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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1892, p. 6

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"I înhenitsare tendency ta Dys- pepsia fron my mother, I suffered tw eans in this way;cosulted a ~iurnber of dactors. They did me no gaod. I then used Itelleved In your August Flower and it was just two days when I felt great relief. 1 soon got sa that I could sleep and eat, and Ifeit that I was well. That was three years ago, and I arn stili first- class. I arn neyer Two Days. without a bottie, and if I feel constipated the least particle a dose or twa of August rlower does the work. Trhe beauty of the medicine is, that yau ean stop the use of it without any bad effeets on the system. ConstIPation While I was sick 1 f e 1 t everything it seerned to mie a mani could feel. 1 was of al xnen rnost riserable.- I cati say, in conclusion, that I believe August Flower will cure anyane of indigestion, if taken Life ofMiserywith judgrnent. 13 A. e M. Weed, 229 Belle- fontaine St.. Indianatnalis. Imd." 0 AGRICULTURLAL Thse IlarchIutg cof the Grass, Oltisemarciig0f tiseGrass!I nsnth igitsi lient army vith Lgreen han-t Drage tise winier from hie tisone!1 Conquiers ail hiessining valcys, limise thisr, ranspatif tise hibi Steale hy homely uayelde hetiges, ferds tise river broati sud s tilt, Undermînes tise fertrese Itirest, overtops ttise castie walt, Swift inN ading wtus, tise cities, sud the hamlet bcowm aud emali, Titiltise whole wide world te capiured, E And tise seul tif man esrapiured, Tismilîs witis passion oif deliglut Sunny morn sud dewy,,night;k And tise Joyens risythismb puoing marketh time lu lad anti taqs To tise marciig. Marcising, Marcising, Of tise Grass, 0 tise marciing oif tise Grass!t Fairer thinge may come te pae Iu tise golden tisys tif summer; roses druuk wltis wine of Aine; Ftitiing wild birds ahl atune With tise odorous breatheti dawnig ; wn drouts tapostry tif floîers; Daim of incenso ; rositf 'sadow; tangleti veil o! jowcibcd siowers; Hymniug choire tf happy a-usie bajicward tosseti from camus to sic y; Tise fuit beaufy tif cempltenes luin icis chorus lifred iigis! But what means ies regal eplondor To tise love beai sisy aud fonder With wiich hope, ftho beer. doil dhime, Inumnsspulses nsîrkiiig ime To tiseiaunriug spoîl o! giaduese ihat deth cone-and go,. as ! With Lise sarcising, Marcising, Marehing. Of tise Grass. -[Mary E. Blake. THE SI?ÀYIIiG 0F 20W PIGS. BY WM. MOLE, M. R C. V. S., HIAMILTON, ONT. ,.E. fIBLE Tisere le ne doubt that lu tise ne-ir future SARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- farmers sud hegraisers muet psy more at- tF RTet., ffies Mcrtur' b ck. teutien te this, important subject. Tise King Streot, Bowmauvilit. Maney to boan, 37. epayîng oif youug sows le a uecesslty, sud why tise subjeet bas heen se mudl ilected ftJONEY TO LOAN,-On farm seur in Canada is mt quie apparent, but tise M2. ity on motit favorable termas-martgsges fsct romnains htteoeaino pyn bought. ApPly te RICHARDn FOSTEss, eaSt a iattsOpefinti py teawn. P. O. Box 119, or JoHeatFeeTEut, Dreyer, eows te compara.tiv eiy.unknown amouget tise ,Bowmanville, P. . 5-lyr. gemrality tif pig keepere. It may aiso ho observed tisat tise practace le net se generai- ~'. ~ iy folowed au tise remete parts tif tise agri- FLORIST, cultural districts tif Enghand as it was lu OSHAWA, - - - ONTARtIO former times, Ve accouni forti ua mess- Grower aud dealer la ChotceaCvt Flowers. ure tisat tise cîass tif oisn known ase spayere Piants. Roses. ,Carnations. Violets, Smilax, and geidere, wise perform tise oporatoon, aud Feoms. Funeral Doigus aud Bouquets have lu a measure died eut, giving place made nOon shr notice lu Wreaths. Crowus, fte vtrnr srenwo1o rc Pilbowe, EHaarte. Society ltmblem% &. tevtrnr ugo h o r Pieute Leued for Dectraticn.tucb as Palme tices castration lu herses, sud doos net care Fera, fs i. c,Teleplione Conneeltion. 