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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1892, p. 7

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~dùu~~tM~x~t~ FOR THE LADIES. ___________________________ eep Up With the (Jhldren. She xvas a woman of u'iddle age, thin and WEDNESDAY JUNE 15, 1892. plain, with no claim to beauty except the - _________________________eager, dark eyes shinling starlike from a wistful, care-ined face. Twenty years ago E.J. C. MHITCIELI, she hadl slipped her trustful hand into that IA MBER OF COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIN of another, andc counting the worM well lost ClI nd Surgeons,0 e.Ontarlo Coonr eto?. for the salie of her love and faith,, had enter- :10i and RoesidencEnsl. 74. cd upon a life of such toil, privation and heroie endurance as onlv womcu in froutier DB E IE n'Sor1pgbl, settiernents, 3,mid primaitive conditions, à EAR 1 ST} R. QOLICITOR. &c. MOP RIS know. P>LUCK, upetairs, Kin% Street. Bewrman- IlI have tricd my best," she said simply, vile ollotor for the Ontari Bank 1 "to keepnp with the childrcn. Father and i late S enicyi loaned at the lowest rates I resolved, when our first boy was ababy, that, stint and scrapc aud contrive as we S. C. HUNKl1NG inight. w'd educate ail that heaven sent us. Aud we have donc what we could. Iws' fICENSED AIOT ION EE R FOR willing thut my childrcu shonid get ahead iJte Cot y of Durham. Sales attended of me; I've tried to study their lessons with to on shortatntice and lowest rates. Âddress ns C(tcc P. 0. 36: ' hem and to enter into their feelins I don't waut them to outstrip me'in the ROUIT. YOUNG, V. S. race." C CEIN THE WEST DURHAM This mother had becu one of those to NYIesvs Bock. 'where hiinself or asistant M hom carly rising and late retiring had becu bvl e fctnud frcm S8a..toi) P.m. Night calîsaiways essential, in order that the ioutinc at resiidence,diiect]y opposite Drill Shed. Catis of th housework shouldntsufer. lu thats hY telegraph or telephone wil receive prompt attention 171.yr part nf the country wherc shle livcd hired help for domestie purposes was almost un- LA. 1Y. ET4LE, heard of; womeu didtbcir onuwork, aneigh-t jUOTIONEER APASRRa bor's danghter sometimes lending a kind Sals Eta e get~ PPRISR, ea hand in an exigeucy, aud the men of the A Bstae -Agnt, owmsonville, Ontarin- Slsattended l n ato rvne amily doing their share at need. lu ber de- termined effort to keep step with hcr chil- dret, in their loteilectual developmeut,sh A-A. VO T, had iu another direction bullded botter than A ROHITEOT. Plans and Suc ia he knew; for the children. boys and girls, of flour, two tablespoonfl ni of mik, one Our Barley Trade Wiuh England. Pu taponfalesof in a powder heeeggsand Following is an extract fromn an English Pot ue abiepoolulin abuteredcupandletter in ihe foronto Globe of recentM steam 0mnts.Rî hl htl ht date that will be read with the greatest soa.interest by farmera aIll over Canada, being, A large Stock of well seIected Arnerican Wall Pap8rs, cheap ant, SNOW CAÂXIE.-Oae andonue-balf cups of as it is-for a delightlui change lu these beautiful from 62ts. to 5Octs per roll. Cali and see for yourself be- flour, one-hall cnp nf butter, nue-hall cnp matters-entirely free from rarty bias:1 of milk, whites of four eggs, one cup of fine The history of the attemipts s0 far nuade foi e purchlasiîig elsewhere. white angar. 1Béat togetherthe angar and to place Canadian two-rowed'barley on the Ail colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good satis- butter, add the milk and one c'îp of foeur; English market la well worth' a little at- £t then the half cup of foeur ito which twn tention ou tihe part of Canadian farmers and faction, Floor paint a specialty. scant teaspoonfuls of bakiug powder have ail who are iuterested in the Anglo-Canadian A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and heen mixed ; lastly add the whites nf thse trade. rior it is a hlstnry with a moral, Whisks, eggs beaten stîff and anme citron cnt fiue. and a very practical moral, which rcally goe Gasaysizad1Pty Flav.,r with lemon or almoud. to thse rot of the whnle business. This will Glsan szad Pty RIIIEBARI AJND BREAD AND BUTTER PUD- be secu from tise followiug notes, wbich are iPainting, Grainng and iPapering done promptly and satisfactorily. DIN.