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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1892, p. 3

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IRATEUL-OO FORTIG. VO TNG F LES. and their only son a br;ght-, handsome lad T '*nn T TC ' 1~I( The handling of that traffic required 8,000 The Head Surzeon G1,1EF[L-OM O TIG.YO N F LK . of fine years, came on tiptue across the room i lTu l 1I~NlIJY~ dstinet lever-motions and 20,600 electrical 0f the Lubon Medical C~ompany Ilaslow ci-tohler. i signais. In f onr hours 173 switching opera-atTrno Cndad a ecn A an a.Grace glanced anxiouslyv at lier husband; tions were performed frein the box. The sulted either in person or by letter on al ABREAKFAST . bis eyes wr closed and le seemed te b: A gsengine has been made in Englandý old box was too srall for tlie work required. chronic diseases peculiar ta man. Men, BREKFST Coleaginanohe dy Wma ws mancipated, selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are know1ýy atdgeu o!owed thofth WhuranWhuhee rtr aecs re;areht bare;edconconversationm A unergoudthilbimbou sbrokenas andowrs enfromd heexeebrkendoorfomovers r oer kk fas i 1 -ligoveru the operations of dîgeton Whon the skies are gloomY, Manma,"lie said presently, lifting a Miles long and a circular subway of the saneinen o h mniaino oa rm resultinginmy of the foflowing symip- .1 r rjon, snd by a oiref ni application o! When the lairds have flowO, fiushed, eager face to bier fair sweet one. lenigis are in course of construction in Glas- the trlo fagshdbe'coudwt toms: Mental depression, premature oid the tine proýperties of well-s3lected Cocea, Mr. 'When there's. nt ablossom "Joe Bruce is a very rude boy, lehsbnthe basdo f gs a been gow, Scotlaud age, loss of vitality, loss of meriory, bad Epps bas provided aur breakfast 1 ables with a The bec can cail h s own; gv opeesces deiately f, avore'l bevera Le which miy save When thee baves are flying telling us sucli strange and wicked stories, A re4dLuction lu somne of the tees for Britishb copersucc e s d nth rotp rea ins fsgipliaino h us many h'avy' doctor3' hbis. it ia by the Ail about the lawn,. and do yon know lbe says gaod boys neyer ptnsbas been . Tw perous wrthsttBngnttbsfron par heartemissions, lack of unergy, pain iu the judicious use of such articles of diet that a When the wind is sighing passedtby te Bentîs" ( ov- Even in the dim, uncertain light of inyhace pml otefcer constitution may be gradualiy bulit up until For the summer goue- gowthbeenn or. fr-h upy fca a e ston nog t rssteer ynnc o 'hi tetiefor raining, Harold Brandon's eyes haif opened and ebodet. ersneaa pc la sesto bueh stogeog a eiteeytelc t ht' h ie anA vaýnd bazaar was held lu Cork on thethcolfe-h supyucaiasotppe ntefce r digease. Bundredi of subtie malles are No matter bow it peurs, lie glanced from bis wife to bis chld a littie 22nd I of J une. Onu of the pie was a '"re- yet uxhaustd-it wvas plainly evident that scoy, tin o p er ens zi neutth floati "g around us ready i asak whurevur And Phoebe then is quite Content uneasiîy. They did not notice him; sc lie -pîe they were a sieuder girl, a brawny youth. spctum, wastes twtcing of the ugndzies thorau js a weak point. We may escape many To play ail day indoors. e tomi ticýket fer Chiceago." She was on ber knees, with ilspd bandespcsbfr heeettcigote with pure blond ,ad aprouerly nourished "Would yen like ta tell me about it, m esselfted avteentpassbees n apdteand tearful eyes. lHe was on the sofa, with du eps, eyin th Urnelewbeoe, basbpowers, rame.