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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1892, p. 2

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WEDNESDAY JUNE 22, 1892. an uonsJ.C.Onr ýlo , rnr.eo Office and Residence. Enniskilien. 74. D BVEItE SIEPSON, B ltIBISTF R SOLICITOR, &a. MOPRIS IILOCK. upstairs, King Street. Bowman- v*ls. olicitor for the Ontari Bankr i1at 110t1aevCs oaned at the iOwegt rates L ICENSED AUCT IONBE ER FOR the Connty or Durham. Sales attended to on shoriest notice and iowest rates. Address Cc rneP. O. itROB. YOUNG, V. S. OFFICE IN TUIE WEST DURHAI% ~PNews Block. eshere himself or assistant ~VIE be found fruntam. to09 p.rn. Night calis t residencedir(ecî]yopposjre Dril Shed. Calis ay tekcgîePh Or telephone wili receive rrompt ttention 171.yr A UCTIONER, APPRAISER., Real ..t1 Etate gent, flowmsnvilie, OniariO7 Fales attended 'la any part of Province. A-A.PONT, A RORITEOT. Plans andi Specifica- d1 lons prepared for every class of 1buiding. Special attention given tu heating by steami end hot water. and to sanitary arrangements. Ole:GOuje Block, Whib2 43-ly R iciÂETailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. DgmENTIBTRYlf C.HARNDEN, L. D. S. eraduiate of the Royal Col1 lege of Dental OFIUoSurgeons, Ontario. UrC P~osrrE EXPRESS OFFICE. COOFILLINC A SPECIALTY Artificial Toeth inserted without Plates, Grent 1eductions la price on ail Denta WOrk. Vitalized Air. costautly in use pro ducing Painless Operations. Particular atten tion paîd to the regulation of Children's Teeth 0--" -AL WOIIK WARRENTED r5I Branch Office, Dr. Rutherford's Oonc. growth owingf0te continuons raine. not complain for they laS received fuin- Sioce our Inef report, the prospecte of tise warning. But fie year thc prelinary cnop bave continueS steadily to improve, se notice is dispenseS wth, snd mon who hv that now a beavy yield je assured, The committed no offeuce are ta ho treated asm appearance af fimotby wns perbape neyer violafers of the law. This the, Victoria btter thaîs at present. Aithought doyen Cooiist considers unjuet, anS hopes tha-t wae bndiy winfer-kilied sud stili looks un- representations will be made taeflic Impr- even anS patchy, yet wbat surviveS je mak- i.l authonities in order that the seniors w-.ho ing trong growth anS iooking weli. are now lu Behing Son wiii ho treated as ROOTS.-Comparatively little liaS been fbey were last ycar. Chlldren Cry foi n-aT iryiidone with roots. The wet weather pre-,yaýil- TUE UROPS IN ONTARIO. ing ail over the province, bas dclaycd the seeding of roots and the planting of p)ota- Offcial Report of the Department of tocs. Fron, the Lake Erie counties thce Agricltur for une.are many reports of the rotting of poctato Agricltur forseed in the grotînd, and more 8caitered re- Tsî WEÂTHIER. -April began Warmn and potso ck experience corne frorni other flue, but from the second week the ports of wsenOtro weather was cnld and dry with severe andpatofwsennaro trying winds. The average temperature FruiT. -Vegetation appears to b)e about for the mnoth was 40810~ as comparedawelbckar. nmaypcsth with 42.97 0 in IQ91 and an average for ten woods were only iu carliest leaf, ut Lthe ycars of 40.22 ID The rajufail in this month geusal weather just ushered in gave promnise was 1.25 juches in 1892, 1.84 inches in 1891 of a miore generous foliage. Wbile in sýore while tha average for ten years was 1.91 of the nortbera countries.apple biloseor3ns loches. May has been cold, cloudy and were only just baginning f0 show, the miore wet, retarding farming operations. Iu the southern sections reportedl the bloomý as west and south-west of the province the weladvanced,sud withbut fewexcepto>ns rainfali bas been considerably over double the accounts rogarding this staple of our the usual arnount. Tbe figures of tempera-_ orchards were rnost favorable. It was ture for May are5l.55)',51. 940 and 52. 