1l1y te undertsike se untissnkful, unlesu,-sud poorly paid operetirsu, as spaying poge; su. MfONUE IN IU LLAND! deed we de net blame thea ase it lsa era III simple operation, sud can ho tangist te any WUN~ K ii ELI -1 inte lligent fermer lu about ton minutes, Thse necesîty arises, aud if ouglit te ho doue Repreentaive Frmer more extensively tissu if le at tise presont A Reresetatve Frmer. fume. Tise next question arises, wiil if psy, Speaks. aud wby ? Tise question le thrust upon us hy acteudiug tise markets and observintg tise actions oif thse pork packere. Tisey lu- variahhy look loc tise mark or ecar ef t by the eperation, sud are williug lu every case te give s cent a pound more for epayed tissufor open eowe. If le the genoral mb l fie western ceuntietif En- IR ' and, and- almeest uuiversliy prsctieed un Irelaîîd ; in thler districts if la mt se frequenthy doue. But reeemtly tise larger -~ II1I ~ bacon curere tif Limerick bave relused te take open sews uniese at a reoduced price. SOWs wîll net cure or take tise sait as weih as tisose epayed, sud tise evidence et those whoihave oxperieuce iii raieing spsyingeeowe, - ay thaf ,tisoy cet lese te f eed, malte s ---z muel btter animal, superier lu qusify, à ecs disposed te fret, sud are nover cisased - or worrued by tise maie. They aise record s- their oxperieuce by observing t bat it re- quires grester turne te hring open, unepay- ed sows to mtnrity, tlist tiîey requiro a, larger amount tf-leed te fat-feu, sud that '0q/ duriig tiseir period, oestrum or soason, tise flesh seeins te mout off their sides, and dur- ing tise eDSUing tweuty-eigist days if ro- quires double tise amount tif food te malte up for tise lest tirme. Mr. Fearman, tlise well-knowu pork packer tif Hamilton, Ont., M R. C. C. HAUN. sys that "Whenever I comestis assde- Tise following remarkahio facts are fuily tective side af bacen 0.iat bas ressted tise tertified te as hing undenlahly correct lu sait lu curin a, I find tisat it is the produet tif every particular. Mr. Ilaun le well knowa an uuspayed Canadian eow." Ho reeom- in the viinity, hsving resided here ever monde tise Tamworthe as heiug tise beet fer fifty yeare, and le highly respectedl as a packers. It le a good, long, deep-sided pig mar if the strictest houer, Whose Word ig witis pienty tifhairotfs reddieh hue, sud large as good as hie hond. inhone. Andhelrtbersaye: "liapigshows As wilho seoir fromn his letter, fOur tise two latter pointe it lnvariably niesus a physiciaus liad atteuded hlm, sud it was good proportion of ean meat" This ceming only after hoe had givea up hope of cure from sucis an authociy ouglt to ho deephy that hoe decided, te try Burdock Bhood impreseed-onth ie minde of tise Canacian ,B3itfers on tise recommendatieut tf a farmers. Tise average consumner, mor-e ý egh or who had heen cured tf a simihar eapeialiy lu cifles, requires ansd wil have diesby ifs use. Mr. Haun Writes as se machle an meat as fat, sud iL dees semn luows fte pint te tisa condition tif hceedinig s, cisse Dxiii SîaS,-I think I have 'been oeeotf isgetisailaye ou as nucisban as.possible. of tise worst sufferere you have yet heara Tise preceut chase ef animal tisat is offéed of, liaving heen sux yeare in the bande of seome te me te hco tf a grade tif Yorkshiore fouir of our het doctors without obtaining Whies, sud are met favorod hy bacon permanent relief, but centinualiy growing curers. As s cule fhey prefer tbemn about avrse, until almost heyoud lhope tif e- ine mentis i old, weighiug (live) 160 t,) covery, I fried your Bitters sud got relief 2940 pounde for Canadian trade ; foc expert int a few daye. Bvery organ tf my hody should nef exeeed wiseu dessed 140 pounde; was derauged, the iver enlarged, hardened shouid hoe ready for market ducuu tise and torpid. tise heart sud digesti-;o organe sg etmuiel ue 9lAgs n seriousl y deranged, a largo aheceslu my