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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1892, p. 8

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tlR0,NL0. <Gonriensec from the News.) Mr. Robt. Winten lias heen visiting in 'Toronto.j Mn. Wm. l3atten vieted his sons in To- ronto lat week. Miss Lydia Tourjee is visiting friends Mt Cannitigton. Miss Ada Linton, Newcastle, is homeo f or holidaya. Mr. Walker, Port Hope, lias been vis- Iting at Mr. W. S. Gamsby'a. -Miss Mary Muligan, Newcastle, lias been'visiting lier ster Mra. Jas. Linton. Mrs. Phineas Henny, Drayton, -is vis- Sting lier mothler, Mrs. Truman Hall. Miss Ettie Dunsford of Salem, Oregon, îa guest of lier uncle, Mr'. Jas. Hallett. Mr. Robt. Forbes, Bowmanville, apent a few days witli fienda liere recently' Mn. R. Moment and son John, and IRev. D. F. Geo were camping on Lake Scugog ast week. About forty candidateos from this town- ehip wrote at the Entrance Ex'imination in Newcastle laat weck. Mrs. (Rev.> Adam Linton wio lias been visiting the Misses Linton lias returned to lier home in Millbrook. Mr. W. T. Andrus and Almond Gama. by, cf Cliicago, formerly of thia town, were vîsiting their friends hore lait week. Mn. John Moment lias returned liome from New York. He will remain until the autumn wlien lie will again return to NÇew York and reaumne lis studies for the ministry. Rev. Thos. Sexton, New York, preacli- ed in tlie Methodist cliurcli Sunday even- ing. He a'se lectured on Monday andi Tuesday eveninga. The dirceors of the Clarke Agricultur- al Society have decided to hold the annual f air in N'ewcaethe on tlie ast day of Sep- tember and the first day of October. Mn. Albert Odell is so far recorered as to be able te returu home. Tle fresh invigorating air cf bis native town vi trust will quickly restore him to healti and trengîli. WVhilee family of Mr. Solomon Hamm were aeated et the supper'table Saturday eveninc, week a lamp on the table exploded and in thie confusion which ensued the table and its contents were overthrown, Tho fiames were quickly extinguished liowevr. No Other Sarsiparilla lias the merit by wbich Ilood's Sarsparilla lias won ,ucli a firm liold upon tne confidence cf the people. H.A MPTON, Mesera. Elliott and Vance, Millbrock, visited friends here recantly. Mr. Frank Trebilcocké, Bowmanville, visited Mr. Jabez Elliott last week. MiessB. IR. Brown, teacher, Union, was guest of Miss Gertrude Brown iast week. Mr. J. S. Rundie and Mr. J. Truli are speriding a few days among the northern lakea, recouping their wasted energies. Mr, -who carnies the royal mail between here and Solina arrived et that village one day last week and put his hand into the carniage to lift out the mail bag when ho it was flot there. Hia mind had been se preoccupied lie had for- gotton it in Hlimpton. A very sudden death occured near Cambrain one day hst week, friends of the deceased conveyed the, corps te Bew- manvihle for the purpose of holding a post-mortem examination and having the contente of the tomaci analyaed, as the costs were likely to ho lieavy the victimn was summitrly consigned te mother earth. The anniversary services on the firat of July wene a great success. The pnognam was a good one and well rendered, the music was finie and showed careful train- ing. Rev. D. S. Houck, Enniskillen, gave a very interesting and profitable ad- dress. The pastor, Rev. James Liddy, >efficently occupied the chair. A choice tea vras abundantly senved to the immense crowd that had asaembled. Great diffi- culty was experienced in waiting on the tables owing to the jam. Proceeds of tea r about $135. A very exciting game of foot hall was played in the evening be- *tween the "Beavers" of Hampton and a picked teamn from Enfield, Solina, Taun- ton and Sabtown with the very signifi- cant name of the "Tamarack Rangers," botli teams played a splendid game, neither making a goal liowever. Mr. Eli. Pascoe very satisfactorly acted as umpire. The entertain nient given in the evening under the auspiCe3 of the S. of T. a 3largely patronizcd. oe Ail disorders cauaed by a blious state h fthe system can be cured by uing Car- ter's Little Liver Pilla. No pain, griping or discomfont attending their use. Tr31 n tliem. it n H MRCA OTR WVe propose -to adopt the following method cff inecasing tlic circulation of the Canadian musse Folio and extending our music trade. Ererypiersonwhoiý.s a piinio orgue, baid instrumentý or musical instrument