63,0and tated, bow ever, t hat uotwithstanding the of rainfali they were 3.48 inehes, 1.f7inches abondance of biosson,, the heavy rainsý pre. and 2.73 juches, The following stations re- vailing at the time of bloom mray have wash- port over six inohes of nain for May : cd off mucb of the pollen, and that inplier- Km .-svill, e 8.03 ; Ridgetown, 8.40; Cedar feci fetili'zation ray recuit. Pears whiere Springs (Kent), 7.73 ; London, 6.74 ; St. grown promise well. Penches along the Marys, 6.13. Lake Erie and and Lake Ontario coun- FAL WIET.--hi cop s til n vryties wene more or less injureSi by FAoiL iIEAT, n-iTie rp ssl i very iteasbn the winter. Plumes and cherries are prome iig-,c on tion vr','lte cbasiben s till assailed> by their enemy, the ple oed an heonynfaviorabthleotins lack-knot. A few localities report ba pro- gae ndted pcunt in ipouh lyne- fusion of plum blossome, but in some of the grained ands T hputiversepondtowynsun-recognised plum sections the yield is not clîrnate of titis province are shown by tw e.pected bo reach that of last year. In repots-oe satin tha fal what ws eastern Ontario the interest in orchanding heading out, another that sping seeding appears f0 ho developing, Fromi vanious had juet faîrly commenceS, The greatest points corne reports regarding wuter .,i,,'iiry1 loss appears to bave fallen on the extra to grapes, bot in the main the remrrks.of acreage of lat faîl which was hastîly put in correspondents are hopeful. Strawbeýrries ou pooriy prepared laud. The principal fali few cxr by fotadI evn'o' wbeat counfies report as follows: Essex e posed fields, but the general condi- and Kent, suffened front drouth and frost intoni fan from unsatisfactory. Rasphcer- April and raine in May,. couic plowed up,resaar to have sustained miore ifJury only two-tbirds of an averagecrp poms- ny othen fruit, The Cthbert suifer- cd ; Elgin, fair; Norfolk and Haldimand cd grea îiy in many quartere. Other smý-.all fret clase, especially where properîy put iii,, fruits came through the winter well. The Wclland' fair, Lambton affeted by heavy fruit prospect: is on the wbole cncourag- raine, fwothirds of a crop ; Huront, Bruce ing. and Grey, ealy sown good, late sown poor, BEEzs anS HoNxT. --The reports regasking crop. late, prospecte above average the apsary are fan from encouraýging.Iu Simcoe, -neyer better except on 1l<sw addition to locees by, starvationl, chilled land; Middlesex, crope affected by weather brood anS Sysenterv were not uincoiliflon, and, are hackward, prospects fair for gocd Fr rood was repire nolyk e o crp;Oxford, Brant anS Perth, prospecte caities, but the Seath of queedn, appean xto very good exIrept on low lande ; Wellington, havebcen more frequent thaît usuaiý. The Waterloo anS Duferin, prospecte good, crope reported lasses during winter anS sýprîng a littie backwand ; Lincoln, very fine ; Went- vary fron, 3 up ta 75 per cent, ; the ave'rage wortb, good, except en low land, straw rank; may be piaced at about 25 per cent. JuetI HaIt on and Peel, very good; York, to as cornespondents wrotc, bowever, fruit Prince Edward, good. On the whole, pres- blossome wene providing excellent su-pplieïs cnt conditions point to a firet clase crop of of nectar, and with more seasonablle faîl wheat,' warrn weather, however, hing weafhcr becs were hegînning to pick np.il very desîrable and necessary, as a very LABoR AN;D NVAGs.-There jitteta rapid growtb of straw bas taken place and le special to note in the condition of farm a continuance of wet weather would cause labor. Regarding the quality and supply great loss from drowning-out and from lodg- of lahor opinions iffer. While the greaýter ing. An extra good crop ntay ho expected nunthen of' those reporting consider th-a"t the should brigbt warrn weatîier continue. ight class of bande are available, a estrýong SPRING XWnFAT.