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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1892, p. 3

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M Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par- lonage. "My atxjuaintance with your remedy, Eoschee's German Syrup, was made about fourteen years ago, when I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseness and a Cough whieh disabled me from flhing my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After trying a Physician, without obtaining relief-I cannot say now what remedy he prescribed -I saw the advertisement of your remedy ande obtained a bottie. I rIeceived stich quick and permanent Jaelp fron it that whenever we have -bad Tliroat or Bronchai troubles since in our faniily, Boschee's Ger- =nau Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable resuits.- I have neyer hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled in like maliner." RXV. W.H. lIAGGAR'1Y, of the Newark, New A Safe Jersey, M.E,. Cunfet- ence, April 25, '9o. Remedy. G. G. GREEN. Sole Man'frWoodbury,N.. -ARRISTEit, SOLICITOR, NOT- ALP ARYe., offices, McArthur's blaock, King Street, Bowmanville. Money to bean. 37. M ONEY TO LOAN,-On fsrm seur lty an most favorable ierms-martgsges beught. Arnsiy ta RIcHAul FOSTER, east of t'wu. P. . Box 119, or ,osN FOSTER, Drover, FR RE E ! 2c fgos ot 2 n large 100 page Pietuno Book that wili 5m ely g t yan on the noad ta a baudanino fanturso. Sen;d 5». cliver ta pay postage, A.W.KINN HY, B. 0. S.. Yarmouth, N. S. - 12 - am. S~ meat.and grass7mst be the futureToodro AGRICULTURAL. ireeds or 8wine. No people enter int swine breedmng to the extent that Amerir ans do, and the in- provements lu the breeds have been marked tbroughout the course of the indus3try's history. Ail of the varions first-cl ass breeds of the world have beon tested and, experi- mcnted with in this country, and the best resuits obtained f rom crossingl different sixains. Pork-raising for profit bas been the cry af the American fariner, and that we have succceded iu this may be demon- stratcd by tbh a-ast hierds, of surine which main the fields and pastures of. aur large faria. Although there are many breeds to- day tisat command more or less attention, tbe two breeds tliat furnisli a large percent- age of the pont are the American brced of Poland-China and the English Berkshire. These two brecds have entered flicficld and distanccd ahl comopetitors. They are botb adopbcd to the country and to our inethoda of fcodiug. The Chester Whites have at- tention, but at tbe great pork-packing os- tablishmnts thcy do not corne in for as much importance as cîther one of the other breeda. If one braveis through thc country he will find quite a numben of breeda kept by individual farinera, snch as the Essex, Sinali Yorkshires Chesiros and Duroc- Jersey, but very few of these enter into any strong competitin with the otliers. Another noticeable change in iinpoved swine-breeding in this conntry is the aI- most ontine absence oi white hogs, altbougb at one fine the white anes were naised ai- most exclusively. The black swine, with white mankings, seein to bc the favoriteI nues, sinco the old superstition died that the pork of black swine was unfit to eat. The crosses between the Berkshire and Polamd-Cbiua breeda bave been cultivabed quite extensiveiy, and the nasuits have been satisfactory in every way. Saine prefer he ponk of the cross to that of, cither of the original breeds, and dlaim that it is superiorilumer lb. Thbeavy annual lasses of swiic tbrongb disease finally.creat- c d a great change in pork-naising. rThe exclusive diet of Indian corn for