September, foc preference. Tise qualify back, followed hy paralysie tf tise riglit wsnted is lean peck from dairy fed swiue,to leg, su Ist tise ower hall of mny body wasi meet tise roquicemosîtstif the Englisis market emfireiy tseees. Affer using Burdoek sud expert. Tbey seould hoe old alive te Blood Bitters for a few dsys the ahecese tis paekers, where tise sytem tif killiîg, Isurst, diseliarging fully five quarts of pu dressiug, cooing sud curiusg eau ho doue in iut two heure. -1 bit ase if I had received a a quiet, unifor os manner. If wil ho fouud shock freins powerful hattery. My re- fliat if will psy tise farmer btter to cevery affer thie avas steady and tise cure soul hie swine on foot tissu to market permanrent, seeing thet for the four yeare fisem dressed; sud if le net profitable since I have had as good health as -vet'1'te ford ewiue after tbey exceeed 200 pourris had. I sf111 take sut occasional bttle, net alive. Tise public faste lias tucned tisat I need it hut hecause I wisli te keeP againet fat meats tif ail kinde, sud tise facm- mny sytem lu perfect aorling order. 1 or mut produce wisat tise consumer e- eau tik tf ne moreremaritable cse quirès,sotisatvith a littie extra came- lu than, w.jiat ILhave mnyzcef passed tisoughl, houcunge, tise wiufer raisiug tif young pige and ne words a express my tlianIdulnes te ho setd off lu June, Juiy sud Auguet for sueli perfect rectivry. ;>' should hecome avery 'valu&ble adjumct te C. C. AUN, inter dairyine. Mc. Fesanman writes tisat Wellancd P.O. hoe fude great difficulty su getting animale 1n, this cronnection the followiug btter tisat are alwaye eitabie lu size at tise rigbt frein T. Cuivijues, Eeq., a leadiug drugglsls timeo tf yoar, sud eau nover get tise quan- of Welland, Ont., speaks for itseof: fity fiat hie requices fromt tieseurrouud- Measrs. T. Milburn & C., Toronto. iug districts. Wiseu in full ruuîîîug 1GExraeîeEX ,-I have heen -persoualy order hoe will consume 750 per day, acquiaunted with Mar. C. C. Hanu for the and eau, oniy got tis number by send- aset 20 yesrs, aud have always ftiund hira ing long distauce. Tiseld faehloued prac- a very reliable man, Yoi, may pace the fieestif killing largo stores muet rapidly give utmost confidence 'iu anytiihoe sys wsy hoetise impcoved nethod tif, summer -with re,,w-rd te yeur muedicine. Hoelias eut killing young plus. The operation tif epay- many occasions withia thleist four years iug pige consiste tif remnovuusg tise ivarles, told ma.. that it avas ma;rvelloue the way tise essentiel organ of generatien lu tise the B~c Blotid Bitters had cured hlm, feusale, sud analogous hoetise testes oif tise suddfInt lies amy bot as abe te do a day'si male. They are two ovid, icegular-cbaped work as 1--oes-r fet lu hie hife. Altliough bodies snaler tissutise latter situaîed quite Weil lie stihi takes senme B. B. B. lu tise abdominal cavity, sud may ocossiotjaly, as hoesys, te keep hinm la ho ikened to as enah csuster tof perfect kisulth. unripo muibercies: thoy are a Yours truly, number tif emali vo, clos r membramous TRIiotS cu3rNtS, sacs tif varions sc..relHl,hinlucaot.n Welland, Out. Ttsese are tise Graastu \- sices inu variei,- The rtm&aily inereasirg sale tif B. B. ]B.~ stages tif deveboprrnu. 'tise pig t'iif .Ii thse leugth oif time if lias heen hefore tise tise diagrsmi was taken waz j sr i re h people, ai the fset that t cures te tay ing lier peiod tif season, ai,[o i:s ie flîcc*ý cured, tttesft the sterling mont tof this illustration thiai I liav-e seen. monarele-f rnedicines, tho0 people% favorite Iu thes paying of pige, tisere are certain blood kpi4±ler, tonioanud regulatox. conditions tsai must uever ho lest sigst tof, Child 'n Or~v for and point directly to the succese or failure Gf the. operation.