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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1892, p. 7

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H-fl USEHOLD. t nnhenrign rnisnanADVENTURES AT FBEA. Pro te ithenWidos. rest of the tinje, and yolu will find it very Al Shlp Above an ]Earthqllake. Imuch conter. The HapewelIa nls rg a hr Fagged O ut!!t To and ira, back and forth1 go the stops Watci your early fruits dnring Jnly a nd teredor a o anenu tGlofSam t ai the busýy iausewife ail thtougb the lung ugust, ast e aespt to mold. . Straw- sucure the cargo ý f a vessul partly destroy- mornings wîîile wîat glîipses sie gets of bensadteeryjiessoudbukptc by: fire at Bangkok, athte bead of the the sweet spring or ai the gorgeons suminer u.tis hr t swr n r. guli, and ta try ta learn the fate of the eiip muet, far the first iuw bours ai the day at Always keep sanie kind of disinfectant Viking, -wbici belanged ta a trading corni- least, be caugt froni the kitchen windows i h as aue i tdwthyn pany'at Singapare, and had been mysterions- 'e Haw can the prospect therefron). be rendoe cellar, as muci malaria and lever can bu îy missing for many nionths The Hopewell J ed nînre pîeasmng traced ta that. A pleasaut home le badial e rw itama Ila imwr I Ieing alkedthe way ta the bouse ai bis cnly at tie pnieu af eturtial vigilance ai the peouided wti small anms, but elle balDon employer.ia servîng muan replied; IlJust inusekeepur.. Evuryouc elsu eujays it, but cannon. Wiun elle was about six miles off jdown this Street, Wbass, and raund the cor- sle ic ut suc that it is unjoyable. the Island ai Alanga it fuît a dead caîni, niotlymarie ep, bck ios- - CHRISTIE IRVING. This was ealyin tic marning. Buioru noon barr'l, suggestcavsefor everybady iaboadt the way in which matters are somtimes an- H DIED JUS r IN TIME, fcel elarmed. The atmospicru was close rangcd at farl bouses; liat is, grass and. anti stiflîng, tic sky lîad a brassy laok, and, fiowers bave a place in front ai tic hom~e, i[low a Xcii :ecipe4g 0UInz]Caton b>' a fishwuere coninualy leaping ont ai tic water makiog apluasant sizit fan tic passeriy, Mosarch ci' tishe Forst. arounid tic brig as if teeriLzly frightened, At HAT tîred, worn- out feeling, of il icyr nte uri ae lc ire is always somthiig awe-inspring about 5 p. m. a great shuet ai flame suddenly 'wlich:so ::ny wamen complain aftur a of storagciaor old wagn and miscellaneous i a lions, :ven when viewudbebind th ron epdu:h satw mistaicws X yard wicru tic watcr standdaiii little pals icels is sbrtling, ta say tic tccst of it. I nouIxoN AND JTPHFAVING % o and rutsand wherc a zig-zag hune oi boards was a young lullow ai 2~2 wh-n this bappen faitic sua that tie bnmg was tossc about arks a cî'azy.patiway across it,, isaething ced ta, me, scys a Landau correspandeunt, aud Ilile a ciip, and was giu unup for Iost. Sic, Saigta give onue tic niighlmare. Tic first work was doing Asie, or suci parts of it as thc continued ta bc pitctîud and bangcd about in such a anc siauld bu ta tioroughly drain prejuidiced populace would permit mie ta in a terrible way for ba f-an-boue, sud tic fai tic h wate uy neuder contamiînation desurt, I fanciud thet tic twiakle lu tic boues. Atl knuw what badl happened. ,A1 èe o thewatr suplyimpossible. It ni ten cyc af tic officiat that clted on me ta leara subnicrinc certiquake had takea place, and1 itheg a cea ;tict e hedfor erblaps rate, luis permissian for me ta go was sus- weves follous cl ecdi tler down tic guti,r beru uniriess