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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1892, p. 6

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Fagged OutI THAT tred, won - out feeling, of wbieh gsu rny wumen cumplain atera Clay',s0wcshing, le doue asray wibh liy those W110 use tisaS great Labor . Whieh mekes the Dirt drop out Wlthout Hard Rubbing Wtthout Boling Without Washing Powdeî's Try tihe easy, _ûean ana econurnical way-bbe Swy of washiug, and .~.e. lluI Yeu wlh cnle edis- appuinted. SUNLIGHT SOAP iseving nu equal for rurity, yoni may useitrwitli corniort and delight for every lsousehold purpuse. 0 a 0, WcRKS: PT. SUNLIGHT NSAR BIRKENHEAD LEVaE BOS., LimiTEo, TO RONTO LOVEDAND NOT LOVERA CHAP'TR Ilier, and blie hun upon bier plate toelie a1 "IN MAIDEN MEDITATION. ' lun? Neer-" blowsy,"-I ooking like that lien perbaps-she-- In flue, she got al "What, in Shis siseralile, dreary world, bthe einution uo th lat chance word which ebaîl do?" ohers receive about tiseir loaks in yeare uýf It was une of the few ripe, cornpleted graduai disillusion. It wves a despera te days of surnrer the lth of August iu a horne-tbrust ebse tied a veil uver bier face Berkshire landscape. And bbc scene was liefore she druve tu Windsor, like une whoý1 a garden whicb certainly louked neither mis- Ibsdn ih h o1.J nyrocre erahie cor dreary. It was sncb a very fair itu lier tliat the sarne rernark would bav^e garden-a riant exil of lawn, lielted with bel,!good about lier lieauty for years- t!sct flowers and firs; nota large garden liy any the h mecs, ueta bautfulstae wch e blwe:ness was nuS even hintod iat a-s mean, jst beutiul. tag whch adeexistent, only surmised as possible in ilie Lonsdon peuple exciain as tbeygot a lms future.Xith ail the euergy of a perfectiy of it in driving te Ascot frons greater bouses heiathy uiud, she jurnped ust once tts inteneighborbood. Il Oh !look bow love- lu, the li thtackground ut dark wod 1conclusion that sometbing must lieddrue. lyt agahesot ftib th od 15 cn evr was the muet tantaiiziug couclusiun tu, Justthesor ofthig th thatrs eu cverwbicb she cuuld have j trnped, for there was give us ; tbey always give ns cîoabed castles notbicg she could plut or plan. or suburliaî villas, -uggestions of tec thon- Driving aiong, she forisulated liriefiy sand acres or haif au acre-cever acything wbaS was expected of ber-she nîust get between V' The impressons this gardeni rarried. Noet the faintesb gbost appeared Su gave were of rerno-vedness, of liglit ccd ber ilcagicings as suitabie to be thse uther, shadow, of grass ccd roses. It was blocked pryoti opc.T h g e an awayirur Sh ruae byrhoodenron-tolie Mrs. Sometbing, if she iooked like clumps witliînthe walis;oniy wbere tbestrîp- Mrs, Soreting-to leave off liîg May ed bougbis bcd roblied tbern a littie couud James-tbat wcs wbat' she dernded., It you get ccy teal glimpse of the gardec. But was not c wisli, it was a resointion. She noliody except the peuple ou the Ascot- was in bthe habit of niaking bier resointiuens liunud coachies cared te see ; tihe villagers qnickiy and of acting upon thernet once; kncxv that Mr. James tock a pride inl bis as a rule tbey dîd not matter. Nothing garden -, tie agents rouncd would have scid dreadfui was donc liy ber sudden decisions Shet the Lodge lied about two acres, uîcely Su order mnutton or bave the iawu muwc. tirnbered. And as Mr. James hated the At that moment she xvas qeite capableof s illagers, and, neyer ietticg bis bouse, bcdl requestiug the curate to, esrouse bier, siînpiy nu ueed of the ageis, be did nuS caro what to go into Windsor egain wlth e clear cou- tbey said, une or SI-e other, science in case any une asked lier namne and Mr. Jamses sTas a valetudinarien, cnd, lie state. lied sbe a lover, wvhich sre bcd flot, gardeued for bis beltb, assisted by a stay- she was certaiuly in the frarne of mid !to et-borne Weisb gardecer asnd a boy wlio, "cerne the day. " To lie an oid ccd witli bis wurk of clippice, rolling, weediîsg," blowsy" girl ws ca -"fearful thing. " led e life about as vcried as a donkey's et ac 0f course the fit pcssedl ; but somtbing weli. Sometimes hie daugliter belped bim reîncîned fromn lb, permanent ie lser inten- wlien the gardecer ccd the boy were away tien. Site debermiued tbat she was Il"eut arng tbe vegetables ; she lied spurts uf huiît 10 lbe an old maid," ccdliser quic'k, activity citer occasional lapses inSu idlecess, practical, half-educabed mind wreucbed iS- aithougli she knew nu chronie discoctent, self from tbe cunsideration of uther thinge but ce a ride she ocly broke off three or tour and turned to look et Luove. Perbape it, wcs of bisestandard ruses and fastened tbemn into an iuterestiug thingg Su care for seime une. ber dres-cot biasce cared for roses, but How? Tise concept of this attitude was tbey became bier weli. lits dcugbter's narne