-' cvlSric aet"Eari 1" Mrs. Brandon inquired, geutly. s' m panyfteslava rdshe saes an ath dwnst ie ad au abo, umlîou p ss of thealprindluspc ill owern Miade isimaply with boilîngwater or millr WH wIGH WAS RIGHIT *Earl looked at lber doubtfuliy. siilaofr aces onpboalfrd the new Engs bshflabby muscles, desire ta sleep, failuire ta he soé nnly ili puekets. by Grucers. labunlluS thus mnào-arwtcaiiefu. loesa ivestedIby sleep, cousti loteonadulinees ot JAXIFS EPFS & Co., IIeoopathie Cheim- IJoe said if 1 asked yen about i-,yanu i!foothoîd and i etr pey.psIomay nesylv,"seexli e tdb le osiain uleso It,endosn, Englassd, would punish me ; I knew yau wouidnt, mus damage bas been doue in the H i izbrw mustache twitcbed notice- hearing, less of voice, desire for solitude, Hom ,etylO, Mamma !" criud littie Harold B ran- Mamma, " lie said, af ter a moment, and thon County of Essex, England, by the pua wee- ably and bui swallowed thu lump iu bis ed itbily e mL'?N CInGLe iyieking skin, donIl you should have beard Dick Stuart ; lie went on ta tellllber very mucli the samne vil. 11in many cases whole filde ut peg exci itty f temp RC, sunun ye srokngkn Hm it.h's buen telling such awful stuiff just bar- story bis father had told bis mother nearly have puidsroe n hv a as ie ath e tc.' are ail symptome utf nervous dubiîity Tt~ mst in erlyrteseebutalso crnes t accout utnaand oats sown ln their place. knueling weman. Thifochanglsittu no hstsruiae Te sed u laioscOipu a aconestonaprofane and realiy disgracetul "Oh, cny duar littie boy, I arn grievect hespring or vital oc aigls t o bu ad uad cmin hme ra yo hae uar ths, sad is othr, Mis Anie Young Wilson Spunce, daugli- And then, acting ripon the sudden im- af the family, in their varied obligations, sehool a fuw minutes pre vieus. tremulousiy, and she drew him ciosuly in tur- of a doctur of Liniithgaw, passefi the puise, she seized bis hand and contumplated aoi vuytnciewae'uesquue me el him rom ome eil. x -iosof he Phrmacutica Socety troug, blidin2 earTtoseclleuos tbroughe wabuseughcau mm om tededlu de-id services that, for their tulillmunt, "Harold 1" exciai Ild bis mother, witb bier arme as if to sbiei l rmsoeei.uaminatosoftehamctiaSceytbuh inn erste aluespo ignorance may bu permanentiy cnrdd. Sund eau1 into exercice the nobleet expression et scarlet face and eyus flasbing witb minlgied Loeking up, Earl saw that bier eyes were in Ed,,inburgb recuntly, and le now rugular' the muscular palm. yu drs o oko l iesspcla su,ýif sacrifice. A discipline et love that, pain and anger, IlnEver lut mu buar you foalleof tSara. ly registured as a ebemiet and druggist. "Bu mine," she urged. yourmadrssobok ontifdieae seaela wben couitrolled and guided by spiritual lite spuak et sncb tbings agaîn ! It is terribiy 1"Oh, Mamma, 1 am se serryl"" he exciaim- Shu is the second wemau lu Scotiand te The young man was mucoh distrauglit, and Htu ma Boohe senptm frue se.ae and purpocu, develops the cboicust fruits wcudeeDc Snr. aLdynaeavr catain this houer and position. bis lower registur base vaice trumbledwbuHatdssetusypmsf whicbar and influnce et Christian character. Home naughty littie boy te listen te hlm. You "ls thure anything yen would like te asie T-;Yc human selutons have buen found ou St iast bue spoke. tintskpiet, huotils, uruusopalpita pie'fty ithat reveals thuse qualities i% the bave grievud mu greatly hy your candut. " me about ?t" 2ae inquirud, gently. C