-The Lake Erie coun- ninority tate that good faim laborers arc tics report much darnage from nain in the scar'ce. This je said to be caused bythe west, with improvernent in condition as wc age eirti Iolorfru . sn 9th corne cetl, th, condition of this section at United States, Manitoha anS the Noth- presenit is only fair. LaîtnadHrnws, their places being taken by "fairm« î ppil" nd thrs rondte oHuounry report a hackward growth and much lOSs u d"an tesfoubtheuld uaityfa tbrough raja ; Bruce, Grey anS Sirncoe on s our agnculturaeduthode are c1 ,onrd the whole give most satisfactory returor, lu s utewetern cetount re bo frm e some parts hing affecte-1 by too mucb ram Bando Hmes re hnteingys tnî) edi and the growtb being a littho backward, the place of men,, but the moiety paiS tb,er The prospects lu the West Midland coino-- icuSSl tics are good, as also fhey are from Lincol stin se notin ho rates of wages bocre- te Prince Edwnrd county. Thoeaesteru and wt umrzd h mutpi e northeru sections report spring wheat in month for the workîng season, ofsay ve moud srasfot$4t$0 il very good condition except ou low land. ,ru fm 1 o$0 ihbad Whiie the spring wheat can, on the whole, the average heing $1679, an increase cof928 be onsderd i hadlys god ondtio ascents ovet that Ili the previous yoair. The' bhe consideeabhenrdlynt spdctioas pamoont paid wititout hoard ranges from $S201 tthe falwent, the pres rspesnar e.p to $28, the average hein g $2460, on 59 cents to he vergebutthesuceseis ow e-more than lu 1891. -The wagee pler daî o pendent rupon coutinued warm w-Aeather. BAILEY -Te areae j stli ecrasîg.ternporary help averages 863 cents -wîtifboard BAILEY-Th aceag i stll ecrasigand $1,15 w-,ithouf boar-d, ihoth these rates EseKent, Lamibton and Middilesx appear ligbtiy xceed,,ing thir eseciv fiue f0 'have ýcuffered mionýt fronnin ianS fnoet, o Iepein er Treis an impoeetin condition -0,ong____________ lake Erie lu goiJng cnet, and Bruice anS Hutron give btter reports thanj the counities ,Family -Frayer. ta the south, As to the reet of the western The picture whjch Roberr Buru s Srow ot1 section thc general report le that the bigb household worsbip telle us of the seoýrtt of lande look very promising, tite low lande oid Scotiand's grandeur that makes h;er loy- very poor. Frorn Lincoln f0 the the et- e d at homoe and revered abron)d. No proînda(ej cru bourndary of the province, the returnnef0 the day se se powerfnI lui itesacredillu- are quite favorabtle. The inlaud aud north- encco ne the union of loving heants aroiund ern regione report backward growth, f avor- the tbrone of grace. Famiiy worslîp )s a able only on weli drained soilA. 'Tire preseut trong sau'well stitcited on the border of condition of barley over the province is fair tis dyf0kîpit f nom raveling out intjo but backward, with the prospect of a very contention, confusion and noiîss mnch Secrensed total yield unlees the Wise je that Christian parent wlo lbene weather soon hecornes and continues more every rnorning with the word of G;oS nuS favorable, fervent prayer. Wben thse inrroade oif OATS.-Ae with baley the greateet lose wealf b and fashion crowd ont family devoý- bas cecurred lu in the soth-western portion fions in the morîing anS the weekly raye of the province, many reporting at lenea etnsnteevnn hn bt 1ema",l one-third of the croit in that section de- hope of rcaring sncb householde in th i- stroyed by water. The condition improves tr fteLr. Te"hrhl h as we go cet anS north enet. The central, thof 'etheheeofrd.Te of fic hurin of eastern anS nothersi sections repo. t a large the sanctuary; home religion is fic sileet acreage doing exceedingly well on high aco fornto' elhig land anS poorly on low landts growth, anhro - ainsw-big bowever, being much retarded. Ou tise whole the condition of onts le bettter thanA Weîl-Mlerited Rebuke, that of barley, andSchould the weatber ho favorable for the next few wecks a more A school-teacher lu Boston, who is rte than average crop may ise expece d. proud of bier profession than the revers, me1,1 Rvx -Vny ew epot re a beng ownnot pleased at having bier occupation thrusti at al, scost ai the reports indicate the prob- fonw g tard weci meete staere.Nn ablity of a emaîl cnop. lu mauy cases't