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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1892, p. 1

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TERE :8l.O~Pi Âxxr.OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY PIRST: THE WORILD AJTERWÂRDS. M. Â JAMES EIDITOR AND PEOPRXETO, SERESBOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY MAY 18)892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NumBEP. 20 OSHA WA. (Promn our e wn Correspondent,) Miss A. McCormack ef Kingston is visitinglier sister MisasM.M1cCormac, dreasmaker. -... Mr. W. Gordon formerly of J. S. Beaton's store ia now werking with E. B. Morgan & Son ....Mrs. Doyle, formerly of Moutreel, lias begun dressmeking here..Mr. N. Lender receutly e popil in the Higli School liere, bas eecnred a position in bis cousin'a drug, store in Teronto.. . Misa M. Mc-' Leuglilin lias returned berne from Brook- lyn, N. Y., wliere ase s been reeiding for souuee .......- Mr. Perey Pninclion is now assistant book-keeper iu the MoLeu- glilin Carniage Ce. office.. ..-Mr. J. S. Lamke is now et Ottawa holding a position in conuectien witb the Werld's Fat.... Some 80 stude uts attended the Art Exam. inations lield et the 111gb School ecently. A number teok the coruplete course pre. s3cibed by the Educaticual Department. . Mr. K. Cliapmeu whe lies been liera a short time euperinteacliug some repaira te bis father's linusj ou Mary et., eturu- edhobornuFriýicy lat. . ..The measies are vcmy prevalent haec.... Tne concert hcid on Friday 6Orli mt. was a decided succees. A splendid proiwraru was pra. seuted by tha "Gaitpm and Banjo club", under thec direct on of Prof. Bune... Messrs. IR. Woon & C> have e mrnanced the shipment ef their"Chsmpîon" mowar this week... Dr. Heiga rea-denca is un- dargoing a thorougli renovation. .....Capt. Claverdon sud Serg't Major Lewrence are drilling No. 3 Compiny 34th Bitta1ion, nightly, Mr. N. Rae wiJI sccornpauy hie father, Dr. Rae, as assistant surgeon and Mr. J. Comnminga wiIl go eut %a Lieut... Inspecter llodgeon visited the Higli Scliool receutly sud commaeteai very highly ou its general proficieucy. ..Thie Couithard, Scott & Ce. bave shut down their workýs te talie stock fttEr enjoyiug, a very prosperoui year. . ... The 341h Bat- talion Baud bas procured somne new instrument@, Mr. Nicholson of the "Vin- dicator" succeecis Mr. McTaggart as Pres- ident. .....The Pedier Matai RoofinZ Ce., bave located ini tle building occupiad by the lata W. T.' Dingie, Eýq., wliere thay will carry on the minutectumaet a motet meeing pateuted by Mr. Goo. Pedear. Dyspepsie bas diven te au ejSrIy dealli su .d e ven suicidel grave mnyyas man who, finiu Jr N-- * a "m 0u uuT are stili showing ~A ShPLENDI Assortmert ofnew and elegant $yt apte andl Fancy (D R-YXC 0 O DjS) ~Their stock of Dress Goods, Prints, H o siery, Go v es, Carpets and Ourtains is ad,,te na!hns+r h the flnest ever shown in town. MILLBBOOK. At the May Quartedly Officiai Meeting of the Cavan South Circuit the following resolution of coud olence was passed: . O C8fAOLOCtUÂItSLDy3 George Wrsgge that we, the Quarterly Officiai Board of the Caven South Circuit, expreÉss ur deep aorrow et the ]os we have sustained by the deatli of our belov. ed brother J. IL Pethick. As a young mani of manly Christian character and marked abuity he gave promise of great usefuiness in our Master's service. We express our sincerest