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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1892, p. 8

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s Mrs. Thom&as Dead. Mrs. Philip Thomas, whcse'unfortun- ate cose bas se excited publie sympathy' during oome years, died titis morning af- ter a meat painfully prolonged sickness. Mire., Thomas has long been the victim of ,cancer, svhich attacked the unfortunate lady in the breast and side, and although it was once cut out and the best medical g3kill at ail times called in, the ruthless disease grew steadily until it eat out the life of its unhappy victim. The tortures Mis. Thomas underwent during the last stages of the, ilinesa were indescribable, and she was compelled to remain contin- uously under the deadening finfluence of morphine. We extend our heartfelt sym- pathy te Mr. Thomas and te the childiren of the iseased lady, whe are ail grown up.-Regina Leader. The subject of the above is a sister-in-law ef Mrs. El. Mol. Ion cf this tewn and is well k-ciown by xnany STATEs-xAN readers her e and Clarke. YN&ISK ILL EN. Mrs. and Mr. Hoegarth, Toronto, have been visiting the Messirs. St ainton .... Mr. Thes. MoLaughlin, Gorrie, has been vis- iting hie uncle and ethez f riends here on bis way frem attending the Presbyterisn Assembly at Mentreal . .. .Mrs. and Mr. James Smith, Lakefield, were viiting Mrs. I¶.Rogers' at Mrs. Elferd's ...Mrs. H. Rogers is visiting her mether et Bi ght- on.... .Rev. RGee. Davey, B. A., B. D., new statiened at Chester City, Pa., was married en Tuesday l4th mest. t Picten Ozir ~S Zoelor a New Perbaps the meat important seriez of papers new appearing in any ef the per- ledicals is that en *'The Great Capitals of the Werld," which is being pulb1ished in Harper's We&kly. A GooD SuoG.Estrio.-By constipation is meant irregular action cf the bowels, often called costiveness, and cemmenly caused by dyspepsia, neglect, excess in eating or drinking, etc. It is a serieus complaint and net te be neglected under any circrimstances, as it leads te impure bleod, headache, debility, fevers, etc. A nniformly successftil remedy is Burdeck Blod Bittera frhich, if faithfully tried, neyer fails te effeot a prompt and lasting cure- even in the worst cases. The fol- lowing extract f rom a letter frem Mr. Jas. M. Carson, Banff', N. W. T., will speak fer it3elf :--"I have h een treubled with constipation and general debility and was induced te use yeur B. B. B, threugin see- ing your advertisement. I now take great pleasjure in recemmending it te al my friends, as it completely cured me." SANWIH. -.SiRs,--For five years 1 suff ered f rom lumbago and ceuld got ne relief until I used Uagyard's Yellow 011, and must say I flnd ne better remedy fer it. Flere ia a warning te beys who -rob bird's neats. In Screnton, Pa.,, two bro- thers ascended a tree after eggs. Liglit- ning struck it, killing one instantly and, burniicg the other se badly that lie wil die. :R/ - (SM 0o Successors to The JOS.EPHI HALL Manufacturing Compliny, - 3 To those who ask for it. We have only a few of them but every lady MANUFACTUIRE THE' IMPROVED CHAMPION MOWE.E. It is built ainiost entirely cf Stccl and Melleable Iron. 33 inch Drive Wheels. W-rde Steel Preane. Steel Ax ýIes Sd Steel Guards, withlà~and 5feet. ut. THE BEST AND STRLYNGEST MOWER IN THE MARKET. We are offering'et close pices te meet the cempetition li the market of lighter and cheaper machines. -u I _F-A. IR)s. Having bought ail the Patterns. Templets, Drewings. etc. front the Joseph Hall Estate. we keel) in stock fer promnpt delivery repairs for ait machines and machtnery made at the Joseph Hall Machine Worka. ill Renaira. Champion Iteapersi and Mowers, Cayugaand Buckeye Mowers.New Model andi Hall Thresher E Rtine, etc. Wetal,.n l,,e.,,inp..

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