-Prepare the risubaris as for a pie; tiîe resuit nfIseine independert luquiries lu For al -of which .cali at cover the bottoin of a pudding dish wlth practicýaliy ail quarters whence thoroughly slices nf hread and butter; nover with a trnatworthy information cnuîd bc obtainedsE a I1 z K R B8 layer ni rhubarb cntt lu short pieces ; on the'subjcct. H E I & K R B Ï S sprinkle thickiy with sugar; put onuanther There isnon rnom for douht as te the ex. Sout.h side King st., between Treleven's and Reid'a Shoe stores, Bo mnville layer nf bread and butter, and soonu untyil cellene and anitabiiity for maiting porposes- the disis is full. Cover aud steam for hall nf snme samples of Canadian two-rowed bar- an hou r; then remove the iid and bake iey whichl reached this country lu 1890 and 7TÇj' \ \71I îSTXf IÇ 7 ,b until nicely browned. 1891. Thse barley of thse latter crop especial. I[UIIIJ 1r:i i M-<iu iia;< ' ly attained a bigis standard nf excellen-.e. j* uII milk, add one-fourtîs cup nf yeaat, onue tea- r Jz i#<I\1 upo thm ad crcoated through thse High sponuful nf augar, nue-hall teaspoonful of Conmissioner's offilce here have heen aniply salit, nue egg, then add foeur to make a confirmed by thse jodgmeut of brewers and drop" batter. Raise and wheu rcady te agrclua uhrtewoeves1hv bake stir lu one tablespoonf ul oni mlted but- giutolanhoritiepya whoe vimpIaveia ter Fil lttl tis to-tird f.11 ndand disinterestef position lu thse natter. bake in a hot oven. Furtiset-, it la equally truc that barley nfh l higis chracter is assured of a gond price on thse English market. Ou this point the tes- Low Prices and Rard Times. timony I have obtained la unanimous. Althougis with thse advent nf apring indi- Country hrewera aigree with London cx- cations arc pleutif ul that business la looking perts lu, the trade ouý the ponut, for the de. «Rf T '~Ir A Il.T1 T7T r Y .1 - -- --- r~ qu n vn. siocundouelift off the upper Six stallions, thie property nf Maj. . P. p.ie ad el cake and nn,-na d ,nred -.îk ý 7 1, viua uit ai mverpoi uoase Ziu ins bags. iiUck battIfor' cattie cw ' i ~ .,,.-. - -~~ r-pea(i t 'garea straW er ana toi .-,t I evsi ~ ~ f. ~ 1 JI I t .~ U 2I al (<i SaiI( S Vf (.jf fl1ro_____ ~~' p. AiU.rnEA1 Dyer and Clothescjeaner,- aOCeds werrantcd to be as no one wtll kuew t bcm fromn new whcen doue. Cerner King and Onîtario Streets, I,ver i ,Ua,-1 n cpa corn Meal thonghly wet with s.ucien, -boiling-m--leto- briug-ut-to -tise--consie y- ni stifi brusis. Add two beaten eggs, onue le vel teaspoonini ni sait, onue tablespooenfui of crea.-n. Make into fiat cakes and fry lu butter or into halls andbrw nh±ac recenty an teywere ou id lu tse i. ni nLyEditorial tem. in a horrii e constion fiaving fought lie "rend: "So they sent yonr poemn tgr.Fortunately noue nf thm e re bck' -kihie-butT"ht-y-wmWaihlyear the marïks ni Risymer: "'Yes, but the editor gave me the battie royal for 111e. As Major Johuson a very favourable criticimm." s president ni the National Trotting As- " Whît did hie aay 1 sociation, it lhas been sugieated that the "H1e said heo vas glad to sec that 1 had ---JI-kinds ofLuniber, W-o&auii DRY CLEA SCREgN'gI) GM a&ways in stock. Wo invite inspection and guarantee sâtisfaction. m a- ~ ~ -- -- ......... ~ I ..J.X. -: ~- jNwJAL,-Une cup of sugar, one cup 1 penalties inlitcted by thse Association. 'thepaper. iVIuum ~ fJ -~JŽ4 auk -Il -~- ~'- - ý c -rn 1 «rýr-,e% e-J - - - - 1 )ver the cakes. f-r -r -4- -1- 1 1

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