sympathy with his widowed wvife, Mrs. J. H. Peth- ick ; his mother, Mrs. A. Iethick, and the other members of the bereaved faniily in the great lbas they have Pustained. We earnestly pray that God will bles theni with hies Holy Spirit tu help the'n in their deep affliction, W. G. CLARKE, Pestor. YOU want your Cettons, Linens, Flannots always sweet, dlean, snowy white? YOU want "4tho wash"r ,donc the easiest, the dlean- est, the quickest, the cheap- est way ? SU RPR ISE Scap "the Sur- prise way," without boiling or scalding, g-ives theso resuits. T A the directions R A on the waPCe. OOUO JOHKSTON & ORYDERMANI i3owmanville, April 6, 1892. One Donc- West of Post Office. Save Your Dollars. >Conimon sense teaches that to buy judciciusy means money~ saved, and in this instance points directly to QrLIevi Morris' Double Shop Furniture Emporiumi, King, Street East, Bowman- ville, where every dollar counts for 100 cents' worth of benefit to every buyer in merit, quality, style and value, and the resuit of each transaction with him will bc as good as gold. H1e lias in stock beautiful iParlor Suites, Bedrooni Suites, Dîning-roomand Hall Furniture, ail very cheap for the quality. Everythingr~ and worthy in furniture may be got froni us. Pictures framued better and cheaper than others eau do theni. Undertaking and funeral furnishings a specialty. Be sure to give us a caît before buying anything in the furniture line. ~A .SPRING CAL. Having got settled in my New Shop <'in the BEAVER, BLOCK, next door * eat o~ Mudo >' and having complet- ~ed my Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes of ail grades and sizes, I wish ail my ýold customeîrs and many new ones tO igive me a cail and inspeot my fine new stck A CARD 0F THANKS TO PEOPLE 0F WEST DURHAM. For pat fayots in the ayeyof business aud hopiug for a continuation et the same or moe if possible. Wa are ounIlia road sud shahlieboet your place sonu. Pissaes esaewyuiragsýýbcones, sanay kiÎd-iirdld mron, leaed, zinc, brasg, copper, horse hait, sud any kiud cf bides, siheepakins sud other tarin produce. As we slip in vary large quentities sud aie boy lu large quantities wa cen do liciter ton eur customars then if we ovamo deellug in a emaîl way. Following are the- names et thiemin that are travelling for me: Mr. David Grigg, Mr. Wm. Richards, sud Mm. Wm. Withanidge, al et whou I beliave te lie trustwnrthy men. Oua tesson wliy I give the naines of my mn is that 1 leamu othen insu are gttlug areund dealing with my customars sud leaviug the im- pression that they are travelling for me or that I arn goltiug lIait stock. Sudh mon may net have &Dyusmas onu their weggoue-. If se uhey hava nothiug 10 do oill me. My waecgons have my tiae on ecdioetthoin. My lines cf gooda are right lu prise, stylo sud quciity. Tmy my tees, the bast ove aver had for the mou ey. Try om 31b box et Japan for 70ct.,, sud al ethers we have et equai veina. Wa have Dry Gonds, Goceries, Tiuwara, Cutlery, etc. Wa waut 500 tous et Rage, Boues sud Irou. Hopiug you oilI do ail the business yen cen with us. If you oant us teoeal for itc n please send card. I remain, Y(uurs vary tnuly, JOHN GRIGO-, Travelling Marchant, P. O. Box 98. Bowmnville. CAUTTION.. JEACIPLIJG 0F TUE lyr duoNavyf T.