> The firet essential cni tien, le that you muet have the bowelecm paratively enspty by etarving or withbiold- meL food for about 14 to 18 houre before, the operation., They ehould be from one molsth to six weeks old ;' they will bie then re,,dy for the markiet at about iiine to tev miouths of age. Have the animal held on a bench by ttvo men, one holding the fore legs, the other the hind onies extended. Malte an incision in the flank a littie below tbe angle of the hip boue ; for general guidance tvýo fingers space may be observed. The hair wben present should be clipped or shaved off abe ut s lsand space and with a sbarp, 1ra-ld ed spaying or castrating knif e mak-e a cisionfrom behindforward, if standing at the back of the pig, with the animal etretched on ite rîgbt side , if on the, left side, fromcu before backwards, about one inch in length, and only tbrough the skin on to the fat. With the niait tear away the tissne uîîtil yeu feel tise bowel and searchi in a back- ward ansd upward direction at tbe entranco oif the pelvis bones for tbe womb, whli will he found floating free between the biadder and straiglit gut. On bringingý it up to the opening bo quite sure that st le the evary, and it May be recognized by its color, heing, elightly red, and the womb being pearly white, the bowele being of a duit lead celor. Tbe ovaries are as de. ecribed above-something like a very emal buncîsof unripe red grapes, film, thougl elastic to the touch, When drawn tbrougls the opening the round little balle of vesicles are easily cut off witb a ecraping motion of tise ku ife. Some men twist them off, butb I prefer cutting, as being more expeditious. The lowesr ovary le tirought ont andtrae the saine way. Part of the womb rnay be brought ont in searching for the secsond ovary, but it must be retirned agaîn, the aperture being stitched with a neef le and thread, or twisted suture. Thgre is little blood to escape and should bie care- fully prevented from falling into the inter- ior of the bowels. Wasli the outeide with a sponge after returning the parts and accur- ately stitch the wound with oine or tw.o stitches. Remeînber, the emaller tbe wol-stsd or opeuing, the lese cbance there je of lin- favorable- iesults., It is raroly that, any evil recuits foliow, Tbe littie pig seemes to tak-.e very little notice. Feed with e bulky ration1 -not too, mucli at a tiîne. In two o-ýr hee days the thrcad of the stitches sb'oid be rein-oved and the eliecte tof the operation are soon mani-feet by tbe improvement the 'ansi- mal, maltes sn condition. Whist seeme to be the recuIt of the operation, and why i-le so beneficial. je that the animal hli o periocd of season or oeetrum, snd the uex,ýt ix months of its hife as .engsged in puttin.g on flesh, and the animal le ready for market in August-two monthe earlier than shle wolld ho if lef t open. The littie pige beizin te feed themeelves when aboul-t a mionthild. They should thflen ho fed apart fromn the mother st0w with si milk, a smali quantîty oif ground eas, wheat or shorts, and spaiyef at five weeks. Thon the quantity of food should be graduially ineressed until they are ready for tisema r- ket, and bacon curers require a p ig as hlit isn bead as possible, lîgbî in shoulders, long and dohjp in ribe, vide in loins, thick tin fianke, witli hamai square and deep, and inot etreng in home, but peseseing a good coat ti hait. The deniand le new for altneet exclueively ligbt, fiesby meats. Next te good food, etc., exorcise muet b counted upon in the attaitoment sudprs- vation tif health ; itloade te develop msl 'or bean meat instead tif fat, thue cusin tbem te be the ideal pig tif the buver. A notïceable fact in the restring of youug spszy- ed pige is the bones are very immaturýe, ;-,ad do net grew in the samne proportion to tise other partestof the body. An opinlsin that we hold on the subjeet l iliat itiiledite tg 'the defleiency oif tise lime saite that lte up tise earthy cenetituonte tif boue;ý ther- fore in ahl cases wben epayed pige are grou fer the market, barewood ashes, orbttr h ome meal,,should