emIýsiand, lu the Aivelibes, western Aus- 'l1t's se suddun," bue faiterud,aud nervous- tiontheip as, atn in us hs, ruswh t o iglitiet force tbrough whcch the Spirit et Il But Mamnma, Dick says sncb things are "Yes" lHe asked bier a question -1 shetala suppoed tu be the romains et the iy flngeriug the hum of bis coati strang, rapid and irregolar, the second huart odworke in rnaking the family the saving true and-" answered it wisuly, in a way te satisfy bis Pulsars expedition ta that isiand lu the She sighed. . beat qnicker than the flrst,pain about tho unit et society. le net this aur great need'?> 1"Not anethur ward, Harold ?t Dick J15 a curiaeity. sîxtenth century. IlEdwin, yau muet bave Sepet ratbn, t. a oitvl i ued.bra Homes redeemed and filled witb spiritual wickud boy. Yen muetinev"r listen te hlm IlYou wiil net play wit Joeu Bruce or Dr. Conan Doy!e iately dramatized hie " No, " bu replied eîmpîy. 11 T te snet tbueceupstv ucrd In ht sud biessiug. The wold wiii net bu again. Goad littie baye never speak of or sncb beys, dear ? Do net listen ta suceli shoei;ktory "A Stra2gier trom '15 ; the the place oataaman te suspect. It islamr us No cnre, ne pay. Send for book. Addreas sàved until, the family lite is purifled in lys listen ta sncb talk ase that. Now r .un awaY rough lauguagu. If yeu cannet belp huaring, stairy cf a Watemloo Veteran." Irving eaw only te await the asking. " MV. LUBON, 24 Macdeneli, Aveilue,Tor- eprin1ge af action. The eborches cannot do te yeum play, but remumber wbat mamma and anytbing excites your cuioity, do nDt it., sud was so taken witb the chamacter et lu adoration abe gazed upon the agitated auto. Ont. thue seomýk for whicb they are set rnuless the bas told yen. 1 repeat it ta any eue else, butcoinustrsigbt te the a Iid soldier that bue bouglit the piece and figure before bier. Faimly intoxîcated w'tb ______________ chirtan boire lende ils aid. The ideai, Asbamied, aithangli net exactly penitunt, Me. If I cainnot explil it, papa will, if yen wIII play it himseuf. the vision she forgot berseit for a moment. the meiacn1 eto the home muet bu iiftud up. Harold raulonut the oem, lie waesu are aid enougli ta comprellend. Yen kuow, Thu London Couuty Council have passed WFtoasudenmovmet eu hreb It le not alonle a place for sbeltur and pby- honorable and dutitul littie fuiiow, sud lie Eaml, theme are many thinge lu your books this ýres,,olution: "lThat ail contracture bu arma about tlie shriuking form ut the yuh sici ameetioed ne. bov al tr tmed net ta tlîink ut wbat Dicie had said yen are tae young ta understand, and theme compeliud te sigu a deciamati in that tbey adla oet ondbv imrtd "Ieereazdte ood of a medcine dlutisiluthu Christian family le that of but occassonally it occurred te hlm lu epite will bu jut ase mucb yen wiil hear outeide, psy ithu trade union rate et wages and oh' bise upon the dewy lips. se much as 1 bavee inth las, few neontbi, spi rituilal training lu al the ways oftcharactur et bis efforts. probably." serve0 the lboume et labor and conditions ru- Wt afani efrtb ted ieuf d e moli,eI bvesedb r hitns buiildiig. By example, by precept, by I shah aek papa; bu wlll tell me. Mamn- " Mamma, why doeJee Bruce speaseso" cognizudI by thu London trade unions, and I"You stop," bue fiercely criud, "or l'Il fte rom n aifollreadiyencitis.t eduacaLon, piety, as expreseing thu oued and nma always shuts nie up se," bui thouglit a bue askud, curiously. that Chu heurs aud wages bue insurtud in aud ecruam. b enefit, I began the use ef Ayer's Cherry life et God lu the seul, sbould bu the vr iteidgatybu hs"p a ipd Hems aual i ai oadfrl lEdwin." Pectoral, sud the effect bas been marvelous, ver lîleiniganiy;bothsbpews ipud li met atralybu bd oyan trmartaofthe centract by wayofscbudulu, "os ta e"a single dose relieving me cf rhoking, and a,,tmcspberu ofthte home." in the bud. buewishes to poison yourm mmd as bis uwu and( -tatpenalties bu untoeced for any "Do awyen dimsme"ree '"securing a good nigbc's rest."