fateip otk bnought its vil nesuits aud tihtte aw neYbèd-bre1ý haTt, é,violate- Sthe laws of nature was an unsafe nule. iFeeding t he bogs on aweet, juicy grasses prevented the disease and also accoinplish- ed another resuit. It converted many anti- pork eaters into loyers of the swine meat, parent ta bbe caret ni observer that snicb Iron and Steel in Large Buiildingzs. traiuing is of the bigheý,t va:1ue when obtaus- Tenvita i nligcntuto ed througb an educatianial branch makiug mayhe rsalid taihaveucldinccnabout1850 a specialty ai tbis subject.'myb adt aecmxne bu 80 The dairy iudustry is of suoh magnitude lin 1845 Peter Cooper erected the largest rall- that lb cannai he iddeu under a bushel, iug nilI at that tiine in the United States for andil emadaitsf nl quiinet i slîoîsmakiug railrosd imon, and at this miii hoe andit emadsitsful eqipen'of cholswaa the first, soan afterward, to roll as mucb as other rades andprfsso. wrougbt iron beains for ireproof buildings. Who would bhink novî adays of seeiug a lu bbe building of the Cooper Instittute lu competent physiciaan graduate i-ain any- New York City, lu 1857, lie was the firot ta bing but an anitbonized nedical crllege, or cmpioy sncb beains with brick arches ta a civil englacer pursuing bis stodies anIy- support the floors in large structures de- where but lu a scisool of civil engineering? -indt efireproof, 1u this-building, So it sbould ie aitli a dalry manufacturer;- ged o1 lia sbonld bc tborongblv conversurnt with bowever, as iii ail similar structures up to a that part of clîenistny touclîing iiilk and ils ,yory recent peiod, bbe walls were depcnd- products, anfi tbe proper place to, acquire cd upon to furuish the principal support of snob know'cdgc is un der competent instrno- tbc sevoral flions and give the riecessary tion. strcngtb and stability to the building. Prohhlyperecton l th qulib ofSncb depeudence upon the walis alone bas diprodncts basrfec n iheingaltiaio- been found to ho incneasingly difficult and cd in many individual cases, and what there- vsl oeepuiewt xeyadtc fore is nceded niow la bhc blcnditug of these t0 tbc beight ai the building; and wberc it individual cases bogether lu one uniforin was neccssarv to make tbe walls at the firat whoie. The reanît wuold, ai course, henuni-I §tory, four or fore icet or mare thick, as bas iornity of the highcest standard, and just!df ton bcen the case lu eigbbt or nine -tory sncb a loity goal olîould bie bhe emnulatixe buildings, a large proportion of tbc most mark of cvcryone conccruied iu dairy work. -uvluiable ron was thus baken np. The It is futile and uuwisc to carry on the labor 1mod5.rlatodmetbo ofbldeaing obvitoptis of improvement lu just the ii annîacturing ,difstrcursandenltheor arceetori putig departinent alone. Praducing dairymenupsrcnctw tyomresrisbg inust co-operabe or the bcsteffonts ai malin- isaving every desircd elenent ai strengtb facturersarae ahorted. Of course, tbai noble antd stabiiity, but witb the wals formirg institution, tbc Farmer's Inistitute, must oniy a more shclinclosing thecbuiidýig, and keep ponnding vigoronaîy away ta accon- i no way dcpendcd ripou for ils sup- piih bis an gadsaly eLssngevls udport. Thisis l accomplishcd hy making a dcfecbs uilI ho cornered.