lo mng ao aflnrcpation, f no hotse reulr is grwn ifiser for eariy feedmug or forl etoe e ccpto uitouing plowing under. brler. At lengthi the bostese presented a P~xs-T1e rpors n tapea ar nees-young man, adcing- f0 the introduction as. PEAS-Th reprtsas t pes ar nees-usual: saily incomplete, as, owing fe the lafenese Il"Miss Yancoîl is one of our school-fdth of the scason, sowîng was sf iin l progresser. in mnny sections. With the exception ofj The gentleman bowed, but Mise Fauili fthc souith-west the pea crop of western On-saS tario ile one of great promise, above the "aI bgyo adn, n.Ain u average, fie most encouraging reporte coin.- diS not catch what the gentleman's businless ing from Grey anS Sirncoe. Fromn Toronto is"I atrtrsare uniformIy very od Prine "Wat ie busii.iness ici" repieniteS the fell befone hlm; lh aS kaoýed againset Rue. seli who wae coming f0 înq aire about feacis. en. 'Hello, Bob.' 'Dean me, you are jimt tihe feliow Iwae puttiug for.' 'Wcil, you icceedýd in puttlng aie,' saiS Rusell, as t trieS tabrucsoff tise dust from hie ,-oties. 'I wanftti liar liow foncier is,' Pitcher's Castorla* YOUNG FOLKS. QuestiocisAsked af Breakfast Time. WhyIl05 mlk and wterspill l k vhydonesknives cut chickens upl Why doos good thîngs make meollit Why does cracks corne lu my cup i What's lucide 0f lima beanne Wh y doesliftle boys have nainesl Why ait P)ps oreQueenst Wby focs fine corne lu dlames? i Why focs applos grow on tree? What's theusie of bined men?1 Whydon't table legs have knces 1 Why do nt six corne after feu 1 ST. NXiDsSOLAé. BOB TRIOKMAIB. iv MRS. A. F, THIOMAS. Wbat are you reading. Joe ?" saiS WilI f0 bis big bnother, as tbcy ail caf undor the gaslgit one pieasaüt evening in May.. IlWell,' anuSJoe looked up freom bis paper, 11sf'e qîite a story ; would you like f0 hear t? " IlYes, ycs," saiS iiî and Boss, "lDo rend ifta us," INo, I think I will tell if, ns I bave juef finisbed, anS you wiIî enjoy it as wel." "Yes, do tell it. " "If je about Bob Triekînan. There is a place enlieS Mouse Cneek, somewbere oct West, anS one morning teacher andSecholars were ah fighting. Now, what do yon fbink they were flgbting 1 InSinue? Oh, no tbey were flgting fire, prairie fine. Now, some boys tiscre are very hendetrong. I know one bore f0," aud lho looked at Wiîl. "Go on, ga on." "So headetnong thaf if tise long prairie grass spoile tise srnoofhne of their play- grounds tbey devise seime meanus f get id of if. Bob Trickînan wae a truflîful boy, comparafiveiy speakin q; li2 could hoe trust- cd largciy, if lie were n;obttpted,. Neither was tisat tise only tbing remai kable about h,, for hoe was aiso a boy thaf kept hie pookets buttoned anS hie hieels tc-gofker. He baS fighf littie calves, like balle of bloc worsted, anS nankin breeches, wbich, wlien hie legs rai,, went up ncaniy f0 bis kaces, anuS bis legs rau offen, for ho wne n very car- neet boy, rather f00 ceager anS foremost for hie age. IlNow the weatlier wae fine anS the time of year beginaing f0 ho eheerful and abua- Saut with s variem.y of flowens. This stafe of thinge wne an invitation to hall playing anS other games. 1'Tiat prairie grass bas got to go,' saiS Bob one day f0 Rusell Miller, «'Wby, Bob, do not Sare to toîscifisc grass. But Bob's repiy was, ' Oh, adylce is eheap.' "lOne morning f wo boys started earîicr tia usual from home. One was Boit, tise otier wae Russell ; tise former wont townrd ti e school bouse, anS tise latter was driving Mopsy, tise cow, te pasture. Alî af once Rusell saw emoke coring from thse direc- tion of tise scisool building, but hie neyer tltought as ise put up Vie bars that Bob baSl asked hii for a mgitch as leho brneS past Mopsy sud wiistled on his way fte chool. 