WFIYNESDAY MAY 11, 1892. Officeand IteBldee. Ennisicillon. 74. BAFRYWUl}R SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS 1 O0CR. upBtairs, Ring Street, Bow'U&n- ville. k!cl1ctor for the Otari Bankt FLIS &te M eneVs Ioaued et thse Iowa,, rates L ICIENSED AUCTIONECERFO thse County of Durhami. Sales attended1 to on shetest notice and Iowet rates. Addresa Ccucuesc P. 0. 36: ROBT, l'OUNG, V. S. O FFICE IN TE WEST DURHAMN Neçvs flcck, iwhere himpeif or assistant bc h found fruns Sa.m. t 9 p,m. Night catis '3 idencediretcly opposite Drill Shed. Calis ý,y elgraph or telephonu avili receive nremiit attention 171.yr L. A, W. TaI.E. AUOTIONERR, APPIRAISER, Reas] PLFstate Agent, Dowmnuviile, Ontarie' Sales atiended in any part of Province. A. A. PONT, A ROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica- .C.liens prepared for every class of building, Opecial attention g yen to heating by steam end bot water. and to sanitary arrangements. Office: Gornie Block, Witby 13 -ly R,ýM. 1P ]EÂTrE, Tailor GetutLen7ns Clothes Made to Order. 0- HARNDEN, L- D. S. (Iraduiata cf tise Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. ()FFICE OPPOSITE E XPItESS OFFICE. COLO FILLItNC A SPECIALTY Artificiel Tocthis îserteti witbeut Plates, HEALTH. Neyer miake up a bcd fer use util 'the dyit es uec4ed, âud then ha sure thse beti iteeýif as well as tise sbeetseand blaukets, arc well aired andi dricd. Dust. If everyhody improvei the minutes witis Of al te aences n tle prethe zealtiset a hisu put4 inte bar work wile 0f il he geicia ii tie sr&d cf what makîng a surreptitions live minute call in are calleti " grs diseases," dust is perbepsa e lower gardon, wisat e world this wauId the mnotpetent.% The paculiar dangers cf ha. the moîth cf Marais are dise net merely te dî sters roasteri in the siieli arc very gooJ, the iigh winds titan praa'alent, but te tise antican hc digesteti by a vary wcak stemcch. dust withs wicls the wind poilutes the air Be sure they are fresi, Iay them on the grae et that seescu, or a bot oven and tisey will open tisesselves. Inorganic dust, thaiý is, dost composedeof An extraordînary failacy is the dread cf notiiig but puiverizeti earth, is net cf iteeli uight air. Wbat air ccii we breathe et vary harnful. Thus coal-mîners are "et nighît botight air, ansd it is surely better wvorking iu coal-dust coostantly. Dust, pore air fres witiutise reosu. bowever, as feund iii thestrecteeof or cities It is better te egi lue on Indien me 'pcal ru eln iess huht ral ue-i rm ihut a and towns, is largeiy made up cf organea puddîing andi sait codfisb, andi risc te roast snatter, Suais dust, if net cf itecIf largeiy boni aand munce pie, than te bagin on toast aeuniposadcl f germs, etil furnisises aun excel- heefanad mince pic, and gat dcwn te Indien lent iurking-plaee for tises, c pudding as odih Net ail gcrms are isarmnfui or generetive mc atcdib cf inflammation; but on the other baud, semae ofthse germesetiost aînful te isunan The ?-trongest Armour-Clad. lufe are ceustautly te hae ond wisere street Great Britain possessas tbe stronvest ses duet is abondant, Whcîs wa inhale duet, gcing armour-clad in the Royal Sovereign, therefore, we uudouhtedly inhale uxauy wlîiais was nameti b, the Q osen at Ports. Sgerme, or becteria, wbîcb esay or may net mmutb lest year, and whicb marks a notable fin d a iodgiug place witbir us. pointin tisesceeaof wer.sbip design. She Soe geruns thus jîshaieti in dust de net et je 380feet between parpendicuiare,wii h 75 in. ail affect tise bealtis ; but ou tise otiser baud, bcam, anti 27 feat in dratîgbt, anti bas. beau othars, shoolti thay find lodging-place in tise designad te surpass al cxisting fighting body, wouid manif est tîsirpýrasence by pro. sis iii spaed anti auxilary armement, At nonceti symptomns. ,tise watar-line sha je protectad by a hait, It je alsost neadiese te say thet the M3 feet broati, extending over two-tbirds cf mucos membrane cf tise sose is eab beh hr lengtb, snd iîeviug e maximum tbiak- safer place for the recepticu cf duet than nase cf 18-is arsnour. This hetiterta. that cf tise longs, andi wa shonîti therafore uinae at either cund by transverse armaur- kec1, tbe moutb closeti wbeîs ae ara fereti cd bulis-hseats, witb aboyeae 3-is steel *te inhala duet. dacis, wbilc s streng under-water deck cein- Germe consuuîg in contact witis a part of plates tise protection hefore sud abaît tise theanmncene membrane wiicb is lraady ill- hait. The broadeida about tise baît is pro- flamed are e specially liable te mnultiply, as tected, te a beigist cf 91, feet aboya weter *tlsay tisen bava pecuniierly favorable condi- over two-thirds cf the %'-aseei'e length, by 5- tions of beat andi moisture. Hcece ties pe- minc arsor, witi s srean holis-heads, ciel importance cf evoiding duet as mucli as siiarly armoured, inclesing the central » possible wheu oee je effering frein anY hatt-.ry. Tise armour ou the barbettes is 17 acute or chroma ucatarrhsal conditions of the