-[Gea. E. Newell, good foundation for eachi of bhe iran columus lu Prairie Fariner, ai tihe interior, tbe weight of the structure i:n ail its parts heing carefuliy fignned ont, with dute allowance for the uses to wbich Alreaday Punisbed. the building is ta be put, tise severai Sanuel Golslgs-oier rd Ilin Thaler founidatious for interior piliars, colmmua, drackor came to London bo boy gooda. &.nd piors beiug preparedluaudosc ib lu making their purchases the irat dayftle mn nluwbicb tho weigbb aud strains they became so eugrossed in bbc acilection af of ,le coinpietedbuiidingwillbe distributed. thir stocks tbat, tbey enirely disrcgardlodIii thia way of building bbe wails are only th orat whicli the uooîî-day hasb wa inbcnded to support their own wxvight, sony- served at bbc cheap boarding-bouse at whîich iuig sncb purpases of ornementation or cm- bhey were staying. But the violent île- belliiobient as mnay bie songbt, the openings manda ai tise muer man must lho appcaocd. for the admission of ligbt and air to the lu- So bbey tunned ta the iiechant fron whoîn te Lior being langly increased, or as bas heen bhcy bad purchascd their stock, aud asked foiiowed lusaine cases, bhe extorior may hoe ta hoe directed ta a near.by restaurant. farmcd alnoat cntireiy 'of glass. A s aur fionda Sanuel and Isaac had both The building lu course af construction dioplayed coifortabie roils of bank-noloa, givas a goadl ides of ibis modern [the mercbant-di -nothleýsibate to dir -th e n ehad rf pstting nip great bueinoes to the Blank Hotel, uuichavas :in bbc un- Bon P alace bi uDmser o. c mediate ncîghbbarbood. 'rw aaeHtli evr o. e The descendants ai Abraham, with ail the sgined to lbe rcsdy for occuvsncy this suin- pomp imaginable, took thein scats in tbc mer, bia ninualugodpabb higb-toncd restaurant, and caiicd for a regu- measuremout ou the tbree ides bcbng 230, l an diriner, but as the quaiity was excellent, 2î3. and 326 icet respcctiveiy, sud tbbc cmi- soc~~ îzosscroIM Was iuguess e i ý.%üLsu leiChriaprLeeingrouided. Tbit ie occasionas extra orer, s aenk igwsi'n ba3ment 18 fet dc ~4i ~h~s M l3feet above thesitlewalk. lThe itd - - - - - - -E Plants. Roses. Carnations, Violets. Silax.rewsu eeossd b wi fi nd sunid c fug inhs. ryOaul and Ferus. Fanerai Dosigsss and Bouquets chief abject ai the curry is pureiy aanibary, ikda uaînsnsi iefeiiaa u u inle iss.Over the main mado ,p on short notice lu Ws-eabh3. Crowns, ta kcop hlm clean. If buis ho doue thonongh- walkdo nslneutltefeig f r1fpoetn assp '-- losteants. Society Enublem, Iv' iy tlen abjects are attained. Heaibh la aîd- Mn aso odnhe gi vrowed cuOtaîsco laa sïenios a s proj enbaa aup Pilan isE Leaned fan Deeonatiou.such as Palins h rtadtefieo h os r hlm "Isaac, dot man viii nover brnaper."prtdbcaîevnba.Teouacs Fores Le.lies. &to. Telephone Conneelion. 1-ly cdtbopri suds tho fine aiea bbc hanseaiv arelametwt litia rhs eui nananed, and th appearaisce ai bbc hanse Ev-ti i nthcktenmnaieacsand outb hal are bauilini- binte ofccc0 Mn- lIsacThalerdra ker, who wa ycre bognst fh uiebidn \ TraftO ravllig Pee"erAgcC. P. PR... 5ays Ani-Didr~lTi spresreea~îOtDfl. Stops falling of hair. afeappictiole osîni torogb rsovsi Keeps the Scalp dlean, sxesie adI.f acu, .,tîcpe Makes hair soit and Pliable CEf fa¶ego!tihe bair, made il soit and pliable snd Promotes Growth. C UARANTEEU prmoe= a visible growtb. for Infants and Children. "CaatOr1ais sowell adapted toc idenh eu atewta cures fflHe, coustipat! on, trecommend it assuperior toanyprsrptolISour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructatiofle know to F,." IL A AaczaK. D. Worms, Sivas sleep, and promolOS dl- TEz OCENTm, Comp..ANv, 77 Murray Street, N.Y.~ FOR SALE BY J.HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE* FnROST e& OOD SMITB-'S FALLS, 1Vaufacturers ot the following first-clas implements: Single Apron Steel Frarne Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reaper, The "Tiger," the Leading Rake, Steel Plowes, etc. Also agent for GN lr rq' Spnade IHarrow. the best jjPi.

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