HORSE1 ROUTES, 1802. PRIDE 0F SCOTIAND, the property of John JolI, Hampton, wii have stands as follois - Monday afternocn will leave his own stable and proceed to Moyse's hotel, lyrone, nignit ,TqesdAyFrank Robbin's, Innizkillen, night; Wednesday, lits own . _ --Gco. Leask's, lot 33, con 63 UaI boinght; Thuraday, Frank Glas- pell's, Taunton, noon; Win. Oke's 1:)t 32, con 2,- Parlngt9n, nighit; Friday, LeviVI NEW BplSNESS FIRM. Û. A. Oawker, son of C. M. Cawker who lias been in business in Bowmanville over a quarter of a century, and Archie Tait who bas been with J. Milne and J. Milne & Co. over eleven Vears, have goe into partnership and will carry on busi- ness in the stand formerly occupied byC. M. Cawker and known as the "7Ail Round Provision Store," wherthy il be nieasedoA +,-, 0- ' D. F. STILL ALIVE. 1). É. Burk, oÊfPort Àrthur, was cavoi'- ting around the Reform Club rooms last as lively as any two-year.old in the pas- ture. D. F. wag the Liberal îandidate in Algoma ini the asat two general elections for the CommonE,. " How was 1 beat 3n last time? ' he said, r-peating a q'ip-tion put to him. "Bp ]'. riingham and C. P. R. I held my (Wfln evervwhere exceot alonoe the line of JOHN EUELLYIAR's BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM is stili Ilie Lcading flouse in Popular Goode, New Styles, Seasonable Attractions and -u -I-~1 m