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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1892, p. 7

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IRATEFUL-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST. By a thorougl knolsdge et the natural, aws h hgvern the.opcr.t.Ien. et igestsc ..d nutritionanfi by a crefui application or fb le fiepepriie ll-salsctsd Cocai. Mr. Epps lias pp.ri'1'dd our breakfast i ables wtth a deicately fiavored beyerage which my save us ID eY h 'avy dat irî' bis, It is by the jioous use et suoli articles otf ilet that a coratitution ms -bhagrâduity 1bout np. until strz)ng enougli t. e rssit svery UtsndAecy te diseaset Htxrdreds et subtle maladies are floatiigaroudusrsady te attack wler3sri there is a -seak point. W~e may escape many a fatal shaft by Iîseping ourselves well fortiflsd wîth pure blond and a proesrly neurtsh, d rame.,. 'Civil Set-vice Gazette." Madea sitnply with hiiig water or milk. seld only i pekets. by Grocers. labeleC thus -tÀNe2 F tt <'s.,tiCo- eoomsepaie Chelns ists, lendoit. EngIln, HIOUSEHOLD. Slumher t8ong. Hush 1mydtaring, 'SItlE and rest; Daýly las faded f rom the west; Shete'red saf e frorn eold and snow, Close beside the hirtlhfires glo , Littie hcad on miot hers breast, Snug as sunmor brt in nest. I{un,'h th' biiy hour-'s are Xait the sof t ani eozy heC; Ait the happy fre-aml seC watts, With its sO sy-winiging gates4, On their slant linges tisrning, A-nC thec fairy tarnps are bhommEg, Anti the angeis of deaîlit Corne to hies; the babys siglit, When the snowy idstsait clos.e At fthc ton eh ot sweet repose, And thc worid ble shut awaY At the dying of tne dav. Seep! nor hurt nor har;n shaflb, Mother watdhes over tlise. AUttILL FOrt3Usot What(Jo~tiute a Good Wife. BY MR.S. 0. HALIL. The Head Surzeon It's bîsîl natuaral anti honorable tsat -K eLbnMdclCmayi o yeun1g girls sbetlt lois torwardti teinarý ...'e ubo 2tetial torpan cosnw nage as tbe "Ultima Thule" et lits, toc aI Toroute, Canada, ant i nay 'be Icou-man s% crowoieg gîery must alsvays b- slted eattier in persan or by leter en ail witcbood anti motîcclooti; but latter shat chronoc diseases peculiar te mac. Men, ýumýrig vi tleve, or love ithoul yonng, ld ,or mitidls-aget, who finti thern- aseriagte snl ilfr movsnervo.us, wekaexhansteti, h r M iris oan îcavitig sciseol seem tO1 broisen down troni excess or everw3,rk, Manktsygeuaio opeed n hr eesutiug in many efthtie iollowing synnm-- is uoshissg more te de tisai te ti ceas aud toms t Mental depreassien, premature olti amuse tieuselves, anti try anti enanare souse ige, Jetssifvitalify, lns -of tnemstry, bad oeit arigte- hsia t ar dreans, dimuess ef siglit, palpitation oethfens snato arryînlokfor. dTîsi ua le ta Ieart, crossiosc, lacisofe eergy, pain i lythe' alte eb ewr elvn kitnssheaadie pipltion lelae O~ e born o oe's ewn, anti yet bow tew'seer kioty, h or cepul eq ntonfaerto tise < itnecessacy te qoality Ileseselves bdiching o euirsnainaottefor s responsible a pesitien as lise head t scrotum, wasting efthtie ergans, dizziness, a isusebolti. specks beicre tIha eyes, twitcbiug et the There is a est important nerval in a muscles, sys liisz and esewbere, bashiolcesa, weusan's lite, that between ber sciseel days deposits i h tiurine, leas et will Power, anti 1er msarriage. Tise tle usetul and tendemness oý lihe scalp anti <pins, weak anti praclical isnowledge en isousehobi maltera, fiabby mulues, desire le sleep, isilure, le 1e needle woris, ececomy anti varions tler ýested by lsiep. censtipsation, dulînesa i ..; . .s .11î1-11..-- 25,., u.