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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1892, p. 2

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WE-DNESDAY JUNE 29, 189-9. DU- J. C. HITCUEL, M EMER F CLLEE 0 PHSOTAN -111181-1rIg0.ons., O tarli o1.,10Coroner1, e1t. OfIce and Renidence. Enniskillen. 74. 1) BURKEI SUPSOIf, B HFRISTER SOLICITOR, &a. MOPIS Pl O0CR, upetairs, King Street. Bowynan- ville. solioltor for thse Ontari Bank nf lhst e ys loaned at the lowest raes r--C. UUNKING ICESEDAUT:ION E E R FOR L th CoutY O Duram.Sales attended taonflrts notice and lowest rates. Âddress C uiaî,cz P. 0. : ROR?. YOUiG, V. 8. 0' FFICE 1IN THE WEST DURHA&M ~FNews Block. where himself or assistant m7ili bc founud fro7m S.m. ta 9 p.m. it calls &t reeidence,directîy opposite Drill Shed. Calis IY telegxaph or telephone wjll receive prompt attention 171-yr LA. W. TQIE. A UCTIOJNEER, APPRAISER, Real £ F1 aae Agent, Bowrnenvîîle, Ontario*, .nale8 altended nIl any part or Province. A. A. POST, A ROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica. 1ZI lions prePared for everY class of huilding. iSPccial attention gven ta heating by stea « sud bot, water. and te sanitary arrangements. fllce: GOrrie Block, Whitby 43-ly M. PEATE- Tailor GenItlemen's lothes Made to Order. CHARNDEN, L. D. 8. Grs dute of the Royal College of Dental (FC Surgeons, Ontario. O IEOPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. COLO FILLINC A SPECIALTY Artificial Toeth iuseted without Plates, Great Roductions lu prie on ail Dote Work. vitalizod Air, constantly iu use pro dnucing Paiuless Operatious. Partienlar atton tien paid to the regniation of Cildre's Teetb 92- ALL WORK WARRENTED -Uý Breneh Office, Dr. Rntberford's Oronc, -V]ETEMtNARY 8URGE.e. ORLONO, - ONT. Office. -Post Offiae Block. Celua by telegrapis or telephaons roceive im Irue Iliate attention. I.M.U.BRIMA COMBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear Of Messrs. '4igginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (downi stairs), BOWMANVILLE 'VETERINARY SURGEON, Jl@ 1YI1~VLLE * NI1, OYEINC AND CLEANING Ladies nd Gents' weer cf eli inds, Foals ers, Gleves, Ribiosu, Laces, Curteins, auJ ail Siluds of feuîcy goods Dyed, CioYeno Gr Frenchs Cler.sed. Work pesitivlygta cn teod tise best. No peddiing wvgon omphoyed. A relie agoit luios cry Vesyn. BRITISH AMERICAN BYEINC CO'Y., C Did Medalsit I)yons. Monci cal, Toronto, ottawa and Quehec. Agent lu Bownu-anvihhe, J.IIDOB80Nî, uTATIONER. Gents' Clothing Cioaned, Dyed. Pressed aud Repairod by TH1IOS p E.AT, i5Yer and (lotbes Chaner, ¶ccds warranteS to e ao ne ewiih know fssrn fromnenw when doue. ConrXîg aund Ontart Streets, iwmanm ie 1j AGRIGULTURAL. Field Daisieo. oh, the bonny brigbt Ifid daisy in bier kirtie whitoanS gelS Sifin snows lie winfer driffing over mnca- 1 rlow field, anS wold; Itreezy uphands, hein with blossonis-now te etrY bloom abonud- Poeping shyly, croeptng slyly. quife withinlte gusrdcîî's, beunds, Oh, tise feriner scouts euS Senuts yen, sees ne bcnuty in yeur face. Only cous hsou ho mny rouf yen, toar, nproot ynfrom your place, Bued fren bbc pleesîsut meadows wheçre tisetatI tushgrassos sprnug, Patient sf111 'by dusVy isigbways, brave brighf blesserns nod euS swing. INengisf cane yen, wisite-kirtled Salsy, for the fumnier's haVe aud scoru, Leaduug forth Yonr lengising logions lu the dewy sunsimer men Ftieiclittie chltdron leve'yen, love yen Soarly as they stand, Wjth Yenr hotts broet llgis about theus, sviitothey 1111 oCeil finy lieuS. Loes sYen bo, Vise merry millodn, adds yenr isa eauty tVolhor cwn, aYs Yen on1 lion breast, or gayly binds yen in licr claspîug zone Se Vise woary sofferer greets yen frein bis concis wîth wolconîe sriie. Fon yonr sf-ary bloom, shau brlng hlm sweet surceese frein pain tise wbile. -Ais, WCbail yen honest daisies, gnowl