&:B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NOUE OTHER GENUINE wes badlyworied y doge. Twe or tbree et hia hast animale will pobably die freiie affects. Mr. C. estimates tIe boas will be $60. We believe the di)gà wereindentified. If thase and a nîs-uber of other uselees cura were klled it would bcas great public bleasiug - - A large nom- ber of fermnera lu the vcinity are piautiug the thomu hedge fence.... -Miss Cotton lias again atartad a clase iu music in this sec- tien. Shi-.la vemy pop-ular aud lias e large numbar of pupils lieme. - ...Mr. Bart Or- misten, Enield, was s gueat et "Clover- dlale" recently-. George Peamce,oum eutemprising fae-mer,is enclosing a Govemu- ment tarin witli eeoe the New Hedgc Milbumn's Ced Liver 011 Emulsion with Wild Char.y sud Hypopliosphites com- bines the curative powers et the pectoral remedies msntioued in the mnou perfect and palet able form. Price 50c.sud $1,00 per bottle. 'so-LI.VA. About forty et the members et Enfield Division vîsïted the cisters sud brothers et Soline Division ou Friday night sud reudei-ed a gond pmegrmi. Bro.T. Holiba filled the chair. The Solina ladIes tutu- isîed edibles sud ail enjoyed a gond turne. Mm. Wasgley Brooks inteuda atarting for Eugland next week .... The Sens et Tam - pernue parade on Sonday oves a splendidl succeas. The adluleqs delivemed by Rev. R. LUcCullcughi fmom Ezekiel 7, 23 was very appopriate for the occecion sud vw ai full et gond thouglita whicli ail shouid e- niember. Seidom have wa liserd a hetter temperence sermon and ove would be pieased toeuha hm again - Thle churcli oves weli filled. - - -Mra. Edward Pascoe oeut te Toronto lest week aud lied a cen- aract nernoved frer inne -o lier eyea. Councillor Pascea aud ailisi- erdeughter Miss Elizi Pascoe eccornpanied hier. Thay oili eturu lu abutaweek. ... e. cent visitera, Mm. W. Wýhitù, Mr. E. Trc nouth, Bowrnanvills, M.W. H. Pearce, Newcastle, Miss Lilic, Pascoe, Eufield... ..-The Misses Argua Lave beau visitixsg friends lu Cartwrigt.... Miss Minnie .A. ,Werry les beau exck......Mrs. Hillils bas beau visitint' friands et Port Penny. SEuvEe YERSUFFERIN.- GSNTLE,- mEN,-J lied suffamed very much trom in- fiammatery rhoumatisim, which througli wrong treetunent lait ugly ruuuix3g entes onmy bauds end tee t. With theseIesuf.- ened for seven yea, duiug whicli time I had neithar shoenon stoohing on. I cer- manced using B. B. B. extennaliy and lu- ternally, using the pâIs aise, sud I oan eay noov thet the entes are cntiroly oured, aud have beau for nome trne. I balieve the bitterasovre tIe meaus et eaving my lite. Wa are ehowing-s big stock of Cotten- ades, Shîrtinga, (test colons) Sîsetînga, Tiokinrs, white sudý grey %Jttons ln al grades sud et rock hottoin pricas. Coucli Joineton & Uydemmen. RAGLAN. Mr. Jeu. Porter lias sold lis liotel boere to Mrs. Smith. of Dunnville, and is mev- ing te Oshawa.. .. Mr. Jas. Burnaslias soId a niihbe. et very lerge pine trees, for mesta ef xhips .. . .The temperence seciety et Enfield have benglit the Christ- ian Churdli lere, sud intend movlng it seen te make a lodge mo.... .The cou- tract for digging a uew well et the ocheol lieuse lies been let.... .The STATESMAIN lias several aubacribers liera and ila epop- uIer peper. 