu stop tIc growthi. How eau Il le otisenuise uvien w-e consider île effects of tohacco ou île system, especialiytheleit- vous, arteniai, sud veons5t portion ilereof ? lui the novice tolacco speediy inducea awim- mingorithîe bead, dausp panspication, naneas, witl voiiug worsc tissu seasickness, palIer ut face, dehiity ufthtia ieant , cran ho faijît- iog sud relaxatoof tbtIcmuscles. On:e sasman haiungiug t1 nsy sisip disiocat- ed ils shouldar wssle hoat-crusîrg. I bad nuo cblus-utom, sud muscular ihsougî i w-as, fsiled ru ovardomth e action ufthlie sailors mu0cles sud reduce the dislocationu, "Do youosmokal" I said. Hsppily le did nul, thougb mosi salions du. 1 hl aspipe lit sud landed ittoluhlm. sIn tbrceaminutas' lime the muscles w-are fliecid cnugl, sud tle bal ut the humerus weut int hie socket w-thit 111e oxerlion on my part. I pitied nîy pour pale patient ton a Ume, busvever. liow-, if lobacco lias thia pow-ea ovon nerveý aud heant action evaus lu a bîrong, hardy saihor, iluas it utot prove tlial Il muet juter- fore wiîhm tle n utrition ufthtis body ut a hait - grua-uns aiing ut a boy? Be wise iu tima, tberetuma, sud do nul learu a habit abat tends to injure yen, simply because yen jtsik it te ny Mauiy, jndead iWly, s boy nover looks more like s monkey than w-bcule lasumok- ing. Take a pale-faced ity youtb, stick a pipe li lus montb, sud let lim ride past you un a safety lu thc cai-ou-tlbe-gardeu-wali aiy1e, sud you uillhl csave a sigh. "'No douît ut it," yous w-ilsyv. IlDar- w-lu la igîl about tise desceul ut man." Deacesmnt ofsoins men penlaps I slould add. -[LGurdom Stables, lu tise Young Man. A Yotug Maine Samson. Lemout M. Leavitt osas hotu jin Juse, 1886, iiithee nid rown ut Turner, Maine. About lIe first îbung Lasnunh bagants r do af terlise upeued lis eyes sud oltered lus first cry w-as to gî-ow. Ris strengtb increasd daily,5 sud w-bau à yeass nd lis skiil w-laI the axa attractad mucli attentioun. Ho w-ousid chop mure svood tisen tissuhait ut thc ltrad mou conid, sud bis set-vices w-are muel soglis IF youug usen lu the ssigllcrlood W-bu w-enaroo iszy ho do thib own ciiores ou the tsnm. Lasi suisuser tIe youthful giant teudered s genuina surprise lu bis parents sud nigl bo.. A party ut mon were buiding a wire teuce necar hy. A pole w-as ri-n tîrough tele centre ut a vo'y -large coil oi wire, sudj everylbiug wssinlureadines lu uwund il, ulen Il w-as tounndlIat-jsman cxpected au assist couid not gai blena. Master Leavitt happened slong, asnd, t.aking in the situa- lion, picked up one end ufthîe pole on bus1 sioulder sud marclsed ofi; keoping stop wiris tise man w-lublitle other oui in lia aruns oniy by tle grestesl exertiuu, w-lile theic man bhlud lhung on lu lite wira w-hile il w-as heîug unaoiled. TIns fur neariy hlfaîs mile did alla six-yeaý-old Sason bean tle bondon Ibat would have made many a full- daveloped man shrink. Just tbiuuk ut il, nul seven years uld, yel Master Leavitt lips the scalas at 108,1 puunds lu s lighl soit. Ho is active, botb physi. cally sud monla5iy, sud a local paper lu w-il- ing te lack lins as heing athe baudaunteal sud, strongsct boy ut bis age lu Chniston. dom. Reveuge is Sweet. "I gel oven w-llb nsy sisîca Pîmbe w-tl s vengeance." "Wby, thlisile Inssy culruse Oionill .iy feilow sud iusrnjed him. Su, lu got even, I made love toluiar lushand's ftrlr whso w-as a ýwidow-er, and I laroded hlm. Now-, you sea, in my sislan's moiesr-lulas, sud see if 1 don'l utake il hot for ber."; What Shah (.hilren Eead. Iiis a very old fasbioucd work hy the veny nid "fesl,toiicd Mrs. Hannal More, a book wh 'ch. se ce utteniy devuid ut the stock ini- cdusof fiùtion itbst il wouid bhas wild im- aginsation that couhl uow clamacterize il as s nliovai," tîte padautie anthoress depets s scena whidb ha- a muoral for ail who are ut- teested iiithse mental growtl ut clildmeis. The papa ufthtie lovely yuung creature wiio îs mnildly sdored by tlisa very pruper snd eligihlu Ceehs wlu writea tlic stury is liles'- ed with a numbar ut uther olive bratnches. wlium lia is training lu tisa way tlsey aiîonld go. To celebrate the bimhday utfitis dasîgl- ter Kate, lie las s family gs.tliuzing un thea a trimEsîglisîs lswu, sud reads Il John Cii- piiu" tor tIs eneanf tîle