the fermes as e cwill! GlaS wo are tour tu-ushsplendor talle ounuiesa- dow, field anSdtîhîti ELIZABuETHs F. MERRILL. l'armera' Clubs. Iu an article ungîng tise value of clubs anud institutes te tise farinent, a wrîfen sayb that these clubeslhouid ineet offenen ; it Weald jiay thon te have a iihrary, s ittie appararus, a ittie collection cf mineraIs, sbowing what ths eil w-atm-ado fron ; but enymey, overy clîub shonld have an herber- im. Thiesfisey couhd naSe in 'good part fisenselves. Wheu eny member finde a weed or plaleut o es nef Snow ho sbonld brîng if te tise club meeting te ho put in tise herbenion. Excisauges with clubs lu distant places weuld suppiy weeds netfofend in tise loc alify (leavtng omît tiese ceds) or tbey could ho furnished by the oxponirnent sttions on pagos ef flue standard size. These home-mcide bocks of reeh puants might beceine tise uost useful volumes in tiseli- bnary. Foihowing the pages on which flue plates are lsetenod, scrap.hcek beaves of tise terne size c-au hoe îuserted, on wiiicbcare paeted Vise besr-publisbed papers ou tise parficuiar weed or plant. The plants sitcnid bo lebeled not ouiy wlitistise scieutifle naine, wbich le the saine in ahi counfnries, but aise witis differeut commen or provincial nraines aud the lecalifies tuhene each nraine is used. If eny member maSos speciah exîsonimoufs aud studies, aud writes e monograpis on a parricular svced, evoît if it iii net pubiisiod if cati ho wriftton nushoots oetftiastandard size auJ snserted in tise berbarion lu ifs prepen place. Modes cf biusdirg have boon neceuriy invented wbicb enehhed us te hind on unbiud sucis c volume in a lew seconds, se as Vonennauge tise pages aunduunsert uew pages lu any way ' vC lige. 1 lancy I isear a protest. IlIsu't fisis a pretty big programme?1 Do ven expoct tise everwonked fariner, who isas had, perlsps, ne training for sncb study, te maSo un lhon- beninin aud a scrap bock cf ciassified kîîov- edgeal lun oe " This le jusftishe poinb I was ceming te. There are many ambitions fermons' boys wbo ceuremplate leaving the fanu-ieavung father te struggle ou clone Viii the weeds and hnians cvonwholuî b-ii~--1' cause rbey cen sec ne avenues frovi fa ill" te henon aud distinction. If ecerni tk'ý1 fisatovon Vise 111wemaleads ' poorly-païd drndgery of fanrinlitie if to, wh auts ene laves hope !ho1- soîne cf ison 1iare Lu tsoheîlgbisol u coîhoges ncs, v-niof te equîip tbo-sselves Vo maSo f-arn management more successfnh auJ profitable, but te escapo frei ifTbey ltave looked tise natter ever, aud concluded tbcaf the menîtwls< lhave disbinguished thueinseves lu theo professions, sciences, arts and stabes- nansbip wone tise boys wvho ,loft thfle farin. They see farmers risat bave heen eiected te offibce c.Jvocatrîtg tise nef ods cf socialuen that are nrbeniy subversive cf tise prntcipies on whicis oun coutry w-as fonnded, aud that have Jestroyed liberty svberever tried, auJ they ceuiclude, periaeps, Visat f-arn lite is n- favorableto chear tisinkiug. Now set those farinons' beys te wonk on the berbariun for te instituts. Tise "'aching void" wbicis tbey b-ad supposed the funîn conid "Inover fil' le gono. Yan wili sec thon digging it e Grey'e botaîty, len- ing te analyze pieute, roamnug tise fields cand foreets te g-afhon spocimnus, pressing fasten. iug, iabeiug, descnibing. 