-.,-,s,,.of sugar,ene-hait ceptul et buitterene cupful of 'ormik tle grated nutnsaeg, a cuptul et raisins, a leaspoontul et soda, lwo tea-- spoontfuis ot cinuanson, oen-hait teaspoontul of inacs, oe e easp'sonful ef clove, lîree andi oea lf aItcptis feur. Bake siowly. A Ttnstn VlARiE-Py.-Two cup-fuls of litibt do ugi, two cuptuls et suogar, este cuptisi et butter, oescuptul etfccam, two eggs, (e- Italf teaspotîtul of sotda, 0oe cuptui et ratsins, one cupful et anrants, a teaspeon- tel seaab et grolnuticinnamon andi iace, andt a gratetinutrnseg. Work well ogetlier, ,-sd' add sufficient fleur tcnmake it tiff. Shape in boaves, pet, je pans, raiýse anti baise slow- ly- Grandnothier'sP ecipes- Oil deor latolses and oaisa occasienaily. iNails dippet i jte soap will drive casily jute bard wood. To lreep off fijes, paint walls or mub pic- turc traînes with laurel ci. îMorecce Ieather may bc restereti with the -varntsls et svlitcetfan egg, a A cernent matieetfsai anti wlite-leari Spains will stop Iasinjetne toof. S Apply aumenjia whcn aajdIa taken the scler trous aieth, Ilion chlorotor'sî. Yen eau swecp a rag carpes muol easjer Sby sweepitsg acroas tise breadtrls. 7e To reusuve pain t trous glass, j usai mb it d with a wes pennsy or a large ilver pisce. le Sealiig wax is matie et two parts et becs- r- wax antioesotfresto mieted tooctîser. a The joicesot a larnon laisse un thc early amornirg will etten preveist a billieus attacit. S About a pouod etf wood seet se a gallon et )t biling water usakes a very flue tertilizer et plants. a Toeueacrmsisî andi aIl wihite fur, rnis TS with crn meal, renewing tise oeal as it ha- ,dceres seileti, 8, There weuid lie moe vegetariaus if tIare -r were moe coeks who kuew how te preparta ,f veietabIe eetis. TJE DEVIL-M~ARE1. sir," Robert Ganett answeretibetly. I' She will seau ber ewn mstres.s, and I <hall -- be tisanisel tels abls te gel ier awçay item lte bassetol ijfluences efthIis plape. Tell Let os corne away irom thjs etnd r,,the me what thii curss is wbich blights every- earden,' Mirians Wardale saif lo ber lover, oeswito couses bers ?11 as they salksti up and clowns. Il You cau't IlWliat do yooussian ?" crieti Wesîweod, shînis wlaî an uncautsy chill couses ever use white wità rage ; I"leave my bouse 2" Anti whesîcvcr I pass sîis way. 1 teed as thouah hliso f ac torget limsslt as te stise the t1ise proofs ofseuse olti crime must5 lie burieti youcg esan acceoss tle chesi. bee." Betî were psssiooate nattrethe oe INonsense, my dariing, " atsswered Roger gaîscrous, the other ualgnant-and thsir Garieti, tryiîîg le laugb away ber f cars botismas up new, Garneti gave the otîser wjsls assumeti levity. isrney a blew vicl sans biuîstaggering backwards Her words had aiïecled im taglfer arng the bushes eft lIe olt i 'ne. A wild approachiug tîsis remoesesd oethtie gar- cry breke irous hius: lie lad experieuceti a ciill, sicisly sen- I"Net lare-fer f ot's sake-no tIers 1 hituselt. But Roger titi noest ilansd sirote was an olti bouse atIlIig'tbury, te preo.tusgrily awayL. erty et M'riau's guardisu -just tIeîsosrt Meantjuse, Robert Westweed Irieti vain- et lti bouse wlero ais imaginativ e faut-y an ly te disentangie lîlusset trritise hranches; picsure a buistreti sîranga sights antbttlysrotdeilmikbeaua t soutis. The presesît ownsr was well oif, 5005e lesrrible mnousser. Hes seeti uider but le was a straisge usats andti Iat let is go Itise iflusnce of a weirti <pell. The fibres to rack ani coin. Wects gres unceseketi essircledîsisu clesely, antiaoon lis lay thers je tliaIgarti. tivas sorrotindetibyliigli calni ant intasnless. walls, andthet roar et bts-,y Loution wss î wafted witiî % uuffieti Soundtit s greens 'Mr. Westwoeti usedti teaep tîjs part IV. testcect off, ditt't le '?" Roger asiseti "Yes, util-unsil tle osIer day. 