be fed witli daily ration. The effeet will seon hoe evident; net 0111y will it build up the beny structuýres tif tise body, but will aid digeetieft,. which muet hoe kept at the bighest' 1piteis of efficiency. Hog feedere whohave tried this practîce pronounco the effecfr Most gratofying, and the benefits unmiecvs- able. Thse wood aches snay have a littir,, vcry littie, sait mixed witb thoîn, teadv ant- .age. Any man who boude that the pig le net deserving of care and attention u-ill neyer malte s dollar raieiug tbom. Wis as the ecavenger oif the farno they are invalu. able, and will more than earn theirkeep for that purpose alone. But whatilethe gener 1ai practice of keeping these animale ? Any ,place seeme goud eneîigh for a sty-darik, damp, sud hence uncleani.e No man svold, think oif keeping any other animal under Lsueli conditions. Give your animal pieoty tiof ligbt; lot tise snni ssine inte the piýg sty, by msking large w sndows tl'at eas [be oponed, admittingfresis air,.and enih by that meis<n. Sec that the pens are kept clèsti, give plenty et straw, and you w1li ceeu find that pize are quite as cleau asay ,other animal. It is.often eaîd pige deLght .te wallow in tise mud. That le ne douhbt traie; at the samne time it must net be for- :getton that tbey are carrying onst a natural instinct. for thev are oif the pacberderm- e ue class of animal-the samne as the bippo- petamue that de'ighte in taking a mud bath occaeionaliy. XVo bold the opinion that the best animal te grow fat and àhrive in the least possible time le a half-bred pig -a direct firet cross from pure stoek te tuea e divisnashed , if tee slow, it muetbhoi- reassei. Tbe loren and size oif the large glass un whdI lh--regularîty of the cdock depeneis hae been deterinined by N. Pellat ti ftIse aculty tif Sciences in Parie, but wîth a lit- Cle carefual study oven an ordinary glass eau ibe made to rentier good service. BREAKING COLTS. A Firna, Gesitie Toucis Iequislte. Dei't Btra l aScfsin is Siate, Iu breaking a colt, v-bat te do deperde on hie age, provieus ba,,dling sud disposi. tion. A colt that bas been csrefully and properly bandled from the time hoe wae weaned dees net require the samoe treatmeut ase owhicis bas hein aiiowed te run wild. Thse flut impresson that we want te malte ons the colts brain is that we can master him. That can ho very oasily doue sud muthbe te malte him a safe and obedient servant oif man. Away witli ail your sugar breaking; whoever taike about eubduing colts with cugar and apples nover was eut eut te train herses, and whenever lie rides eut lie needeetim o tno te drive for hlm. A colt te ho werth anythîug muet ho subduned, hoe muet to made te tbînk tliat man le hie master and tîsat hoe must mmnd him. By meaise of the foot strap we will malte hian s tasud on tbree legs. This hoe may resiet a littie at firet, but the struggle wil ho brief sud net sovero, The colt is new lu your haudesund at your mercy sud uow ie the timo te exorcise your judgzment sud kaudneee; uow yoe auho firm andl yot kind. Ho knows that boeis under your contre? sud wiii begin te look teoyeu fer frieîsdship aud help; keep hlm'in this position. for only a very short time, net te exceed five or eight minutes, give hlm a littie rest sud repost~ the eperation ; handie him gently but1 firmly; throw strape ever hlm, rub lii with tise, encircle hlm with eue; keep whatever yeu.have in your liand mtiving ever hlm ; lift up bis tail sud put s rope e trap around se you weuld a erupper. He wiletien learu that hoe is net te ho hurt sud will allow yen ta throw the saddle part of the -harnees over him. This do soveral times and finaliy draw it off over hiehips and lot it flu behinid iim. The wildest colt can in s very brief time ho made te submit te1ý this treatment, and after this there will ho ne trouble lu pitting on tise harnese, a great peint gaiued.' 