1'Dean me,' ho saiS, 1'I hope there le no mis- ebsef going on,'sud hoie tarted af a rapid pare in the direction of the darnes, and ne bie did se0lho saw a figure croucising ucar thon,. It was hiddenhlinda big free. Ho knew from the nankin panfe wbo it wae, but thie was ont of bic track anS hoesvent ou witi! saS misgivinge. Wbeu Russell arriveS tbey were ail there, tencîser anS pupils, flgbting tise fine, anS wio shoul ho firet ansd foreînost but Bob. Ho must have tol- lowed close on Russell from a Siferont point. "XVisomtfis fire was subdued thse teacher 'talleS flic pupîle in, baSe tie, ho senteS anS ajsked thie, scparatey-did they know whio vae fiscoriginator of fisc fine. 'Dean ebîrî, ie saiS, lit is nîlmosf a miracle that, we saived thîs prettiy building wbere wail love su) f0 mzeef e ývery day anS scek fou tinat koldewî wiil be ho mue- fniil 'in tic coming yearer. Now, I will not intoî,ut a echolar by siuspicion-if you are innocent, eny Se, if you are guilty, coafees, for soise one lias stanted that prairie fine, rlînt we htave labored se faitisfully f0 cx- tingunisi.' Thc-ne wasdeep silence lor afew minutes, affer those worde. Thon sie caîl- cd cacis boy hy name, anS put thse question firnnîy. 'DiS yon do 1V?' Tise reply lu- variahly was lu tise negafivo. One lit fle fellow that was Seened f00 littie f0 ho chiargeil wihh cucob a crime, said-'Teach- or: mie diSn'f doit, no, me in't cure.' " There was a fearf ni coafest in tise heant9 of Russell, as ho heard Bris answer , 'No, mun.' Oh, ho foît that every oye was on hi,, for hie face flushed ernison; at laet she questioried hlm to tise larger boys sho put more tisais one querv], 'Russell, diS yon chant tise fireV' No, I diS not.' 'Do you 1know wbo dm5!' I do not.' 'Have youi nny ides who it was?' I Scliise f0 an- swcr.' J lHere wns s Silimma, Sie baSl qîos- flouoieS othere as close se sic diS Russell, but sice aw in their cye no prevanientien. Bob was anexceptions, but tisis pure-rninded womnîîsceorneS tri judge withouf good proof, bcbng a seîf-selected -judge anS jury. She wae very caim outwardiy, 'but honr brenet icaved ivitis emotion. Finalîy. 'You cau ail go homie,' csc saiS, 'anuS al ne- fora ta-morrow, ail exccpting Russell Mill- er; bie mst amser uic bofone beconu retura to school,' Sise loed this boy ; lie was a faitiful studeut anS baS carneS hier respect. Hie determination not f0 expose hie ciase- mates renuired time for fîsougisu. ' He will Vink better of it to-mornow,' she saiS hoeiserseif, as sic wslked musimsgiy home- ward, af fer tarrying au hour cuheequent Vo the school heîng dismissed. Ilm-1o -- îorro i, Oh, -es--m ros Double Covered Canniages.............................. -$150 Singlee1'betons ....... .............. ........................ 100 Open Buggy ..............................-.. ............... 70 Top Buggy......... ............-.......-.................. 90 Democrat Wagons .... -....... .............. 65 Lumben Wagons................ ...... ....... .......- 55 Express Wagon ... ........ ................. -..............75 keeo............. ......... ....... ............... ; 5 Sulky ................................................ 40; Upward. Possessingsuperior facilities for manufacturjng carrnages, 1 inteufi to seillvery ciiea.p for caqh approved credit, and by so doing 1 hope to, greatly increase rnynumber of saleI, We sell the wood parts oniy, or the geanîngs of buggies ironefi. Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired At the Factoryl I also do Planning Matching, Turniug and Sawing with Circle, Band or !Pre Saws-eand prepare I kinds of lumber for carpenters-and others f~or building purposes ornaintal andi Plain Piclceis for f onces in every style reQired, made to order. EatEnd Grain Djejpot The undersigned desire to, th ank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extended to us durinc, the past season, also to remind tbem that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the H IG HE"S T MAý&REùKET P RIC0E ]FOR A LL KINODS 0 F CO0A R SEGR 8& E EDS deiivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian andI Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sv'frcel and horses, anid Fresh Ground Grey iPlaster in Barnels which. we are prepared to seli AUl kinds of