-T. A. Mr. Brandon returned ta dineer seau at- bas been poisoued. I am afraid. You wili breacli ef agreement." "I do. Go." Va.nehan m toe og enan The Divine Afflatus. ter, and Harold toiiowud blu, at once tce urumsmhur, dear, sud yen wili nut listen ta X a.vldvlpmn nth sseletteromsecuhdle liilrary, where bis usother mas etili eitiug. or repuatasncb lenguage, uniese, as I said b-lie --iTber asnovel eement lu Clad he hu sculIeh oerh rae e 3A er(ele itebý- atare yo en -vs lieig o h oudsecuru ,, eîfore, yen movemeut lu Engiaud therot.erspring bat ovur lber uyeesud greaned. L MuCer taberlitiebo-Wht ae onerig ow u cui hi tmeya wat e kowwha i tje. day when the dumestic servante at West Peuple who met hiem on thue treet noticed La G i p goinig to be, Tommy, whuu you grow up?' fatbum's undivided attention fer s few Min-. Yee, Mamma, I wili try nat even ta Hariepool tumned ont in a parade y fChat lber face was pale sud set sud that ac Tommy-I gusel'Il bc a paut. Utes, wheu Mme. Brandon uxclaimed: think ofet 'on od o. rn.ayoetas-" denionstmation ta empliasize de- was mutteriug bittemly. "Lasi Spr;ng tI vas taken dovn %witli T ...T'h do yeon want te bue a peut, IlHenry, do yen kuow yonm littie boy Il Yen are mammas ong o mande for sýhorter boums sud a weekly baîtlf wemnyvaehnustemv- grippe. At t I-es1vas cecnpletcly prostmat- Tomy? ba ben er uagby? iebasben ls-Sa ls mydaiin cme trigb t meit hlid1ay." Thu yoong wemen marcbed meut for Chu emaneipatien of woman fmom eny breatb seenied as if conined inan iron "Pouesdoni't bave ta leari, anything. tening te sunob borid talk sud then came this peisonous etoif," hie mather 1ai. Teîî .bmu:h the struets of the town lu regniarthtmadmuags adbeeondcg.IprnedabtlofArsCrr Thu ctchonwlbou tiukngasd s peared it te nie. sbc kissed hlm and sent hlm away ilseemilîtary order, ineatly deseed, witb seme with cempietu succes--[Detroit Tribune, P.getoral, aiid ne sconer badl 1 bega,> îaking She glanced at lber busbaud as ahue poke. pleasant erand. show anuiorsd carying enulume o f it iban relief folIos ed. 1 could flot belie Flor Overe Fif'tt ouear]-lthuugbtidgravelyH with an expression bier littie bey to "ht Grace," M. Brandon said grvlsa thuir e,,IIng sncb as cosi scatties, flatirons, tbamsbeCeoeCityu ,e S. a."-.H Fer Over Fftv Vearsmuant a gruat duai more then bier worde. hu door ciesed afttr EsmI. Hie wite start- cLibnbrseadth kce ue- TeOlFml reao. M11S. WNSsLOW'S SOOTHsNG Svaue has beun Mr. Brandon was a quiet man, absorbed in ed nervonesly ; she bad almeet forgottun bis scris bServs Udiontane r ce utn The only f emale E'rema as n h on. d used by millions of motlihesfor their childruuss erat'Uio el roesah ol eae reao l h ol whilu tething. If dsrbed at night sud bMs profession, sud witb uulimited taitb lu presunce. formiation. livus lu Oakland, 'Cal. Hum came ie Mme. b okfaIyor rust by a sick chuS sufl'ring bis wif's abiity te train np heir cbildidnu Oh, were you listening Ir chu askud, Te , liiCut onilaetda