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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1892, p. 4

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e - e~ Uft I' W O 77 ___________________________________ I I I I 01111 s ýWhen youi want a CIIUIN IPATRONS' PIONIO. The big union pienlo hold linder the auspices ut the Patrons out llusbandry in .Drham couty in Mýr.Jones' gruvo suuth- wost of tho village ut Newtunvillo -last Tuosday was a magnificont succosa in evory respect. The Dominion Organ Band, the Newicastie Royal Templars' Baud and tho Nowtonville Brass Baud supplied music galure. It was real picnic ivoathor, could'nt have boon mure onjuyable. The sigkt te une appruaching the grounds abuut 2 p. m. vas one scarcoly ovor bo- fore vitnessed-the fonces aruund the [gruve and fields surrounding the sanie vioro linod with horses and vohiclos, and tho muvng throng ut poople gave lite te -the unusual-scene. Whon THE STATESMAN ropréentativo arrivod on the grounds, an immense con- grogation surrondod the piattoirm and al woro iutontly listoniug te the addross uf Mr. B. J. Mallury, county organizer, Cubourg. Seated aruund or upon the plattornu to the front and take the positions of trust and honor. Women airo aise in- terested and ail unitina in a commun in- torest eau acconiphislî what they wiii. Our local memiber, Mr. W. T. Lockhartf made a short but very sensible spechl. Ho could heartily endorse most uft ie principlos ut tho Patrons ut Indlustry, but he had nu symipathy with the subj ect as talked about in the towns and villages-. Ho disliked combines and if this society's ubject is to break down mnnpolios it had bis hoarty sympathy. Much benefit would be derived by the'imembers in meeting tu discuss tlieir ovin particular interosts. Hie then review.ed the action ut the govern- ment at Ottawia on the binder twine ques- tion and 1mw the Tory members-so me - thenfarniers4uow-vtedl- soli& -against- reuîoviug the dnty. Hie alsu referred to the unsuccesst ul èeffort made to allovi corn for teod to go un the free list. Evidontly the farmers in parliament do not vote ai- ways in thoir uwii interests. Ho -%vas surprisod that vihile the farmors viere the must numerous ut any class in the coun- JUNE WEDDING. An interesting ceremuîoiy touk place at Cooke's churcb, Toronto, at 8.30 a. m. Tucday miorning, June 7Lh vihon 11ev. M. P. Tallin?., B. A., sou uf Mr. and Mr,-. F. Tslling outhIis twn, and pastor ut St. James Presbyterian church, Lon- don, was united in marriage with Miss Mary Cooper, daugliter uf Mr. W. Coup. er, 148 Berkeley stri et Toronto. The ceromony was pirfurmod by 11ev. William Patterson, pastur ut the churcb, assisted by 11ev. Prof. Cregg, D. D , and 11ev. J. Arnoid Parsona, B. A., utf ('orry, Penn. The bride was attired lu a pr 'ýt.y travel- bruwu trimmîngs. The bridesmaid vas Miss Kate Clark. Each carrier1 a large bunch ut looso roses. f lie groom wss as- sieted by Mr. W. E. Earle ut the Earie Pnblisbing Company ut St. John, N. B. Mr. Sexsm-ih, the uîgûnist ut the cburob prosided at the urgan. A pleasant teature is stili showing some Iov ely - patterns in, WAtt We have some fine pat- iterns in - - parvhahacr½r- L"'~ ~ ~ f f th _____________________________________________________________________________ Swill rïnyrnarani ~ . V __ __________ f yo~rn - eolebrated xii Hie now eburen. n cure v v aarw~ - --- you can get them at YOU-N-&- cO-0-'S. Also everything-found in a Warkwurth ; John Miller, grand vice- prosident, Gloumurris ; A. Giffurd, grand trustee, Moatord ; Isaac Preston, county president, Betliany ; George Sisson,ceuu- uf local lodges:- J. R. Reid,' prosidiont - Ul 1 TVta-1-rv- uid truismi "United wo stand, divided vie fal. " (Applauso). Mr. A. (ifford vas pruud tu daýim Clarke ruwnship as his birth-placo. West DarhantpILoplo nover do'higs by halves,- andi th-e suce ss -of thi-s-p1nie-'--as--gro atly -tu.; thiretoc l-.-This _cciunrv-oungà tv un the cuver her name aïd an inscription appreciative ut her fait hfui service s ini the chureh, ut whieh she had been a member. The happy-cuneeft bymorng train turNew Brunswick andi Nova- Seutia&, and ~will baawayv jebout a nonth.- 11ev. t J- Give us a eaul. f3 UT T? NI NI n' fl PA 1 1 1 Y IRIETT 9 ILL

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