'II Amn So Tired" lsa ecemmon exclamation et this season. There is a certain bracing effect in cold air whicl iaislest when the weatlier grews warmer; ard when Nature is renewing lier youti, lier admirera feIl duli, sluggiah and tired This condition i% ewingu main- ly te the impure condition of the blood, and i's fajîrtre te aupply healtby tigsue te the various organe of the body. It is re- markable liow sumceptibla the systemn is te the help te lie derivedl frein e goed medicine et this season. Pegssesinu joît these porifyîng, building-up qo/dities which the body craves, Heod's Sarsapar- illasocee overcemes the tired feeling, . e * stores the appotite, purifies the blood,srd, iu short, imparte vigorous heelth. Its thousands of friends as with eue veica de- dlate "Lt Makes the Weak S rougY." NE WC.ASTLE. Deathlibas been boay liere lately. On Thursday moruing Mr. D. Quinlan died and wcs buried et Port Hope on Satnrday. Mre. Bell Sm. died on Fridey and waî buried et Iiowmauville ou Sunday. Miss Katemeon pessed over te the great major- ity on Sundey eud wcs laid te rest lu the Etngii buial gronds on Tuesday. Mr. John Piekard, who bas beau vemy ill with pneumouii ta recevering.. . -M r. àM. 0. Rose lies moved inte the village again. . .Rev. R. D. Fraser and Rev. W. F. Allen exchaneed oulpits lest Sebbath moruang ...Mm. PR Beitli, M. P. anjd Hon. D. C, Fraser, M. P. f rom New Glas- gow, N. S. attended service in Pmesby- terian churcli on Sunday. It ià seldem a we see tIe like of Mr. Fraser, li laa lieevy member, indeed-standing six feet two iuches end weighinz nearly 300 Ibs. Mrs. J. Walbridga leeves this week H.A MPTO.Y. Mrs. IR. Surloy las been quice indis- possd. .... -Mis. Mamali, Petarboro, le vis- iting friands:bre .. .. Mr. R. Katarson la a le tobe out agin fter his rcena aco.- dent .... Miss Ashton, Newcastle, was ceIlinz- on fienda bore Sunday.. . .The Sons of Engaddl will bold a speciai ser- vice here nexPt Sundsy efternoon... .Mr. F. A. Cole lias recently made a very marked improvement in the Interior ef hie ahop. AN ENT,.E&P.RisiNO IOTEL MAN.-Jt ta statad thbat a Intel mani in Toronto bas poated up e noticae tating that aIl dinera et bis place *hio use Bumdock Blond Bit- tera te toue up tlieir appetite snd strongtb, will bo chamgad 20 'poercent, extra. We do net know how true tbis ta, but B. B. B. uudoubtedIly dose the work snd does il quicldy sud weil. UAMPLB GROVE. The Patrons etf Industry are pregresciug favorably lira.... Mr. M. Munday and A. Foley wer,ýo in Toronto mcetiy select- ing a new library for the Suuday School. ... The frarae work et Mr. J. Crumb'a bouse is test lieing erectad by Mr. IH. Gay, Courtice.. .. Prepamations are balng made for eut ennivaIrssry which will lie beld ase usuel ou the 3rd Sunday and Monday lu jone. Part-iculars istar .... Some un-' known persop recantly Btole a set et single liamnesa frein Mr. Was!ey Oke... Mr. W. Crawford buried has youngast son on Suin day lest... Misa Berthe and Mm. Goo. Farewell, Farmony, and Mr. W. C. Powar, Tooto,spent Suonday with friands bere. -'- .Mi-ýea E. Snowdon sud B. Ken- nedy aent Sunday with frlonde lu t'iwuî. TuRci TngàýRASCALS OU.- We refer te sucli rascaie as dyspepsie, bcd blood, lI iunuess, constipation, ick beedacle, etc., iufesting the human systam. Tumu them ont and keep thexu eut by using Bnrdock Bbood Bittere, the naturel foe te diseaes, whicli invigeraes, toues sud strengthons the entire system. COUR TIOB. Mr. R. Liddy, Victoria Collage, Ce- bourg, les pëondinz a fow days witli hie brother eit the Parsonage ....- Misa B. Sanderson, Enniakilieu, apent Sunday witli frienda lu thia Iocality ....