te bi driabrs e stors, piciously warm in ils nmasîîe of detiveny. I ceir ta ffSîngaparu, wtîilu tic Netuna herenhariesesis rivngbrse stresluit tlicequalid lîttlc town tiat stuck bo Islanuds, off tic west Coast ai Bornen, wcre 4kihi h rnss n cnv nint ut uidig, nd th egeof he gratdesrt asi its buniniabitaptnlar ol iîs.ialt NoN here posiby ae psteandrins fr htch in'Il hal afascinatian forit, attiugh breeze foltowed tic cartiquaku, but theu Hihu ard ]Rubbing shed for dîiving under. This is nat tic natives, ta wbam I bldta promise thec most brig wecailsicboked witi tic fumes af Wtthout Eoing wanst kiud af a-yard by any meaus. There idîculous wages betoru tbey wanld even sutphur. Wien maening came tic captain c Wlthout Washlng le little grass and the gnaund is quite likelie-iar of accompanyiîg nme. taakud for tic islaîîd af Atango flu vain. Ita Powders ta bu bard under snob cincuinstances. If, Ah atone1 bad beon woîîdcrng wliy the bcd cunk onttoa siglît witi il its ticusands ticeay, ea ad conmicl ay thotin, tic surface wes wcll cemnatcd tic teaditional lion did nat eppear, ald uîîtil lb ai trucs, and in ptace ai it was a, rackyrneufc Tr7 he aSy clen wsd y of wiasbing, and yard would bu, froni a sanîtaey pint o1 actnatly did came leapiîîg out f.o.. that or kcy, black and barren, about tirec miles I C lig t y fLahî n vicw, wcl ih perfect, far it cauid bu kept cluînp af stunîud pailmes had really believcd longbyea mile bîoad, At no point was il Slll giLyou-wli nos bu dis- sceupi,utauly c'eau. Grasslu a yard, tbaugi tiet I wunlud ta sec i. But as I eyud luore tien five feet ab-ove tic surface ai tic &ppointed. notlîiîîg can bu marc pleasiug ta tic cye, tic beast il dewucd on me that suclu ad',en- sua. The isleud oi Alaîîgo -,alsceven miles SUNIGH SoPhaims noequl fr ay caver al sarts oai uncleantmncss wlmîch tures imaie mci ptcasantur readîag tien long by four wide, aîud was suppased ta SUN LIHTSOA ha n eqal orslîould bu reked up and cartcd awlaend eaacting. bu wss a fie iclow -witi a bave about.500 intîebimints. It bad disap- pnýrity, you malyuseit witb coinfort and dclîgbt leanhiiiuss eiould bu tic basais ai ailimi- splendid head and a maeutiat swupt tic pcarud, anidnot even aduadbodyv.-asfouad for ven> bocebod PrPne. - pros enent in tic kitelsea yard; beving lb groundbut ance i is flanke banc a long, ftoating, thongi sanie nithe fonest trucs clcarcd af ruibisi and wcll swcpt or rakcd jaggud wouud, sicwing w lure a lance, batu werc caired 300 miles dowa tic guIli. Butc LavR coc. LMEDif graesy, one miy tien go furteu. If bue- slruck, and tic tewiy ekin was fekdtuis was ual the auly steangu sigit wici WORKS: PT. SUNLIGHT LVRBO. IIE dockor otien persistent wccd hes gained a witi blond. 1 was nt nly facing a lion, grculed thie cyeaif ic crew when daylightS NE5AR BIRKENHEAD TORONTO iaotiold inuian nglccted canner, ent off tic ont a woundcd aise et tiat. Truc, I wae Cailleu)Ol an evun keul, lunbIse middte ai main roat an in two belaw tic surface arîncd witi weepaus enaugîs ta kill a dozen liche (wly-creatud neuf, uvas a sIp wiîh ail ai tic ground and tuen on i, kuroseeail, lions, but I nîlght miss theu fret chotatnud ber: mlasts stanîding, ansd wbcn tIse brig badl Tihe emudy is sure. Witb bard gronnd on a amouse tbc lion's wrati, and tien whiuru lieun worked lu an a ligit breuze and a boat ______________________________ cmniudsurface flawcr bude are ont ni tic wauld I be? This wes e question iiat I lowcnud it was dîscovcred tiat chie was tic question, but if tic yard bu sunuy