aoeAdroan irprri drs L n roublD e and cryimcg with pain o! Cuttîeg 'i'uth senS utthu way lbu sbooid go. lie raruiy iuturtumed, distreesingiy. "Was itnot paintni, Haroid.? The andau ootngthCunl adgoptud anetSatle ond eOak sud be orriao. eFomreta wnyfvyas,1is onean d g yupar botlîdo rentuh. WT wjî sud on tise prusent occasion centeuted hlm- Our dear lutIle Esmi Co hear hat 1" odanupoîîtu h iyusu acuIetmleo ruOkldgN.6,weuffrormthng troentenearsiths Sootnce su e boChenat"e Win ow's Iwl-ohr iwihBc ui nýepak nSnas lhnhit i l di oino alr a sth cuffnge erer ronitie a as ruilleva the poar ]ile sufféerrimmediately. suit witb saying : I"twllnthrthm ît nba Bui urnC hu p iarC o y, s tho ugl pice lus psiionet our aonhth lug roublsfe, atendd wr Dopend upan it, meihurs, there ia ne mistake "That was very wreng, rny boy. Yen motîser," bier hneband said quietîy. John BnsChagtersowd hat pictures uftChu peet masters. The story etofbn esvr u ie st as aboutit, I t cures Diarrbma, regulates thue utntlsent ntigye hCyn Harold, wbat shouid I have doue? Voit"ld11H-undred " is sdance Cune. bow ebc becamu une oetChueaftsmen is iu- ing thece or four boues. 1 sas induced te, ;SteImacb and Howels, Cures. Wiud, Colle. ms e itnt ntigyntikyu eetn.ýh a or nAsc-orietyAe' hryPcoaadatrtkn msetheCuGuns. reduces Inflammation sud mother or I w--uid bu displeased witb ; wiii know butter- Chan I fa- yen. weme a boy Thle Duches utAlbany bas goee CaGer- tsing8, nd ecowas han ro u iace-Loaîn eyfobtr esv heryPcoragl and.1ecang givus toue sud cnergy te the whole systum neither muet yen epuat snob words." once yoursuif. IVas I wrong lu spuaking ta, Mary on a long visit on accounit ut a dsca- in11,aS eoiganopinalneryfuelrehoi, edtbruhly edcun.ru. ca "MsWiuslaw's Saethiug Syup" for ebsîdrun Cutaiuiy,to bis mothur lHarold neyer did. hlm as I i t?"greeutwthCuucnvethqesinaesu ettaPrsarsdewbbrHomnCyCerla. t c esc11riptia e tet ouo h adste and busethe- lowevem, hie parents baS not lobiddun I thiuk God gave you your intuition, oaI mouuiimg. The duchess wbe wae Prince unelu, wha was a zealous sud prominent tr eiin ofpssnt ta hu olastead sud - le Chuiesi. l1wetatry beldr epiii's bslie n elsinfo aon h ldemetnsluehedi mlaIe ghysicians sud nurses lu the United bîm te play witb Dlck Stuart, sud in spit er"b ad I utata uCw eru Luupoid'e andit , as lived luesucin s orbMsbou.se ndge me tetuiîge wfuiru sxA ,f ztt'i ýPice 25 cents a battis.' Srld by al et bis wickedueee Dick was quite h la-nu n t>' ebl g> ! n uhregbt 1yeare and at lainlt oucndpCht soffbib ousesdhwslt ithe recutyet breux A Y dirsk , fe "Mauzut. îa ew S. euvs fsue"dantust atîd ja]iest bey lu sebool; so,a lutIle baS taiked Ca mu as yen talked ta o lttk plt gi itesdptofeecneidbrefl h omdmn dmuegsc' -l F, IrNSheut Chu 0TldNGBesRuP udagainet hie cousciunce, lHarold coutiuued te Esmi, yonr îîueband wouîd bave been more ber liîsce. %ButChu Queen preîestud vîgor- couple eftChu sessions, anS Chus iesmned tomeC ery P ectoral lich lf Pbysiolozy "Wbat ingru -bu very friendÉlywith hlm. Allers timebu worîby ut yen, Grace. Anether thiug ousiy, uvun giu seantarase ta declare hat et the mystcmiea ai Chu order. She was, LCherra SàifIin h ih ighly usseuntial in hu comn- hecamue quile accustomed te Dick's rongli I amn convîucud oet; it a man tauilC onceawieLiay.,mune"onghthourcultwiuCusiinudCe psition methu humnan body doe sogar pas- language, asud aitheugli il burt hlm a god keup bis boys tfrous gtng rong ie muet lie, t e bihnmllt haayitmiyde h