11 At this stage in hie breaking I bit him sud teacl i hm the word "w*hoa." My bit- tiug arrangement je a meet simple oe, cen- isting oif a straight bit witlia semail cord sttacbed te the rings ; briug thie ever his head as thaugli it were a bridlo;', gently pull it haek on bis neck, tif course, lie wil refuse te give te it et firet;- work by de- grecs ; keep him checked enly- a few min- utes at a time, buts keep repealiug tise op- eration nutil lie wiil give te the bit, whieh hoe wil! do su 20 or 30 minutes.. Naw asten a -cnrd ta tne ring of the bit, stand lu front if, im n and ssy Ilcume heoe," pull hlm gen- tly sudil ho rerfisses te obey, touch hsmn liglily witl tise whip arousd hie fore leg. He will soon follow yeu sud juet as soon ase lie wsll do this, prose on tise bridie and say "wboa," Continue this kind tf training for some little tome for it wiii psy yeu wel for doing it. Malte every lesson thorough sud de net try te have the colt take a second stop until hoe bas takon the firet. If hoe will follow yeu at the word Ilcame", and stop as tise word 11whoa" sud will give te tise bit readily, it le tsme, te put on tise harnese, Be in ne haste lui doing it; lay on the harnese gentiy but wlthout goving aisy indications oft bar. Let hlm, stand wlth t ou a few minutes before tarting bim sud hoe wiii ho certain tif oeething-that le, that tiseliarnese will net hurt'hlm ; uow stsrt him sud continue te drive-limi until hoe can rein perlectly. Ho will ho a littho awkward at firet, but will learu it in s sur- priciugly short time,,if baudled properiy. Yen are now hegiuning te think of tise rojad cart; and oif hitchiug hlm te it. This je a crtical stage in bis hreakiug;- a mie- take- now wonld epoul ail that yeu have doue. Be lune hurry te biteis hhlm intise road cart; drive hiîn in tise harnees until lie wîll mind yen perfectly; ail that eau properiy come under tise namne Ilbreaking" sbould ho doue eut of tise sisaite. Break- ing a colt lu tise ehalts le a danuerous business, hoe muet ho made te mmid ho- fore hoe gees in ; lu short, hoe muet ho euh. dued sud made to think tisat yon can han- db hbiî as yen wish hefore hîtciig him te a road cart or auytbîug elso, Ail thie bsv- îug heen doue, train hlm fe the shaf te ho- fore they toucis hlm; and in doing this the sale wsy le te use the foot strap 1 let him stand on three legs. This will net hurt hlmi in tise toast fer a while. Take a smooth pole oif suitable iengtb sud rab him ail over wlth it, rub it avec hie hipesu d aiong hie side as thougis it were a ehîsît, use it on botis sîdes until hoeessows ne signe off bar, thon betweeu hie legs, lot it flu down on eitber side of iîim, carefnlly at firet, finally as carelesely as yen plesse. At thie stage oif hie traoiig it is sale te show him thse rosd- cart. In tise fret .place ead him up te it, lot him put hie nose ou it sud esmeltif it ; leaid himi up toe s lalte, lot hlm eea su eeltof tbemn; shako themn hefore hlmaisud droep itbemn own. Now is himl in froit tof tisem suld draw them iup ouhilehado tiss several limes sud thon b iteli him lu,, let hîm stand a. few aminutes before tarting hlm, shako hie bar- nees, aieo tise cart,,sisove it gently on te bim, ail tisis haviug iseen done, -start him -aloug, Drive bîm offtwo tir ttsree miles, tet bim go slow, on your way back stsrt bsmi te a slow trot, lot iim kuow that yen are ho- lsînd hini, dive hlm right along as thouub expectiug nothing te bappen. Be careful tlîat hoe is not frigitenedwheu you unisitelishlm ; do tii cantiously sud il dons succeslully you may cousîder that yonr colt is well shong lu its eduetion- I. W. Sm itis, in Our Grange Homes, tineus iasee is formed wbieh doos mt break Up easily witis coud water. ît is easy te dilute the first day withi coud waf or, after that the diluent eliould ho bot. [ Iatience se a vrtie-in otiser people. for Infants and Children. eUcastorlai!a so van aelapted tocb ret acatoa'la cures cole, <cônslpation, t rcomned i a stpeioro ay