boxes fuît would rcouirc serions! couelderatiaa, but ilsîî Viking. Tic captain boardud be ~HECAN DIA ST TES a nd stands ai plants and annuels mayl bubic sigit ai al tîsosu hsîesed natives behiiîd and brougit off maîsy thinge ta exhibit as ______ TA ES AN aranged bore and give pleasure ta busy me lookir.g ta tIhe foiceigu genthemam ta sue- pro,ýïof aihie report. Sic bcd beancaptnred ~STBLIHED~ ye ail tirnugi tic sumnier wibb ticir tain bus uation'e reputetion for valan, nenvcd in tiasu waters, ansd hy ESALSE 84wcath ai inde and blaseonis. mu nIp ta placîng my rifle ta my elianider, PIRATEtS FROM TUE ISLAND. $1 par annum ini advance, otburwiseu$t-5). Onu kitchea donc wiici I reniember open- sudilmîngas carlyas IT oamld for tiOc uebildtaktoc but- ecargo, slnippcd lber iýubBcl tinalway3 payable et tic aml 3isf ed lupon a eunny yard wicrc were no trocs heuantni theubeast, wiici stand uvtehingîne cf salle and running riggiag, -and tien publicetion, Advertisin; rates un lees lsy cou andi was apprcecicd ail one sumîne through uiti bioodsiat cye liat ne%-eu wau-ercd. scutld ber. Sic bild gane in water per-E at, 10 cent3 per line, noaup rie flret in8eat a vineclad arcbway ton or twulve feet lu Bang! I îoked fon thc lien ta faîl, but in- bepc hall a msile deep sud lie deche amui on, and 5 cents par lineu cdi sbseqtiai l lengi. It wes simply made by sttiug fil steed 1 it gave a rose tiat scemed bu yaur sidus aud milesawcru iucrusbud with shela ceto.Locale, 10 cents par lineutieceartiopposite eci otien twa rows afihmble servent ta shakeotthe carti, sud tic sud longue. Sic lay about hallea mile front M.A.JA ES Pbshr.palles et a distance ai four icet spart and next momuent tic hanse I rade bad îirawu tic watt r's cdge, and ai caurse tuere was 1 PR AF'ASRMLE endig thc tipi unlil tiey mut overcad tise aver !lis hi ad a es euning douvu th ic mi hope af loating lier, Tic captain luit A 81IR. jFT nS v Ae Ne sed hire tic>' wcre firnil>'faetencd. Ov-e pati wu iad just coulc aven, but lie natives ber relting lu ber rncky ceadie, antideîg- ouAdrSs, H 'M CURED ils"sientidteuir uy ta late Octobe maeang were ablead ai hlm. 1 badl read that a lion t cx u ee hiesuasaiei ightu b 'AFT û.O'DR.aCAFT glorieofevrv concivabl sladaof pink and would not fouci any uscat tiet it iad ual European chips. For came reesun cie was TEt4YCnamafeR tt IltAdeiaib..ulite sud bIluero(ddclticir dainty heds kliled itseli, so, titi rceiniug my baud upan set on fire, presuniablu by natives, anudlthus Sb. tÛioNTo, CANAJsA. uvule velveîy naturtinn1ie nustlcd aet bie my wcapans, 1 lay dawn on t,c Sand and endcd lber strangu canceer. It -,,as an tuis felt clased my eyes. TIse monarci ai tbc deset samu voyage, and fane days latur, uvien thc E (.ER~ NERVfl BEANTS arc a new dis. ItIftbb yard is ton sbadud fan fiowcrs tien wehked iisuîciy up ta mc sud pleced its big- beig iad workced up ailîsried wînds ta V ~covcru' that cure the wusrtcases oni alI luans bave are ryand patin blunt bead close t ie rwigadýtl'gopo sad Nessons Debility, Lait Vigor and -a a h ai-a B' Failing Maniiond ruiýtoreâs thé lIsteestices matiebain 1cmn, trilluni, maaning-snfthy. Whit i 1ud invccligatud'giau, li 'aI a second steange advenîure au. F RtAN weanessof ody r ýîd ul parlridgc vine, jack-iu tic pulpit sud tie me ta ils satisfaction il uuiidrew tlu tue curr ed. Onue aternoon, as lhe bîig uvas byes-wrkultse'rass e odd little indian p .If you have a bit o aiidaw af lie palmesud a douvu.ab.p Iel ig thtic ast f a isls , witi thc 77ut,13urestcMuetiat,,tcames