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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1892, p. 6

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'k i THE MAI]Y3. t Ev JESSIE M. B. SAXBY. ~it ,, Whatuver is to be done! 1 can't get a Servant for love or for money 1" î_' That i, the feminine wail going up from Our home, risin g bigh above the demand Ifor "lwomau"- rigts," and drowning the There îs a gentle. voicu of mirth within our walls 1 IDSP8PSia. man at Malden-ori- 1 speak of thueriddleocracy as thus coin- plairning. If the energetie wife of a trades- the-Hudson, N. Y., Iman can't flnd a drudige-of-all-work te as- narned Captain A. G. Pareis, who sist, she-knowing how to do it-sets to bas written us a letter in whieh it work herqelf, and I"gets tbroun" somebow. AndaforMladyshe does not troliole bier- îs evident that lie las made up bis eto h ubet;frse a eae mind concering sorne things, and well-erduicated, hbandsou.ly-paid houselzeep- this 3 what lie says: un rto take ail bother about the servants on «'I have used your preparation 1bcir own sboulders. ealld Agus Flwer n m faily But the struggiing professional man'sý for seven or eight years. Itis cn- wif e, xvho 'u; to dufer so mucb to appear- stantly in My bouse, and We consider acs and consider hier hushan d's purse at for *. the sane ime; and thse wealcby business it the best remedyfo Indigestion,l man's wife, xvbo likes to bave everything and Constipation we j'lso ficee;" tie delicate lady, wbo requies Indigestion. aeee used or !the aid of stnong, taitbf ni bande in lier do- 40 known. My Wife iS mestie duties; tbe bride xvho je as inuxpuni- tronbled wth Dyspepsia, and at e"nu housekeeping as bier own first bsiby; >the ovu-wrongt mothers of big sina' fami- tiinessuffersverymauch after eating. ý lies,-t/ese are the wornen wbo feel se The August Flower, bowever, re-!intunsuly thu "servant difficulty,"' whose lieves the difficuit'. My wife fre- groans on the ý-ubject would melt anytbing less hard than a marniefi man's heant, aud quently says to me when I amn going 'wiso are wonidering if there ex er eau be a to town, 'We are out -way ot of their trouble. Constipation of August Flower, Persopiallv I bave net lbad much x and I think you had 1perience egardin g wbat is callefi badl better get another bottle. ý I amn also ý servants. " Once or twie I have hadl to do troubledwithlndigestioil, and when- with a Kitchen Ilorror; but, thougli the domestie tornado aised by sncb aunue xvas ever I amn, I take one or two tea- direful enougb, there always seemed to me spoonfuls before eating, for a day o9 so much of the ludicrous elument in it that two. and all trouble is removed2'9 I was able to laugh chrougli it eventually. The lain.e excuses, the elunîsy attempts at conceaiment of a fraud, the cluver lies, and THE CANADIANSIATESIMAN sn fanustsfcoymads vent are an intenesting study if we look EST kBLISHED 1854 at thurn fron a certain point. Unfortunately _,S1Perannm i adanc, a eterwqn a martyred mistress annot often bring the pu blicatn. ,AV rUsmz r&tî3 use n,ss by cas liti-,on~'~~'" r," the nistress ; or inay mnakîe it evident that hier most suitable place is the scuilerýy. For my own part I should consider that cbarac- ter and manuens alone give a woman "1place," and if a maid's appearance and worth vene unimp'eacbable I should look upon lier as an equa]. How cao we endure to gi-ie Our tender young eilidren to the care of wonien wbom we consider inferiors? Our nurse-maids mould the minds and mannens of the littie onies as much as wu do; tberefore, instead of inveighing againet the higher education of servants, we ouglit to be thankful that sucb a reflniing influence bas been brought to bear ripou that class. "But education or no education,' 1 cao)'t get a servant xorth baving," cries madame. Weli, madiame, I don't want to sav a biard tbing, ani I don't mean to instmuate that yon are a