Lu'mber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEJ C'OATI a:'ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. McCLEIJLAN & Go 'Yec,' saiS Bob, 'but wait a minute, I'vc got something fa hell you.' Thon ho relateS wisaf baS occurred la tis ick roon,. -There wns a int of moisturo lu four boyish cyee. -Now my tory le finiebed,- for la twri wPeke after there borrneS Vo tise scorclied school bouse tise bappîet troop of biglit- faceS scisolare Mouse Creck baS ever knowa. A pîcasant smile greeted tie,, for fisc teaeber was well. Tise clonS baS passeS, ieaving a brîgbt radiance of Iappinees ho- linS it." The Boy 'Who flelp, RI% Mother. As 1 weut dowu the stroof to-day I saw a littie lad Whose f ace was just the kiad of To niake a person glad. 1 saw hi-un busilynat work, Whilc blithe as blackisird's eoug. Ris msrry,mrnllow wblstle rang Tise pleasaut street along. Just thonn apicymate carne aiong, And leanod across thse gate, A plan fiat prornised lotsý of fun And froue tte relate, 'Tise boys are waitiug for us aow, So hury up," ho cried. My littie wbistler shook bis bond, AnS '" Can't come," ho replieS. "CA'fnt corne Wby net,. Id like ho kao- I What hinders t" askod the othen. "Why dont yon sec 2' carne the ropiy, "Im h;usy belping mother. She's lots f0 do. and so I like To bclp ber al Jean ; So Ive no tirno for fun just now, fid this dear lithIe uman. 1I like to hear yen talk lîke that," I told tise litie lad: "Rtip rnother ail you au, anud malte Rer kiud heart ligisi and glad," It does mue good ru thiak of bi,, And kao v that there are others Who like ibis mrnly litle boy Take boîd andi belp their motions, Sunshine Land. Thoy ecame la sight of a loveiy shore, Yeliow as golà la the norniug lighh; Tise suns own colon ah noon iV voore, AnS bnd faded ntaitishe fall of igbt; Clean woather or cloudy --'twa,ý ail as 0n,0 The baPoy bille seerned hathed witlî thc sun; Ifs secret uhe sallors couid not undersiand, 13ut thecy eniled tise country Suashine Land. What was thse secrett A simpl e thing- If will make you smiie wben once you know- ToucheS by the tender inger of sprlug, A uillion blossonîs wcre all aglow: So mauy, soernahy, se imali anS bnigimi, Tbcy covred the Iiii1 Wiih a mautie of ligbf. And thse wiiS bece ismmmefi, and tise glaS breeze fauaed Tbrougb fisc honoyed fields of flunsisino LanS. If river tise a we tw re ir bounu, What pont, dean chuSd. would we cboose for ours ? Wo womsbd saîl and saS l iii ah inst we fouud, This fairy gold of a million fl0w-rs. Yet. darlîug, we'd find, if at boitte ie stayed, 0f înany small jnys our pleasures are made; More than we think-very close at hand, Lie tise golden fields of Sunshine Land. -[Editis Thomas. Why They Go to the Seaside. Mn, Williams (Fnnny's admirer)-Is youn sistali going to tise seaside thie summais, Tommy? Tommy-Tbaf al Sepends on yrin. I heand mn say that if you anS Faany were engageS bofore fisc seacon openeul, there wouldn't be any sense lanlien going. WHOLESALE 2OIBONING-1. Three Women Preseo,td for liurderla-g Relatives. Some seneational revelations were male Suring flic triai in Hungary of tise three pensant womea usmed Pjonieski, Kurjakow, sud Kernez, who wcre cbangeS with bavinfi committed a sorie of murders by moanosot arsenic priieoning at Neusatz Ujyldeli. Pioi' eski is accuseS of priiconiog lher hushaud anS bier fatier, lCmrjakwof poisonîng hero loer5 sud Kernoaz of, murdfiring lu tise saine ma- uer ber bushand . The firet partof Friday'spro. ceedings was Sevot'ed thVie xnminatiou Ai flic woman Kenez. la repiy t thie queýs- fions of ftie judge, tise accuseS Seclared that ber late husisand was sudder-ly neized wiîis convulsions Inet year, anuS ieS on tisec fifth day aiter iseiîsg tins attackedi. Shie admitted fb'at tise baS a lover wise namec çvas Ciits, anS tint serions quanreLs liaS occurred betweeu uher hushand andimdheseif on account of lier relations with this mian. Sise wae unabie tri offer aîsy apastnse fo tise presesîce of arsenic lant1ébod y of lier- isusisand. Tise motiser anS daugister of tise pnisonen, however, andSecveral witnoeeFi wnio were enllieS, tated pcsitivchy tisat fisc hushand cffishe accuseS baS dieS er suddeniy, anS tint tise symptome of hie iil- nocs eceoneS tripoint to foui play. Tise ýre- port Srawu up hy tise doctors who miaSo tise post-mortem exarninafion of fisc bodies, anS tise anlycie made isy tic District Sai. tary Coun-,il wene tison rend Vtiste Court. If wns stated f lat distinct traces of arsoi.