f Libby ----Robt Lu&dowý- - L u i LIII Lewis Lyle J no Luxton NS WT Luke John Lane Miss Latta Lewis Lander M S W Moore May Bros Jas Monntjoy A Mitchel Rev 111 S Matthews W Michael Mrs J Mountjoy Mrs E Mason John Martin j H Milîs Jas Malcolm F J Manning W R Manning Jas Moyse John Mayne John Moffatt Mrs J Morecombe Me John MeCullougyh, jrMrs C il McHarg John McGili R S McLaughlinL,' Colin McMillan ThsMcew Chas McGill Donald McCullough C R McCullough N Mis A Nichols J Niddery When yotu want a CHURN Mrss H Nichols Rich Nichols Thos Northcote Thos Nichols ind Wesley Oke Rev J H Oke John Otton, jr S J Pichel Geo Pearson Miss Pearson John Parker Z Pollard Jas Parr, Esc1 A E Pelton E. gu, il ubu i il i pL îay you, Lieu i iiiois you can get tliem at Mrs R G Overlan O Jas Oke Y OU N G& COIS* Mrs M'alter k A J Oke Also everything foutid in a W H Pearce first- class Grocery. A Parîsh ______________ Mrs Jas Pollock Wm Patton, ~1 ~a i~i ~James Pooley Thos Power ~ Miss Perkini BowMÂNVILLE, MAY 1 192 4EdpReynolds SSP4RPTb'TtpA ~ IVrs Eerriso ERice jiates the romantic, L --7- 1852 rror unas nuuse Y.tr Pv cwe~. pS. o. P. sea. Et tells trio startlmng story'of the When we uisdouLitoFrc J B Russeill AJRyod accidentaI discovery of America by the whO were iu time for our "t Morne" o n Re The flrst District Convention for thegve e TFeb. 10, we missed alarge number of Se Illc olfe' Unitedý CountieLx was held in the Meth-strofhehcaesofheouen iames f rom one cause and another. W e Wmi Robbins, jr Mrs W Renwick odist church, 1Port Hlope, ast TueEday sud seas, the relentless and sanguinary pir- C4o ~ th- -Wesley-pan 1u--aiii -t-he-rornrtic W fl G a- une now-puilhdrthez am as- well as te We~ n We d n esdy. _ýfl chi fro th vaur-o eeacf on__________________ have failed even yet topy for1i8-92,-sud -Stot -&-Jury AMatthew mih heusclnt.M.R.D.Reddick of th.Pruus oteauh s oes~a -v r r u QUJEEN'S BIRTHDAY. SAVE YOUR POTATOES. Bowmanville Sons o f England haveý One of the handiest thins to have made a gret t in securing talent for iibout the houese that we knw of is the I ; their Queen's Birthday concert, having Combination Force Pump and Inseot or tone, Mr. Fred. Warrington, who is re- invaluable when fires are starting, -as it garded by our citizens as one of the best will throw a stream with great force fiE ty maie singers who bas visited our town for or sixty f eut; and it can be changed in- years; Miss Laura McGillivray of Chicago) stanlyso as te throw thouzands of siaail who has recently been delighting Toronto drops of inEect-poison on plants, trees or vv e h av e ju st reoeîv e d audiences with her remarkable elocution- sbrubs. The Forcc Pump which goes ary powers and who took the position of *ith each Bug Exterminator, la atoneouf1 L 4 i- honor at the Metropolitan church concert worth more than the prie of both and àis .L 1 .. L . De t o last week and received such favorable the beat and handiest pump we have ever ,D - -1LJ.LL..L -l comment; Miss Pringle, the Scotch so- seen for washing carriaGes, windowLv, etc. prano, who sings the 1'Auld Scotch Sangs," We have oeein daily uic at our house so well that the Toronto 'Scottish Cana- anid we would not part wih i i for many dia'said recently: thefvrt ftetmes ito cost. It is an artiuo e w - A L L P A P"'E R , MissPrinle ws th favriteof hcliertily recommend te both cur ciîy aud evenin g sud completely charmed her aud- country readers and we adviae aIl te tryh ience wi1th her musical renderings show- it once, sud you won't af ter rest comfoit- T T1f ing a rich, sweet voice of exceptionally able without one.-Farm and .JJiregide, VVJ..LJ.ist of ./- high compass. fier rendering of "Ye Spriliqfteld, Ohio. Moral-Do not grow Banks and Braes" was very effective and, fruit trees unless you intend to fight was heartily encored. She only requires tlheir enemies. Calat Porter's Foundry, D concerts; and iastly Canada's famous EA 1 F L P TEN%î "funny man," Mr. W. H. Wilson who it .BU I L PA T R 8 is said by 'those who have heard hlm can Heroes of Unknown Seasan "'make your side ache with laughter"' by Savage Lands. ad Inspection invited. lus Irish wvt, humor and unadulterated f un. Auy book portraviug startling adven- It is certainly a bold stroke on the part tures and bercic, deedsansd etran;e siphts K T S \T1lT 3 F 7 Z wilalas ewarmiy welcomed. The - R ' ' O of odg Welinto toengge uchx~king of such books is without doubt______________________________________ pensive talent, but knowing a really "lld ero~es of Uuknown Seas and Savage thing is appreciated by the people of this Lauds," published by the World Publiait- town aud surrouudiug country, they feel nCoGepOtThbokiwrt confident that their venture will be re tin Co.W.Gue, on ofThe oo swt - jjf 1 warded by a crowded ow-hll adte enbyJ W Be] oe f hemot n hiave fixed the tickets at only 25e. wihchat rtr fth aadwolW est End H o seSpa 1 0 cents extra for reserved seats. Post.. peculiarly qualified for sucb a task as this, assisted ;y John Clark BRedpath, the ers, programmes, etc., will be out in a -- --- --- - 1 gll@pjé@mè @ï 54met4e --l grp.tthp» hp.st it will nnv imn '.