wlîcn ail ot sancy bank liatis pîe oai li yaur efforts walchsed il i>' lshes, aid pesîty! nuaner -anc t hremiles il tic ht 1 er aige emi etr S.ent ;oby maieg lm an bas _ 1Iýtýet l er ac o si fr $. ervset ydi o h. hspersislud in remainung sandy sa-uv that abat I badl euspectcd ironi tic firest i ud en l bcwaa lui t eolling onueglass>' oei~t ci iselcestick down a iew sprays ai ground gi11 and uvas crruet. Tic lion wes dying ironim -ts e, iîc uas non fuseni an earîhquake 'Write for tpamphlle. Sld in- wtchitilbecomng "a tbiu g ai beamty'"ierinl voumsd il bal rcceived !eomni meo tss ccsaubut lia capîcin vas wôr--T Bowmnvilc bySron & JRYCaver rude or unsigihy nulinildings witb uuknowîu iand. 1 saw lte grand beed iat il a ,Cnthsmuiing elsu. Tiesu Islands sanie hardy vine. TIse camion hop bas t onue aide, tic yellow male sweepitichad beun ý-iza piratical eînonglîold, and lie did tiick loiuage and ils teaves anc prettil>' cul cand,s ic plowerfii nibe givu a qiver. nis fuel sure liat ail tic caecale bod beau and veined. Our oedinary waodbinu dae sudle t H. b e isduad," I eaud, and(' lv u ot,. uwu othmeit n wull alo for tiat purpoce, or nue nativ e rieîuîg, wsiked up ta ui, eputhti island witluils glass, and lbe Là 'à cî1cîeatis, Tic buauîy af elîber af tic, two Tic majeety ai tiat deai Scelle iprse 'RESENTLY rnSCOVERED SOMETRIŽîG T last is beet enluaucudi the appearauce af cd me greatty, and I etoopud ta gaze mb 10ta lirig hii down iii a inrry. He report- fruet, tbc one gorgeons un its scarîet leafaec, th c fac e i kingl>' corpse, wb"n, lîke a ed b luat liecoculd make nul severel buts on IN K ' G thoc albu equali>' ptcasiag wiîb its feblier>' tinderbat, thie supposu-d dufunet lion 'bc"sarenad that a nîative crail was cvi-1 pomuponss ai sceldltewbncfua ie. Ifl viibsdentî>. ' kigready ta pull nul and pa>'TI î E R vicw feoni thc kiteben windnuss. wchl tla Eugland, omue, and icauty as tise chiçkcn-iearted creuv witi hlm, for hue lg --pauerful jaws elcosed on iii>'siaulder, but repars letiat lie had tota tebircaîc san tie itscsLi THEFCOOK'S BEST FRIEND Pie Fiant Receipts. Ibis liad been but tic expiing effort aOfuiti sboîing to pruvent thum iront takiag N( L,% l SLE m sud-NAcuitneure, andi even as thc teti caugit iMY thme yawl snd lcaving tic vessel ta bier fate. LA'GI'TT ALEI!Nc'4l2 RssHcUBAB-W7asb, peplah u coat tic lion was dcad, And real>' dead The arme wcre irougit nul and distribled, tic riubeeh iita inch picces. l'ut Iis en Ibtis tume, thougi it was nearly au boue be- eci man senved witi e dreni ta raise bis âmf granite double boilun, sdd anc cup ni sugar fore 1 would venture near hlm. 1 ualkcd siie u bnbcpem a ettua fan a pint ai nhiubri and cnck untit soft, back ta tic uitIle towu wicru tic natives agledta defend thue brig ta bise ast. Tic t, t L EDo ual stir IL. ied tlaetiniliing elary ai iow aur party sana was sellltw'o iours bigi uiemi lie r U ý ;2YIA11--il:heas ih adben set pon by v,6:tiJÏ::7: liane nativ:creaiîswas:ftlîina quarterofa mle PURE - nîubari cul lu emahl pieces, thoen fIll up fl litais ad killcd mu, aud, tiiongi teyhîud oai lie; big, whicb uvas beisg slauuly set inaoooo elrad twl ee neà n hradstneo h tw.Teeire- wstcn isa aucior, Tic captain iad made Dn0 itel>'. etr l htthi eoin fwsld, gond use nius limie, Tîmuru ieing oui>' anc RH UyAB Jxanv -Wasieand et in enail halconstituteidthem i> natuesi boire, and praiii,eudise brig bcing highsanîofwater, pludea, put jusl enougi ai watunover t e ntei s faveey prebl>' quarrel tihesacahe wonld doubtIses auek ta board