utIle iuaid, who, Iaving eacied the matore age ut seven, is te give np lber chlldisit books sud l'e intro-i ducal to stansdard works. By tise carasîîouy of ptihlicly bestow iugaillitem baby litaratur uos hiem yatuigar brotîsens sud sisters, litt Ie Mistress Kata is dehsrred frotuil ndue lits- gcriug, snd heiîsg sdiittad to lîlgler waiks of readiug at once. lIereupoii r3aiizes the simportaniceaoutIlliving" np tu lier eniarged, literary pr'vieges. It wOu1ld ha well if every cbild couid passs through somte sncb expaicuce as titis. With vrlat uislig Lt tisa littie scholars giva îsp une raaderfr sassother utfiigher grade, and lsow daflnitcly tIe nid book is laid asida Now wby shousllsiot ecdieuapasa froin nursery books ly ge-.tle h-st 5lways a.cendingsg teps until thIisa iihlavai ut fiction is ncached, sud a taste for the vas-y ast ornied? Whiie the youuîg reader is conscious ouly ufthae al tery," sud iLuores tisa subtieties ut critiaism, i3 dausaly ignoranst ut Il subjact- iva" sud Il'objective," sud tiniks everythiug Il'nealistie," îl te mind isagrowiug, sud fle. long friands emnila troin the pagea of Scott, Tbackerary, Dia aens, dear Miss Austen, aud Maris Edgeworths. Antîser argumeant for eanly reading lias su tlisetact that the works ut all ese) authons, asîd ut eider unes as weil, are snp- posed te hi -cIuded in a polite educalion s but if acquaintanea with Ihcmn is te wail until "IlMasy glides onward inito Jue," their cisarm is haver sa ullsiy appreciatad, and they arc vuted slow hse s genet-ation whbld dawdies long uver nursery tales, and themi skips into eplemeral literature, light sndead, but ruiouns lu good mental diges- -tion. PoklohvnvrraMs Burney intheir vuuth amile uver the ad- ventures ut Eveliia, sud mun hurniediy tîrongh tIcesovai, wuuderissg wbst there was ilu lb l create sncb a Eensatian mord thanancenitury ago. Buttisa woîsîan who read i first wîen she was a littie girl ut elgît, eau iaver forgat tle pleastîre ut mak- iug acquaiutce wihsea loveiy s beingo as Evelina, sud su idaally perfect a heru as Lord Orville. Later, se enjoys Miss Bon- ney's Diau-y witb grealer zest, sud tuud, witb exiÏtntiou, tIsat Lord Macsuiay. titat great sud omusvurous reader, was aver truc to bis eariy fonduasa for uid-faslsiuued noveis, sud rîsat lie gave warnuest praisa lu tle Miss Austen who had always 1usd sucl a specPiai chsnm for lier owu smail sait. E a ou1T %R &M. T Vr. l1 Uncomfortable Lodgings8 Eyiflg Animais. To be in an uuknown c"un'y with a A gentleman a' the Cape ut Good Hope storm coming on is a dangerous and uncom- had read mach conerning the mesmerizing f ortable situation. Only a hunter faniliar power uf man's steady gaze, aud thought ho with woodland craft, aud possessed of cour- would try hi s eye on an ostricli, At flrsù age aud hardihood, can hope to escape death the experimieut aeemed likely to prove suc- or serions mistortune. A hanter who had ceastul. lived for many years among the Indiaus The bird sat down, flapped its wiugs, iu- wcnt (out un a beavpr liant and got saparat- flated its neck, and struck its fiat, stupid c d from luis companions. The suow fell he id sgainst its hollow, bony body. But thick aud the wiud blew violently when he this effeet wa- uuly temporary. tried to fiud lis way back te camp, sud he Several Isours afterward the gentleman was soon compelled to admit tu hiniself that. was found lyiing on bis stomnach, in sunob a rai u-u--wu iipusai'rn. postiollwthis eyiad u ettngpoe tAs Phad only s how, arrows, aud toma- over the bird, which was alteruately jnmap- hawk with me, andtio010way to strike fire, 1 iug sud sitting upon the proatrate body. was iu a dismal situation ; sud as the air The author of " Animal Sket ches, " who was dark with snow I had littie more pros- tallq this anecdote, relates a little experi- pect of steeriug my course than I should muent ut his owu made upon s wvild cat. have hadl in the night. The cat, confined in a cage in s Zoological At lengtb I came to a'boilow tree, with a Garden, was stared at by the anthor, who hole atoune side that I could get juta. I confesses tisat but for the wire network hie weut in, and found the place nut uuly dry, shouid have ladl bis eyes scratched out by but about tbree feet in