'lIaI The following merniug, at au early heur, trange olti vine is oes laI le lrousglî over Roger Garnett was paciug up anti tiown tise frein abroat-South America, 1 believe. Street, opposite Wsstwood's bouse. Hes Wlen I expresseti au interest in jI, le lad couiti net enter those dloors agaîn ; bul ha thc seat placati ustder ilter me."t was ini a fever of anxiety, anti fels lIaI il lIahi was very ounsitiemate otflim, but was ai leastS onsie coinfottle ha uear hus kiîîtness doas cot extenti te saacriening Miriaus. our uariage. " Atter lie liati been there seuse tins, Jeu. " Olh, lie is gooti enengl te me. Il is netkis, tle olti servant, cause op tise area t1sai bt--" teps anti ratsacresthes madti t bim, cvi- "But wîat?'t mkedi Ganeti, glancing tiently machl agitateti. quicisly as 1er; was siie îrying se coccalII"0h, Mr. Garnett bcieexciainsiet ; do Seusetlsisiceus mit? Ber ne, tisai coult coeein, Ss." net lie. They were je the very hey-day et Il Net now. Ilew 5< Miss 'Tardais Ibis Il sic love; distrust must net enter their usenin g ?t" Eden. "Very muue better tlsank gotuess ; bur, heariusj, !,)ssi ? veice, itesirs fer seltue, YuLs itSCii 54uS4 ellow spots on the linon or cotton pro- *ý "z1 tatiu, Dli rAle,"nye yt'rî S-a home. mav be acciuireti. T - 1-- . -~- 1t Tz -u 1- LU g ~t e ___~wa ra ingi eus broiinsun -,-tîo-e , in Wnari # e tel yoiyi l~a~t c , _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 'Ple td+ir.vrjt. -tdhe-wate-rr -osbiihvugl' riawwî.sdts'k.hiMb2ptŽfî . ic-r:--pc 1 ewa aise hs ris etnrl flrSc.--e"a .erat .i l" , . . 1..ice ne.. 1a~£Lm s ±y, Cil ueaoaene teotacue eaccane ortu U.s rd erJ. J I5Stf EM ripae eps adea ln aLa s. t- i Vj 1 ~~~~, ~ ~ l L7rien v ~ J LîUO 54-J ____________________ a _____________________Rn-il.____________ __________fr__I~- - ________________ = = - -- - --------- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ i. gun miicislle waa quite confident was net 1 Iii ea re ast benewmnauti ,oaed.quesu. fhous ault taise is bue rien lier. If seo la ils lie besl <anse wornanly, if sIe js true, auti tender, les ing, ant i eroje, patient anti sel-devted, she unconscieualy or-gan- mes or pots ie operaliets, a set ot influiences tisaI do use te mouldth Ie setting et the natten Iban auy scan, uccrowneti by pewer or eloquecce, eau poasibly te. To thos, as we hava saîi, wbe belise tIat in marriage lies Ibsir only or chiefeat seouree el happiness, let me say lIaI yen will net finti ail ligît anti neotarinsss, ail roses Crea - Trti asitno tboruis. A yeung girl in iyiarrying, si.criice muh. liegives piagrt measors lier ictiepentence,, to a great ex- lent ber-preferences. She coenats tegreal chsanges in ber babils sud otten je lier f rieuti- _qe tsact, aIe leaves nearly ail bier pasi bite beiint hep, when aIe becomes a wiie, anti very seldoin tees <le appreciale tise charse- tesrni tise sacrifice aIe bas matie, evee le- isealh tle crewe et leaaemis. Oh, what a acasnis etenles betwaees witelooti anti -adulei , ov asemisses tle moller, the sister, ail lise tender felicities et home, îl te olti sioglanes et eart, tise seranily of p gegnindthîe blistul, guliali tays. Ali, sIc muai love loganitesply, anti PURET, SRONG$T D ST.worthily, or as iil fuel a. blanki in bier beart, anîl, dunsb pain, isever wholiy cou- CouSins ne Aus, Ansoonia, Limne, quareci, particnlarly if sIc ligît iupon a man Phosphates, cm a's1y Injuriant ast altogetiser meriting il, or iuliy capable 2. W. CILLETT. 