stat ilta boiliag; wicn tende draîtuwicn I watked la aud settled tlice question aisthbiiws. AlI bbc grease ad asi wiici ta uas ta tic division aifni> effucts, coid be faund abaard was used there ta timogi couse uil> ba, ad nu cu I lt And wuvire is bhe lion ?" was tiechconus niaku the boarding more difficulis, wIilu lie ý1ai o sugar for eci cuplul ai juice sud bail wheu 1 iad conviucd isien thaI I was nul- cnngaI bol waler rcady and traire ai Lover a brick firu for 20 miaules. It is ica tien rni>'ou-n gins I non, as sanie prebcndedpodrwrladndck liwsmut PUREH8T, 1STRONCE3T, BEST. made latu iticecason. p clir au iaiînsîc. t asmen Itc dfru clî Fr akng ea, HIe1tPî.-ectîînîîîaî,uîmb ta belevu, a npastar. Il Duad," I au- ta fiiee tiese la case thc pirategais a foot- i3ie)iuaw-ýisnetnand a bailiug ssu-rud siti il tiennchaslance in tic iold sud dmove tic crew it.Juet nuis ai Zs 1ac ,12pudSel Soda. ic ief1por1 in aeroe iadwald, sud tred ta huru them tareuturn wuîh nmket abatthebic ateceaIt rustcd onulier bScId by,1'GoAil nd reocres et t sandte inrutsgDran, i.ltlumetoiîcuestandme bbenta aminutes.-,j Draincapainclie pirate ofth ______________________________ pladtesi ble tnickl utîcecae upii ocuego. I final>' succccdcd lu gettimsg e fresi rascals, ecionue wcll ared and rcady fer sdtw bite. fbutterpic sell mta l r>' emnrwd ta accompan>' mu ta the scoleo e a bcdcsperaîuwoek. bu iaihcd tien, and ask- adicame. luaor iîpifer euthmado, il eryconfliet sud wiueîu se îeîunîed ta tic lown cd uviat was weuted; but no rupi>' was j dlicou inflvor; ndiférnty dnc itiscal yiîgthc noble cardais tIse populace nadu. bu tien E Sonu ai ticeIoreal. camue icti in a bodl>'tus iuspectilb and do AIEDYElTOK5'O' 1- bousar ta lic liera liat sagle iandud hadl or taku lie coosequeuces ; but hie loud tahk Chat. mel a lioand slain IL. did notibluffîbheni. ibe>'weme simpi>' laok- LAToil. onkng ovetie tmumukesud clcsete Ticre bave beun others that have ieaing tic briqo- v-r ta not br mngsia- Cria, jLL?- VvE. yLs n s'snal j sewAnd cr i igle days tiat paee,ilikc angels, *.tii, su v:ryce-usu teO il. Ole e tua o luaniache 1 Ou ain>' days, give attention ta indoor an lic windl uîmg but tiat anotier farce oai prees wouidbi tin iiP5 rir~~.i t ,,l'tK gnte t1~i thiaga and fix tiern up ta lest tili bhe nukt Esci, as il camnes, prusunle a face as busutiful came ontunuder caver o ai deoss the cap.-th Il .îo . '*~.-ii'inl t uW, celu1 ain>' day. Coax lic cuildren ta slecp And ye b ýuSe it lisoensmaluWC da ual sceil tais kcpt tic crcw ing Lu ~ ~ ~ sei Le lo l-tui -ru -r, ac' .'aci liiugis tise ealcd part ni thc de>', lieu lear, UNDER AUMe ARR NICHT, Hbu c ., bat:bi.huhe iand drees te imî, sud ahi ga out for Âdsi unfoinaa.cdIee iaud was pmcpamcd ta give them cahat ruccp- P, ~ ~j ~ r' 1ycuir iesh-ae lime. 8ad disdadu, gscarhc o tLimutc-jtion. Tic nigit passed quicil>' however,ac i;..-,~,m :lj .îuî :~a î-~ua Kucpthie honse well aired fr-an fivu to A ontaes agafi adnxsmesu i oemarcee i e sign-ale en vigornueil>'fiat a bat was sentý aifto investigate. Sie baî. no soonen camre witia ailiag distance tIsas tic mancricd ont la good Englisi te uwee e captive,1 and ticeami>' living muan oui lie islaad. Tic boat then leuded, aîsd iu peove ta bu anc, William Tripp, an Enghish saitor, wbo iad becu caplured tirce'ycars Mofre on a smel trading schooner. Wiile tie rest oai tic énusu' ad buesnimurdcned aller capture, ie iad buen sparcd for sanie neason uninnouvu, audd beencc on the îsland cu'en sinice. be was tmeled lune a slave, and on anc