- cal poisoning baS iscen fotind in tise bodies of thec bushande of tte pricouere Pionjeek;i sud Kernez, but that on tise otiter baund, tic quantify of arsenic discoeo'red in the bsody of Stojeits, Kurjnkow'e lover, wne con,- parafively emaîl. Durnsg tise public prosýe- cutor'e speech tise womau Pionleeki , isi accueed of two mordons, thoce of ber hu- han ansdlhon father, looked extnemcly Sle- jected. At one point eie was overcome by faintuece, and cornmen"eS to weepanuS moan. The ofher two prisoonesenV witi thi ecyce eset ta flicgrouad, anS fbey preseuted a cnetfallen a-ppearance. Sen-. tence wae pronouneed otn Safurday. Pioni- cali wae foîînd guilty, sud was sen.teneS tev penal servitude for ljfe. Kunjakow sud Kernez w cre acquitteS on tise ground thaý tisene wae no f suffi ciont ovidence againaýî tise,, anS we ne imme diately set af L bibcuy, The Length of Vision. How fan eau you sece under favorable conditions ? je man iuterestîng question, and one ou whieis thecre has becu mucis specula. flou. M. Ernîle Metzger asse that h once eaw Keizenspockt, in Sufoiatra, wheni 110 miles fron, if, anSdfsat at aniotiser fÀinie ho saw Guy Merapi whon !188 miles nway. Tise whole range of tise Sv Alps were once visible ho Sir J. Hippiseey at a sac of 220 miles andSiSr William Jones Jeclares fiat lie bas secc the Himaînyne range froma s spot fuliy 224 miles from tic peak hli snw. "Wly cornes not My love fa me V' scnearns a poofese. Do't hbc ThkiTu le hie otiser giri's nigit. 'a JUST LISTEN., -A large Stock of well selected Aineriean Wall Papers, cheap and beautiful from GzL.s. to 5Octs per roll. CaTI and.,see for yourself be- foie purchasing elsewhere. Ail colors, of Paints ready for use, gi&aranteed to give gocd' satis- faction, Floor paint a.specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes- anui Whisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Grain;ng and Papering done promptly and satisfactoriyý For ail of which cali at SHERTIN- & KIRBY'S, South side King st., between Treleven'a and Reid'a Shoe stores, Bowmaniville H A1JiN ES' 0CA RR IA GE WOKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER OF- 0ARRIACE8e S1EICHSe GUTTERSx WAG0NSe &G, KING STREET, BOWMAN VILLE. Now on hand a number of vehîcles and is manufacturing a graat many more ot thn lhtcst patterne and best finish, which I arn offering for sale at flie lowest price congistent with due regard te worlmanghip and quaiity. The folio v ng is a i st of the principal vehicles manufactured by me W. W. DICKEY VETE.KNARY SURGEOh. ORONO, - ONT. Offce.-Post Office Block. Cels by teegraph or telephone receive imn cie liate attetion. J.M.IR IMACOMBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear Of Messrs. lligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE JOHERNASPENCGE, BOWIA1NVILLE, . ONT DYEINC AND CLEANINO Ladies' and Gents' wear of ail kinds, Feathý ers, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Curtains, and, ail kinds of fancy goods Dyed, Cleaned cr French Cleancd. Work positively guaran- tced the best. No peddling wagon emiployed. A reliable agent in every town. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO'Y.? 0 old Medalist Dyers. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. Agent in Bowmanvîlle, J. W DOBSON, 8TATIONER. Gents' Clothing Cesned, ryed. Prcssed and Repalred by THOS. PEAT, Pyer and Clothes Cleaner. ccds veranotcd to be as no one wll know tbem lrom new when dune, Cci arr .'ýing and OnD'ario Streeto, Lowmanville.-

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