'Toronto. Ont'. cf couspenaating bier for st ebses sIe bas sustaineti. Il is true enougb tisas a happy usarriage js tise lest lot lIat cai, betail a weusan, but suraiy, by a long way, an unlappy oesu «----nuW le wersl, anti bow rny sudh would ha avmîti ,if oealooketi ealy te thc ways et Laocoon the tîsbeseielti, a-1-1 tois a longer tirnein de. thle cous Of tsminîng the cloice.-Lleueseepcî-. the fatal ser---- -~~ pent s wtis net Tfree E-aised (Jakes. L ore helpless To Ilsose bousewivas who iseep cakes con- - ~ thall is the stansly en baud, who get tiret et tise cou- fliawhopnesmon kinds, baseti ever anti ovem again, anti iwlo de net cars fer er canuot afforti ricli under the ef- ceisn,,i,raed cakeraypDreqeta gratifyiug _ feots of dis- chane t ises noit longer tisau the - f . 'ease, excesses, ote an eCcp I eyce aewu o v er w or k lways keep wI"), is more easiiy tresiseneti, ove W r ' anti is qoite as appetizing, besities being ÇWorry, etc. IRouse yoirself. Take muuelmoe digestible isy the average ýeaît of hope again and BruA A MN!alstoacis. Tls felluwiug excellent sel rnsny We have eured tho-asands, Who tI,,, triet ries tisserve a trial. Siscri RAisED CASRg-jisree peotids et iullow us to refer to them. WE CA.N fieur,,one asdne-hlipuisotsugsr,twelv'o CURLE YOU by use of our exclUSiVe oensces of butter, seven ounces et lard, one rnethod1s and appliances. Simple, anti e-hlI pinta et misu, oua ceffée-cuptul 1111f, iling treatment at heme fofe yeast, lwe nulmnega, a teaspeenful ef Lijs~ o kaîîn ~1aboodGenralor mnacs, tiseseggs, eue pounti et raisins, tour 1orF lig, -ho, e ea o eunces et citron anti a teaspeentul et sai. NerVOUS IDebility, Weaknesses of Scaldthte mîlia, lard aud a plut etsugar te- Body and Mnd, Effects of Eprrror gether. WIen coel stirfi, the fleur anti tdd Excescs n Oli et Youg. ~ tIc ycast. Set ius a warns place until liglis. P2xcssC in()I Or oun. Rbu 'l'Tea athîe butter anti augar beaten te a eObl MAýHOD flly Restored: creaus ; sggs, fruit anti <pies. Lat il risc a fnmprovement seeni the first day. second trne. Tisan divide sud put it jute IIow to enlarge and strengthen, pans, anti ater setling ji in a 'wamm place UEDEYLOPEDORGAN ANDfor Isaîf ans heur, baise slowly for an leur. WEAK, IbX'VL0E RANADTis isîsies quite a quaeîisy, anti if tesiresi P'ARTS OF BODY. Men testify from Iths recipe miay bacisalveti, or tîsirdeti, but 50 Statec tInd Foreign Couinties.ths cake will hsep a leng lime-indeeti, il Writo ihem. BookÇ, explanation impmeves isy keeping, anti is most cesveisul sud miled (seaed) ree.fer unexpecleti comranv. It will be teunti PrýDfsmaiecl(seIed frC uual more telicious 'if lti-tashioneti loý Address yeaat ia otan, althoug the preper proportion EofIa MEDICA cake mylbu ue as asubstitute. ERIE MEDI AL 0 1 CiçE umi3n TO. -(,ne cuplul et raiseti BUFFALO, N.Y. tou e e pul et molasses- çescuptul et ianeutis .luthe frent et ths crewn s tbe uby given te lise Black Prince by Pediro, King et Castille. This is sestjus a Malese cross, anti feming the cross are 75 large duamentis. Three tîser crosses, eontaining 3S6 dia- mentis, are areundthîe rupper part efthtie crowu. Betwenîthe tour cresses are four omrneuls wltls feur rubies ie tle centre, anti centainsng rcspectively eighly-teur, eîgbty-six, eigbty-fivs anti eiglly.ase dîsmenda. Frous Ils Maltese crossas ise four arches, composet eof is eavas anti acerna, the leaves ceusaiiug 728 tiarnns. Tise tlirty-twe acorna are easchet a single pearl anti are set in cups madls et fitty-four diamentis. Above tIe arches stands tise usetnt, couuaing 548 diauseuts, anti aise- tle meunt is tIse cress, centairting a very large sapphire, fouir very large ansd 108 asaller tiamonds.