0f course yen muust givo thonr honor in proportion te the value of their work and flie difficuiries over- c'ome. Yen are, thîts, nt o ly rooriug ouf tise weeds cf ignorance and dissipation frei tisein minds aud plautiog ca tree cf lite lu- stead, but yen are biudîmg thein heents back te Vise farn witb a cord strcutgon then bauds of steel. Good Herse Points. Iu wrifing about tIse best buîild cf n good horse as uofed Western breeden says, ini fis Breoders' Gazette,Visrtistheansishorse needs e pastensof diffèrent tsape fron fisaf of tise draft herse propon. Tise p-as Ven bas au important offico Vo penfon.nTise bouies mrve te tisnow the tenidon etfrtho foot wiie rias oer thoîn berthon fron tise conter cfi motioîn, aud mono tîsan fisis, acf as sprngsj te preveuf concussion aud abuorh motion visicb with unîssuauly short and straigist pas- buates on. Ti inre'e p-asteoms ivero longer auJsucre epirg, aud ponfenmed their Jury ef relies'-p, g tise uppen lirnbe auJ shoulders frein the inucussîcît vatunally ceoeed by tise foot nriking the greuud. Tise eue m-are weut 1 ai semod te fiinS fluet perhps isiko mouid yieid botter retorns if Vsy oode- prived cf tboin plumes, liSe soep cf teir wocl, et judicicus fut onvais, Bcandiug-hcnse keopers ýf'î ovrsýet tu old lien cf the ho-ad of fthe table. with e "chng.ety-cbug" Up and lowxn in tien, the other smooth r, easily and beri zontelly. The firet mare wiil pull m-0E and probably wear about as well as fih otiser under tise conditions which surrouni thse dray-herse, but eue wonld net lest a allunder tise conditions wliich obtan c tise farm. Sncb a mare sisould nïeyer b driven fester tisan e welk, and tise tispei net yet wbeu tise fermer eau afford te kee] work mares wbicb cannof trot without iuju îng themeelves. How to Destroy Gophers A subecriber inquires for tise beet imetho( eof destroying gophers., A cerrespender gives tise fcilowing directions as te hii method. The beet turne te destroy gophers is i h spring, wheu tbey have used op riseir win ter stores. Sncb roots as tbisy find a-reo lest year's growth, mostly tougis and no juicy or weil fievored. They are huniigrj and neady te oat auythiug that ie eatablte They are fower in number than they will t leVer, and tbey are weii gnown, activýe dig gens. The fields are haro and their workL easfiy seen, 0f ail tisings their pet morse is e sweef epple. Test it yonrseif; i É ye like it, tise gopher wiil. Cnt yonr hait in. to piecos net langer than a cuibie inch. Have a stick one-fourti tise size cf a leid pencil Nviti tise end blunt. MaSo a pocket. siîaped cnt 'Ael te tise centre cf each pieco. Ou a fine pointed eplinter lift oee alE tisE sîze of e grain wheet of strychnine or fivE times that bnik cf arsenic. Witis),yei blunt stick pusis the poison Jeep initc thE eut. Hevtng prepaned enougu cf tbe pièces, put theini some vessel where tise poison cai. nover do aîîy herm. Take youir spae and go over yoîîr field. Wherever yen find gopher work thet us fresb, dig tili yen hae found a place wbere the isole is ne)t fillou with soil. Place oeeof the pieces ar a becS into the hole as yen cen, leave the hld open and go yourway. Ninetineoui cf ton tise gepher wi]i close tise end ct the boe, oct the hait and die. Go over')u field e few inesutil yen sec ne fresi work end yenare safeo rtha eaoan. If yoor neigbbore wiil do the saine and foilow it np year aften yean your loceiity caii be 'freed frein the gophor and kept se. If the wb-ole contry wooid wonk eut tItis plan ti e gopboî svould scon bc boeked for to fîtruisi saseci- mens for rlaces in collections cf stuffed ckins. Gophers wiil take tise bait with mort or lese eertainy et auyturne cf the yeenr. Next tesweet epples I have found tispinte eat besf, iiitise onder r emed, sweet ptocs, carnets, common potat ses or boots. The Men who i3ucoeed in DairyingL. Iu every deiry conniuuity in the 'anîJ ean bc found dairy fermonrs wiso are mak ing s filue succose cf the business,.W' eud îir net bewellfor tise greatbodyof fermons YM-ho cny " danying don't psy," te inquiire wliat sort cf mon tisese successful oees are. AimeeIt invariahly if will ho fouud tuert Ley are men cf intelligence wbo bave adsense enougis to seusd titeir brame eisead cf their bauds. Tisey a.re readere cf tise e--penioýne aud thoughtq cf otiser mou. ,Tisoýy are students of tise prnîiplesthat mundericeh practice cf