bad mistress, but I can't help tluneg that it must be your own fauît very mucli if you can'i Sund suitabîs domes- tics. I doii'u say liow you are in fauît, aud 1Ido nt presrne te legislate for your bouse- buold; but I arn quite sure if you change your metleod of managing you r maids for a mthod more in keeping witb the ideas, aspi- retions, and conditionsof oun "advaucud'" age, yor- will findpIeniy of "real treasuires," as our gnandm-others did, [n those old kindly tumes servants were raî-ely cianged. Tbey became members of the fumily iioto xvich ibey 1'took srvie-,." They lad tb"ir faults, as w-e al bave; tbey sucre often s ery troublusome, and presumed on tlie patience of their usoployers; but they 1oved and faitbfuliy servefi ibose wbo badl showss personal interest in theni, wbo had caned for them, and synpathised in al ibeir grie's and sorrowvs. Tbey made the interests of tlieir masters theirosun; and, thougi tbose masters had te "put nip" witb a gruat deal, tbuy eceived ample compensation in the loyal ty of tbeir domesties. Wby do x'e bave so little of that kind of ihing now? Is the fali altogeiher on the ide Of thosu "uIpse-tiing girls" who "ibink tbemselvus as good", as you? Don tless tbey are far from wbat ihey siîould bie in soirie respects. Tbey do not understand that «"tbe highest are those wbo serve;" but do youn ak the bard lessosis of 1;rý ý +1- - 6"w. ck Fsud well as temporal. Each lady bas charge of certain girls, and it is ber business to follow their careur, belping tbemn in every way she eau. A young girl belonging to this sociuty bad been r"commuuded to a situation,,but the wheels did not go sniooily ; the mistness thougbt the niaid ssucy, and the maid f bought the iumstress nagginig. Thuy did nlot fit, and things suere often at sixes and suvuns between theni ere maniy days. Thon the mistress-saifi, IlI tbink you bad butter se the lady who recommends yen. She snay bu able toadvise yon hou, yon ougbt te bebave, for crtaiuly I1sili net stand muLcli more fromn you, andi yen knosu if I can't givu yon a goosi character yon sulîl not readily get an- other goosi place." The girl waited upon lier lady-guardian andi hads ome conversation witbh er, the ru- suIt being tbat shu returned to bier mistress "like alamb.' Normorel"'sauce,"noniore tenipers, Whun tbe mistruss nagged, the maid was sulent, vhieh was deligistfui. Curions to knnw suhat advice bad been given that bad xrought sncb a change, the lady said, by and hy, 1"11 amn vuny gilad to sue ibat you bave been doing mucli btter since yon went to tbat lady. Wliat did ebhe Say to Von ? IlShe said," suas the maid's reply, Il tbat e v r y o d y a d o e c r o s s l a i d u p o n i l i m ui eb th ey h d t o b ear ith p atien ce, an d 1 suas te ci sider You my cross." The girl lui tchat bouse nevt day. I arn af raid iliere are not manv maids wbo roceive a niagging mistress as cheir cross, but assuredly many a worried bouse- wife fuels bier conte-any dometc ec ua cross of no srnall magnitude. I wiah I knuw bow to comiforttliem i AT WAR 'WITH SAVAGES. EnglandI and Frauece and tTheir Cain palgus Iu Asia and Africas. Grave nuws lias beun reeeived at Calcnt ta f rom the Lusbrai country. The rebellious Lusbais bave inade a snddeu iraid if the nuar of the Britisb columu, and have aitacil- ed the tua ustate of Boorooncherra. Tise manager andi bis faniuly succeedus inl effet- ing ibsiýr escape, but, thirty-uight coolies1 uerass uurtwsr Iou s sbieq'~ncYl- [ine. îresetin pa~dIdf er ta t arat hv o mistreqqe for«et that the prett 5" sisss.LunaaisLunasuLun - -YO- V" i for Infants and ChiIdren. ,castorlai8s10Weilladapted to C=rnba MOaeies Colle, Constipation, F recommend iti as superior te any=pesrptiýon I Sour Stomnacti, Diarrhea, Eructat0oI, Imown itO rnc." H .IL A, cnzut, l. , EsSWorms, gives sleep, and prom0tefld:. ~>. o r si. B oolyn 1 . Y gstion, 111 L% eor St Brkly, N Y. Witout ijurious medication. THE CNTArua CosoeÂN, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. III1GGINBOTEIAM & SON, BOWMANYILLE- H-La IN ES0 CARRUIAG E WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, -M A NUB'ÂCTURER 0FOi- GARRIACES7 SLEICH8, CUTTERS, WAGONS, 0&O. KING STRIEET, BOWMANVILLE. 