of any kind or is intceted in ni -dc in an, nul lvili rolt by helping us. We, want to reach theconsumners direct and supplý Al the Stza ýdard and latest m usieat trade raies, in proof.of ssicb, we quote the folosing copyNright music - îong the contents of olîr tîct nunuber, wlîich in a retailivayNouldcost$2.40: Ta.ra-ra-boom l'la.AL.E.D., 40c.; Geralci ine {Waltz), Hutchins, 6oc.; Sylvia (Bon-Ton), Monk, 40.; Love's Sorrow (Vocal), Shielley-, Soc., OnIy Promise (Vocal), Howard, ý5oc. We ask our subsctibers to gend us the naime of one piece they desire. and that selected by a mjorityivilbe published in our next issue. Do not lose sigit of thefaet that in addition to receiving $25.oo worth of ,nusic in our Folio perycar, you canisave one-haf or more on aIl orders you place with us. NVe do flot udt ertise to; gise everî tbîng, but mis give everything we advertiso, and 3sould ask y.ou flot to assocî.îte our buisiness or methods with those that muight appear nt irst sight tuobe of a similar nature. Road this carefully, think over it, and in addition to yonr own judgement svc invite tlic inspection of Torontos threcc Iading daily papers ta corroborate unr statement regarding flche it Of it. A special offer te bande. The torn or village scoding in the largcst number of sub- scribers over îhirty for one year's subscription ut $2.0oo ac),, t, , lieii lband ,il) bc gis nu a ixîmpkete suit of uniform or band instrumîents t0 the vaIne Of' $3oo, anid to flie snallest namber abose ten sent in, a comnplete set of caps. Eacb subscription receis ed fi0,1 indis iduals frein tosvns and villages is also credited to their band ist, rbereby placiug our band in a position to w ii the prize. The above eut represents a fence on ,vhieh a siga of tlîrece words bas been painted, ssbicls has been pulled down and in bing rebuilt the boards wec aisplaccd. Cnt ont flic letter,s paste thei onua pîcce of paper s0 that the thrcee ,ords thercon w Il r-dc in tiele propcr sense, and enclose ,sith sanie tirtv cents in silver (or io three-cent stanps) b,' Icter to lis for ote inont's trial subscription to thse Foio. The proprietors of the Canadian M usic Folio will gise at legunt Upright Piano manufactured by The Mendelssohnm Piano Company, Toronto, one of the most reliable makers in Canadia, (catalogued prier of %vhich is $SSo.oo sein, mianîifucturers< guar- antee for five years,) te the iotb person sending in the correct ail,, e to abos e puzzle. To tbe aoth sending in a correct ansîver will be gi, en a Solid Gald Watch ($81.oo); te0flie 3otli, 40tli and 5oth, a pair of Genuine Dianioncd Earrings ($3o.00 cach); t,, lc 6otlî. 7oth. Soth and goth, choice of fine Guitar, Banjo or Violin ($1,500 erci); to thec îoth, a bcaîitiful Music Box $o.oo); toe ach succceding 25di te, the close îîill bc gil cî a alîuIllound albunm of English music for any voice or instrunmentî selccted by the ssinincr. and tcric], of tflLst fifty still bc gis ci the Folio froc for one year. This is 3àuyoîî pportîîniytv 1 get good music clicap by rcspondiîîg quickly and inducing al your friends to do likcvîse. To ail those sho are bandsmcn or interested in band business sve call particular attention ho dhii their grcatcst clhanîce of flot onîly eqippng theniselves horrnîglly sNitb eitlîer instrunments or unifornîs. but of phicing tlîcmselves in connectitn with the publishers direct, therebv secring aIl music they desire at trade rates. Do not forget thant under any circumstances you ivill receire eight times the value of your remnittance in aay une number. t, Each letter will bc nunabercd in order recised before being upened, and Mr. Thos. Fane, ofToronto, the best-known and largest bicycle manufacturer In Canadia, bas kindly consented to open the letters anîd annoliscc tbe naines of prize-winners. We cordially invite aIl sîibscribers teounr office wlîeîî i fibecils'. All anssvers must be mailed tut bw ssirth. Adldres: ANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO. 83 Sa', St.. Toronto. Ont. W -T00N*- &,co Successors to The JOSEPH HALL Manufacturing, Company, M T sjiew fdeë ,t4sýaî -i >2 'Nec, 8-0KLE T PSzzdinÎ Brz7h~, TVo those who ask for it. We have only a few of them but every lady should have one. It is a bright littie book about good carpet sweepers-about Bissell's Carpet Sweepers That everybody who lives on carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in a new way. MUDOHNUL'S

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