resritio ISour Stomach, Diarrhoea, EructatiOt4 trecmmedita3uprioroan= = illWorms, gaves sleep, and prOmtU dl. kaown 110me-1 IL A- AuCHSU, M. D., 1 gestion, M liSo. Oxford EL., Bmoklya, K. Y.1 Without injurions medica"lD Tim CmevÀAuRCompÂNT, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE' FROST & WOOD, SMITR'S FALLS, MYanufacturers ofti ie following first-e1a85 Implemenis: Single Aifron Steel Frame Bi-nder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Dý 0aîsy- -Reaper, ThÉý-4-Tiger," th e aln a Steel ?lo ws, etc. AGENT Also agent 'for Draders' Spade H{arrow, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and Hlarrow macde. See -it, W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL ACGENT FOR THE ABOVE, APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES esceicodanrui ecoxoloten ut top Rd es bah soitad i ab--ls I~IIRDBU ,- f ai n r f te ai . m ai on tt ppod pile a k Poes r ot d .ail INAU ATiiMh DLL promotededavisible growîlo. rmlsG1f- Fiehes That Live in Mud. Tisere is ne more remactable creature tissutise mudfesh, wisichi luabite certain tif1 tise rivers tif Western AfInes, and, as its namne impiies, hurke af flhe muddy botteme tif tisese rivets. At firet sigisi fiere is notis- ing especaally efrikiug abotu thue animal. If looks vecy machs like su ordiuary fis, ex. copt for ite cursous, long, seeder funs. A1 visiter wlie knew uothing about tise cmos-1 turc would probsbly go awsy witb tise im-i [pression that bce had ceeu notiig out ofl tise cmoos.Wisea tise fiches arrive at ai zeo eseh eue is eucssed un a baltif dried1 snud, liued witls mucus from ifs body sudi perforated with a emati aperture to admito tif reathiîg. Tise "cluceen," as it is omo-i timnes called, on account tif ifs analogy te tise earthen case fabricaied by many cae r- piliare lu wblcis te undergo their metamor- phases, on heirg pared inli waris'ish waîor le dieeohved sud tise fis iiberated. Tise hbht wisici tise mudifieh has of makiug au eartisem chamber tif tise mud ah tise bottom tif tise river, is a moet wossderlul provisien tif -nature for tise exigoebes tif tiseclinsato.- Tise rivere which tise fish lubabit are hiable te periodical dreaigis. NVieusucis a drongist is imminent, tise fieh retires te deep1 waf or sund excavafes a pit, in wiit if licse cc.veniug itseh over with a thick layer tifI mud. h can'suier witisimpunitytise eom- photo dryismg up tif tIse river. BuLt the meet infereting Iset about tise cresture le fisat duriosg tise timeo tf ifs voluîatary imprison- ment if breatises sur édirectly tisrough ans aperture lob i in the eticois, by aneans tf unuge, ike a aud animai. XVien tise raine dissolve the mud sud hîbecate tbhe fis, if breafisos by means tif galle juet luko auy tser fis. Makinz Home Attractive. Don% vou wsuftishe beys ho bave a Warin place lu tiseir iseacf s foc home, sud te carry ifs good inufluence ot inlto tise wocld ? Dont ho lneey. TtomaurÎ>idiîes. Teemauy ib. boue ied on chair legs. Tee mucis muein aud threakd baceonou ampsades. Too mucis sbutfingoïut of tisesun. Tat inmu'eh naggioig, sencisase:l"Boys, don't teucis tiat tidy witis your dirfy fiagere!" "Boye, go ont oet tis parlorwirisyoncmuddy ehoes!"'Now, enp. pose you have sosnethiug lu your parler tisaf they can sympathise withs sud help yeu ils malziug heautiful. For tisesame money yeu epeud in kmîekuacks yen eau buy Ciinese iily bulbe, and get the beys f0 fimd tbse pretty pebisies top rop iL up in your best glass ds. Or tlsey wibi gisdly go tiff into tise Woods to get rnetisosilfor tise plants. But f ise beet fhing f0 interesit the boys je a 'e. ncase. With a ittle ingemuify tise boys eau maltetino, sud stoclk h tee. Tisece are bote tif leveby thinge growing lu tise Woods Yen canset theirteen eyee diecovening, sud 1bringiüg home for their came. Tise girls, Loo. Insfead tif bending over a crazy quilt, tisat may coufaina sthoosasid smîsil pieces, sud ahi embroidered, encourage thint ini le. comiug intelligent, in making homo attrac- tive, lu cultuvsting lu themeelves sud in otîsers a ciseerful spirit, sud soeseddimg light sud jey ou tise daiby hife. A cyclome je lite a waifer. 