-[Jewelsrs' Revjaw, Vierna Mediciil Prescription Assoecic,tio n. - No EXCUSE FOR IL IRALTIS. -Tiese o'e brassuel of tise above as-ecia. tien en tise Amercan continent is now locited th e ieity oeTobroute. Lattera eft ilanks ara poriug lin r ýtholise wlio eceiveti thein, meat of whem have for para Isan taking patent medicimses anti ruga forcisiseti by ativert'sin4, quaclas. Patients write lIat they have Issen treî ef Rleumafism, Bigît'a Disease, Bya- p-psa, secoudary Consumptioni, Piles, .leart Diseuse, SaIt IRIson, Whites, Nervous Deiuiiry aud- almeat every dis- esse that flash iî lîcir te, and in 1ne case titi auy dru.agist charge for filliixg tise prescription moret tisu60 cents. Thits association se-nt fre,) te aIl applicanis tile lest prescriptiots inown for purifying tle blooti andi ins'igoratimsg tise nervous sys- tom. A ciresi-ar giviug al[ particulara wil l e sent ires b ail applicauts wio Oe- close a slamp for reply. Atidreas HENRY SCnIAaRssN-ý, V. M. P. A.,345 Wtat King sîreet, Toronto, Cana la. O!ilclLibor in (iasas. Tbere are uo laws agasust chutd labor in Chinua. TIey begin te werk as seen as tbey w <1k. A boy or girl aI 4 ycacs ef age will carry the baby I' piggy-bacis" haît au heur aI a lime ant inmmd it troustasvn tlb tuas. Thsy also bln up the pig wîess Le is lest, leadth ie watsr buflalo, or tend a bcrd of slaep witis sîrot thc saine <Occitt as s grewn msan. Tley wcrla un tise garden, lriug svater trous île welbs, tesîroy ocusts, eslerpillars anti sînga, pil'. eut tise wetis, anti in every wvay abosv theusselves excelleý-t horticulterist< in misniatu5re. Iteitly Frizeg for lie s a<n i 4rls, Thse "Sunlight" Saap Ce. Toronte, octYsr the telle-sing 5muSsu evaryw.ent tIl fusIlier notice te Isîs and girls unader IU, residiug in tle Province of Ontario. -uha sud ths arestest cornIer of tfunligh' wrastpsm':lIt, $10; 2tsti ?6; 3rd, e3; 411. $1; 5 h te i4, .a Hanalsorne Bat-k aud a pretry pturs te those whe seefi Isu les hart 12 wmppert. flanC wrsppecs se "Sfluightt' Sese Off ce. 43 Scait St. "onto net laler than 29hofci sc stth, anC mraked *Ccnspetition"; aise give fuol name, mudress rge, sudnuber cf wrapers. Winuers ca mes wiîi bc publialiedinleThre Toronto ail ou first Saturday le eacli mqnth. Ilieugli uow a peacetii tizen, ne use Jisat thaltisaIo e isadveuturer about him whjcl woult bave casta glamout- over <0155 women. Bot net se witb Mirjami Wardale. Uer hieurt was len deflnilely goe elaewbere out et liem easen ieeping. IYen are presuming on your position, M. Westwood, wben yeuu speais leme like Ihis. You accuse osIers ; what preof bave I oft yor ewsssincarity ? " TIare was sorhing wîich Miriaulat cocesaleti frets- ber lover. Il was Ihis, for tle pressul wss net the firs paintul <cens ofthîe kicti whicli lad takan place bctween hem anti ler guardian. Shc lad nul spoisen et il te jarpetî, becausa asetîeugîlt te se migisl sy cause turîler miachief. Wyeatnood hati by this linte led lier dowss te île oit vine, aud aImes-t meeiuanicaliy aIe lad sealeti lerseltopon îhe bencs. Ils alti da iew feal awav. ,IlPerbapa yeu rnay have cause te deubl miy sincemity new. For your <aise I would actusily have setîblet down isîlo everyday respeetabiiity. Otlsmwise I <hall once more le à aIhusel, wandering isy myseit on tle tacseofthîe sartis, wîtheul a îops in lite. 1 svouid lave been se iinti te yen, Miriam. You shountneot have ladsa wish ungratiet. But yen bave