170won haud a number of vehicles and is manuracturing a great mxany more of th-flies patterrne and best finish. which 1 amn ofring for sale at the lowest price consistent with due regard te worknanship and qaiy The followimg is a list of the principal vehicles mnanufactured by mie Double Covered Carniages ...... .......$5 Upward. Single P-tons ..... ................ ...............100 ý open Buggy ..................... ....... .......... 70 d Top Buggy ...... ...................... Democrat Wagonls................................. 5 Luiober Wagon.............. ... ..... .......... ..............55 Liglit Wagon.-............................................. 4 Express Wagon ............................... -.................71 Skeleton .......... ............ ....... ...................- f Sulky .............................................. 40 -ApUrnerediit, and by so doî's 1I honerogreatiyicrae yuuer of saleï. M'Xe ~1 Ladis' nfi ent' sur f aI kmv aine of 71bs. of meut was, supposing theu "put upon" ber. Aften thai yonwsili learuý La oves',nd ints, Leaces, l kds, Feutis Ipnieu to bucll clper lb. ; suhen their lettert. to be patient sitih er-penhape you sili ru- un, onaîsand borne weru suitten as if a spider had beun vert to sone of yonr graudmothrs "sunys" ail kinde of fasecy goode I)yed, Cleaned un dippud in tbe ink andi set to dlean hinisli sud interet yoursult in your nsaid's lifu oui French Cleaned. Wonk positively guanan. ou a sheut of paper ; suben thuy wsunî as sidu of ber duiy to you. Possibly you may teesi the bet. No peddling wagon enployed. soon bave sut dowuesau the bead of your table theis discox un that bier feeings-nay, evenl A reliailu aguent in every tosun.ile as bave taken a bath in youi bouse ;-in ber thougts-aru numarkahly kmn to youn BRITISH4 AMERICAN DYEINC CO'y» thosu burbarous, ssot al had, old dlays it was osun. Somte days subun you are iii, and Gold Medalisi Dyers. flot wouderful that chu misiress rugarded scarcely able to turu on your pillusu shu sili Montreai, Toronto, Ottawa andi Quebe. bier bunigiiesi muid as tashioued of anoiber deftly raise your hcad osn lier an, sand Agent in Bowmanville. kind of flesh aud blond ; andi the mmid fuît batîse your aching brosu as tenduly as if J. H- DOBSON, STATrIONER. a Sort of awe for the lady who conld speuk chu sucre your ludy-duuglscur. Tien you __________________________foreigu tongues, andi evoku munvellous mel- wili givu lier a grutuful carcîs, and ait un ody fromt wondenful instrumeents with île chat you sili think les about lier helongiisg aistand sol tst ni fingers. to the lowun ciasse; ai she will ytiuid]( yon a G enits'Clothig ve oetu -drýpcu ina lu reciving albtter education, lioseversriemr rs u epcflca n Clened Did, resed nsiRepire by the însid bas bei tiai ase which tbings uu U whic yocî couldbave won tlnougb sand kuosu are pt t instl usoe ih n -tingon a false digsity. 'lr-V e-" S. -r.I A . bh bas discovened tIsatiber skies înay bu as And, suppose on sosue other day she T xi Umi Tifir, uni ber ingurs as siapely, as chose nif smashes a porculain toy ni grîcat valise; on DyerandClohee leaerthe lady in chu drawing-noom. She pis tells a fib to ecruen soues nali omission; sili Dyu au Clths Ceanrgioves on ber bands, ihurefore, wbun Sise yon forget lier loyal serv ice, lier eînwuariud Cousis sarrautesi to lie us no onu sulîl no- dous rough woî-k, sIc wlks ereet, shc e rass tendance, and undo hy lîarsh suords andsim- ilium rom new wshen doue. books, she doe ber spiiing guntly, and patient actiois tie cords wbicis iutuai oued Corner Ring and Ontario Struets, knows chat she is as attractive, in the eyes asnd mutual