ees Cat. ebe bauS dsfor ed wre chýen rprdh'D.J .Ayr&C.Ioel as 1 e 1"Pupils (lu one voîcu) :" an." Sai at firet, fo r hbu wvss naturaliysrey u lavrysue ICu oda opaintaDetîalitEgsu.mdussardtrsfo h wsrcevd SedbyalDrgits nu îxixbtks t [Pbarmacuuicai ma. tIle lad, the uvident apprevai uoaf t lum udtab uen y apl s elA4e-'i - abu md'tMi" C , - mit.Se oatf l akad rmtiaacsoetfcr -t~ hu oldue bo susch Lan influence upau bis a ts hy prucupî. Grace, etenvunmîeeffo4,rts scýribeS wmthabouit as bundred lin À ha 1uuc (Jatarrla, plastic miid hat lbu began ta hinie it was eau save oui' boy fmem pitfals sud tmaku a 1torm nsci hn blue furbn --positiveiy nssuiy. A year ister, could bis goed man ai hlm, I hoCk lie is, sud wili buc, IBitilh Mnselim, wic, eing C CAnARi DI moiser bave huard hlm discoursing to an al- in littie danger." apaeas Chu marriage proposid of a ___________ nt >1aril -'r hbodo tedagiýi fh'ower&.e, fe<a e o« DEFNSSHA FvE-Amirîug group et scbooiboys,bur huart euruiy Paela h bn tCh agte mteprise.shu ase leceda oferuta66y NEW IHOME TREÂATMENT. would aimait bave broken. Innocent, pore- Ppy utiaio iilchofie K coyaI lutter writt ren ot 1520th huard ut trusees of Chu, Masonie temple, N yThaflk 'Yoa, minded 11111e Harold was sadiy cbsugud, PpyCliaini.lda fie oyo etrwitnaot12 icmtneuprlee ntehsoy 'h n h ? Sufferers are flot genurally awaru hat yul necîher ot hie parents noticeS il. lie As Chu cuitivation ot tobacco le prohibitud 1B. C. sfcirumasnu unp mialleie tu charitr, I'han t h o?"noro these disuasus are contagions, or that tbey grew te mauhood; tlu, baudeome, clever iu England excepî under a special, heense The Freuliiare amazed Chat Chueingltsb e rem e o ryGolden iate o hhaprteryteNo.eutr1o are due te hu presencu ut living parasites and enurgutie. lie wss a gumeral tavorite, frum tbe excise authorilies, su the cultiva- should bave built Chu Rayai Severeigu, memer ute tlenSGaeetr, an o. 1, lui hu liaing membrane ut the nase sud sud greatly souglit aller, anS aithougli otueCln outChu peppy lu British Jedia is for- thuirbcggust irenclad, lu two years anS a ofOakder utCh Eseurr, suiss mmb. entcintbs irsopir research higli principled sud suIf cotrolled to bu dis' hidden unlese a liceuse bas buen tskuu ont,.lIit,]The Neptune and MagenCa, two ut0kLstcatrN.1 howuver, has proveS hic te bu a tact sud sipatud in auy wax', lbuyul found pleseure Wbun s cltivator akes et a licence tram f'reucI; ships, have heen Cweve yeacsbuiid. the rusuit ou thIis discovery le hat a sim- ini the Fociety et men wbe wemu cailed roues. tlie Opium Deparîment te cultivate a certain ig The, Messrs. Ysrruw lalely affureS to The Seven.13ibles of the WorldI pie rumudy has huen tormulatud whure- Wbeu buexvas tweuîy-suven hie fuit lu love ares, (usualiy Cwo-tirds ut au acre ut edbihuild a small vessel iu thirty days. The seven Bibles ufthbu worid are Chu IO by oatarrb, catarrhal deatuesesud aywîtb a beantifttl girl uftCwety-uu, and wae own land,) bue receive an advauel eu h aneeAlance luirtn ppasKoa c h Mhmudn, h riPt Lever are perm enoLnuutlwyncuereaffitieuetotseuforbinuatu uneeandlliteinwini buteaffectionllialu iseNrrolkbiseaailugianfctheMoanSedbusbthedsr-hlm- feverare ermanntlyeuredin oe to Grace Bethune was ase geodsud sensibleuseuiteCa uilvur Ce Chu opium aàent aI a fixeSto ,as ,li taugbiy organîzed a traSe union kes ut the Boddbists, Chu Five Kinge uftChu ML thrue simple applications made aI home ase shu wae claver sud pretty. She w-as su pnieu, ordinariiy of 5s. s pound, wbatever as existe _Feur yannglaborurs wio wauted Chiiese,t lite Tbree VeSsofetChu itdo, Wi ur mofCN MPI. by Chu patient once in two weeks, intunsuiy refiueS hat it was ather a wondem epinm înay bc producud an his lanS. - 12 siiniigs a week retused Ca womk fer 12 Chu Zundavesta ai Chu Pursiane, Chue Wih EednedfasSUPIO. N. B.