successful dairying. Meunh sfs.rve tiseir bodies bave neosneg Iot work. If dairymen do net cnsteutly fùe thoin miuds with daîry kniowledgýe, 1how car thoy oxpeet te succeed, The nichest exponi, once cf ocrs may ho rccorded ia fboulsand! tines ,rt tbey sviii know uothing, of if, of the H en - yaf, i omny hf e wicit ýis jmr e ssced depi as e ahiytsa eniy boyhood," ada Goerumlie i ofii orte w'ritn."yfhewaa aer. We kept chiekeus, about 200 in i..mbler, fisc eggs aud tender pnogeny cf -whicts we-ro cent te market auJ funished sa tiniconi siderable fraction cf the familyinme 1'One sommer, s.t tise soason -when fruit1 wvae ripe, rny motisen made a gireaf queufity cf 'cherry-bounee,' for tise bnewiug cf wbiclî ebe wes faînous. Af ton compietiug tise procees, she dinecreï me te throw tise refuse of ferenoîed cherries awcy en iff did se, I thresv the stuff noan tise cebieken- bouses, tbiukiug thaf the lewis rniglîf n'elisis it. Latr on we beard a good deai cof c7- cited squawkiiug fron that directio), !but paid ne pariculer attention -te ut.-1ffer supper I weît ot, as was my uýsue!lduty, te uýeo that thse poultry hed go)ne teo roest allright for tise nigir. Yen cen 'liimaýgiiio ny astouishinent aud dismay wiseîu, olnd al efthVseebiekeus-hens, roosters, pllots. auJ cockels-scattered iu and aroiid the clîickeu-bouses, eveny eue of thon deciad. "l need nef 'lwolîupou Vise consterntion occasioned irutise laiily by thisýalpaltin ms fortuine. Two hundred fowls, i],si a short tino befone had been appanont'll y as isealtlîy as aîîy poiiirry fb-at ev en scntcheýd for worns iin aban-adwnetiesngn deetis. Jr was neoiîne te indîulge ini un- profitable gîlef, however. As mynuothen suggestod, whi'e dnyîng hon eyes ii'ithber epron, tise oîîly Viig te do was te pluek- tlscm irmedierely auJ coud thoei )nianket in tise nseniîîg. 'e Witii ail bauds busily engeged,, we fin- ished the job hîy eue a.m., stackig np ite plucked clîjekens on tables and ii)onos It wss a îselaîîcboly tacS, but we tVo console oursolves witlsfti e neiýtîc ta tse rnoney b bey brougist fori-eb u featisens w ouid punchase e fuir iucleus f or a new fiock, Se tined were ive tuer ojiecf nsg o- ODD NANIS Of MINES. ],Lttle gass-flex, Daddy's Delight, Themp- îeses's Mule, auad ether Deslgnations. d In traveling through the nining districts t of the Rocky Mountains one ia often sur- D'n prisod- and amused at the queer, fanciful, or be poetie names given by minera to thein mines i8 orciaixes, or e-ven te the littie logcabine in. ýP ivhich they live. Tihe wriier bas in an old r-note book a litt of snch names, gathered in and anound Leedville. The lîst begins with Sweet Marjerie, a name given te an nndeveioped dlaim fer )d above timben.line. Near by was the Girl dt I Left Behind Me, owned bf a mny) ou ýi eFt-looking young fellowo twenty-two or twenty.three, who, no doubt, bad many lehappy, heipful thooglits of the girl 1e had a- lef t behind himn, while wonking eegerly and of hopefully on the cdaim that might make 1ttheinibotis ich. Dowu in the gulch a brawny, fuli-beard- yman wee wielding the pick vigorously in ethe tunnel of the Baby Bell mine, wbile a epost driven in thse ground neloar distant Liudicated thse location of the Littie Sass-Box dscaim. luI another guicb were dlaimis calied My sweetheart, Dandy ,lim, Just My Luck, Daudy's Delight, and unu of the Range. T he Pretty Poily f'emberton had become a peying. mine, while near by two boyish- eppeering young fellews had staked ce -thse Lest Cent Claim. e"It mens," orie of theni eaîd, "that Swe'vespent our lestcopper for tools and rgruis to keep os alive tili we see if tisene's Sanything in this piece of ground." "And if ther neot?"1 i sked.f "Well, then we'll get somebody te grub- estake us ou a dlaim until we strike seule- d thing. People don't sterve to deat in thisf country anyho w." à Nevertheless