occasion, wiun be lied plauucd îa escape,_ tic>' ad ehiced oaflne aihie cansase ecautinualtat attempî lis egain. Eveej' man ai tic gang luad cmbarkcd ta attack the brig, aud Tripp was averjoycd at Iheir fate. Il would bave been a icatier lu tIsecapteins cacp iad raîlîiug f urtiar been accomplisbed, but tic beet ai dll wa% ye ta camne. Tic storciausu wes fuît ai plunder, and bic>' worked theu brig into a cave, whice cwcs faîi>' aie' and set aboutl discbargiug ian ballast and losding iem wuti a cargo. Durng Tmipp's ste>' witb tic piesales tise>' bad caplued îwa tdigschoqoners aud a Gurman siip. Most ntiurcargous wema in tic storuhause, witi. a misceilaucouis ofsuîmet istuff pickcd up et t îen iniaf sugar, coffue, tua, clothiug, hardwae, dry gonds, sinus, cut- carmicd lu a cargo. Soine ni rie stuff wes bedly damsged b>' mot and nihdew, but he>' iad pletca>'ta pick frai, sud lu a couple ai uveeke bcd ioadud lise bopuwuhi witi thc richel cargo sic evur caeriud. As tic>' tare sut ne sidu ni tic starubouse tbc butter ta gut aItich gonds, wict wcs luit situerishé bmig çauld taku na marc wss canveebed inta a banfire, and ail traces ai tic pirates tins wmpud ont, Tic beig tien eaihcd ian Singe- porc, sand rcachcd Iliat part la saiet>'. A cleini wes tieru suttrip b>' tic German Consul and otiers, buttise Cour-ts ducidcd agaiust tbein, Wiat tise value ni tise bnpewell'e cargo was tic log doua ualÉ state, but lb muet have emnnntcd ta a large euh, foar aibunrur- hciugls, iare oni tic sale Caplein Jackn lcddta give np trieueaud its penils and Isecomu a eiip cicndlar. The Ever-Present Crisis. av J. 5t-iLOWESLL 0iucc ta cRue>' manand 'nation camus tic mao- nient ta ducidu Ia lie sheifu oi truli sud falseboofi, for tic oeged a eil side esaofrn Sai gore caus GdeuwMsliafnn ecci the bloonior hi igil, Parts lie goals upon thc leit hand sud tic sieup upos lie nigit. thdbe choice gaus by iaruvcr 'twixt, tiat darnese aud 'liaI igit Carelesssceunis thc gruat avenger; ianry'ï piges but n cord OIne death grapplu lis tic daekausa 'tsuixt nId cycters casd lic Ward; Truli icreme-ou lie scaffoif, Wrang fbrevet au the tion,,- Yct thal scaffotd swaye bbc future, andI bciind thc di u nknowo Standeîls God uvithiatichesbadoiv, kuepiug watcb abave bis awn. rien te side wit th ibs noble wbcn we shann huber wrcb"hcd cruel, Ere huer cause bring faite and prafit, andi 'lis prospernus ta bejîtat: ['eic hi j-the brave ian cinocce, uvule tic cauvard stasasid e, Daubîing ho bts abject spiritl iss is Lord is ceucitieri, Asnd bic mnultitude maku virîne oni bic faiti F'or innanit>' cwcups auward; wicre to-dey bbe martyre stands 0. tic.norrow cranches Judas, with the si.- ver in bis bands; F'ar lu fronLthre cross stands ready and lic cnadiling fagote buta, ?Viilc the.ioatiug moi ai yesleeday uncient awc reun -Te gluan up the scableruf asies mia b istory's golden lira. Tbey bave rigits who dare maîntain them; ive arc Iraitors ýta nue sires, Siatherng l i herboly asceua ruudoi's nuw- uit aller tires: bhail wve sake biher crucd our jailer I Siail uvu, in nue haste tha a>, 'nai lic tamis ai the aid parties esiealtefun- eral lampe awuy 'n ligit uthle marty r fagots rand lie penfits nf ta-day I rcew occasions teaci uuw dutias; Tume nuakus aucieur good unconti; bey inusl upwa rd sîll sud auwaed wia wouid keep aireast aiTrunh: ao bufore ns gluani aur campfeus, we aur- selve us t ilgrims lbu. raunes aur Maytlo-wur and steen ýbald>' ne troug lthe'd espeeate se, hi pa s Saint and Sinner, Hf hiddau uibthepew sic site. A tenant