-Thi reatrnent je net a hat she diS nat feei hat Harold Braudun's When officiai supervision is efficient, it s hillings, anS Chey got a job un tise Great ut tise Scaudinaviaus anS the Bible eftChu Give tkanks fer iC i Sicovery. That il 8nuff or su outucenl; bhî have buen dis' mmid was ont ut unieun wiCh lier awn, yul cerCainly vumy ifficuit for s man Ca culti- Easserii Railwsy. Iu Cwo wueke Chreut Christians. The EdSas le the muet rucunt does ual maku yen îîck when you cardeS as injurions. A pamph1et ex- perbapi nul eitbur, for ehe was unea uftChose vate peppy on a largur ares than le cavured thIlim bet l Ceir places enaccounC of Chu prus- sud cannot really buc alued mare Chan s laCe it. pl)aiuiug Ibis new trealmeul le sent frewomen wbo instirnclivelv bring ont the busC by bis license without duîection. The ce-sreboh lwua ueoCuraiayb Cu smfnred wor Ithwe fgiven ta hu Give thiaos. Tat 1h te dCasimea onruceiptofstamp ta psy postage, hy J. thoeu intheir aseoctaus. liaroide own tîvattan cs.nnoî bucencealed. Tce soa rt ced liver eh.nc G. Dîxo)n & Co., 345 West King St. Tom- senee ut uuwotbinuss may bave baS a goad of gardon cultivatien, Chu pappy plansuc. 1-Hnybu-aslad'sew maaznerfl, ariS Tryut ur ra. atenx otacet.dt iv hns hti ssc od ùnto Canada. -Christian Advecaîe. Suai te do wiîb it. lie fuit hat it shenid bc n rw ult qae rbS intusut-agint huMaimiinny lias sowmîaqTuarKrsn ertie net msC aclen, dt- Genetkank.. T(lieii ncb wndcr - S hI f -' - supuriomity lu targuI sbooting equai Ca about "Icg tram about Chu seveutb cenîury, A. D. fui ficîli praducer. tufrr rm Cetrbito he Cueffort ut bis ie Ce bucome worîby ut ed by Cny water channls for trrigation uTu cn t le composeS of sublime heuglits tram Give tlnnks. Thatil lheCu ut remcdy houid crurfm atahuaya. li er aud, happily 'mrhetli, this feeling diS wherever this is possible. The growth out1 perquenthle l n estamqetswth rîe foronhitmp »tiny roulz, Th mrtliy ro colmaatMeha, Onu eveniug, s momtlior two aller tbeim Chu ime cames wbuu Chuy horst ont inCa Palave i vuenperfect bealth upon noth- Talmud. The Buddhisî's Tri-Pitikes were cases, Coghs and C.ods. yesa a raiu 00dil.marriagebuieCbnglessly expresseS Fimseuitflowur, aud Chu fields look liku a shuet af iug 'for eightietuu menthe. Il iathrit. Beeuriy baiehe enin inSamo Persi, ba reabed 00 dill.insamanuer hat made Grâce shriuk from esliver as Chu white petal uofthIle flowers Fpuce of very higli mutton witb mreish. ems ed ic ae purh eant uyblie; taC-mceCler Busuer;en ge l ueiStalm Amateur Artie-"I shauld liCe Ce pre. hlm in hon or. glisten lu Chu moruimmg duw. The imalil guild- aI dmanghtsmeu who piration iatty sud extreme. Tbe word I sc. and $m .00. sent Ct-11it icture I painted tai soe Il"Yen do net musiiy mean hat? Il eau- Thusu beautitul petale are Chu first proS- haveChu ofranchise ta dmaw pictures on Chu "Cing," as used lu connection with Chu sa-i SCOTT & I1OWNE, BelIZEvill cliaritabJÉ l- ms )uton ; now whicb wouîd nul bu possible that yen realiy haiS stiel uce oetChu crop ; for Chu -wumuu sud chli-_LauSari paveuseuts have suddenly taken Ca cruS word ufthlie Chinuse, sîmpty mocus y0l on rmnineci'" Cruel