- Mr. Lent, sum~~ ~~ euepiig .Mi aking-effet- te socote a daily mail liera -.... -Arbor day was calebrated by Mm. T. F. Wright and pu pils lest Friday, the weather being mieh îmore îaýsropriae than the appoint- ed day. ... .0n Saturday night Mr. L. M. Courtice's fialeetSouthdowns, wliicli ho that wouid keap my liaad clearof Den dmuif, but always tailed te receiv aux muaterial benefit until a friand necommonci ed Anti-Dandmuif, whidli I uired witl psr feot succesa. [t not ouly mamnoved th Deudmuif with tîtea applications, bu atopped the eunoying itching et theal and rendered the liair soft tasd pliali wlthout leeviug an eppearance et a dress ing leing uaed. h ,now occopîia a psr manant potsition lu my grip. h jle pieus ont te use, eud with pleasura I recon mand D. O. ROBLIN, Rapmesenting H.Comby,wholesaio tiquers Belleville, Ont. ENN18KILL EN. Miss Hoakin, town. ia visiting ha-e., _ . We are ploaaod tesa Miss Grac sud Mme. Henry Rogers beck again ir our midat. The latter is recnvsring vaxj repidly front lier severe ilues. .....Drg P. N. Davey ef Duamt sud A. S. Tilleî the racant silvar medelliat et Tmti University ovaro making olis in om vill ega eue day lait week. The rnany triendi et the latter gentleman liane cougratulatE hlm ou bis oveil meritad honore .... Mr, J.- J. Vintua bas rsturned from hem visi to Fouainu Falls bringing with hem a tom- er greatiy esteemed residont lu the pouý son et ber sister, Mrs. A. Jacoba et B11, the. The nummens nid aasociatesa an very g'ed te ses Mra. Jacoba iooking os weil, ehe appas te be about as ynung sE whaen lest bers. .....Mr'. (Rev.) R. Sar. demon and Misa F. Virtue the delagata te the Y. P. S. C. E. Convention et, Pot Hope, gave a mont excellent sud caret nIll prapared report of the proceadinge eft1hE convention aF thes meeting et the Epworth Leegua liera on Sunday lest. Mauy ne' idees wera brouglir forwsmd which will no doobt ha carried into oeretion snd will greatly increase the afficiency efthe Leae gue - ... The membere et the Preabyteniau ceugnegatien home have decided te exten a mon' unanimous invitation te the Res. Mn. Camernte bacome thair Pastor liane It will ha a gond thing for the ceuse to again lava a oattled pastorate .... The Annivereary et the Methodist S. S. wi]l hoclield (D.V.) on Sunday 22ud and Tues- day the Qoeeu's Birtlday. On Sabbath Rev. seo. Edwards et Petembono wi]l preacli et, 10:30 e. ni. ta parents and S. S. wGrkeme and et 6:30 p. m. "'Ou the import. auce et winning seuls". On Tuesdey the usuel teý wiill e served at 4 p. nu. atter wrhich tJerc ovill ho recitatione by the bchool sud addresaas ara expected trou. Rey. Geo. Edwardsand J. S. Larke,Esq., et Oshawva and resident auluisters. The oinging et all the services ovill bo dote by the eclool. Adve. Crewsou's Corners, Acton, P. O., Ont. Miibuen's Ced Liver OR Emulsion oviti Wild Cheorry sud Hypophosphtes la the< thba surent sud beet cure tom ceuglis, colds, learsenees, broudhltis and asilima. Pnice 50c. and $1,00 por bottle. Mu an n. 110 IICU LlUvrsue s or .Ayar'a sar- saparilla, wc nid be elive tG-day sud in' the snjoymient ef hsalth and competeuce. Soffemer, be warnod lu season, sud dou't allow the syetem temu dowu. (Ce ndensed from the Netos.) ny Mr. Fý anois Awde lies lid pleursy... i.- Mr. and rs. R. MeLeod, spent Sundey 3r- at Mr. D. HallBs.... .Misti Hettie Batten he lias been visitîng friends in Bowiuenville. ut.. M iîs, Lizzie Shaw lias returned from p a viait with Toronto frienda. ... Orono le Cheese factory commeuced operations s- Monday. .....Mr. John Martin, and wife, r- are now residents of Salem, Oregon.... aMics MoCutcheon la xisitigltrste n- Mrs. Adamn Henry. ..