unbcani soft>' fuis Across huer nodest, saint like face, As if tIhe angels thougit ho trace Upon tiace etiires li hu>' ly ove Au Eastcr biussiurairntabovu. Denture, with madust cyce downcast, ,1My aurel site. Ai, Iwassil i-id Fr fort>' days ban jusl anc loak Frai thase suvuetcyces ient au lie bookn; Andrif hi e'd give tve lieue or fane, I'd bucantentltla alno moe. . H ÏEu THOUGHTS. Thasu boreid asies (that drues is brnwn,)' 1 wisi Ihacu people would cil dauvu Now, syhere canld sice bave gaI Ibat iant Oh, 1 suppose sanie silI>' uman. flear, dear, liaI choie boy hue a cold. Haîv lai manstares! tIcs rush>' baif. My> bonnet! Cen hi bave s crook Iî 1 wish I'd taken one marc look. Umîpih!uvia is biaswiti tic Praîts? Wbhtsigbts lie>' are in thase uew bate! Ticre's Pure>' won'h he buc rageri Wiun Clans tells him aie's engugedi1 My!' Iwbel e frigit Bess is lin blue! Il cost her ninul>' dollars, boa. Wel I paid cigir>' (uvat a îucss But lieu pa aluvays makus a fus,>. Oh, ni>! Ihoeus Sin>' ysuci a face! (Thuse iorrid psalmsl I've bls n>'plac,) 1 hopu bis sermon won'slie long; The paon, deer ieUiau isn'l sInon>'. Wiy,tbcreis Fred! Dean mc,wiatac-vt? 1 hope 1 wos'l fargel lie bext. Sliocking Murder in Queensland.' Tue body ai e murdened mnan wes found mnr miles froni Bnliîba on Aprîl 8. The .uhi was eplit opcn, sud tic face andi ionîders wcme eut, uvule buside tic body' as a sihort tomahawk wiîi btood etains ou teiaudlc and blade. Feoni papers fannd Ltc pocinet af hiselitiing ir is snppasedl ilt tic uîurdemud imes is Rudolpi Wise- uller, a Germait, wio a e eipeevionsly id arrivud front Engiend by tic steamer nsa. A fuw days haler tic police rmetedj mna etTalliebugra ou suspiciaon af buing tmurderer. Tic accuscri, wia gave tice ime ai Frankn Davis, is 19 years old, aud teIllies la ever>' respect witi the dcecrip- onu Mn. the mll eluithc temerTare n aeti ian Wicet accu it tic vicaeriTa. was recammcodcd ta go ta Muiscil's îrding-ionse uesel> opposite tshe wharf ceru tic Tara was moored, At tic saine ace wes stappiag e man wbasu naine was iknawa ta bbc prapniclor af tic hanuse. ie maectlccd Me. Wissmuilur away iha proposai ta look at soie hanses. r. Wissmulcr neyer neturucd, but tic spucted individual came back ta tic board- g-bouse late n luhbiceveaing, sud hie annen was decidcdly steauge. bu went stairs ta hie nooni sud was ceen ta ke out anis hie Il swag" sud drap lis autgi bhe windaw. Aftenwaeds bue leit t hanse sud did not reisîsc altiaugi bue s seca un tic aeigibouriood next moma- 9.Tic mauaumu niticaccusud is Franik marchs, sud le ithe son ofaf eilt re- «ttblu gentleman, wio octiupies e promu- ,t position in bie Civil Service et Bris- wêl- For Bronchg-i'tis " never rellzed the gond of a.edion. 10 muh as 1 have linthe Iast 'e- rmonths, durngwhchtie hre sfr e.d intensely fro pnumoie.followed by brchiIns. After trying various renedies without erfit I began the use of Ayer's herr Petoral, and the effeet has beenma. los a single dose rclieving meof choking, and sc ni a gond nigbt's rest."- T. A. Hi ginia lham, Gen. Store, Long Mcuntaùn4 La Grippe, ' Last Spring I was taken dowvn with Ta grippe. A tues I wascompletely rostrat. ed, and se difficuit was my breathmng that my breath seeined as if conllncd in an iron cae1 procured a bottie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and p'o sconer had 1 began taking it than relief followed. 1 co.ld n,,t believe that the effect Would be go rapid."