Lady FrienS-- views?" she etid, lrumuionsly. And it dren outChu cltivatam'stamilies corne torîli culivsiing a iiglier style ut art. Tbey I"web ofcloth." Froin this il le presumud "The blnd asyiun." seinud te him as e bu oeed inCa bier white, acnd pick hem off une by onu sud camulully bave imciptpmved greatly lu Cheir profession Chat Chuy weru uiginaiiy written on fine pained face, sud darli, horrifieS eyee, hat dry lhem, so hat they May serve atterward sud are goii) n m political caricature, rails of clolb. STA IDARD B N bue baSl not muant it, aithangli it bad buen as the cavuriug oetflc manunaclumed cakes somýietiug lbÏ ey cuver used o da at ail. Tbe Vedas are Chu Most ancient works meS A DADnN Wheun Babywias sickr, we gave her Castomit. onu of bis put theemies among men for years. of opium. Thun Chu pappies, wltb Cisir Theu huaviest af British baCîlu chips, the Chu lsnguage ai Chu- Hindous, boltCluy Sa O F CA NA DA. Whulin ahewias s Child, she crieS fer Castonsa. I"No-nuoI!I1rnerely gîve you Chu aide bave capsnueheade, rmrain standing lu th' Reulution, was lisunchud a couple et weeks eut, accordi)g tota hu busC cammeutamies, Capital paid ee5, 81,OO,OB.Iest, IF59 i,fOi 'When ehe hecarne Mies, chu clnng e Casor!, Muet men ake." open fielS until it le cousidemud tbat Chuy agao, hem wieight on thbustcks"Cbeieg 7,500 suCe-date ChueCirlfIlicentury butomu Chu Whu eu ia Cildeu cu av thm a Iola Neyer speak se agai,liaroid, " seusaiS, are ripe for taneing. The cultivators thu Cens.o!,,1hie atwiu-screw man-of-waroaI ven open in goutChu Christian era. The Zunda- This Bank je prepamod Co do Leseiti N hu li hd hidrnshegae helaCatoia earuestiy. I"'Do nut associate with men who come forth in the eveuing, aud, with an int- 14,000 tans displscemumît. She will carry vets uftChu Pelaus contains Chu sayîugc c ars_ iuortfrmmrl-hu ue le1pemn-ct nIeCu-uvu t - up9 î 6-ongn,-eidsotu rm.Th-oi tZo-aeu, r. iesdwokduCu ae-akigi-a tsbanhs S eare atter thuy lîadbuen marrieS, Han- relly bacie sud arrangeS fom the ceremony aa t I t is etoSation, irbere ot' iy me u ae, 1.3Bishopesud Msî'a !on large r mal Oum' onaal car-t e aid Brandon iras ligon hu ouge lu bis Chu nuxt moriug. Wbuu bu got ta hie welyCw raske n toas 5mauy plat- 350 albumclergymn luAsîaiak5 rada. Thie specially advantage.es te wf'pet iyîg ro oeernt ay III ili" h eldoiye ;i utrl 5rer us living in Manitobaor theNorth-wesb - wfes puty ittugrout ueattemnoon, CrnCe .ianuu awn lu 5lp- tomme jsud lidýinge. Tise switcbing and Bichp u 6 te lryesd im e>s tte funda avallable at once at tCli cuffering illi a neurali edci. on, irbichl edseverai boums, lie made iblec igali arrangements are te bu colaS 7 iloi uarkthroegy.lrotpyet J utc ias siCing besidu hlm, emooihiug hie another altempl, sud baS another fit. The e coriledlu le îew box. Ou Chu day ut mon in luscattered SiocEes, ndue Bihope9 ther parliculars cail sî thebak PUREST, STRONGEST, BESTIaching temples mih a soIt sîmost mesmenie clergyman lu the case vouches for lie tacts, thle Uive\rsit es' boat race 819 trains passeS sud 120 clergymen-a gadCtia 8 .L OT l.IIcfL çPuteiris'slnmmniLime, j tondi. Just as ebe fundiy lupuled bSA ishdiesCt yngmn rssilii Cuad Lbeti'eun daybreak sud mid- Olehopesud 32,72 otler clergymen-I Accountant. Ma ger. Qhebtî r any Isuia" lalien aluup, the Soon iras guutiy upened marrieS. D iglht,aneai,ýciigeo,,f forty-flveltrais anhonr. Bmaha Bue.I Ohidren Ory for Pthic,'ý Uastofl&

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