sympacby bave usade stng bu- Bosumanville. of men as ler mistress, and may make as txvuen mistruse and muid? Ah, bave not ______________________________good a marniage as bier mistruse di]. your own daugbtrs beusi as canless, as IJnfortunatuly, tic mistrusses have ru- foolisb as île, yec yon forgavu, and it made The Three Iifirnties, rraiiied blinsi to the revolution subicl bas no différence? Sureiy you sill give t0 youî Tise vusi remote biank darkness of tbe skies, tukun place, ansi continue to treat ibeir ssad ni tbe cruinhemuni tIse childnns Where Silence foldtb thi n-irtai chine doînesties as if ibey sucre stili tiat ignorant" table, Yousili fiud yonnsulfchu icher ion Of wheeling stars in auf il cunîpanies, "1losuer" cl use. it uvestuaily. White suhispers on the lips nf aucient Tme . By the way, madame, eau yon iiiIssue It lias beun snggesced tIsaisue sbotld The holiosu wastu of the unfathons'd1 deep slat yoit muan by Illosuer duess ?" le it ustablish trainin'g homes for domustie Where no Round i-ý, and liglit le but a gleeni statue, or birth, or braicîs, or money that servante, but 1dn t Se o wsuec in- Lost in dim twiiglit shadles, suberenuever croup makus you the supuntor of your mid?9 stitutions anc co bc of use uxcept for suci Tise dyiug raye fioui daytide s goldenn ureaus. lib is democratie age of (ions, onu bu. girls as bave ueo homes, or ieiong to the Tise dank, obscure, mystenlous Iuman huart, cotrnus a little confusesi on sucl i fie distille - lapsus i uasses. Wiere flrce billes ebb and flowu for uver- tionss but 1 hope sue are al dean that the TIgrarnubrofursvntcru moremenu possession of ueoney doeint cruate f nom the councry, ansi the homes ni wonk- Wbure thoughts and dreanis and hopus forever chut fluet ching on earth-a ruaI lady. isîg umen. Tîseir parentes wunot, ansi Forruin orhisven on somo unkuosun shore- Weil then, is it birtb,? Suruly not, for if coulsi not, -end -thu girls to traininîg homes, 0, vet hi ususoe dep hansîzrry that suere so, the IHighilandss uethat saits therufore tbuy muet bu wholy nuinistruclusi Mor ast ful thareneeth îîidsuas nigbt, behinsi Lady Cockaigne's chair coulsi sho w suicu clsy conse co us, if .hoir motîsuresuere Moreawfi tau he iii-sc',,soundies migici1 a muci oder, mach more respectable fam- unablu to teacb them insu to "lcook the bit, -fliarper's.-Nagaziue iiy tmue, than leur ladyship's. ansi menu the slit."' Suppose, madame, chat Statue? The lines on which tIse gradienti you liasi been broughi up in a pour man 's Use te1t.(fonml1er ilajesiy's ihîronu to thse scavun- dwelling, ansi knesu othing of chu uses of Uso tolt~gcr'eweeul barrow)isconstructed are so fine- fruit plates, jelly muoîss, fish-forks, &c. A Gunman paper coîtains a reply froi ly dnawu, ansi lunch each otîeun so closelY, Wouldn't yon bu rathen busilderusi ansi cleruynean ubo suas travelling, ansi suo ibut onu cunnot defline duse. To duî the cluuesy un dealsu.g sui chose nnf'smilear seopped ai an hotul muci freuieutei by mocisun muy osidur lber childrun's govun- articles suhes firet stroducusi to ibem ? commnercial travellers, The hosi, not nes an enfueor, ansi chu govurnuse may Doî't you tlîink it sunîsiake a long trne luvîng been ususi co having clergy- look upon tbe bousemaisi us of a losuer to teacîs you sîot to gutIl" mixusi" suen men ut hie table, lookesi atinhe wiýh lass ; but co-monnosu a tunse nf iortune's depuiesi to take chagenof objecte nusu ansi surprise. The irareliure ususi aIl their suleel may reverse the positions ni ail tîrue. sinanze? For certain yonulon ibu as urilluny of wi riupou hiis, suioîsi eiciîiug A bank gous eseashs andi the moiher cornes stupisi as Maggie su lie circunssiances. a renas-k in seif-delence. The wortiy Il"dosun incIse suorîsi"'so far, thut shu hue Theubesi training a servant eau bave (if her clergyman aie hie dînner quiuly, apparent- to tuke in washing. A relative luavs usheb moclier suas