dhaugat mee ly youm coitines Tbere -sas a sîrange gleat ie bis seysa. Sue spraug tlelber test iutes-cor, but tle saine sickly feeling as laeora cama laver her. Tbe carh seansedto irse up anti awius arount ihem, anti sIc tîl unucotscious susong î,e lianhes of tle vine. Vestwnnd lad ri stirret a step te assiat her. IRis face was hî'ut ;. bis lips weme set anti trousbetweeze tIem tIers breke tise woris: IWhal lave I donc? What bave I TIen lis tled towamsthe Isbliuse, as tiseugl a theusauti dernss atbec pur- aeiîsg iim, -anti erdemedtihtecserv-anis te go le tle assistance et tîcir young mistreas, as <lie lad aweenetiin le egarden. III. bwo tisys ilame Roger Garcaît caîheti te ses Miriaand t oundthîe bsose in comern- tieon.Misa Xardaiewsas serieusly ihllabd, trem whicb aselad neyer isse incesber tain ting fit. L Dr. t-ameren, tls tarnily pîsysician, was lu attetndance, andthie yeung mec anxiens- iy aset him what was île metter. IFranisîy, Mm. CGarntt,tt lie answemcti, 'I anspuzzîed muyseit. Il sema aausrveus altacis, cornplicatcd w1 xasting symptems tisaI I caver teteetet inieber contitution letorc. Slso is a his bettes to-day, anti yeîî cssy rest assureat isaIabsis having evemy came anti attention. Tise amount t-e consolation cDiaiajetinit tIsas words was cet very great, anti it -,vas witb a sast liaml lIaI Rogerrrme te taise iss tisparturs. SMjriarn's torabodtngs on bis lest visit came lacis le Iim nd etmnlally lis suger was directeti against hem guardian. lHa went dos'n into tisa gardcrs, tltinbting te beave quistiy by the lacis gaie, bultishera lie came tacs te tacs -stsisMm. Wealwood, Who was pacissg up anti down. Geot asiiung, Mr. crst, ilatter saiisop-lrg ait-rt. 11sh.1Ja1ILive be- foec-pî sseti ry tisappres'al et your visita te -sy ward. 1 aheult inos like te ses aisy- mesmsrry lhem tom ber snonay, "Yeu lave no riglil te «ay t-i.it te use îiiïacle.n Crv for "Weli, ir, 1 ocly isuow this, lIaI when peor master lad it over fi-eu South Ameni ca, tise yeuug mats as planted ti l iciseet ant ie suadtieniy. TIeMiss Miriam swoeutiaItishe sarne place." "FrmouSetisArnerica yen say il cause?2" Y'es, ir" "WeIl, anyway, let us go down aud loois aI this woutiert ul ires.'t Tîsy aIl went down accertiingly into tise garden, Dr. Causeron a few paees aleat ofthe tîsoer two. HIlst<ot for soemmenits examniig the fatal vine ; tise suddsnly startet lacis again, anti rejoinet tîsîn aI a snutcl quîicissm pace than le lad e-npîoyet itn goingdowu. "Keep lacis " e erjeti, "I eep lacis bots et yeu as yen vaIne yeur ivesP' The ustoally caîm pisysician was much excileti. 1,The sIing rmust lbcal ntby whoevss- las courage eongb te go near it. Its a Devil- Snare " IA Devil-Snare 1" echosti Garet, moe isewldsrsdt tIseever. 11You ihave neyer Isard efthtie Devil. Suars et Nicaragua?" "Neitiser sbonifi I lave donc, only tisatI Ihave lutiiedth îe betauy ef Seuihl Ameass. Il lsa aterrible plant whicl teals detieîlte svery- tljng that comaes near it. I-s pewers etf sucîson ara cantainet je a, number etfuinfii- tesimal uoutîs, whicl train ths bloti trois ay liinsg tliiug placed ameng is glest-like fibres." Iwas even se, Robart Westwood bat bail the horrible ires placedthters witI Iirs diabolical intention et destroying tisrian's lvea a tAIwhose cause ahoulti re- sussve euveloped îinusystsry. Tissu, sbe aIe psmsisteatiy etuseti lis sit, luecitinucet tle poor girl lierasît 'e at untes- the <lads et its treachereus iseughas. Btit tise lact et Ged Iattrtstrated hisa viliteitietis, andt le lad succumbe t t the saine fate which hae woolîl have neîteu t te others. Miriams, cew