juches thick, whiie thse protection cf tiseir respiratory organe. craws and guns in tise anliery batteries, 1It is avaîl te remember tiset tint-clotise as weil as the ammunition supply iniail the sligbtly moisteîsed, andi afterward sisaken stages of ite passage from tise magazines, eut of doore, are muais more sanitary tisan bias beau specislly arrauged in view eoftisa featiser-dusters, tisa use cf wlicb drives tise developmant cf high explosives andi quick- dust ires eue location ouly te settie upon firing guins. Tise principal eru-noor cf tisa ship anotiser. tisteugisout je hbacket i îtis teck 18 te 20 encises thsîck, baint wich es au iinnar meat ekin 2 inche tisicis. the total weigist cf Milk for Babes. armeur in tise Royal Sos' eeisuasoonts te 4,550 tons. Italy bas two very powerful Tise day je fast, epproacising wbani an in- armeur-clatie in tise ]itlibo and Dandolo, fant's chances cf lifa wîli fer outaveigis thosa wbicb altisougis suparier te tise Britisis vas- of deatis ; and as tii particular brancis cf sel tise IsflexifIse (tise naext strengeet te tise knowiedge epreade, is influence wil ha Royal Seau-tige) in armemient andi speeti, fait iu a mnarked degreea on tiseisealtis cf yet are not qoite se strogly protecteti. tise ciiltiren cf tise poor lu large citias, Tisa walls cf tise Inqflexil!e ara 41 inicies tisose avio ncw bave te struggle as hast tbay thick,uud an osiet cf ermour plates, tise ees againet sour iik, heat, dust, tenement- total tiikuese cf wlsicis varies from 16 Jlifa, anti ail the avile and discomberte that incises te 24 incises, aitis strcng teck hack- attend tisa very peor, absence cf.cieunlines ing. being generaly the greatast cvii. STORIES 0F THE (jOWB0YS Soe orfthe ]LitlelEcceatrlcilles eOfttse flere er thse Ilates., The first cowboys 1 ever saw greatly dis- appoin,-ted meby their appearance. Althat î1 hiave seen since that time have disappoint- cd me eequaily. l I wera to write a pieyin wich there ivas a ow'hoy character, I weuld drs im up in fringed leather br-eaches and a buckskiîî coat, a big drab Spauish bat as stiff as a boari and as big as the top Of a wash.tub, in dainty boots, and bead-w orked gleves ; bis pistole should be cf mether-of-peerl, and noue but the best Cheyenna seddie- should he sit on-fer of' sncb is the cowboy of the flash literature which bas jminortahized im ,sud if the truc cow boy does net knew enougb to live up te his cwn china, 1 would ignore tise faut. And yet these first cowboys I saw in Molntana were a very ordinsry.looking lut cf yoting depot-loungers, peculiar only because they worÉe big fiat-hrimmed bats, and becausa thQy bad a long lina cf bronc fettered te a hitLcbing-rail near by. 1 wonld have beau sniesurahly disappointed andi disgustcd hafi they net been redeemaed by e etory thet w"s toiti cenccrning then as saen as cur train pulled away frens the station wbcrc they were lcefing. Tfha story was that this same baud ef plainsmen had long noticeti a course cf bc- avior ou tise part of a Nertiseru Pacifie train nonductor whieh tbcy determnined net te teolerate. The conduotor did tise worst tbing in a cowboy's opinion, that any mean ceull do-be acted like edude;hle ' put ou style." Ha actually went se far as te swing hisiseif cff the cars before they stopped, and witis one arm exteniddand isead oflensively erect, wculd shoot Il Dingleville ! Al outfer Dinglevilie 1! His wisole manner wes artificial, efected, asud nuearable. Thils heing noticed--end ne eue is quiciser te notice tise bellow trickery cf au Eastern mani than cowboys are-tse boys deêcidedl te - take hims-tdcwn. " Se eue day they~ assanihled on tise staticu plat fors in a semi- circuler line, jute tise curve cf whicis ie muet run asbhe leaped frote tise .oving cars. Theý coductor did as ha wase xpected to, tise ewboys surreundeti him, and ise was bifiden te dance. 1"lDauc,--ycu 1" they sheuted; dance or w'll shoot the tocs cfl yen !" At tise werds eacis cowhcy p'illed bis pis- toi, sud hegan sbeeting down into tise plat- f orm planks, net exactly et tihe conductor's feet, but se as te uarrowly miss tisem. Thcy blazed away and ha dauced, until, citer ha was ail but cxhausted aud they hacd ne more sisots te fire, tiscy bade isi go on witb tise train, sud navet "Ishow Up " et Dingleville Until he coulfi beisave lke a mau. 1 heard otiser stories about cewboys on thattnip. Oua of the hast cf them isas tolti hy a globe-trttring Englishmian, -wbose habit it was te amuse himsland wbile away life hy going wheresoever tisera was FRCST& -%iOODI SMITI-1S FALLS, IInufc!uersoft he followiog first-dlass Single Apron Steel Frame Binder¶, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reaper, The "bTiger," the Leadîng Rake, Steel Plo-ws, etc. AGENI Also agent for Draders' Spade Hlarrow, the best Pulverizer,_Cultivator and llarro-w made. See it. W. H. OSBORNE, B OWMAN-VJLLE,, Hleadquarters in West Durham for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, n1 3 -Men-WL'n -c