incapable) is chu patient, chuer. ly sithout obsers iDg île jihes ands eers of. bouse-mid a legacy, aud sic drives ilulber fui direction of au efficient nilteiss, who is hie neiglîbors. Onu of thens ai lustinusosn carniage. Hue chu change of statue alive co ilie fact thut leur muid is bier despair nf ithi forbeurunce, saisi to him, niadu the mistresser maid'e inferior? sistur. " Wuli, Isuondur t your patience. Have Brains-by wiichsue ussan.uducation, 1 I oneuhuard a capital story tontching oie y à-s isot iseassi ail tisat lias beusi said abouit suppose---ile"Où determino a woman's ibis subjeci, ansi as 1 believo it hae never you ? " Oh, ycs, b'ît Iarn accustomusi to place on the social lasduer more than status, buen lu prini," I givu ithehue. t. Do yon Lnow subo 1 arn?" Il No"so s uenaiould ha scas" is oniy Thunu is a sociuty of ladies suho isteret Wsll, I sili inforns you. I arn chaplaiu p rovesi by ais indefinuble something per- thicnselvus in servant girls, procuring goosi , a lunul cz asyluns. Sucls nemanke bave! caiuiuig t pcrsonalily chat may Show chu places for tins, watchseug overtbeir osorais, sun effect upons se." jineaisias fit to grucu ils druweng-moue as ansi advbsiug theus onu subjucta spiritual us aginsi the British, ibu outiook in Upper Cuinua is not veny prnmising. The French nususpapere sicînansi that île plrenrt camp aigu againsit Dahomey directesi to effeci tbe complete subjugucion of chat country, ansi chue rendur furtiier aetion by tIse Frnchn unneuceseary. Tley declare chai a caîspaigu tIsai does ni ffeet ibis endi xill bu suorse tian seules, ands chai in a fesu ycars tise Daliosneyans i ulîl agaies maku trouble for thu French,, unlese the posuer oi ibeir kinga for nsiischief le utter- ly brokun. RiUng Behaîszin, thoy say, bav- iiîg beun edueatesi in Punis, kuesus thu ru- sources of Facbtibiis faci bhas foi deil- terui blînfrom uaciing su a mosi ,arroganut maniellur, ansi inidnigiug if miany tireats ugainet the Frenchi, The lisse bas nosu cousse, tise papers deelare, teobreakbhis power ans ieacb bîm that French igits uun b respectesi. Itle sjuigesi, by thie conu ni the articles, tîsat it le desiresi thai a Frenche pro. tuctorate bu stablishes inl Dabomey. The Cabinet hue fiually decidusi upon extensive opratiof s iii Dahsomey, suih wiil bu in- trustesi to tbeNMinistur of Marine. The 'itite Shopman. A hbighly respectable inm of silk mercure, of wbich tic principal suas a Quaker, suisun eîsgagiDg - suiesmen instructusi thuni to engage lu no sale wiiclî coulsi not be snup. pontusi by Holy Writ. The day ai ter lie linas engagesi a nsux sales- mais, a lady unteril e sbop for the purpose ofbe:ying corne iliz for a dirs. TýIse polîtu sliopmau shsosues.iber a sanspie ai5sepur yard, wbich suas scornfully rujeet- cul us sot gos escungb ; chu sua-tesi a butter u, se lue took this back ansi bronglît anotleun, suicb ivusuiso nejeciesi. The shop- mian sais ieb hasi a vury bîglu-clase silk, but bue suas afraîi ibat the expense wsunîsbe 100 gruat, but witb bier permssison le suulsi show il to lier. He tien futceesitiehigli ciase silk, wbiecî gave euvery satisfaction, ansd a dres peece xvas orduresi rmusl. Aiter the lady basi luitthie eeop tbe sales- man suas severuly lutereogatesi by bis Quaker master as to hosu lo coulsi support, by a quotation frn, Senupinu, the sale of a 5s. silk for i5s. pur yard, knowug fuil sWeil that chu piece lbu lad s obs to bier suas the isicîtical piece wliicbhuelhosuesiber iret, The shoýmauL nepliesi ihat lie busi kupi bis masters instructions fully belore liii, and as ciesuwas tIc irst tme chu lady basi ever unierusi tic siop, the sale suas covuresi by tbe passage, " Shu w as a strangur ansi 1 took lier in."' An unusually gruat ainount of lace is usesi on ail bridal gowus ut pruacut, ansi large nrlgeof tulle are also seun on sncb Grensadine are again veny popular, andi have in a great ieasuru supensudusi black lace. and ail diseases arising frorn a disordered condition of the STOMAOH, LIVER, BOWE-L$ q£> BLOOD. 