1h carnies everytfhiug hebore i. In a emali village in Foclars lime- anoId lady had a ticket lu hec wimdow whielsid, -House f or Sail. " A gen tleman, uoficiug tise wecd wae mieepelt, eute.ed tise shop te uiforrs tise lady. Il Wieu is flue bouse going te sali?" hoe inquired. Obd Lady- IlOh, finever ye eau rause flie win','< gheep and Dogs. The question of "best breed oif sheep" hinges largely tipon locality and purpose. If fine mutton be the special object, the Downs are doubtiess best, especially thse Southdowns. If one is close to railroad transportation, prodtWtion of early iamibs will probably be inore profit able, and , is flot always the fineet mutton sheep which beet fil this bl. A good-sized lainb, early in the season, will bring a big price, noc mat- ter what the tîreed. Yeare ago, I wae very much interested in Cotswolds, and sîl think highly of them, Their wool does Dlot ueually briug soeînuch per poîsnd as some others, but it will malte up in quautity auy deficiency in price. They are large sheep, and the iambe are marketable qtsite early. But of late yeare, a breed, the Dorset horn- ed, je coming to the front, nearly equal to Cotswold in size, andi reputed -as breeding twioe a year. The Dorsete are said also te becouae ons, and willing and able to figlît doge, usirig their big horns very offectively againet 'lie suurderous invadefl. -This iscertainlyagreaxt advantage te farmers who hesiLate topoiselu dogeson their places-a thing-I nover Isesi- tated about at ail. A vial tif stryhnine le', ins my estimnation, worth ail t.,e dî1g Lawso'n the books I neyer couild understand ,why ebeepraisers slîould hesitato toproteet itheir farme frýns doge, withott ver 1,othering tise Legisiattîre, about the inatte à,t&aIl. Iwa once very much troubled by doge, be;ing near a village. I gave notice in the towni papere that, af ter a certain date, my prema- ises would be unbealthy for doge. I soon bad a pile et thirty doge, and then the pub- tic realized that my place wae private prop- erty, and nîet a hunting ground for worth- lese cure, Fissely bred aiimals of t1ie Dorset breed can probably ho had for $25 to $50 eacîs. -[Home and Farm. FR E E! Pa ck ofgoods woreh $2,and large 100 pave Picture Book that wili en îely p ut yen on the road to a bapdaomn fortune. Send 5,.Fiiivertopay poStage, Â.W.KIN%'a, B. C. S., Yarmouth,. N. il. 12 - M. TORENT.-For term of years, "G0lein Dhu "1-300 acres, 2 miles -frein Whttby- goed buildings and oeili.Admirable for stock or dairy. Chance for goîng extensiveiy into Toronto mllk business or stock raising for inmerican ma5ice1. Men wîth capital onty Aeed apply, J. H. Dow, Whitbv, M tf; F ARM FOR SALE-The north halE or lot 22 in the 3rd concession of the Township of Clarke ia the county of Duthaut containing 100 acres more or less. Upon the promises are a good dwelling house., barn and stable. Thora la a neyer faillng epring close to the buildings, agoofi yonng orctsard For ternis and particulars apply to CHlAS. WEuoalT.sEuîc]tor. etc. Newcastle.'-, Ïm. ,et gently yet promtk yon the LIVER, NW-) on. H ue S EYS and BOWELS, dis- On, IUDDpeling Headac1hs, Fev LITTLE îy îel, g the systeuti ~Ift,~~4AkI! dîs a nd cures Ohabittiba const!.PatIon. They are sugar 0v.atedi do net grîpe, voFý' 5mali Vegetable. 45 pili each vial. Perfect Q'%eton PILS follove their uet ïbey absolutely cure s,4 tad ase, ana are eooed ed by leadlng physiciens. For sale by.sdn druggiets or sent lsy mail; 25 es a vîsi, î t tres HOB'S MEDICINE'CO., Props,~ San Francisto î iiw g FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE, ONT., t3Y J.Higgiubothamn & Son, Family and 41sai4 chemaists. y s' s' 's.~ J - - J

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