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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1892, p. 2

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TH ILO AND',COalî ENFILAGE ni rnay bc made of cernent or hard-packed clayr weIl drained, and should be made level or thern f rom new when done. Corner Xing and Ontario Streets, Bowmanvile. MWRS. DAN CASTE R .HI:aving received a *... fine display of New ... Spring Goods would *kindly ask the ladies - of Bowmanville and ... viciLnity to eall and * .inspeet. . ....A great variety in .... ail the latest styles *.... Hat s,-r1owers,--Rib--- ..bç>ns? Veili ngs. ....Rats re-shaped in ...the latest styles. ....Ladies, see our *..Heaith Cors-et,. ....Agents for Toron- ... to Dye Works. SG o con, Iwll fl-ot -go witb yeni.' My, wiab's o» ? juet becanise i1lrougbt dowc a bird b" Il Horace, it was net so much ynur shoot- iug the bird, Lut ini doing it yen bart nîy feelings, aud do nIt seem tn realize hnw cruel you bave been tn take a beautiful 111e. "lOh, Gyp, do couse on." No, I will not. I do nt ish you te corne f0 my bouse any more, and xvben win- ter cimes l'Il nover ride ou your leigli nr drive witb you lu the dog-cart again. " Horace saw that persuasionî was useiess, and wended is way toward home. These Iwo knew that tbey were destined by thlîir parents for eci other, and c» to thspoint would olten eunjoy thensselves over the idea fliaf anme day they, Ion, would bave a home, sud keep -eel-traiued serv-anIs, as did their parents. I tbiuL G.ipsy must bave forgot. ton or forgiven the wayward boy, for that very evening they were giidiug over tic lake in a prorry boat, siugicg songe and rippling tie iiveîy surface nf tise water. Il I tbougit you said you wvauld flot go -withi nM ay -ruoroT" Impolitie boy i-be eiouid nt bave refer- redi toit, " DidlImention a sel"was beri No, Gyp ;Lut-' "But, * >aaid Gypsy, Ildid yoa not prom- ise me nI to'shoot any more nf my liglit- siuged famiiy ?b" Il Oh, ycs ;I1lied forgottoîs that." Girls, try and win you; boy fire ndeol gond pathe. Unformed micds are very apt f0 change uinit gond resoives as cf ton as they break tliem. Always try, boys, to plent ycur fot oms this platform : la if iglîl ? Regard onue anotier's f eelinigsanid do flot pay ton higli a price for your Iunn, :ftlBSe D NCASTER e m~~ore yout say, the less the people re- wleen settling the prcssure will et,,rdrmai lie towadsl ei iis riee LVana 1Vtau the walls, anîd the ensilage will finalliylbe-1 the street. core arnet eve. f fot el trrnpd t The old gentleman, annoyed at the inuîlt- coreIl ostlevay fot e lls an pi -t. g reply, followed as quickly as he could If necessary hire an extra man to tramp», it witli the intention of calliiug the boy to ao wili pay. Iusist, on having the nutside #ýeîî count for his rudeness. Ater ruinimg for yakd u otnethssvrldy ie about haif-a-îulle the boy sudden]y turuod thce sl i ie and otnu hiie setling, ter a corner, and bis pursuer lost sight of huro. ch ioi he nt d rwbor ash lng ha eîî Wheri le reached the corner, puffing and coverwîtiîblowing, the old gentleman saw a navvy packed down, and close up silo tighit until. tnigtee n8ieqeroe i st required. It is best flot te ro open the silo twlither ead enbqeoy pass, s for eedig fo a fw weks.The navi y replied that lie lied seen Doth- Tu SLO Wîha few exceptionsi, the. icg of the boy and added, "lBut what are silos of Ontario have been bniilt iu the corn- you lowing about, Mun ? ers of the barns, sornetimes ntilizinib"te " iVy, the littie urchin," responded the rotc 'liars in the bascînent as the lewver gentleman, "asîced me the time, and when part. The silo shouid be frorn 16 to '-5 It. I told him it was juert two o'ciock lie said, higli, and should bce buiit to wit1hsîand "IlGo and bang yourself at balf-past twnl encrions pressure. The main feature ýs of "Well,' said the navvy, looking up et tried silos whiobh ave been built in ord"nary te ucidc," 7asyr iry farm berne are as follows: Upon a subst- -' you have twenîv mnujîtes yet 1 tial stone loundaticu are laid sound sis'- .9 OxIO inch, frrnly imb-dded in the fouinda- I was't's Millions. tien or eecuired to it by iron rode firc-ly jIt is jusrt sixtieen yeare ago tîset tise wilî bolted down. The studasbould Le 2x10 of New York's greer mnerchant prince, Alex- incli, set 12 incF apart, mertised into suýis.8 ander Turnfey Stewart, was admitted to pro. Leave the two studg 18 incese apart Oiere'bate, bot the figlit for thoenmillions dispo3ed tlcrr-srt-'o--pa-ed-- Scar-th Plte - ~tlat îsrunillsfot-yet corne-to_ and rafters firîr'ly, so that there will bc n o a end. necessity for ircn rode to prevent or, over- Mr. Stewart always believed and took toni spead~g.Board c» flice utside with frequeut occasion to roniark tl,âtli lied uno .ee layer of inch lumber, batten'iïng thereais that lic could trace, bcbng the only jon .Ontic xnsMde iret place a son of an only son. Hie lf t no