sitiiout a guartian. <oea ond a pretecter je a leving husbanti. She was marriedt l Roger Ganetî as seen as as bat receveret tromthtie sItue censqoet upon Ilese terrible avents. Why a Dog's Tail Wags. Prof. Elmer, in lis weris on organic evo. lutien, ia net able le expiain wîy 'bc doga et Ceastautinop1e erees sheir fait anti carr'y ht opriglut, wîiie tle ancestral wolt andthIe jacisal carry il haugiag town. Dr. -Joeph L. Hancocissuggests, in thc iiAmctmcan Na- turaisaI,1t Iat the reasen may le fount inl tise tact thal as lihe tog lecornes dornestical- etd, il is pt-eue te use tle Isil as ac osgantfor exprssajepg usenisîl-staîes-waggiug h wlien pîcaset, droppmug it bets-een tise legs wheu tisappoinîte r trighleieti. Tle ancestral welt carmies il hangung tiesn bacause je tisai position il; is leas cesispictieus anti e ter eluties dtaccrion. A faasily et wolvea play- ing togetlerudisturbat oecastonsuîy carry their tails cadet stpwacti. By degreas tise tatl acquis es naturally the npigît position asa esmatofetcoisicitieul evolation oethîe usirdftiet aweltlf y tnststjaatjen and et tise slow adaptation efthîe appentiage as an organ et expressionu. Thss cassation oetrns- tonal -electiou j e I toussc tog woald give tIr taiu greater fretios-sof etonetoswitb- eut del rimsent te lite, and artifliil selactiou modifies iî mb tovarions abapes.-[Pisiladel- plia Istiger. Otiier particulars caîllattle ba"ik-. E. L. FORT Accoudiant- GEo. mcGILL, Manager. MI SS SBAW invites everybody to corne and inspect lier display of Bonnetsp Liats, Toques, Veîlings, Çhiffonsý, etc., before purchasing elsewher(J Children's SCHOOL IIkTS a specialty. 'Ho-w are you?" "Nice1y~ Thank Yon," 'TakWho?,, '"Why the inventor of I Wic cuedme of CONSU-MPTIGN." Gi've thanks for its discovery. That it does not niake you sick when you taise il. Give thanks. That it is three tintes as efficacieus as the old-fasslioned cod liver oil. Give z'anks. That it is such a wonder- fui flash producer. Give t/lanks. 'fhatit is tie test remedy for Cn"m in cot« 1?ropichiis, »asting -Ibis- Cases, Couy/is and Colds. Blesure you geltihe genuine in Salmon celer wrapper; sold b;i -,li Druggists, at Soc. andi $r.eo. SCOTT & ONBelvle lu a dangerous emergency, AYER% CHERRY PECTORAL iS prompt to act antd surs te cure. A dose taken on the first symtms ef Croup or Bronchitis, checks furtber progress of these cempiaints It softens the phiegmn, seoths the in fiameti membrane, and induces sleep. As a remcdy fer coltis, coughs, less of voice, la grippe, pneurneela, and even censumptien, in its eariy stages Cherry Pectoral exceis ail similar preparatiens. It is endorsedb y -i ding physicians, N agree. able te the taste, does net interfère with digestion, andi needs te be taken usuaily in sinaîl doses. CP.rom repeateti tests in m.7 own faniily, Ayer's Chrry Pectoral lias proveti itself a vcry efficient ree'dy for cold,3, cougîs, anti the varions dis- orclers of the throat and Iungs."-A. W. Bartlett, Pittsiclti, N. H. CýFor the last 25 years 1 have been taking Ayer's Chrry Pectoral for Iung troubles, and am assured 1 hav e recommendeti it to hundretis. t Cind the ,nost effectiv e way of taking this medicine is in Satali and frMeqct dose.-T. M. Mattîews, P. M., Sherman, Ohio. Myeý wife suffereti from a cold ; oothing hielped lrbt Ayer's Clserrv Pectoral whice effected a cure-R. Amere, Plympten. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral P repaed by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass, Prompt to act, sure to cure 71 71 r

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