thore was a claimno t fer distanst called the 1 Starvetion.' e "Thse Fairy Queen" and "Monning Star" twere favorite nemes among the minons, and ethe "lLest Chance" and 'Last Hope" were rfnot uncommon. One dec-erted sheft liei a h bit of papier tecked to a post toindicate that .fits name wes "The Fair Dreain." The long tdeserted eheft and the eunken roof of the icabin neàr it told their own eed etory of a "fair drçani" that had corne to uaught. r Over a cebin door wae e pine board, on -which was paiuted lu black lettens, IlThe Miesouri Lead." lu the cabin thene lived e e oy cf uiîîeteen, who wae prospecting "onJ hie own hook," as hoe himsel 'f snid wbeu hoe came to the doon with hie bauds covened with dough froin theo batch of biscuits" ho wes meking for hie suppen. A humorous vein in the ownene of some clamei was indicated by sncb naines as thse :"Thompson'e Mule," "Hlo" SassyJane," "Busted," "IHanner Maier" and -Here We Air" clirne t The owrers cf claime with ench naines as jthese were likely to ho quite as happy with- e ut as with the fortnnes they sooght for in tthe granite walls cf the mountain lopes. elu many cases they wene btter off eeekiug 1wealtb than tbey wouid have been ini the resdden possession cf it. he Day of Pente coat. Whnthe day of Pentecost was f nlly 1coinc"-Acts ii., 1 ibecoines the dawu of a îîew ena, the inauguration cf a new epocli. The day cf IPentecosrtekes ifs place "no5the gîet- est days the -wnrlJ li asever ceeu. Every ne- currenceolc the anniversany cf Penfecost giveýs ample matenial fur thongbr, and sreto iîmpissize thse great lessone aud rev ie topes wif h wbîchthis d ay stands fonvenîdetifed.The da-y cf Penteccet wc astie firet day cf that glorione age, which basn won for itself the naine cf th(, Apostolic Age. That age bas nover been f nily under- stood. No words could oxaggeafethe wondenfuii work thaf followed imîneirediately ripoui the descent cf the Hoiy (Thost, The baud cf aposties was summolied by this sacred outpouring f0 a sublime mission, Tbey lit Vie dreamed whet glonions thinge fthe immnediate future lied te bring. Tbat r every day thse direct resuits cf tiîeir preacb.- ing were sncb as to lay tise foundaticu cf unfalterng faitb in the universel fit ness of their message te mon, the manifold neede cf ail sorts cf mon. XVe need not try to lirat the marvelof Pentecctto tise tbought tisat every mnan lieard in bis own tongue or dialeet the wouderful worka cf Ced. The keynofe cf ail the sermions on theo day cf Penteccet was te ho found in these words To Von is the gospel cf this aiato sent." Tise word epoken M'as il asvrd that sîmply reached the ear and addressed the understanding, il was a word isat is di ro say au intelligible message -spoken to thle moral condition cf the héarers. The aposties said: "This gospal is for you t" Aud thousands on that eventfol day feit 1that the gospel was a message cf wise audJo wonderfulii ovetliat met tlîoir case and an- swencd their conditio)n perfectiy. Aud tbey heard with thse hearing tuer accepte and bows in loyalty before an al coîmeanding impulse. The mon wbose naines are for- ever idenitified with Pentecoît wene not mon whose pensonal greatuese or great magnetie power would in any way acconut for these a; woîîderfîii triurnphs cf grae. We know 1v w tiîey had but a very few weeks befone gise on p eveny hope cf this kingdoin cf heaven. They hed goîte back to their hoats and nets, ftetiseir early associations aud caliings, and it was flot tîli aftrntise rnght cf fruitless fishing, whien the patient Sav-- SMITH'S FALLS, Nlianuraelureï's ot thie foliowîiig firsi-ciass Single Apron Steel Frame Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Dais y ReaDer, The "-Tiger,' the Lýeading Rake, Steel Plo-ws, etc. AGENT Aiso agent for )raders' Spade Harrow, the best Pulverizer, Culti-vator and Hrrow made. See ite