cljdren of layer of inch lumber, pioneor hemïilock bis onu f0 eujylefruefa a wiich need flot bc plarned ;over fia', nue, accurnuîaîr.jytefrueta 2hë or btter, twn layers of tarred paper, over Mrs. Stewart, to wbom the greater por- the tarred paper a layer nf dresseedinchi fion of the estate was loft, fransferreti a lumber runiin uo and dowu, wbicb '-hould large share nfilber property tn bier husband's lie tonigned aud grooved or jointei. ,Initu friend and adviser, ex.Judge Henry Hilton, the corners ebould be ftted boards, with who lbas lied tb figlir litigatinu affer litiga- bevel ed e'igee, the epace bebind picked lion te retain bis possessijons. witli sawdust or gront. Over flic en- The latest claimant is onue Alexander tire ernotnad perfectly air.tiglit sur- Stewart, who lias brouglilan eje4'ment suit face of the intexior fins obtaîed ap- agaiust Judge Hilton, and wvbo will endeav- ply onue or f io coafs oI inseed il 1o' to pi-ove that lie was a relation and heir- or nf hot coal tar and resin focs gai. a tI.lw oI A.T:, Stewart, and tiat the great coal far f0 flire L.resin). ' lhe floor mercbant's wili asa mv tube.________ double the arnonut of grain feed by adding as n aentnI ~~î conuand nats (ground) cr corn and bran, The value nf pu-re airasnagt h3ib- about baîf and hall of eacli. Feed tie ewes in the animal systcm is pretty generally un- which have flot yet lambed as nuci wlieat derstood, but the knowledge je, for some bran by bnlk as you are feediug. beans, in unaccoutable reason, vcry imperfectly ap- addition f0 tliern If yen have sonse plied i practico. We declare in a noncha- ragl or sngar beets, furnipe or carrots, lant sort of way that freali air is a very good itangels cgetyt heavnaeo h sort of thing, and even go so fer as to admît w uld ie reafl o lie advatage ibste that to a certain extent i' is a v- * se, lieepof they co1uld receu ive 2 t dolisape saythiliv, and yet n elemeut seOial errer tien ft~o e af all-blnoded Sliropshire existence aud soe esily made serviceablieis for gradîng np your common flock, You so cavalierly or efupidly disregarded. N oui etrbyi ayo uewinfi nue factory or worksliop ini ten is con ttruct- ol et Jyi Myo uewe h cd if an buaneor cietife rspet ~aged Sliropshire ranis will nI ton ho for sale el with nI thaeorugli entila estio o ansd a large number of ram lambs wil l e tlic principles o hruhvetltoa duenthe market. flot onue nursery lu onueindred is supplied' with the quantity nof pure air essJ'ntiaî ro the What a Horse flan do. comfort aud ieeîth oIfie infants coxîflu- A horse wil fravel 400 yards in tour and cdto fliem. More conceru would lie gîven a half minutes at a walk, 400 yirds in two te the nmatter nf pure a ir if its relation te mntsa rt 0 ad nnemnt heailiedwre mreisefutaelargewn o ifweaI a gallep. The usual Work of a horse is reaize wat isasc ar i lagem'asure taken et 22,500 pomînts raieed onue foot per chargeable to au insufflicieut supply of oxy- inute for eigbt heusprdy os gen te the functions oI the system. 1Thse wmînarru 20 ous ter y. A borlse subjeot ficouvinciugly treated in t wil carryf 2ightou n aeragfle dmilehsper 6'onenporary Rijriew by writers who bave da fegi or.A vrg rf os -fetifle-- be-rowncoseu-aeis-b--be-u i--will draw 1,600 poussds tweuty-fbree e<e mont ofsom ofthe ostemîent li per day on a Idv4ëU-roacE-WeVlit-of -Wý.ý mens o soe o th nist minnt athli iuicluded. The as otage weigbt of a horse is giets, thie important declar4tin made beîcg 1j 0j0 pounds ; bis sfrengtb is equivaleut to thaI oxygen perforns fthcdouble service o nI o iemn I os il oiga thattnI fivngmth, Tuaa borsesmni tmnvîngee ueutraizingbue dadly oison thOtree feet per second, braok rwenty-flve boet manufacture within nurselves, and by oxi- diametr i xrswt h ahn h dizing or burning o»p the waste of dead tis- etrlieers itth mainth sues, etc., supplies us witb the beat and eu- power cf four and a hall borees. The great- ourstrugt an aciviy.est amounit a horse eau pull in a horizontal ergy eesaryftooursthue ndaciit. le is900 ponude, but 1.eauionily do Deprîved of the requisite oxygen te combat ti o-etrl ncniudeeto the deadly work gonîg ou witln us al the pIbis momenotari;i coeufiuedeerbio lime, the body preseis theliceasy prey nifprtaiLishallof bisin flie limif. fi a sncb diseases as scerlet lover, typlioid, smi ~ ~ ifvyas i pox, diplitheria, dysentery, choiera, e Ac biercwentwi lî veragey ive y nsatr Scien tierts tell us now that the epecial cou os il ietciyfvedy niae tors of choiera existed as foyer i eets b)eo -without eoiid food but ouily five dâys ousolid the iivsýcnof hat iseseore 'fond witbout driukiug. -[Thec ioanie tueinvsin o thf iseseard that chol. World. era follows the Inotsteps cf otber diseases,___________ not ouiy tin the saine strects and bouses, A stout heart n ay le rcine(l in fortune even roo)m$. ,t not in spirit. LVictor Hugo. , -MMMM-M m-ý ý, PMI"

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