1.B.B. acis on all the organs of the body to produce regular acîco î to strengiluen, purify and tone, and to remove ail impure accumülatiLons i' inorbid mialter from a Common Pimpis to tise orst Sci-ofulous Sore. Thousands of reliabie men and suomen testify to its good effects ion the above diseases. Is il flot worth at least a trialinir your case ? Prkao $i p erb üttle, 6for $ or less il-an i c. a dose. "A Baby-Oniiy." WVe passeSi bu a lsusy sîreel, Xhere lîsriud footsteps corne and go, A long whîite streamer whlch the wiud Canglie up and swsaftefl lu andi fro; My frinsd iooked iack. tii n Iighiiy saiS, 'Tis cniy somuonu*s baby, deafi." "A baby, onil " AI tIse sords,- Swift fmoithe citys 'easelesuS di My thouglîs stoi e t ta safidened home. Audioe the sleut guest suihin: Thce littie cieldieu pasýing by Thougt'twus '50pity t1i.Iodle - 1 seensud t10cee the Sarkened room, The ltthe suaxes furni se faim, The litile dimplefi hanS soetil, The sofit, light rings of suuny h air, 7lie tender usouth that met lise kiss 0f Deatîs xx ti sucb a smalle nf blissi 'Twsam oly "soie one baby, " bui Ah. use! the essîpty, uunipty nst! Ai, nie! the ]ouging arnus outsireicîsedl Ah. me! the ionchy modhems breasi, Tic fadefi hope, îlte joys now fSud Bueusise of' souce one baby, deafi!" For to 'sone onue' I kec esutcwurld \Vae briglilcu for the babys birth; AnS for "oe onue' thelight suent oui W' heu fieStlisestainlesso ni fronirni, Yut thîese, the carelese words, Ihe sali: "'Tic on'y cousu onesbaby, deadl" But to thaI ir by scnel itsecî. If ',sooe" ue'L"w whntbl isbgiveus To take but une seuet sip of curtIs, TMien f sdi ssieep tb wake lin eaven: To noie and g, like sumnorsircath, Ansi smilu aiike on 1lif e and Dc 'stli! -[Good I -ouckccping. To Avoid Metakes, Joins, ho-wv mucb xwhisky sud you take for your grip lastt ncght l" "A 1sit andi a bahf." " V at !I! ! "lYes ; you sue, if I busi ordy luken a piiei my stomaci miglit ha-veesistakcn rmy seotixu. I wýaDted to ipnuss cu it tIc feer ilthail-ilssuasmdcie Rosu to Grosu Tomate. "Because the gueerous nature of the to. moscyiulde boiiifilly siti seumiusgly litIle cure ansi attentin',île general im- pression puevails," says Mn. C. L. Allen, '« talithe plant neuires but littie attenteon. This je a sud fsistuke, for clerc je not a vugetable lu Ihe gardon that is so gnose a feudun, for one ihai 80 reudely pays for al the bond ansi cure ,,iven us tise toînato. To growv it to the gieaet perfection, fihi hus sho UIdi bu dug ont 'io thc dupîl of Tiro and a hallfuet -,ai tbe botiomib ter- should b- a half buahlc of w-cil nottusi mascuru ; abovu ibis let flie soil ieaun uqualnmi'xtureof ofain ausi uanunre cbonoughly mixesi. The bille shouisi bu ai leasi six fuet apari. Lui chu situation bu opesi, suce-n, amry. Wicn ilie fruit lugins tu sut muid sith dlean strasu on vury senail hrusb, Uîdun iliesu conditions six plante wiil furnicli sufficuetic tomnatus for a fumily of isueive punsonse. Wbat ever variety may bu plautusi in ticis manner, tIse recuit sulîl show specemens for size, srnooili. fueness a s culent properties, unikiosvu to tIse x'arity suien gnown lu île « any usannu." j Rusýýsia lias adoptesi a number of drestie muscaS eci ch insiiset lat pncparucious are beiunumacle fou- sar. Thc prusunt extent of île Vatecau es un. ormous, tIse nubun of r sois, aItIshe losuesti coîputatuon, buing 4,422ý,ILs truasureof munile statues, unceent gis, pasutinge, books,, manuseripîs, &C, are to bu compared only sitb ibosu e ibte Britisb Museumi. TIe lungcli ni île statue mmseuum alone is a fraction ovur a miîle. Wneluere say chat the goisi containusiiluche med.ýle, vesseis, chaine, aund o'bur objecis pre-r~ved un tIse Vati ,an (souid meke mone gole> coins cl-an the whIsl of tise present Eunîpeas cinculatis s.

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