-Rev.ll. MoQuade, Pontypool, wasa town lest week.. .. Mr. H. Il. Power,, Eliz ibethville, lias s, been visiting, Mr. Simon Powers.. Mr. Ceampbell, Oran 'eville, bai been vs itiug Mr. Wm. Thouipson.* :.1- Mrs. Gray, Miilbrook, je visiting lier siater, Mrs. A. -R. Gamby .... Mr. C. J. Thornton, ce Enterprise, is shorty to become a resident in ef our town .. .. Mr. Jas Martin lias the ry coutract fi r ahiugling the sheds ef R. s.Colville, Esq..Mrs. Wrn. Allun hes , leased the Hallett cottage.... Mrs. Jas. ty Linton lias been visiting lier motlier, Mrs. l. Mulligan, Newcestle .... .Mr. Richard ls Stevens visited bie deugliter in Toronto, te lest week. -... Mr. Win. Pringle lias set f. eut tliirty or more shade trees tliis spring. it .. ..-Mr. Fred Rutherford lias purchased -a liigh bred Tariff stallion frorn hie father -Dr. Rutherford.... Mr. Josephi Henry y- bas erected a wire fence erouud hie pre. 'e mises .. .. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Sones enter. 30 tained a number of their Sixth Line as friends Friday evening wee..... -Mr. T. a- Bingliai, Bowmanville, wac3 in town lest Sweek .....Mrs. Lewis Tourjce celebrated t lier eighitieth birthday Thuradsy week. . ' ly . Mr. F. S. Feirlield is very busy greft. le iug fruit trees.... M rr. A.L.Ganisby lis ýh lied a relaps .... Miss A. Lillian Scott w who bas been vieiting friends liere lias re - ýo turned home. ... Mre. Asa, Choate, Port jl H ,pe, is visiting friends here... Mr. a. F. cul MoPlierson, Oriltia, is visiting lite n snt, Miss Mary McPherson ... Mrs. F. jd Awde ettended the funeral of hier brother- in-law, the late John White, Manill.... Mr. Win. Pringle is building the found. ;0 ation for Mr. John Carveth's new elevator e t the G. T. R. station .... Mr. E. Hall's Shorse, Birnem Wood, carried off hirst s.prize et the Ceven .rp. fair. ... Messrs. à~ Geo. Stertton and J. Perkins, Pontypool, ji and Morley Fallis, 'Kendall, apent Sun. day witli the bo-ys here ... Mr. E. B. t.Zeeland, Bowmenville, lies epened eut a la Jewellry store liere .. .. A Union Temper- )r suce Meeting wiIl bc lield in the Presby- e terian churcli, Orono, May 24th. Ad- u dresse% will lie dolivered by the chairman, Rev. J. A. McKeen, and Rev. R. D. e~~ F-a-t-,-of-o-manvil-e In Training. Thora are a good mauy lu active trein- ing fer aqnetic sports wlio wili do weii to read the opinion of Mr. William Beach, a champion nareman of Australia, wlie say . "I have fouud St. Jacobsj 011 of greatu.at service lu traiuing. For stifinese, cramp.9, musculer pains and semeses, it5 le invaluable. I always keep a bottle' witl me. It curas rleurnatiin. 'This io Thie is standard authoityfor stîletos. Lfd sread Sherin & Kir by's new a&, t e .~awantïnIg.a aaov pearanslwti 0 00115 SWflTOMS 0F WORM5S are-Fever, w e50teii~es ag en Colle, v.iriaLble appetite, restlessueas, weak theliomenebrang, J. nesa envuision»s. Tise ssuîalling irem' hobyJ . Masen. Soea spocial val- ldls r1Lew' Werm Syrup. ues are being shown. p She boughutlien ticket from MA.Jamesan will sali on the favorite steamer Pariia frome Montreal oni Saturday. We wis lier a very piesant viait and safe retut: The Commercial Man's Grip. 7T 1 - ..... ......... -r -L -r L. ri ..-U Sur B--IjrkypaxaxlR 1-

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