diameter sud higb the savage littie spitfire. euough for me to stand ln, while s cousider---- able quautity ut socft, rutten wodc lay atAHoiyigPscvy I coucludcd to lodg's hers for the nîght. Littie Girl-" Oh, mnamma, yuu'll have to WtAith my tomahawk I chopped off the 'send dlat new nurse off. She's awful wick. branches uf a falloir tree sud set them ed !" against the upening, until 1i bad it several Mamma-"1 Horrurs 1 What dues site [fee tthick ail round, with the exception ut do ?11 a space left te creep in at. Then 1 prapar- Little Girl--" She tells ns Bible atonies ed a block that I could pull lu atter me to on week day s." stop tbis hole, WVheu I went lu I took my tomiahawk snd cnt dowu ail the dry, rotten wood I cunld get sud beat it small. With this 1 made a 9 bcdl like a goose-nest, sud witl the smaill 5have a, positive reinedy for the aboe diseise; by its sticks stopped every liole, until my hounse "se ttous-ds ci! cases of the worst kind and ef long was dark, stading have been crreS. tadeed se etrosg is.uMy faith I took off rn occasins and dauicadiu the in t effioacy, that 1 will seed TWO BOTTLES rRE, xvih a VALTJÂBLE TREATISE en ibis digease tg any centre uf my hed for about liaîf an hour, tili suferewhowllendmesueisr EXPREss ans P.O J ttress my feet aud whole body were agreeably T. A. SLoouM, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE warred.' WEST, TORONTO. ONT. The snuw lu the meauwhile had stoppad ail the hoies su the place was dark as a dungeon; though I kuew it could nyet ho dark ont ut douas. I coiled up in mY blanket sud had s fair nigbt's rest. When 1 awoke ail was dark. I could hear the storm stili raging, aud concluded I would 'Regulates th~e Stomnach, romain wherc I1o'as. After a whila 1 tried to find the doom, sud Lver a nd 13owels, un beRs asI badl noting but the sanse uf feeling to theSecretions,Pu rifiesthe guide me, the uperation tùok somie time. 'Biood and removes ail lm- At last I fouud the block, but it was beavy, sud su much snow had talIon.-on it that I purities from a 'Pim pie to could nut move it, theworst Scrofu Io us Sore. I waa terr'fied. 0f ahI the hardships I bad-__________ ___ aven enueed, this snemncd the wurst. I worked desperately, sud at length, atter ý whst seemed houre ut effort, I made my way ont of the desi. The only guide I had hy wlîichî to steer .>Ç URE. S my way was the trees ; as the moss geilerally OYSPEPs lA. B I LIOUSNESS. grows ou the uorthwvest aide ut thema, it they CONSTIPATION, HEADACHEF are stnaight I weut on luwly,sud towand SALT RHEUM. SCROFULAA night camne iu sight af camp. -HEART BURN, SOUR STOMACiI 0 ~~DIZZi1N ES S. DROPSY Londonubas 281 bicycle clubs ; total mem- RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASESý henship, 5620. Eugland, outside London, bas 83-2 clubs, or 16,640 usen ; Wai, 25 clubs, 500 meu; Irelaud, 112 clubs, 2240 men. Total estimated number ut club men ln Englaud sud Wales, 113,800. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES Tors on odotro elinkapee ,ro,rofD'.R. Stops falling of hair. Sdsuif-s ctu s a ,ro ,2enn,ý, ca.D K few applications o u hrnet.1 Xy come eeps the Scalp cdean. excessive dondruf accumsuaton but stopped MakeS hair soit and pliable ~~IIRDnhiTr~~R folirg of the hair, msade it sofft and pliable and Pooe rwh UL1AINlILD protooted a visible growth._Po te rt. SMITffS FAILLS, lunpleulents: Single Apron Steel Frame Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reaper, The "-Tiger," the Lýeadi.ng Rake, Steel Plows, etc. AGENT Also agent for Draders' Spade Harrow, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and Hlarrow maade. See lb. W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THlE ABOVE. EasEn'dGrain epot The undersiguned desire to th ank the farmrers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extendid to us durinQr the past season, aiso to reminri tbem that we are stili in the màarket and, prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINOS 0F URSGRAIN ECOM delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels whiich we are prepared to sel AU kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEM.4 SCREENED COAL a:ways in stock. We invite inspection a-ad guarantea satisfaction. -FI 1 1- -12 ý-L 4