grauci; liut slowiy it cliecged bier heing. evas Mcy-slse was eiways ou the law- Sise was ike a person with a pet invention;- Phoel ietsr foreet of Arden (ccd Phoeech got, clter e short tirne, to think nourling was not more ineppreciative of Arde tisu elce but tbe une thicg tbe existence of which eue). To deecribe the gardon witiîout be lie foerrh loeAda h wouid lie bu descrilie a cage witlsout a bird ; ]sbeuadbeoeadyloe.Adsh ebebcdiîventcr, convincedoai is plan, frets and seewae tsere sumucli, cnd, ades 1h chafes ill lie bas bested t-muet have bis been there eu long. If une wacted a ry-she fretted ccd cbafed, et hast, in lier synocym for wearinees, it would have been uneenfuldas. but frorn tbe garden almo st acy passing cioud migbit driva her borne. M"IGive Egypt a bit of your skirt, " said Miss Biail, settling berseif cornfortablY iu May's chair, 11and mne a Lit top for rny fcet, and she shall put hier rncnicurc tues on pcoor mcmrna's," she added tu the littie dog, in confidenitiel love. Egypt, curled- round ou Mcy's skirt,. turced ber bcck to Paul Bail, and wuut off to sleep with a heavy sigli. May stroked thc dog's silky cars and kept ilient; she neyer troubled to make conversation with any une.. rMiss Bail louked at her, and after -pre. rnising tbat sbe boped May wuuld Ilstroke the dog's ears towards tise tips to preveut congesting the blood inslber lirain," she plunged at once iinto the uews witb wbichi sise had been primed. IIWell, dear," she said, "lyou kuow .Miss eaton's no better ;tbey eall it rheu- matîsrn in the baud, 1 caîl it got ; I always knew suie drcnk. So long as i kept in her feet-tbe gout, I mean, not the drink-she could brazen it out, thougli what she did witb the pedais, 1 dont kcow-but now she must give up~ playing tili no one can quite say when." IWhat a bore it is 1" said May, wbo was without mucli syrnpatby by nature, sud did not thiniz it worth while to affect it liefore Miss Bal-"1 shah I1 have to play ou Sunday? I ca't bell you how I bate it. There are times wben I loath muisic near- iy always!' "No, y ou, wun't, " aaid Miss Tisil, «"1yn won't ever have to play tbc organ in Wood- shot cburcb again." I"IWhy nlt? lias the whole parîcli risen and declared against rne with one voice ? or are you goicg te plcy ?" (in a toue as if this were the lees probable alternative). "'1bere's a man comicig," said Miss Bail, in wbat would bave been a shout if it had not been su gutturaliy snppressed-" a young man corning over rom Churuhorougli. lent i a rnercy we've just got the organ doue up V" I dun't lînow. Yes," said May. "lAbout bow old is the mac? IlWliat a borrid question!1" scid Miss B3al], ratber rudely. III can't say, but 1 can tell yeu his caine. His naine is Mat- thew de Nisrnes; be bas corne to read with Mr. Passrnore," "To reed ? he must be quite a boy." WVhat dues that matter? I'ranent going to marry himi," said Miss Bahl, annoyed at licing interrupted, Ilbesides, lie may lie quite a man-some mec are dences ail their lives.ILie played aS Churuliorougli the day liefore yesterday, and when ho beard of the new organ isere and bow iii Miss Beaton xves (and how badlv VosnalVed), he nffero, "Good-bye," she said, stooping againi frorn Paul BallEs kiss, in the famniliar man- oeuvre. "Good-bye," said'Paul Bail, kissing the ernpty air, and taking up ber burden ofI "And did 'ern wag 'ern's precions tail, and did 'em corne with sma?" The girl's eyes fol- lowecl the old lady and ber dog across the lawn; but she was not thinkinga of either. (To BE CONTINUED.> Bertbia-"'Grandrnia, is oor teef goud?" Grandma-" No, darliug ;I've got noue uiow, uufortunately." Berthe -"lhen l'Il give oo my nuts to holdumtill corne zackz." To err is hurnan; but the pain feit for the crime that lias lîeen committed separates he good frorn tbeelad.-[Alfieri. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castort. When shie was a Chuld, she cried for Castoria. When she becanse Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whoun sse ied Chidren, sise gave themn Castoria Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacheo tleadache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Fro&t Bites, Sprains, Bruises,_Burnsp Etc. Bold by Drssglsts and Deaie,ýr3s everwhere, Fifty Cents a liottie. Dretosn il Languages. MIECHARLES A. VOCELER CO., BaItlnsoee, ~ canad~ian fl-0ot ,TiDraii±o. Ont. For Colds Aý For Fevers Lyer's PlUS Ayer's Plis Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass Sold by ail Dru~ggists. Every Dose Effective 4I THECOGKSBEST FRIEND LA.RGES-r SALE IN CANADA. For Constipation Ayer's PIIS For Dyspepsia Ayerls PUS For Bîliousness, 1Ayer's PUS For Sîck Headache Ayerls PUS For Liver Complaint Ayer's PUIs For Jaundice Ayer's PUisî For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pip S For Rheumatism Ayer's PlIs -l

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