W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGEINT FOR THEJ' t) i } f ~3OVE i for Infants andi Children. *<Catelais so wefladaptedoi» drenmat atoewm ône, lie Oostpatlon, [recommend ita48Superlor toanyprsci 1io ISour .Stomacli, Diarrhoea, IiructtoU bâown to me:" I}A- a ffa, M D., Kils Worms, Cives sleep, and prom0tu di- 11 S.Oxod kBrookiy, X.Ir. gestio .Sm, Ties CzNTrÂun ComrÂNy, 77 Murray Street, N . FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE' JS8T LI1STEN. A large Stock of well selected Ainerican Wall iPapers, chea.p and beautiful from 6-ýts. to 5Octs per roIL Cali and see for yourself be- foie purchasitg elsewhere. Ail colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good Ê;atià- faction, Floor paint a specia] ty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and Whisks. Glass any size, and IPutty. Painting, Grain;ng and Papering donc promptly and satîsfactorily. For ail of whîcb eall at St-HE"RIN ,q& KRYS South sida King Bt., betwcen Treleven's and Rcid's Shoe stores, Bowmanvilla H A I"NEWrS' CARRIAGE WORKES GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, -MA NUFACTURER OF- GARRIAGES1 SLEICHS, GUTTER8e WAGONS> &O.ri KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Now on band a number of vehicles and is manufacturing a great mriy more of the l%te3sl patterns and best finish, whch I arn offering for sale at the lowest prie econsistenit with (lue regard te workmanship and quality. The following is a list of the principal vehicles mianufactured by me Double Covered Carniages........................ ........ $150 Upward. S eng gy .Stns...... ..... ......._ .......... . ...... .... 00 Op Buggy...ý............................ ..................... 7 Democrat Wagons. ................. ............... ..... 65 Lumnber Wagons..................... ......... ............. 5 Light Wagon,....................................40 Express VWagon .... ............. ..............................7 Skeletou.......................... .............,........_5 Sulky.,..... .................................. ....... ...........40 Possessingsuperior facilities for ma'nfacturing carrnages, I intond to soll very chean fo)r caili approved credit, and by so doing I hope te greatly increase my number of sale3. - We seli the .i only, or the gearings of buggies ironùd. Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repairedï At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmecd if Desired Ad the Factory I also do PIlanLnX MatchinZ, Turniug. and Sa--wing with Circle, Bud rcr tw,.aud prepare ai il--ura Iber for carpr-aterý and othiers for building proe ornameeatal aii SP a iP ce t for feu os un eery sbyie required imade to ro East nGiUeo The undersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Drurham, for the liberal patronage extended te us duringZ the past seasoni, also to remind tbern that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HJGMHEST MAERKET PRe.oICE-r LKINDS OF CO RS E R N 9 delivcred at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at P2ort Darlington. Wc have also on baud a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool- Coarse Salt in B4gs. Rock Salt for cPtia and hoises, and Fresh Grotund Grey Plaster in l3arrels wb-ich we are preparcd to sell Ail kinds of Luoeber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCRE F' CJ J C aways in stock. Wc invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOGLEÎLLAN & GO, wboro a pipe ieads down tbnoîîgh the un- brella li a dIâe te bise grouud," If ceeois VoJ os that tbis inivolves cerne rusk cf the wafer runrning down tue sîceves, which wonld be soinetlwtg w-ente than iakiug the ticusons w et. ',J Jnc bug muSes more noise bian a wesp, but lio dees net command half a mueti respect. -[Bngisunstoio Repoblican. FROST

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