Happy.1 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejolce Because Iloods Sarsaparîla, Rescued Ther ChIld from Scrofula. For Scrofula, Salt Rheumn, and al other foui humors in the blood of children or aduts, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an uuequalled remedy. Read this: IIWe are so thankful to Hood's Sarsapa- villa for w'bat it tid for our little girl thai vu malct iis statement for te besiiet of other analous parents and Suffering Children Our girl was n beautiful baby, fair and pinap atnd liealtlsy. But wlieîisite as two years oid, sores broke ot bebind lier ears anti spread rapidiy over lier ltead and forelteati dow'n to lier eyes, and loto lier nek. -Vie consttited oneO of tise bestpitysielans ln Brook- lyn, but nothitng difi lier aîsy good. The tior- tors said it was eaused by a serofula bumior inthie biood, Uer liead became One Comiplete Sore offensive to thes mell and dreadfui to look at. Mer geieral heatît ianefi and site wouid iay in a largo chair al day witltott ny life or en- ergy. Tînt sores eaused. gi-ct itchiag aiiîd Lurting, so tisat at tiisses wu lîad to restralîs liter luitîs to preventscratcising. For 3years She Suffered Fearfully wth ibis terrible btsmor. Beittg ssgetl to try -1 tireiy tiiereîst lild, iiu itealtli and recueral appearanice, frorn wat slite as beoretý-aliîg <flO.N0. (Condensed from thte News) Mise L. Benson, Pontypool, han been guest of Mis B. Staiker... .Mrs. N. F. Hall je visiting ber sister, Miss Fowler, Lifford .... Mrs. Jas. Wiod and Mrs. T. Hall have been very iii .... Mri. D. Kirk', land has been, visiting frietîds in Port flope. ... Mr..sud Mrs. E. Pinder and family spent Sunday weelc with friends in Port eope... .Mrs. (Dr.> Tueker and family are visiting at ber father's, Mr. Scott, Belleville... .Mr. T. Smith and sister, of Perrytown, were visiting Mr. J. G. Honey, recently .... A number of our townem.an took in the R. T. of T. excur- sion to Sturgeon Point... .Mrs. Wm. Luxon attended the District Meeting rtf the W. F. M. S. in Cobourg lasti week.. ,.Mr. Herbert Berrett, Toronto, in home on a visit. ... . Mre. Thos. Vincent spent a couple of days in Toronto lest week... Mr. John Moment in expected home f eom New York Saturday .... Mrs. Scott, To- ronto, han been visiting et Mr. John Waddell's .... Mrs. Carscadden has been visiting her son Mr. Brent Careadden, New Park... -. Mrs. Mulligan and daughter Miss Mary Mulligan, Newcastle, have been visiting Mrs. Jas. Linton..... Mr. 0. A. Gamasby and Miss Addlie Moulton attended the closing exercises of Demili Ladies' Coleoge, Oshawa... .Mr. A. J. Staples, attended the marriage of Mr. Edwin 0J. Thornton and Mies Ella Gert- rude Smith, Reach Township, Wednesday ...Councillor D. Davis and Mr. John Spencer, V. S , Bowrnanville, visited bers Sunday week. .... ev. Geo. Brown preacbed the anniversary services et the We propse Io adoplthtIe foltowng mthd f increasing the circulation of the Canadriana Music FoPlio au.detudg our tuusic trade. Evryýporsonwhohas a pianio, organ, band intrument or musical instrument of anykind or is interested lu ,uosic in auy way wil profit by helpiug us. Me want to reach the consumera direct and suçiply alil tii standard and latest m usic at trade rates, lu proof of svhich we quote the follovving copyright music among the contents of our next number, which in a retailwaywould cost$2.4o: Ta-ra-ra-boom (Polka), A.L.E.D., 40c.i GeraIdiie(Waltz), Hutchins, 6oc.; Sylvia (Bon-Ton), Monk, 4ýo.; Love's Borrow (Vocal), Shelley, soc.; Only Promise (Vocal), H-oward, 4oc. We asIc our subscribers to send us the naine ofone pirce tlsey desire, and that selected by a najority wil hbc published in our uext issue. Do notlose sight oftisefart that in addition te receiving $2s.oo worth of music iu our Folio per year, you can save one-haif or more on al rders you place with us. We do not advertise to give everytbiag, but we give everything we advertise, aud would asIk you ut te associate our business oc înethods with those that -i"ht appear at first sight te lbe of a si mlar nature. Readi this carefully, think over it, and in ad litiou te your ovn judgemnt we invite the inspection of Tocontos thrcr lrading daily paperstu corroborate our statemeut regardiug theo menit of it. A special offer to banmds. The town or village sending in the largest number of suIs- scribers over thirty for one year's subscriptiou at $200o cach, te their baud will lie givein a complète suit of uniform or baud instruments to thec value Of $300, and to the sinallrst nuniber ahove ten fsent in, a coiplete set of caps.' Each subseription recroived froni individuals froin townsand villages is also credited te ther baud list, thereby placing yonr baud in a position to wins the prîze. The above ct represeuts a feuce on which a sigu of thre words bas bren paiuted, which lias bren pulîrd down and lu being rebuilt the boards were miisplaced. Cut ont tIse letters, paste tIsent on a piece of paper se that the tbree words thereon wvll read lu their proper sense, and enclose with samne thirty cents in silver (or io three-cent stamps) by. letter te us for one moths trial subseiption te the Folio. The proprietors of the Canadian Music Folio wil1 give an rîrgaut U prIght Piano manufactnced by The Mendelssohn Piano Comp)any, Toronto, one of the Most reliable makers in Canada, (cataloguei price of wbicls is $55o.oo with ,nanufactnrers' guar- antre for five years,) te the roih person seuding ,in the correct auswrr to ahove puzzle. To the zotb seuding in a correct auswer will be given a Sol id GoId Watch ($85.oo); to the 3th, 4otb and 5oth, a pair of Genuine Diamond Earrin as ($30-00 rach); ti, the 6oth, 7oth, Soth and goth, choice of fiue Gutarx Banjo or Violin ýq.oranis); to tise sootîs, a beantiful Music Box ($so.oo); to rach sncceeding 2th to the close sill bc given a valuable bound album of English music for any voice or instrument selecîrd by the winuer, ansd ta rach of the last fifty svill bie givra tise Folio free for one year. This is ýour opportunity to get good music chrap hy rrspoudisýg qnickly and indncing ail yonr frieuds te do ?ikewise. To al Ihose who arr bandsmeu or interesirdin baud business we ral partirniar attentiou ta this their greatrst chance of nt ouly equiping thernselves thoroughiy with ither iustruments or unifornis, but of placug theruselves in conuectioîs ittIepbshers direct, thereby secnriug al music they desire at trade rater. Do not forget Ilsat __s ano terot, the best-know an_ laretbc lemnf tu r WecrIly inviteailubacr!i.he r ouffice wenlutheitv. Ail au e ust homa.îcdto r' uny Jly En ti,, Addres i tAAINM BOFLO 6ByS. ootOt ... Mr. C. J. Thoruton. M's Bertie Adames ad Miss Ettii Kirk assisîud the IKirby Epworth League with the progranm a t the grand complimentary and farewell MANUACTUED Y Q~? s? E <Vew f c/cas a'~J gis Azd A' ;h To those who ask for it. We have only a few of them but every lady should have one. It is a bright littie book about good carpet That evervbodv who lives on carpets ouglit comoeaiea utn the distrit on.vu upgatin ad tenanted by Mr. Ed. Bit-ch were des- -Work ehowing e large increase in member- yfr hrdywe.Teshorti ship snd intereet throughout the country. was littie of value within the building During thse past quarter a, division hn hemxcptonfsni.4Th i pii, a MTTQ been organized t Blackstock with a, wîth the exconoThore prcizefwl 1FT e ver y t hi nzg Most Economical LISecb t"OVTu r Ail we ask for them is a trial. A lo *Qr f. Q p m r 'à,ee 1 New ý-âo% Imm