-W. H. Willianis, Cook CityS. Dak, Lung -Trouble "For imore than twenty-6ve years, I1n'as asufferer fron lung-trouble. attended with coughîng se se',cre at tues as to cause heniorrhage, the poroxysois freqnently last- ing thre o four heurs. 1 xsas induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and àfter taking four bottles, n'as thoroughlv cured. 1 can Hofmnann, Clay Centre, Kans. Cherry Pectoral Prepared hy Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lowell, Mass. Sold by aIl Druggists. Price $; six botles, $. Prompt to act, Sure to cure The Charge of the biglit Brigade. Close in!I close inu! was the constant coin- mand of the squadron and troop officers as the casualties made gaps in the ragged line, but the order was scarcely needed, for of thejr own instance and, as it seemed, me- chanically, men and horses alike sought to regain the touch. > We had not broken into the charging pace when poor old John Lee, my right- hand man an the fiank of thc regiment, was ail but smashed by a sheli ; hie gave my arrn a twitch,as with a strange smile on his worn Old faee lie quÎetly said, "«Domino! chum," and fell ont of the saddle. Rlis old gray mare kept alongside oifnme for seime dis- tance, treading on and tearing out, her en- trails as site galloped, tili at length eh* dropped with a strange shriek. My coinrade, Peter Marsh, was my left- hand man,; next beyond him was Privat, Dudley. The explosion of a shdillhad swept down four or five men on Dudley's left,and 1 heardhim ask Marsh if hehad noticed "Iwhal a hole that b- sheli had made"' en bis left front. 'e Hld your foulmoutbed tongue,' answered Peter, "swuaring like ablackguard when you may be knocked inito eternity riext minute 1" Just then 1 got a musket throngli my right kuce and anothur in tic shin,andmnyhorsehad three buet wounds in the neck. Man and torse were bleeding so, fast that Marsi begged me to fall outý; but Iwould not, pointing ont that iii a few miinutes we muet be mb o hem, andso 1 sent my spurs well home, and faced it dut with my conirades. It was about thus time that Sergt. Talbot iad i head dlean carried off by a round shot, yet for about thirty yardq further thc liuadless body kpt the sadle, the lance at the charge tirmey gripped under the rigit arm, My narrative may 'seeni barren of inci- dents of the charge, but amid the c:rash ef bhelis and the wiistle of ballets, the cheers and the dying cries of comrades, the sense of personal danger, the pain of ivaunds, and he consuming passion ta reach -an enemy, e must bu an excuptional man who is cool nough and curions enougi ta be loolting serenely atout im for what painters caîl 'local color." 1 had a gaood> deal of," local color " nysulf, but-it was running down tihe lg ni my averaîls froni my wounded knee. -[J. W. Wigitman (late S8eventeents A Difficuit Task. Two women were discussing a yonng man ai their acquaintance whosu f abier iad been a disinguisied member of the bar and a uscful mumber of saciuty. "éFor my part," said one, III think Gorge is veryý bright and capable. I arn confident be will succeed." ', es, " replied the other, "bhe is nndonbt- edly a worthy young man, but I don't think bu bas buad unaugi ta fil bis iather' shsoes"' The business in whic' you know yola could make snaney is geuerally the othit man 's., '4 (CUT PLUG.) (P LU G.) No other brand of Tobacco lias ever en= joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldesl Cut l7obacco manuac ý«rers În Canada. MONfIREAZ. Cul Plug, loc. j lb PIU, 1loe, j th lb ug, 20ç, n s c e ti cI l

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